Master Summoner Online

Chapter 299: Third game

After two games I saw everything I felt, then the third game started, and I was at a loss.

Two white lights appeared on the ring. After the white light, Xiaoxi was on the left. At this moment, he looked confident with a crossbow on his right hand, and a right shield on the back of his left hand. The archer could equip the shield. , It is absolutely rare, and his is a wolf, of course, not only a wolf is a wolf plus a person, people ride on the back of the white giant wolf. As for people, you do n’t have to guess who you are, except for the little knife. two people.

"Start!" The countdown has begun, and the polar demon wolf has rushed up like a white shadow!

The speed was extremely fast, and at an instant it was less than half a meter away from Xiaoxi. "Fang of the beast!" As the little knife screamed, the polar devil wolf opened his mouth and darted towards Xiaoxi. I saw Xiaoxi quickly jump back, and tied her crossbow with her right hand, and then "brush!" Caused these two arrows to fall on the polar devil wolf, —920—932 two injuries flew from the polar devil wolf , But this damage has not taken away one-tenth of her blood for the polar devil wolf with tens of thousands of blood.

"Roar ~!" Although the damage is very low, the polar devil wolves can also be angry. The next moment, a row of ice blasts out!

Xiaoxi immediately rolled sideways to avoid, and saw the polar demon wolf immediately adjust the pace, and rushed to Xiaoxi after a turn. Although the polar devil wolf was fast, Xiaoxi's skill stunned the arrow, and the normal attack had a slowdown effect. Although the decelerated polar devil wolf escaped, Xiao Xi's crossbow followed it, making it impossible to escape all attacks.

Perverted defense and blood of the polar devil wolf! Xiaoxi had a headache.

—562—1025 Two more damages are coming out. Xiaoxi ’s attack can only do so much damage to the polar demon wolf. Judging from the system ’s display of blood bars, there is at least about 30,000 blood. Xiaoxi this I know I've hit the iron plate!

Although Xiaoxi was a light armor class at this time, the polar devil wolf attack was covered, and it was definitely uncomfortable. Xiaoxi must try to avoid the polar devil wolf's attack at this time and use the deceleration effect of the shock arrow to give the polar devil. The wolf flies a kite, but the damage he does to the polar devil wolf is the same as that of a mosquito bite. It is estimated that it will not be as bad as a person's own blood.

"Ah! It won't work like this, little wolf! Polar storm!" The little knife sitting on the polar devil wolf immediately instructed the polar devil wolf to launch his skills, and three hurricanes suddenly fell in the sky.

"'Anger Burst'" At the moment when the polar devil wore, Xiao Xi's crossbow suddenly "whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" At the same time, twelve thick steel arrows erupted in front of the crossbow Out, it was obvious that Xiaoxi took a few steps back, her recoil was very strong, and she was stiff!

But this receding force retreated from the range of the polar storm, and on the other side, twelve arrows like steel guns, "Papa Papa Papa Papa ~!" As a result, all the arrows fell on the polar devil wolf, hurting the figures One after another!

—1001—1025—1023—1025—1026 ...

With twelve injuries floating out, it can be clearly seen that the blood strip of the polar demon wolf went down for about a third in an instant. It is really a powerful output skill. However, the price of the horror output is the extremely high recruiting rigidity, while the polar The devil wolf is still in place, but when Xiaoxi regains her freedom, the little knife has jumped out of the polar devil wolf less than one meter away from Xiaoxi!

"Hoo ~!" With a sound of empty air, the small knife's weapon in the hand, the short knife was suddenly thrown out, and then the short knife in the air was divided into two, and the two swords wanted to be off-string arrows. !!

Xiaoxi was at a loss what to do, and the two short knives flying across him passed through his body, hurting the number—2568—2566, which almost killed him, but also removed 68% of his blood.

"Abominable." Xiaoxi drank and retreated at the same time, and the small knife on the other side also turned back to the polar devil wolf, followed by "little wolf! Come on!" The little knife riding on the polar devil wore towards his own The target launched a fierce sprint.

"Soul fire explodes!" As Xiaoxi yelled, he lifted his right hand up high, and a flame arrow appeared on the right-hand crossbow, and then the flame arrow turned into a fiery red. Energy is sent out.

"Boom!" The fiery red energy bomb exploded suddenly. The enemy of the energy bomb was naturally the huge polar devil wolf and the small knife on its back.

"Ga!" Facing the powerful energy bomb, the polar devil wolf is a claw.

Head-to-head confrontation, without the slightest fancy, the fiery red energy bomb hit the sharp wolf claw, and then exploded.

Since Xiaoxi's soul explosion was easily broken and annihilated, she completely failed.

This is also useless. Xiaoxi looked slightly surprised, but at this time I saw that the polar devil wolf's claws were covered with ice, and a pair of wolf claws became a pair of ice claws. This pair of ice claws is absolutely strong, otherwise it would not be right Xiaoxi's energy attack had no effect on it.

At this moment, the polar devil wolf made a roar. This roar was not like a demonstration, but more like excitement!

"Little wolf! It ’s nice to say it, you are strong, so I and the little wolf must go all out!" As the little knife rushed away without hesitation riding the polar devil wolf, and rushed to Xiaoxi instantly Before.

"Ga!" The giant wolf claw was the answer of the little knife. For his master's victory, it would be a natural thing to kill one or two obstructing guys. Those who dare to stop their master will be torn to pieces.

This time. Xiaoxi no longer chooses to evade. Instead, he turned sideways and kicked at the huge wolf paw.

"Slap! Slap!"

"Ka! It's!"

Ran was bounced out at the same time, and then quickly restored balance. With each move, Xiaoxi would use her legs to block or defend with the shield on her left hand. "Hey?" The little knife was surprised and took it from the front. It is estimated that there are not many archers with a claw in the polar devil. Even the assaulter who plays body surgery does not have such sharp leg work, and it is unheard of to wear a shield archer.

As Xiaoxi moved her toes at this moment, she seemed to be testing the impact just now.

Immediately, his figure flashed and disappeared.

"Little wolf! Come on!" The little knife raised his head, and the polar devil wolf jumped quickly under him. "Boom! Boom! Boom!" A series of huge sound explosions broke out in the air, and the lingering aftermath of the two figures was looming.

So fast! It's almost impossible to tell who is in the air, and the speed of both sides is too fast. Needless to say, the agility of the polar demon wolf is also needless to say, the same agility plus the archer is not far behind. Quick Heart's skills, the movement speed has been greatly increased again, and has exceeded the speed of the polar devil wolf.

"Come on!" Finally, the polar devil wolf with huge body and strength took the upper hand slightly, smashing Xiao Xi from the air in a confrontation.

"Boom!" Xiaoxi fell to the ground and smashed a seal.

Immediately afterwards, the pair of dewclaws were shot down from the air, so nearly that Ulysses could not react.

Just when Dewclaws was about to take a shot on Xiaoxi who was out of balance, Xiaoxi used a crossbow to slam an arrow into the open space, and this arrow took an unexpected effect and turned Xiaoxi's body horizontally. Moved out beyond a distance of about three meters.

Immediately afterwards, a brilliant golden light appeared on the crossbow in Xiao Xi's right hand and was then sent out.

The polar wolf statue that lost the target changed direction immediately, but the violent rushing golden light hit his body and hit it with speed.

"Pop! Boom!" The polar demon wolf sounded like a material suddenly shattered. Then, a fierce sensation of fire swept the whole body of the little knife, and the little knife lost a lot of blood.

At the same time, this sudden blow from Xiaoxi also injured the right paw of the polar devil wolf. The polar devil wolf with the injured right paw retreated at the fastest speed. This is the first time the polar devil wolf has been playing since the start of the game. Back off times.

Another one, more solid than before, the more intense golden light gathered in the crossbow, and then sent out with the ejection of the crossbow.

This beautiful golden light flew towards the little knife at a faster speed than before, and Xiaoxi did not give the other party any chance to breathe.

"Well!" The polar devil wolf under the little knife angered his claws, and the sharp wolf claws slammed the golden light fiercely.

"Slap!" This time, the golden light did not explode. Instead, it rotates and cuts in the claws of the huge wolf claw at a terrible speed, and instantly cuts that scary giant claw out of numerous scars.

The polar devil wolf snarled. It was obvious that the blow that hit the polar devil wolf was very painful. Xiaoxi also took the opportunity to stand up again and add blood to himself.

The little knife turned over the polar devil wolf, holding the injured right claw of the polar devil wolf, "Does it hurt?"

The polar devil wolf said "Woohoo ..." but the tone was up and down as if to tell his master "Although it hurts, it doesn't matter."

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