Master Summoner Online

Chapter 273: Meet pride again

The flying tiger beast that was output by a meal finally couldn't stand it. "Roar!" Growled loudly, and the tail caught by the lone mark lifted up sharply, and got rid of the lone mark's grasp. At the same time, the lone mark was also strong. Under the effect of the body, he leaned on his back and sat on the ground.

The flying tiger beast was detached, the tail was raised high after being restrained and then slammed down, "No one can shake your majesty! The goddess of elegant snow and ice! Please guard me! The wall of crystallization!"

An icy wall appeared in front of the instant lone mark to block the flying tiger beast, but the icy wall was also broken into numerous ice particles after this attack.

"Thank you!" Goku thanked him.

"You're welcome." Erica laughed.

At the same time, the Gatling Blast Dragon behind me also pulled its trigger to release the bullets and hit the flying tiger beast! But the damage is very limited, but the flying tiger beast will not stand there for us to fight. The Gatling blaster bullet has been locked on the flying tiger beast, but it can only hit very few, and the damage caused by a bullet is very small. Compared to the flying tiger beast with blood of up to 1.5 million, it is nothing.

The flying tiger beast being crushed by the Gatling Blast Dragon was immediately provoked. Fanned the wings, and flew around suddenly, swooping towards my location.

"Sonic Werewolf!" I immediately called the name of Sonic Werewolf. The Sonic werewolf growled when he heard the call, and immediately moved up!

Hold in front of me, hold the flying tiger beast with its thick body, and then hug it directly after throwing it in place, throwing no tears and Erika's magic on it.

Suddenly, the flying tiger beast fell into the ice and fire sea, but Tianzhao took the opportunity to rush into the ice of fire sea. The attack between the same team was not harmed. Tian Zhao naturally knew this. The blood storm was facing the eyes of the flying tiger beast. .


Blood shines! Although the flying tiger beast made an escape from the blood storm. But another blood storm front still hit its left eye!

-—10512 A huge damage figure floated out, and the flying tiger beast immediately sent out pain and mixed with angry howling. He stepped back a half step and a sudden swelling light ball appeared in front of the sky. "Rising flame! Please give it to the person in front of me! Guard it! Sword of Fire Vulture! "After the tearless words fell, Tianhong Zhao exploded a red light in front of him, making the whole hall brighter.

Blazing Aegis is a rare defensive skill in fire magic. As the most powerful magic in elemental magic, the power of fire magic is unquestionable, but the auxiliary magic in it is relatively small, although I don't know how many. This flaming shield is a good defense magic, which can reduce magic damage and a little physical defense.

However, even if the Blazing Aegis was applied, the skylight could not withstand the impact of the explosion of the light ball and flew backwards several meters away, and there were more than 2ooo damage on the head.

The power of anger has reached such a level! If there is no flame shield effect, the sky photo must be under this blow for a few seconds. The powerful family of flying tiger beasts understands in their hearts. The emergence of it is not to come out, but to emerge suddenly, then such a monster is attacking wildly. Estimated consequences are unimaginable.

The moment the sky was struck, Gatlin's bullet rain struck the head of the flying tiger beast, which was already injured. Tears disappeared, and Erica's fireball and ice followed. The timing card was so accurate that the flying tiger beast had to retreat and give up the attack on the sky.

However, the lonely mark on it rushed up, and a Taidao in his hand drank "Qi chop!" Against the stab exit, and immediately hit the flying tiger beast with his orange eye intact. Hit a blood cave directly!

The sword was pulled out, and the blood shot was too accurate and too fierce. This blow and blow instantly destroyed the flying tiger's eyeballs and completely destroyed the defense. At the same time, a light beam shot by Gatling Blast Dragon hit instantly. In the wound pierced by the lone mark, the light went straight into the brain without obstruction!

Huh! Huh! The painful howling accompanied the almost crazy howling that lost the right eye of the flying tiger beast, roaring in pain, and the three sticks of tails behind it kept beating the surrounding area, leaving a shocking trace on the ground, and At the same time, the little knife woke up from the coma and said, "It's all right."

"I didn't think, thank you!" Stood up and said, "Come on, avenge the little wolf!"

I patted his shoulder and said, "Don't force it." After that, I rushed up with an inverse lance, and Tian Zhao followed me and released the Amber Dragon. The BOSS was badly hit at this time. Everyone rushed over!

A series of injuries fluttered, and those bullets, magic, and sword lightsaber recklessly created **** wounds on flying tiger beasts and harvested a lot of blood!

"Roar!" The flying tiger beast sieged abruptly jumped up. This jump jumped out almost twenty meters and almost reached the ceiling. Then it was surrounded by a red light, the tail was vertical, and the front end of the tail became The drill bit became larger, and the flying tiger beast spun down from the air in an instant when it began to spin on its own!

We quickly avoided and then "Boom!" A loud noise, the flying tiger beast fell on the ground, a hole was drilled in the ground, I breathed a sigh of relief, I thought the red light wrapped on the flying tiger beast suddenly bloomed at the end. Come on.


The large piece of red light forms a circle of halo around the flying tiger beast, and it swells and expands around it. At this time, the three beasts of the amber dragon, the Sonic werewolf and the Gatling blast dragon rush up to surround it for output. When they are three Numerous damage numbers rise from the top of their heads while being shrouded in halo!

That growing halo also threatened us behind them, we moved back immediately to avoid anyone seeing the lore of this flying tiger beast!

However, the speed of the halo expansion was much faster than I expected, but I was also attacked by the attack of the halo, the wind guard, and the three layers of shields of the white dragon shield. The red light drowned my seat the next second.


The halo from the flying tiger beast hit the shield outside me instantly, and at that moment it seemed to be in the flame furnace, as if every cell in its entire body was burning and lasting at an amazing degree. Fall straight from the clouds.

However, the feeling of extreme burning lasted for less than three seconds. It was burned by the fire and the shield outside my body was completely broken. The blood stopped at the position of 2512 points. The attack of the flying tiger beast was even wiped out. Even two-thirds of my blood is too much! This is also the result of the blessing of three shields.

Without the protection of these three shields and the support of 10,000 blood and blood, this burning attack would be enough for my life!

After the big move, the flying tiger beast fell to the ground weakly, and watched its scarred body wrapped with a faint red light this time with a different kind of beauty.

My colleague threw the anti-scale gun, the beam penetrated, and the anti-scale gun passed through the body of the flying tiger beast. The red light suddenly rising from the four claws of the flying tiger beast once again covered its whole body. It disappeared inch by inch as if its body disappeared into the hall as stars rose up.

Leave a glorious spar equipment!

At this moment, I turned around and saw all the others hiding behind me. The lone mark opened a barrier. Tears No Mark and Erica each released their auxiliary skills, but their defense was not affected much. On the contrary, all these energy made me one. The person took it, but I have been thinking that when I harvested the life of the other party, its blood was less than 2,000 points, but before it was used, 90,000 blood was left. Could it be the flying tiger beast burning? Is this a big move at the cost of your own life? may!

The fierce flying tiger beast finally defeated the spoiled loot, but it was very rich, but I didn't have much joy, because all three beasts of my beast were killed! If they hadn't resisted the attack first, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to survive even with three shields.

I smiled bitterly at them: "You guys really look for land."

Erica laughed: "Although you are leaning so far ahead, who won't take you as a shield, but at that time I thought you were settled. I can still pick up a few pieces of equipment at that time. I did n’t think you did n’t hang it. . "

"Uh! You're so black-bellied."

"Nonsense, people are pure and kind."


"Ding ~! The portal is open!"

"Let's go." I said

Everyone nodded.

After clearing the battlefield, we opened the portal in front of us. Everyone went in one after another. After walking in, they found that the downward extension was a long step, which looked dark and horrible. It was more than a thousand steps down and even more. Suddenly, all the way down, my vision brightened, and the sight in front of me shocked me.

I don't know how to describe it. This place is amazingly large, with dim lights flashing all around, countless pillars standing neatly on the ground in a circle, a huge platform in front of my eyes, and a stone bridge connected to our location Looking down, I saw the bottomless abyss under the bridge. It would not be enough to drop a few lives. We walked across the stone bridge.

When I came to the platform, I saw that there was a square transparent box containing a light green transparent liquid in the center of the platform, and three irregularly shaped cubes were immersed in it.

There are all kinds of lines printed on our feet, and we go forward again, at this time I found someone already standing there, and saw a person suddenly turn around and I lost my voice: "Haughty!"

That's right, that person was proud and hateful. I saw him turn his head and smiled: "It's too slow to move now ... wait, since you guy is here, I want to kill you here!" Said The sword of the king of wind was drawn out suddenly, and then many proud players around him also showed the guys.

But at this time only one person did not turn around and he mumbled: "I advise everyone not to disturb, otherwise everyone has to hang here."

I stared at him and said, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, you look at this." Twisting a certain mechanism, then a few rays projected from the sky, and a purple human shadow appeared on the ground. Although it was unclear, the shape was Very realistic, do not look closer, you will think that this is a real person.

Everyone is not stupid. This person looks like an old man. The voice of his voice is from the processor: "Warning, warning, no one should tamper with the mixed source without authorization, or it will have catastrophic consequences."

I said, "What disastrous consequences?"

Then the old man's figure became clear and he began to speak: "I am the genius alchemist Aubon. I happened to get this powerful source in the battle of the races. I used it to create a powerful alchemist. Match. "

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