Master Summoner Online

Chapter 321: Fire Dance vs. Dragon (1)

The two sides participating in the battle were both defeated, but each left a summoned beast. From the visual point of view, it is difficult to judge who should win.

Finally, according to the judgment of the system, guard the remaining giant mechanical monsters (Guardian: named, it is called "Aggregate Mech Ultimate Dragon") and Ziyue's Kuqiulin to judge the speed of killing opponents, guarding the summoned beast to attack and follow Hurry up, because each of the six heads of the guarded mechanical monster (Guardian: "Aggregate Mech Ultimate Dragon") shares its own attack power on its own, and will not be divided equally because of its large number of heads. When Ziyue was hit, it was already seconds. The remaining five hits were on display at the same time. At the time of a few seconds after Ziyue was hit, Kuqiulin will guard the air and all the guards won the game. Victory.

In this way, the winner of the first round of the game was confirmed as a guardian, and the guardian won a thrilling victory.

The next game, the rain fell on the dust.

"Well, how come it's my turn, I thought the two girls could fight for a while." Yu Luochen held his chest in his hands, holding something like a cigarette in his mouth, if not his mouth kept on When chewing, he really thought he was playing with a cigarette.

At this time, his opponent also appeared. This man's preparation was a set of hand swords. It seems that it is a knight's profession. In the transfer of flying knights, the assassins are the most. The knights and scouts are hard to see.

"Hey you guys, don't put a drag on me in front of me, okay!" At this moment, Tianxiapin looked very unhappy, and looked at the rain and dust with his arms in front of him.

The rain and dust didn't buy his account at all, making him unable to come down to the stage.

Then the world's first product leaped high, and the sword in his hand was facing the rain and the dust fell, and he yelled "Rotating chop!"

But the next scene was stunned. With one blow, there was only one blow, and the weapon in the world was released. The short knife held by Rainfall Dust did not use any fixed moving trajectory, as if it was just a random attack.

The first time he waved the sword, the opponent's film hand sword bounced open, and the weapon was released.

Rain falling dust once again held the knife in his hand and stepped forward.

A red flash passed in the air.

The battle is now over.

Compared to the crazy battle before, the battle ended too quickly compared to this battle. I did n’t even see a lot of people came to an end. The third game was a fire dance and a dragon game. This should also be the first time that the core players of Scarlet Elite and the Blade of Death confronted each other. Haolong's profession is Death Mage, Fire Dance is Shadow Demon Rider, both should be in the dark profession, but Death Mage is obviously a magic profession , Shadow Demon Riding is more like a career of Demon Sword.

Within a short while, two white lights appeared on the ring, and two figures came out of it, no doubt they were both.

Tianzhao smiled at this moment: "Master, which side do you think will win this time?"

As soon as this word came out, I paused for a moment, and after thinking about it, said, "Well ... it's not very easy to say, about 50%."

To be honest, there are masters on both sides, so I have to wait and see.

"Tianzhao buys Fire Dance to win, then the owner buys that dragon to win, hee hee ~!" Tianzhao smiled on his own initiative.

I wiped my sweat: "I didn't say that, oh, cough, as a classmate, I also like Fire Dance ~! However, as the three giants of death, the dragon is also very powerful. To tell the truth, it is hard to say."

"Well then, let's buy Fire Dance to win ~! Sister Fire Dance, don't let us down!" Tian Zhao shook her hands in front of her mouth and yelled softly.

With the sound of the sky, the countdown of the system finally passed. The two men on the arena stared at each other, and it seemed that they would be caught by the other as long as there was a slight gap.

suddenly! Fire Dance smiled at each other: "Death handsome, I heard that you look good, are you interested in leaving a phone, and contacting them later?" Although she smiled, she couldn't see the smile in the mask.

As soon as this word came out, the other party couldn't help but hesitated, and said, "Well, no problem, but can you take off your mask first?"


"Well! Okay ~~~ The greeting is considered to have been played, and then it will start to move. ~ By the way, the game proves that the one of the two **** branches is the chairman of the death guild. Beauty is still a dinosaur. "

(Bombard Dragon: I can tell you that she is a beauty, and the guy who wrote your role knows it, but you don't know it.)

"Okay! It depends on whether you have the ability." He twisted his body in a fire dance style.

After a conversation between the two parties, suddenly! When I saw Hao Long saying something, I started to do it. At the next moment, I immediately blessed myself with a black shield. At the same time, I was surrounded by the ribs. Obviously, I applied a double defense to myself, and then said a spell in my mouth. Then, Two giant three-meter-high monsters in front of him crawled out from under the ground. The skull-monster had a broken armor and held a two-meter-long giant sword in his hand.

"Fight! General Skeleton!"

The General Skeleton roared, and at the same time, the Fire Dance naturally did not hesitate. From the beginning, he calmly held the death code in his hand and stared at all the actions of the dragon.

"Come out, miscellaneous fish!" As Fire Dance fell loudly, I saw the ground bulging from her side, and a skeleton soldier stood up from nothing, but stared at Fire Dance frantically than holding a big knife. As for the generals of the skeletons, the skeletons of the Fire Dance looked so thin, as if the wind would blow away!

Seeing this, my mind was stunned, summoning N skeletons, and being my effective assistant or meat shield?

The two skeleton generals started to follow the dragon. I saw that the previous few steps of the skeleton general and the fire dancing skeleton soldiers had approached a certain distance, and then they did not move forward. They looked at each other for a while, neither side Launch an attack.

Finally, with a single-handed wave of Hao Long, the skeleton general rushed forward, and another skeleton general smeared with oil under his feet, making an assault from the other side in a circle to engage in a pinch!

However, Fire Dance looked at all this, and did not move at all. It just arranged half of the skeletons to deal with the general of the skull, and half of the skeletons attacked the general that came from the pack. They stood still and started. Enter into chanting.

"Roar roar ..." General Skeleton shouted loudly, although he didn't understand, but it probably had the meaning, "Skull Skeleton Do Not Want to Stop Me"!

"嚓 ~!" The giant sword flashed high in the sky, and the General Skull killed two skeletons in a perfect blow. Then, after a while, the Giant Sword became a broken bone. The dragon seemed to know the weakness of the Fire Dance Skull, and cut it. On the skull's head, the shivering skeletal body of the skull that was beheaded turned into a broken bone. The skeleton soldier furiously touched the skeleton general, and the damage he felt was 1: 1. It took a long time to touch it. With hundreds of points of blood, the General Skeleton kept raising his sword to cut it down, only one skeleton fell to the ground, and there were only four skeletons left ...

suddenly! Fire Dance chuckled, and then "Skull Bomb!"

"Boom ~!" All the skeleton soldiers exploded together in an instant, exploding into a cloud of black smoke, and countless injuries floated, but ...

After such a strong explosion, the Skeleton General did not shrink back in the slightest. Instead, he continued his frontal assault, directly passing the black smoke and approaching the fire dance!

"Hoo ~ 嘭 ~!" Two giant swords were cut off from the front and back sides, and Fire Dance covered the pride of her chest, using flashes in time, flashed away with a flash of instant movement, and suffocated, throwing a hand. The simplest magic bomb!

"Boom ~!" A skeleton general crossed the huge sword in front of himself, without meaning to dodge.

"Oh my god, your skeleton is pretty good!" Fire Dance chuckled, and the next moment, it threw out five or six black fireballs, and did not forget to step back and pull away. At the same time, it was obvious that the two skull generals were attacked by fireballs. A lot of blood was lost.

"Roar!" The two skeleton generals resisted the attack, rushing straight towards the fire dance like an mad bull.

After all, those who have graduated from elementary school know that the distance between the two points is the closest to the straight line.

Soon, the distance between the two Skeleton Generals and Fire Dance was getting closer. After all, the soldiers were born to run better than the mage. In addition, at this time, the Fire Dance did not move at all, and the two Skeleton Generals caught them. Obviously, the Fire Dance was forced into Dead end!

"Dark Spear!" Fire Dance drank softly.

"Tear and tear ~!", Fire Dance is very light and dodges the attack of two skeleton generals, but Fire Dance is still chopped several times by the opponent's wielding great sword, but these are just to tear her out of her cloak. Just a few mouthfuls did not cause any substantial harm.

But the General Skeleton was also pierced by the "Dark Spear" of Fire Dance, and a black spear broke through the ground, directly turning the two General Skeletons into a pile of broken bones.

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