Master Summoner Online

Chapter 285: Preliminary round begins

At 13.45 in the afternoon, after a period of time, the knockout round will begin, and the system prompts have been drawn out.

"Ding ~! Please enter all players in the waiting room, the knockout will begin soon. If you want to abstain, please be as soon as possible. At the beginning of the game, all the soldiers who are willing to step on the duel stage will be confirmed.

"Okay, if you want to abstain, who will come here!" A soldier complained.

"Damn reminder to end it quickly, I want to know what the opponent of my first round was!" Another wizard player complained.


"It's finally about to start. Who is my first-round opponent?" Yinyue MM has begun to look around.

"Do you guys say that someone will play such a game!" Xiao Guangdao

"Take care of it so much. As long as you can't defeat the enemies you can see, you will be able to win." Yin Yue twisted her fist, looking completely like an archer but not a combatant.

"Huofeng lost you one time last time. However, try again this time, who is the strongest archer in the **** elite." Yinyue challenged Huofeng.

"Okay, I'll be with you," Huofeng nodded and said.


Then I took a look at the introduction to this knockout match and knew that everyone averaged 20 teams to compete against each other. There were 50 players on each platform. The top 16 of the competition was decided in three days. Then the top 16 was played on the main platform. For the PK, the final four will be decided. The final four will be carried out on the last day. The final three or four will be decided in the morning. In the afternoon, the final will be the first and second place. Or due to environmental problems, such as: earthquake, flood, power outage, or even some players can not log in to the game, it is estimated that this is impossible.

The number of Xiaoyantai will decrease as the competition enters, and the audience will not only be able to watch the competition, otherwise it will be too sorry to buy tickets. Of course, the competition is too good to see, I think everyone should be at night Watch the game on the official website. You must know that the knockout match is only played at 14 pm on the first day of the day and 9 am from the next day. The reason why the first day is set in the afternoon is to make the team out at night. One can sleep well.

At this time in the auditorium of the huge circular venue containing millions or even tens of millions, the audience was already crazy.

"Arrogant warriors! Come on! Beat the flock of weak birds to the head and let them know how powerful Arrogant is!" Do n’t ask, the proud person who will say such things is definitely shouting.

"What are you proud of the garbage you want to dominate the road of the king, you are not qualified! This road of the king, you absolutely can not even enter the top three!" The most right person and proud of the four-headed hound guy.

"Yes, we have four or more hounds in the knockout. You have more than forty people. You are only twenty. You want to win. Wait a hundred years!"

"What, you dare to look down on us. Our pride can just take down one of your rookies! What is the use of the number alone, there are not more people than there are in the finals!" Speaking of quarrels, the two families are estimated to be in flames The city is already in trouble, and the water in the auditorium is naturally noisy.

"With your dogs, haha, die!"

"Roar, arrogant garbage! Come and come, you can single out when you have the ability." A warrior from the four-headed Hounds Guild raised his sword and seemed to be preparing to go from a verbal confrontation to a fight.

"Please be quiet, the game is about to begin. Private fighting is prohibited in this arena. If there are additional disputes, please leave here to resolve." The NPC guard will not give the player any feelings, if it really hits, the NPC guard will definitely not Sentimental kills them.

"Ding ~! Dear player, in your first round, you were drawn to the 8th ring for the preliminary round. Was it transferred to the 4th ring waiting room?"

Then I said to you, "Everyone, tell me which small platform you are in!"

"I'm on the 1st, so lucky, 1st 1st! Hey, where are you?" Xiao Guang smiled with joy.

Summer: "I'm on the 20th, don't look at the final absolute clearance!"

Yinyue laughed: "I'm 18."

Guardian said: "I am on the 8th."

"I'm number 3." Huofengdao

I smiled slightly: "It seems that everyone will not touch each other in the preliminary rounds, but it will be difficult to say later."

Fire Phoenix said: "Then let's cheer on each other." After finishing the various teleports to their respective arenas.

After entering the standby room, Long Xin gave me a message at this time: "Brother, where are you?"

I immediately said, "I'm on the 4th ring."

Long Xinxin smiled cheerfully: "Brother I am here and Xiao Ai is also there, are you in the standby room?"


The next moment, a flaming red robe caught my eyes, and at the same time was Ai, a dark red robe, beside him. The druid was a magician-type occupation, and it was a good choice in magic cloth.

"Dragon spirit, you too!" Xiao Ai said.

I nodded and said, "Yeah."

"I really hope that I won't run into my brother in the preliminary round," Long Xin muttered.

I smiled slightly, and I also hope not to meet them. Anyway, there are 25 places today, which should not be so easy to meet.


Soon the time passed and everyone long-awaited.

"It is now announced that the preliminary round of the Road to Kings Elimination begins!"

"Now announced that the fourth ring, the first game by the players: love you 10,000 years VS tears without traces, this game is unlimited, the use of potions, props and everything are unlimited, the game will start after three minutes, please Two players are ready. "

No tears! Good guy Xiao Ai's luck is very good, but I'd like to see where Xiao Ai's strength has grown now. I know that I can fully observe this matchup.

Long Xin shouted, "Little Ai, come on, defeat that guy!"

Xiao Ai smiled cheerfully and said, "Sister, I will not disappoint everyone's expectations!"

The two opponents on the field stared at each other, and then "started!" The host fell down, and for a moment, Xiao Ai clenched the staff in her hand and was already chanting, then her angel summoned the beast, and then Druid His skills changed color, but at this time I found that Xiao Ai ’s weapon had changed from a spear to a two-handed sword, and the whole person became more beautiful and majestic Valkyrie.

However, the other party is obviously not a casual person. The tearless strength is not simple. Fighting with the summoner can kill the summoner himself. If you don't do this, wait for the summoned beasts to fight, but for For the Druid profession that can be combined with the summoning beast, the fragile summoner itself is under the protection of the summoning beast, so that the summoner itself has the ability to fight with any profession, and the rest is technical and ability. The problem, this is why the Druid profession is the most popular in the Summoner profession.

However, there is no strongest profession in the world, only the strongest manipulating profession. Any result can only be seen.

At the beginning of the game, tears were spelled without a trace, and a fireball was thrown out, but Xiao Ai quickly avoided any fluttering, "嚓 ~!" The sword sharpened and stabbed at the tearless thigh from a 45-degree angle!

"Holy flame cut!" Xiao Aijiao sang, and the sword in her hand ignited the golden flame ability, but the tears disappeared quickly, and her hand moved away quickly, but Xiao Ai swept a long round of flame energy out of the spear. Hit the tearless shield!

— 2223 points of injury floated out, and tears without traces were instantly hit by this shock wave and flew out for several meters!

"Good job, come on!"

"Beauty brother is optimistic about you!"

"That dear, come on! I overwhelm you to win!"


The players around me started shouting.

"Little sister, good job!" Tears without marks stood up and danced the staff, and suddenly the red clouds gathered in the sky, at this time the precursor of the meteor fire and rain, the countless fire and rain fell in the next moment, but Xiao Ai was very agile in the fire and rain Shuttle, Meteor Fire Rain has a very wide coverage this morning, but it is not to avoid it. At this time, Xiao Ai is moving in each fire rain, using the fire rain directly to avoid tears without traces.

Then Xiao Ai raised one hand and three two-meter-long light guns appeared, oh! puff! puff! Three light guns flew towards the target.

But two of these three light guns failed. The last shot was just on the tearless shield, which only caused the opponent's damage less than 15oo, and this damage must be equivalent to the absorbed damage of the shield. From the point of view of the blood bar, the actual damage caused Tears without traces are absolutely insignificant, while tears without traces also flash over ten meters away.

The magician's shield is his own life. From the point of view of the actual damage caused by Xiao Ai, the shield with tears is very strong! This is beyond doubt.

At this point Xiao Ai has begun preparing her next move skills, but tearless is definitely not to make her happy! The fire element of the staff turned, and the magic spell in his mouth began to sing, and then a flame spear flew out.

At this time, the fire skills, the fire spear does not have the same level of fire magic damage, it is not very useful in combat, unless cast as a first move, but tearless use can be a lot of first move but rely on the speed of this move Break the opponent's skills.


The speed of the flame spear is absolutely fast, just like the magical javelin or thunder spear with this type of magic, with absolute speed advantage and puncture energy, the flame spear hits out instantly, right in the middle of Xiao Ai's left calf knee!

The damage caused was not high but it interrupted Xiao Ai's skills, but Xiao Ai did n’t choose to use the skills again at this time, but replenished herself with blood, then stirred up the wings and rushed straight up, almost sticking Flying on the ground.

1m, 9m, 8m ... She held the sword in her hands with both hands and suddenly rose up to a point less than 5 meters away from tears, and uttered a deep drink to the tearless volley!

"Sheng Yan cut!" With a tender drink, Xiao Ai held the sword with a volley and slashed down!

The tearless response speed is also not slow. At the same time, the opponent leaps into the ground with his staff!

Instantly on the ground, three walls of fire were raised to surround him and rushed into the wall of fire. Xiao Ai was suddenly hurt, "The raging flames sleeping deep in the ground! Awaken in my call! Make everything on the earth For the dust! The flames of **** are bursting! "At the moment when he was hit hard by the wall of fire, he cast a spell without tears, and a small white flame appeared in front of Xiao Ai.


The white fire group gathered into a powerful energy that exploded in Xiao Ai's chest like a wild attack!

Little Ai was suddenly injured by the explosion, but her sword was cut off!

One sword struck the shield of tearless trace, and immediately broke the shield and chopped the upper seat of the left arm of tearless trace! The collision between the two turned out to be both losses!


Xiao Ai snorted and strode forward, almost sticking face to face.

A sharp dagger silently pierced the tearless abdomen directly into his magic robe!

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