Master Summoner Online

Chapter 312: Busty women and muscular men

The game is still ongoing. It can be said that all the contestants who passed several rounds of competition are not weak. Therefore, the thirty-two and sixteen competitions are more exciting than the previous one, and they can be seen from time to time. If this kind of battle is not a game but a reality, I am afraid that no audience dares to watch it.

"Success!" Yu Luo calmly raised his arm that had removed a transparent crossbow. A small moon and a ghost on the bow of the crossbow appeared at the end of a small white arrow, and the arrow was aimed at an unlucky egg.

"Essence jump!" Speaking of the sound of rain falling, a milky arrow was sent out, and he hit the unlucky brow's eyebrow unbiased, and the eyebrow was punctured, and he stood unwillingly and slowly down the track.

Then there was another battle, but the battle was over soon, not as fast as it was, so many viewers had no time to react. It's over.

"Well?" A Druid player in a white robe stared blankly at his chest, where he did not know when a sword tip appeared. It was the tip of a black sword. The blood pierced by the blade pierced the ground. His white robe was red.

"This guy !!" Druid looked at him in astonishment. He was called Little Knife. This Druid had good strength, but he was obviously vulnerable when he was facing a peerless master. He even Not even one magic was used, and the summoned beast was killed before he even moved. Became one of the rare competitors who have been spiked in this competition.

"Really, it's not me yet!" Yin Yue was complaining in the waiting room at this time.

I watched the game on the field, and in front of me, the little druid was killed by a small knife. The summoned beast I owned should be of the highest level or above, from the perspective of the summoner. Of course, artificially controlling the summoned beast like Tian Zhao, for the summoner at that stage, is a legend similar to myth. After all, this manually controlled summon is not what you want.

"Don't complain about Yinyue, don't you think this looks to you!" Huofeng said.

"It's finally here, look at the guy I'm happy with!" Yinyue straightened her chest and strode proudly onto the ring.

"Come on!" I said as I watched Yinyue stepping on the ring platform, and I wanted to see how the big-brained MM would defeat her opponent.

"Look at which idiot is in line with our chest (murder) device. Well, it's a muscle idiot, I don't expect it," said Summer disappointed.

As Summer said, standing in front of Yinyue is a muscular man whose body can only be reminiscent of "muscle". Looking at his physique, I think in reality I think he is fit. He has a body that is nearly two meters high, and is covered with heavy armor. However, the part of his belly reveals his six neat abs, and his arms are covered by one pair. Wrapped in steel arms. At the front of the armguard, black gloves are worn on both hands.

On the shell of the black fist box, a red symbol looming as if stained by countless blood.

"Fighters wearing heavy armor are rare ..." Yinyue put her hands on top of her head and opened her mouth at will. Generally, combatants wear light armor and leather armor because they can move easily and move fast. Heavy armor, a type of defense that does not require speed, is rare, but it seems that the other party is not interested in Yin Yue. Opponent.

"Boom!" At this time, the fist seat suddenly ignited a ball of flame to wrap his fist. At the same time, the sides of the shoulder on the steel arm guard also burned a strong flame, looking like it was extremely excited. signal. .

"Come on!" Chris held her hands leisurely, shrugged her shoulders, and began the countdown.

At this point, the opponent's hands were completely flat, and then the muscles of his whole body were twisted, and he seemed to want to go all out. "Million shock!"

With his shouting, the layers of flames gathered into a flame fist that blazed the sky toward Silver Moon, as if the hand of the legendary flame giant came to this world, full of domineering .

This move is like releasing all the power on his pair of gloves in one breath, without leaving any room for bombardment. From the point of view of power, there should not be any non-thick-blooded warrior who can take the horrific blow directly.

Concentrating all of your beliefs on your own fists and facing all enemies without fear is the way of fighting. Fighters' gloves are the best expression of their beliefs.

"Flame ... ha ..." Yinyue spread his hands indifferently, looking at her expression, to be honest, according to her, there should be no threat to her. Although the Charger does not have the terrible long-range attack of the sniper and the extremely fast moving speed of the lurker, it is really funny to use this straight line and a lot of fast skills to deal with an archer . How could it be burned for agile archers?

Therefore, in her eyes, that huge fist of fire is almost equal to the air.

Sinking the body slightly, Yinyue made a beautiful slide, and the huge flame fist in front of her did not stop it in any way. The fire fist flew over her petite body in this way. The flames of steel melting and evaporating were easily escaped in this way. Yinyue can be regarded as accurate. The gap between the fire fist and the ground was used to avoid it. This fire fist could not even scorch a piece of her clothing. .

"What!" The other person was clearly shocked and stared at the silver moon that broke through his fist of fire. The millions of shocks were not less powerful than her, and it didn't even help her at all. Crossing that giant fist that gathered the power of the raging flames is as easy as skiing, and it is just right for the gap between fire fist and the ground.

"Ka!" This shovel did not stop after avoiding the opponent ’s attack, but shovel directly at the opponent. Although her head is not smart, her operable technology is first-rate, and she is not a person with power You can eat whatever you want. Just a light skid. Just kicked the opponent's right foot almost completely.

As long as any part of the body in the second world is not chopped off, it can restore its mobility after a certain period of time. Just like this person, his foot was kicked off by the Silver Moon Shovel, but this is only time-consuming. The kick is just a situation. From the point of view, in fact, it will only allow him to significantly reduce the moving speed, and it will not really break, but this blow is enough to make him fall.

But at this time he didn't fall down but half-knelt on the ground. "Well, my skills are useless! I was so easily avoided." The other side mumbled, although he didn't believe it, he still had to Recognizing this cruel fact clearly, the power of his opponent in front of him, no matter how strong, is that there is no effect without concentration. As can be seen just now, Yinyue and this muscular man are not operating above a horizontal line at all.

Very strong, not generally strong. Don't desperately die! It is estimated that the muscular man thought so, at this time he forcibly resisted the pain that the ankle was almost broken. He stood up and stretched out his steel arm, grabbed at Yinyue, who returned after sliding the shovel. It seems to be used for injury-for-injury play. Even if you break your own foot, you have to attack instead of forced defense.

At this time, he used an exceptional left leg that could still act to forcefully log out, followed by the skills of "capturing" and "heavy throwing". Sanda profession in the fighting family, the more common skill combo can be said to be a throwing skill. As long as you can successfully catch the opponent, you can directly use your strong power to slam the opponent into the ground fiercely, but using this trick also means taking the initiative to give up your defense, which is a traumatic move.

"Stomp on you!" In front of the tall and extremely muscular man, Yinyue's body size was no different from that of a child, but her attack was not weak at all. Almost in the muscular man just stretched out. She pounced on her faster and stepped on him the next moment.

"Whirlwind stamped!" With a yell of applause, Yinyue stomped on the opponent's face with graceful and violent footsteps! Step on! Step on! However, in her eyes, she seemed to be venting. Why did the venting come to her so much hate so late.

At this moment, Yinyue's pair of beautiful legs kept on stamping her, and every time she stepped on the poor muscular man's chest and shoulders.

"Cough!" Although it seems like a child's playful attack, the damage is not high. But stepping on and on continuously, the trampling of this fiercely-looking muscular man was painful. Even if the attack intensity is not high, such high-frequency attacks are not acceptable to anyone at all. Look at his muscles and armor. In the face of such a child-like attack, it did not play any defense role.

A one-shot skiddle shook the opponent's defense, and the continuous stepping down completely collapsed this layer of shaken defense. The strength of the two is really not on the same level. There is no strongest occupation in the world, only the strongest operating occupation. Do n’t blame the profession you chose because you ca n’t beat others. Even if a strong hidden profession is placed in the hands of a rookie, it can only be abused by the masters of ordinary professions. The factors in the battle are not all dependent on equipment, level and Occupations, although they also account for a large part, can be the foundation of their own skills.

The muscular man's equipment is obviously good, but under the noisy attack like Yinyue, he has no strength to fight back.

"Last Strike" After Yinyue stepped on her opponent mercilessly, she stepped back a few steps, took out her bow and arrow, and then opened the bow string, and then an arrow was shot firmly on the muscular man On the chest.

The arrows passed through his body to take away his last blood, and at the same time ended the pain for him.

"At the time when dealing with Big Ben, I should step on it like this, then beat my face, and finally baptize him a hundred times with arrow rain ..." After a muscle man was easily killed, a vented Silver Moon returned. Standby Hall.

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