Master Summoner Online

Chapter 263: Lord of Death

"Quack ... Quack ..." Heiying kept making weird laughter, but the harsh laughter was just like mourning in the eyes of others.

I blinked and rushed to the shadow without saying hello at the corner of my mouth. Brother is not a man who believes in men and women. At this time, Black Shadow does not seem to be afraid of me who rushes towards me face to face. I saw it clapping at random, and four ghost dragons sprang out in the shadow behind him. Ghost Dragon, I'm not surprised. It had long been expected that this guy would arrange some hidden powers around him.

It is normal for a boss to have a younger brother. For the oncoming four ghost dragons, I do not hesitate to call the ark. After the ark appeared, he sideways passed the foremost ghost dragon, and then hit the second with an ax. The head ghost dragon cut it down. Then use the axe of the other hand to block the claws of the two ghost dragons at the back. It took only a split second to resolve the offensive launched by the four ghost dragons.

After missing the first wave of offensive ghost dragons, there was no chance of siege. Instead, they were enveloped by the ark and the shadow once again summoned a group of undead creatures. At the same time, the people behind are not vegetarian, and the summoners such as Tian Zhao and Sonic Werewolf did not hesitate to confront these undead, and dragged these monsters to other places in the hall, making a lot of space for us and the boss. . The remaining ghost dragon is not a big problem for Jacques.

Instantly our players surrounded this dark shadow, scanning with fire eyes and golden eyes--

Lord of Death, Level 75 BOSS Introduction: Lord of Death was originally a god-level magic teacher who was a strong man on the mainland at that time. When the demon army captured him and sat in the country, he fought back to fight. Unfortunately, he was still killed. After death The soul was imprisoned and seduced by the dark power of the demon king, the god-level magic teacher fell into a dead master of the underworld. Although he had no previous power, he could not be ignored.

"Spell-type BOSS at level 75, some hit this time ..." I swallowed, and said to everyone behind me: "Be careful that the AI ​​is not low, and be ready to hang up!"

Everyone nodded in unison: "Already ready!"

I smiled gladly, and launched a heroic charge in front of the boss. The whole man banged on the chest of the boss with a residual image. This guy got deep down. I was only half his height. After the impact, I felt like it was inside Not the flesh and the skeleton, the Lord of Death was shaken all over, and was knocked out and hit the wall and was stunned.


The inverse scale gun swayed, and the devastating blows whistled. The blade shook the BOSS's cloak and opened a mouth. Under the cloak, there was a suit full of tapeworm skeletons. Then, the inverse scale cut, energy explosion, and crushing blows fell together.





Well, the damage is good. Of course, for my Summoner, the same spell-type BOSS has weak physical defense, and the damage naturally increases. If I change to a physical defense BOSS, it is estimated that I will deal four-digit damage.

Come back with a gun and declare lightning!


There is a cyan air flow on the gun head of the inverse scale gun. The tip of the gun penetrates the boss's chest straight, bringing out a large number of damage-4578. It is true that the inverse scale gun is really powerful. I now like gun weapons more and more. .


Feng Xiaoyue's charge came and launched an attack. The sword swayed and the whirlwind turned into a flame that penetrated the neck of BOSS, bringing out the attacking light and explosion of the flame, which was very bright.


"Be careful ..." Long Xin's voice came from behind.

Sure enough, BOSS took out a dizzy one, opened his hands, and a black wind blade appeared, chopped on the armor of the windy moon!

Feng Xiaoyue's body was shaken and shivered, countless wind blades ran across her armor, leaving traces of the road, —3144—3244—3145—3268 ... A row of injuries blew out, and the blood lost nearly 20,000. Point, Qi and blood were empty for a while, and Ye Shuang came up to fill up immediately,

A set of skills brought out more than 9,000 points of damage. The melee profession is different. This pseudo melee is completely incomparable.

Xiaoxi also launched an offensive in the rear, pulling the bow and blasting at the BOSS. Although the number of damages was not high, but a lot of stacking was also considerable, and Xiao Ai also rushed up. The light attribute attack completely required the BOSS. Fate, but our mage Long Xin hit less than a thousand damage. Long Xin's DPS seat has been replaced by Xiao Ai and Xiao Ai's output has caused absolute DPS damage. We can already see that BOSS's blood is slowly decreasing. .

"Roar ..."

The Lord of Death roared furiously, and once again sprinkled a black wind blade, the black wind blade swept away in all directions, and several of us almost hit together, and the injury figures flew up—





BOSS's skills are too fierce, some can't bear it!

I was pressured, and the blood loss of this TMD was almost three or four thousand. I could not keep up with the potion. It would be nice if I had a priest. Unfortunately, I do n’t know a priest with strong healing ability at all.

"Everyone, step back!" Xiaoxi shouted.

We immediately started to step back, Xiaoxi went up to seduce the boss, and then backed up. Every time I stepped back, a metal disc was dropped. When the boss reached the metal disc, an explosion sounded immediately, "Boom ...!" The landmine array under Xiaoxi's cloth was suddenly hummed by these landmines.

"Damn, this nasty maggot!" The lord of death issued an angry roar, and black energy **** appeared around him empty-handed, and then it flew towards us with a wave of these energy balls.

I was shocked and hurriedly whispered, "Be careful, the big move is here!"

Sure enough, before my words fell, these energy **** fell to the "Boom Boom ..." bursts of explosions in the hall.

An energy ball exploded on me-9445 damage floated out.

by! In one blow, I suddenly had blood. If it weren't for my blood, I would have been killed by another summoner.

This blow blew our ashes, and BOSS laughed loudly, then it stretched out a skeleton hand, a black gas gathered on the skeleton hand, and since this hand targeted Long Xin!

"Thunder and lightning field!" Feng Xiaoyue drank at the same time as the clouds were suddenly covered on the ceiling, and then the blue and white lightning fell.

"Brush it ..."

Three lightnings fell, and the Boss body was immediately entangled by lightning to enter a dizzy state. The Boss stun skill was interrupted. We took this opportunity to come to the front of the BOSS. The wind and the moon were the first swords, and the Thunder Samurai's Ben Thunder cut The combos, heavy chops, and landslides of the Warrior Period all fell on the body of the Lord of Death.

Ye Shuang danced sideways with the golden sacred gun, which directly gave the BOSS a combination of triple slamming + fearless impact + spear impact, which caused considerable damage to the BOSS.

I also danced against the scale gun, and delivered it against the scale cut, devastating blow, energy explosion, and crushing blow. At the same time, Xiao Xi also pulled the bow and shot, Long Xin kept releasing the magic, Xiao Ai waved the silver gun in his hand, and took it all together. The golden flame swept the body of BOSS.


Seeing the rapid deterioration of the war situation, the Lord of Death began to persist. Obviously it didn't expect that our strength would be so strong, so he hurriedly raised a dark green wand in his hand and said with a husky voice: "Deads of the underworld, annihilate these stupid offenders, evil curses Sigh! "

At the front of the wand, a black flame spit out from the sky. This black flame filled the entire room for a moment, covering everyone in it.

"Ah!" Everyone exclaimed, followed closely,

"Ding ~! You are hurt by the sigh of the earth. Qi and blood drops by 10% of the maximum value every second, and stays out of range!"

amount! Everyone's blood is drastically decreasing below 10% per second, so go on, think that a mage like Long Xin will return to the city in ten seconds.

"The light of light!" Xiao Ai said with a pout, raising the silver gun in her hand, and a wave of water-like lines burst from the tip of the gun. These lines rippled around her in the center, covering everyone. among them.

"Ding ~! Players love you for ten thousand years, and the light of light dispels all magic of dark attributes!" Xiao Ai's trick is simply the nemesis of this sigh of earth. When this trick is used, the BOSS's big trick has completely lost its meaning.

"Fucking angel!" The Lord of Death snarled, and then said again: "The undead Dafa-distressed!" The hoarse voice of the Lord of Death sounded a little anxious, when his last hole card no longer worked, It's long gone.

"Sacred power broke out!" Xiao Ai yelled again, and the BOSS skill was forced again. At this time, the Lord of Death panicked and left the throne, and ran towards the deep hall.

"It's not good for the boss to run!" Long Xin shouted, "Don't want to escape! Look at my landslide!" Ye Shuang jumped high, then dropped a lance with a dive posture and slammed a ring obstacle on the ground. BOSS couldn't escape! Xiao Ai rushed up from behind, then abandoned the silver gun in her hand, clamped the neck of the Lord of Death with both hands, and yelled lightly at the corner of her mouth: "Angel inflammation!"

BOSS was loud and miserable, countless injuries floated on his head, burned by Xiao Ai's angel's inflammation for ten seconds, and was thrown aside, leaving the Lord of Death who has been burned by angel's inflammation beyond recognition, we A few also rushed together, facing a beating against the boss.

"Dark collapse!" The Lord of Death snarled again. This time, instead of attacking us, it blew a hole in the ring obstacle. Then it sent out a large number of undead monsters to stop us, and then escaped by itself.

"I'll go after her!" I shouted, put on Ruyi stick, then Ruyi stick became bigger and then launched at 13,500 kilograms, blasted out a path and then launched a thousand miles away, quickly chasing the Lord of Death.

Passing a long corridor, I came to another hall. This hall is slightly smaller than the previous one and has no top cover, but a door frame not far from here is made of a substance resembling metal, which seems a little shiny from a distance. Inside the door frame is a layer of dark green magic waves, which are tiled on the entire portal like a standing water surface. The green magic waves from time to time also stir up ripples, which looks very strange.

And the Death Lord at the portal was kneeling on the ground in pain and mourning. I saw such a weird sight and changed into an inverse lance with vigilance, and then slowly approached the Death Lord.

The Lord of Death knelt on the ground, and seemed to be communicating with someone consciously, without even noticing me slowly approaching behind him. I won't say hello and attack again, since my opponent is not prepared, it saves me a lot of trouble. Without any hesitation, he launched against the scales, struggling to chop off the neck of the already dead and unguarded Death Lord ...

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