Master Summoner Online

Chapter 339: Fighting continues

"That's it!" Erica snapped her fingers with joy.

"Not necessarily!" Suddenly a cold voice reminded.

"Why ... what!" Erica was startled!

"Goodbye! Drink!"

"Boom!" For a moment, everyone at the scene couldn't help but stunned, and saw that the outer part of the entire arena exploded collectively in an instant. What the **** was this! ?

I saw that Erica was buried in the big bang at once, the blood was suddenly blown up, and she was half-knelt on the ground, her body armor was blown up, broken and rotten. Can't stop the alluring spring-light.

"What's the matter?" Erika said on her knees on the ground, gritting her teeth, and at the same time she looked down to see some scraps of paper on the ground.

"Just when you want to run around the ring like a seizure, then I have buried such a detonation sign along the way, you should know that the detonation sign can be detonated on its own, otherwise I will not be too full Accompany you around the field. "There was no doubt the sound of rain and dust falling.

"Where are you?" Erica stood up strenuously, replenishing herself with blood.

"Earth beheading in my heart!"

"Ah-!" Erika screamed, raised a hand under her feet and grabbed her ankle, and pulled her directly into the ground the next moment, leaving her head exposed.

Then the ground swelled in front of her, and the rain falling dust just came out of the drill. She patted the soil on her body and came in front of Erica, then he lifted one foot and stepped on Erica's head and said, " Woman, you did a good job just now! "

Erika watched the rain falling dust on her head fiercely, and said angrily, "If you want to do it, do it quickly, don't grind, like a man!"

"Oh? Interesting, it seems you are quite strong-headed, stronger than the women who have flirted with me after seeing them before, hahaha! I like it!" Yu Luochen said with his arms in his arms.

"This guy ..." Erica gritted her teeth but was helpless. She couldn't do anything right now.

Then Yu Luochen moved his feet away, "Hey!" Yu Luochen ruthlessly pierced the short knife in his hand. In the head of Erica, the blood that suddenly poured out stained her black hair. Her blood was completely emptied, Yu Luochen pulled out the short knife and retracted it. The short knife stained with blood was retracted, and Yu Luochen turned away.

When I saw it, I found that the rain and dust were really bad. When using the opponent to arrange the trap, it was very difficult to arrange his own trap. Tianzhao asked: "Why didn't that person detonate directly?"

"I don't know. I want to see the situation of the other party to make a decision. I think the circle detonation symbol was not used to attack but used to block the other side's retreat." I roughly analyzed.

After speaking, I set my sights on the ring again. At this time, after the host announced the victory, the game went to rest again ...

They are back on the court at this time and they have appeared on the ring.

At this time, Fire Dance was still dressed in that black robe, holding his pair of pride with both hands, looking at the opponent in front of him.

"Cut, it's really troublesome to encounter such an opponent again!" Wushuang Storm apparently was very dissatisfied with his opponent.

"So ... do you want me to abstain?" Huowu said indifferently, then added: "If you show me coquettish, my sister immediately abstained from going!"

Having said that, Wushuang Storm blushed and said, "Rely! Who ... who is like you coquettish! You are not my sister! I urge you to abstain, I don't want to fight people of the same sex, my opponents are only those who take affection Think of it as a joke!

Fire dance: "Oh! Really? So why not you abstain but me?"

Facing the words of Fire Dance, Wushuang Storm said: "No, I can't abstain ... I have a reason to win, in order to find that person, but I don't know if he has been eliminated now."

As the words came out, Fire Dance said, "Really? Okay! Tell me your name and maybe I will find it for you."

Wushuang Storm said: "I don't want to say."

Fire dance said: "Okay! Let's fight for a while. If I agree with your strength, I will abstain. Of course, if I am defeated by me, of course, I can only wish for myself. By the way, the name of that person is unwilling to say If so, just give me the information. May I see if I can tell you? "

"Good!" Wushuang Storm agreed.

Then the text message should be down, and Fire Dance whispered softly: "It was him, huh, this kid is really interesting." It should be restored after finishing talking.

The next moment, Wushuang Storm changed his face and said, "What are you talking about?"

Fire Dance: ‘I do n’t have to lie, but do n’t go to him now? "

Wushuang Storm Road: "Why?"

Fire Dance said: "Because he is not in a good condition, and if you meet him in the next game, you can say to him directly. Okay, let's get started!"

The words didn't fall, and Wushuang Storm immediately launched a memory gun, watching the white beam coming on, not only did Fire Dance have no intention of dodging, she saw her hand stretch out in front of the dark shelter and launched three black fireballs. .

"Boom Boom ~!" The thoughts were bombarded on the shields of the dark shelter, and at the same time, the three fireballs of Fire Dance were directly received by the Warriors Storm, brushing out a total of 4,000 points of damage! However, Wushou Storm's deliberate cannon did not hurt Fire Dance.

Then there was a layer of silver light on Wushuang Storm, and then the peony quickly pulled closer. Wushuang Storm's eyes had never been removed from Fire Dance. It seemed that she was going to die and bite Fire Dance!

"The colorless lock wrapped around my hand, let's shine, shine!" Warrior-like Warrior Storm held her fist tightly and wrapped around the chain on the right-handed glove to emit light. With the light, Warrior Storm unfolded Explosive high-speed sprint.

In front of the menacing Wushuang Storm, Fire Dance flashed behind her without a panic, and the attack of Wushuang Storm failed! At the same time, Huowu dropped a sentence in his mouth: "This is not enough." After that, seven or eight black flames burned around Huowu, and then erupted directly behind Wushuang Storm!

All damages are lined up, with a total value of "8555", and magic attacks are too sharp.

Wushuang Storm's face suddenly died, but then again, Wushuang Storm did have a very strong strength, she can be said to be a dark horse on the road of the king, even if I meet her, the odds are not high, even if it is not so The extent of being abused by fire dance, does she say she was beaten on purpose! ?

"Meteor strike!" Wushuang Storm turned and raised his right hand high, and the next moment's dazzling light turned into countless light clusters pouring down from the sky.

"Shield of the Dead Bones!" A huge earth bone shield appeared in front of Fire Dance in an instant, blocking the attack of Wushuang Storm.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!" Attacked by the light group of Wushuang Storm to the ground. There was a violent explosion all over, and the huge bone shield was blown up by debris.

"Boom ~!" Without waiting for Fire Dance to make the next moment of action, the standard of dizziness on Fire Dance's head instantly. When those light groups broke the shields of the bones, Wushuang Storm had already punched Fire Dance with a punch. Fire Dance was dizzy, and the next moment, Hyun Shadow slammed on Fire Dance.

When Fire Dance regains consciousness, she will have only 20% of blood left!

It can be troublesome to go on like this, the fire dance was suddenly stunned, and the next moment, a flash of light and the distance between the unparalleled storm.

"Don't want to run away!" Wushuang stormed angrily and chased after him fiercely!

Although on the speed of movement, the fighter is naturally faster than the mage, and the ring is not endless. Every turn, it is easy to be approached by the opponent, resulting in a fatal end.

But ... Don't forget that the fire mage is a shadow magic rider of the magic and martial arts. It has the magic and warrior speed of the mage, and her speed belongs to that kind of light warrior, and fire dance is almost useless. This is not to not use 100% of your strength, that is to release water!

Then, after running a distance, Wu Mai turned back to her hands, "Bang! Bang!" A row of bone blades was sent out by Fire Dance, and this bone blade unbridledly attacked Wushuang Storm, which was sprinting at a high speed to itself.

"Wh ... what!" Wushuang Storm froze slightly, but still did not mean to dodge. Instead, he clenched his fists with both hands and estimated what skills he was going to use.

Of course, Fire Dance sent the bone blade just to help her gain time. Next, she read a weird curse in her mouth, and a ghostly purple flame gradually appeared on her body!

"Drink ~!" At the same time, I saw Wushuang Storm turning into a white arrow, smashing the bone blades blocking her path.

Fire Dance seized the time to replenish a potion and demon blood, watching Wushen Storm's fist lifted, with a confident expression, it seems to have concluded that this blow can directly kill each other!


"Bang ~!" This shot was hidden by Huowu's light sideways.

After avoiding the blow, Fire Dance quickly seized the opportunity, and saw that the damage caused by the Wushuang Storm had already been made up by her. At this time, two bone blades appeared in the air and split along the Wushuang Storm Go on!

"Bang ~!" Wushuang Storm turned back to fight back, and his fists rushed towards the Fire Dance with a force of wind, and the Fire Dance flew past the attack quickly.

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