Master Summoner Online

Chapter 289: Win

"How is it possible! Withstand the dark storm and the dragon dragon swallow the two tricks, since it is not dead! Is your guy an undead Xiaoqiang in the legend!" The proud lord said with surprise, although he could not see his expression, but you were right The surprised look in and out of my eyes has told me.

I patted the dust on my body and laughed, "You are just like that."

"You guy!" Said the proud pride.

I said again: "I bet your bet, if I win ..."

"Do you think this is possible?" The proud Lord sarcastically said.

I ignored him and continued: "If I win, the name of your proud family will be changed on the spot today, what about the proud family!"

"No!" Shouted all the proud players in the audience.

"What the **** are you guys doing!" The proud Lord clearly was already angry.

"That's good! You should have changed your name long ago! This friend said quite well, our four hounds support you!"

"Yes! Hold your breath! Hold your breath! Whoever made you hold your breath with us every day, it's time to change the name!"


It seems that the people with four hounds were very satisfied with my proposal. Of course, the proud people immediately scolded: "What are you guys! Four puppies!"

"The boy advises you to take back what you said, or we will kill you to the ends of the earth with pride!"

"It's okay, this brother, we have four hunting dogs. Whoever dares to move you just can't get along with us!"


The two families started arguing again, as long as they didn't fight the system, of course, if they were too bad, they would be banned by the system. After the banned words, he continued to scold.

Then I made a provocative gesture to him and said, "Come on, today you changed your name."

"Then let you see my true strength!" The arrogant Lord is already angry, and when he finishes, he yells, his left-hand shield, his right-handed gloves are raised at the same time, the shield blocks the move, and the right-handed gloves burst out in madness, " Beast Boxing! "As he growled, ten lion-head-shaped energy waves were hit at this moment.

Suddenly, the air trembled, and a dozen deafening explosions continued to sound. I immediately disappeared in front of him. The ten beast punches shot by the proud lord suddenly flew, and the next second I appeared in front of him. He couldn't even think about it, and he was severely struck by an inverse scale on his chest.

There was a squeaking sound of "Peng", a crack was cracked in the pride's breastplate, and then a dragon slash was added, and suddenly blood splattered. He yelled, dropped his body heavily, and threw out three attacks. His blood of about two thousand, this guy's defense is too high, it is difficult for him to break through his defense with more than three thousand points of attack.

This doesn't count, as his body landed and the thunderstorm followed, a thunderbolt blasted the earth and the pride of the pride was engulfed by the thunderbolt and the blood dropped again by 1900 points.

Then the anti-scale gun was thrown, and the speed of light penetrated through it. The anti-scale gun passed through the chest instantly, followed by a heroic charge, and the body instantly hit the arrogant lord, and then he was punched again.

The last note is to use the skill "Grabbing Cannon" that I learned from the Overlord Shoulder with that scroll. The arrogant screamed, his body flew out instantly, rolled in the air, and kept flying for hundreds of meters before falling to the ground.

After I swallowed a set of combos, the blood of the proud pride was beaten with only 15000 points left, which meant that I had caused him 9000 points of damage. Of course, this is the case where he has no blood, this guy's blood is very How much! The defense is too high, and it is not easy to defeat him.

After the end of the move, I took a sigh of relief, restored some endurance values ​​with aerotherapy, stretched and stretched my body, and then continued to fight. At this time, the proud lord who was flying hundreds of meters away from his last blow also shook. Standing up from the ground, the black black light spread around his body, and the black cauldron that he had collapsed or torn was completely restored at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. I could n’t see a little after the war. Mark of.

"Rely on! What equipment is so bullish!" I was shocked by the energy of this equipment.

"It's strong! It's not wrong to hate the day defeat in your hands," said the proud lord.

After speaking, he started to swallow the medicine. Huoyanjinyan saw that the blood of this guy had quickly recovered to a full state. Then he opened his hands with black gloves, and the black mysterious light on his body turned and followed him. The space seemed to be distorted, and the next moment a black light burst out, and a long black knife appeared in his hand.

I had a bad hunch at this time. All of them did not take the initiative to attack, but took two steps back, grasped the inverse lance with their right hand, and saw the proud pride screaming "Lion King Pill, Dark Sky Wheel!" The long knife held down waved, and a circle of black rays glowing in the void floated suddenly, and suddenly hit me in a volley of tens of thousands of meters away.

After a long shout, I started the practice of "lightning stone fire", and immediately the blue and white energy gathered at my feet, the speed soared, and I started to evade backwards. At the same time, the dark sky wheel hit me where I just stood. The erupting air wave instantly blasted the ground apart and shattered, while the wheel was still spinning in place, and the thing automatically flew up again, hitting me again.

Why have the ability to automatically lock tracking? I rely! Laugh!

This thing is too leathery, and its force forced me to step on the accelerated acceleration of the electric light stone fire to dodge wildly. The thing kept falling and bombarded the ground, and the sound of continuous explosions set off heavy air waves, blasting one after another on the platform. A pit and crack.

Seeing that the speed of holding things is getting faster and faster, and the momentum is getting bigger and bigger, and I can't avoid it anymore, a long howling will call the metal ball of Gatling Blast Dragon.

"Boom" burst into a loud noise, the dark sky wheel and hit the shield of Gatling Blast Dragon, while it kept turning, I immediately retracted it against the scale gun and turned towards the pride hundreds of meters away. His Holiness pounced.

To deal with this skill, the way to think of breaking the enemy is to bombard the master of the casting skill, which is to interrupt the casting of the skill.

The proud pride seems to recall that heavenly wheel, of course, I will not give him a chance. Immediately, with a violent wind howling, the proud pride hits me heavily on the chest. Of course, this is not even my second second. Three hands punched in a row to send out. The effect of the ripper will cause the opponent's maximum blood damage of 4% when attacked with bare hands, but the proud pride will not show weakness. He fought back quickly and punched me. I made a punch, but I immediately reached out and grabbed his wrist, and then hit him with a punch, and then took an uppercut to make him fly.

Before he landed, I immediately launched a heroic charge, pushed him directly against the wall behind him, instantly stunned him, and immediately pressed his hands on his chest, the roar of the dragon started a "bang!" The roar of the dragon instantly shoveled the armor and the flesh of the proud Lord's entire chest, and saw the bones, and then immediately retreated in his body.

I saw the proud lord who got up from the wall and sprayed blood. The dragon roar almost killed him just now, and I wouldn't give him any gasps, called Tianzhao, and the two were split. One left, one right, one after the other, are rushing towards him again.

"Ah-" The strength of the whole body was boiling like drums, not vomiting or spitting, and snarling away with the inverse lance, while the proud pride slammed the sword.

Instantly the inverse lance hit his long sword, and a harsh metal collision sound broke out. At the same time, Tian Zhao leaped on my shoulder, and the storm of blood in his hand was volleyed. Retreat, but this is Aura ’s double-knife swinging out of the cross, black energy burst out, a death cross hit the proud proudly and flew out.

"How is that possible?" The arrogant slammed to the ground and stood up straight and couldn't help screaming.

The next moment, Tian Zhao ’s double-knife slashed into the sky, her attack power was as high as 4,500 points, her attack power was absolutely powerful, and a stunned sound, the shield of proud pride was cut into four by Tian Zhao ’s two swords. Then the attack of Tian Zhao broke in with the tendency of destruction, and suddenly the blood scattered. His proud left arm disappeared instantly.

This was not cut off by the daylight, but he took the initiative to abandon his left arm, and the whole person rolled and slanted out. After rolling, the right hand waved a long knife and split again. At the same time, the skylight also rushed up. When he started, the eight-headed ghost dragon flew out of the void, entangled his arrogant lord, and took a bite at each of the eight seats on his body. Then Tian Zhao waving the ruthless double knife and jumped up in front of him. He has four thousand points of defense. However, Aizhao has four hundred and five points of attack power. At the same time, her attack power, which I have seen from her data, has been boosted to the six thousand points by the effect of blood flares. In the seat, chopping people is just like chopping vegetables, with a large number of large pieces flying up with the number of injuries.

Checked the total value, it was as high as 26,000! Two thousand points more than his total blood.

At the same time, the tense atmosphere just broke down in a moment, the crowd began to stir up, there was a lot of talk and cheers!

With a sigh of relief, he carried the inverse lance on his shoulder and looked at Tian Zhao face to face, and couldn't help but smile. At the same time, looking back, Gatling Blast Dragon was still standing there, but his chest was cut and a very deep crack was cut. I don't rush to take a breath. If it wasn't for it holding the dark sky wheel for me, it must be me who fell on the ground at this time.

Then the host did not know where to jump out, and announced on the ring: "Wonderful, wonderful! Although our proud player lost, but gave us such a wonderful game, it is still a defeat. Honored, then I now announce that the winner of the second game is: Vevey Dragon! "

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