Master Summoner Online

Chapter 353: a happy day

After the fierce competition, my life also returned to a calm state. In the following days, I did not play the game at all, because I was nervous to prepare for the final exam. Of course, I was nervous and nervous, and the exam was still necessary. Anxious and anxious final exams finally attracted, as long as the students must like the days, holidays.

When I returned to the dormitory at night, I was in bed and I should go home tomorrow. To be honest, I have been homesick for so long, even though my home is empty.

At this point, Xueyue muttered after taking a shower from the bathroom: "Dragon Spirit, this ..."

I straightened up and said, "What's wrong?"

Tian Xueyue said: "I'll go to your house this year, will you be happy?"

"Ah!" As soon as I said this, I immediately asked: "Aren't you going back to your own home?"

Having said that, Xueyue muttered with her hands on her hips, "I don't want to be a home with no human touch."

After hearing this, Xueyue's relationship with her family was quite bad.

"Is it really okay not to go back?" I asked again.

Then she sat tightly beside her and could smell the delicate fragrance of the girl from her body.

"Dragon spirit ..." Xueyue burst out suddenly.

I wondered, "Well?"

"I just want to confirm that you are with me." Xueyue continued.

I smiled bitterly: "I've been here forever."

After I said that, she smiled lightly, her smile as tender as water.

"I won't go back, absolutely not." Then she whispered, "I'm afraid I won't see you again when I go back."

"Ah!" I laughed in surprise and said, "If you don't go, don't go back, rest assured that I will take care of you."

As soon as that happened, Xueyue blushed and said, "Thank you."

"Nothing to thank you for, what are you doing lately?" I asked.

I saw Xueyue exhaling deeply: "That ... I don't want to say."

"Oh! If you don't want to say it, just don't say it, oh right! You seem to have a bad relationship with your family." I asked.

Xueyue listened a little and said, "I hate my family, my side, why am I the president's daughter, but not the daughter of an ordinary person, as long as there is money, no family without affection and no emotion. I will like it! "He seemed angry.

Xueyue continued: "I think you should come from, Uncle Mo should have asked about my blind date."

I nodded and she continued: "After you broke my house, he helped me to replace the family and negotiated with the other party, but in the end it seemed to be in a dilemma. Then he invited me and told me about it. of."

"Because my family's business is very broad and I have some contacts with any industry in the market. The family business has nothing to do with wool, but Uncle Mo watched me grow up and was very good to me. My father also Give him the responsibility for the blind date completely. If I have a good attitude on this matter, it may affect his position and future ... so I will at least meet each other. "

As soon as this word came out, I said a little: "So, you still have to go on a blind date !?"

Xueyue nodded slightly.

"That's what Lanvin said." I said.

"Yeah, but the process of this matter should be confidential, but I didn't expect to be inquired by the guy from Lanwen." Xueyue said.

I went on to ask, "Why didn't you push it out then."

"If it was only my parents asking me, I would definitely push it off, but ... if I refuse this time, it will definitely cause trouble for Mo Shu." Xueyue confessed.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

"But it doesn't matter, everything has passed. Now I'm back. I have no reason to leave." Xueyue smiled, and then added a sentence: "Yes, my building has a three-digit security patrol on weekdays. However, I did not expect that since a three-digit person couldn't beat you, the old man still had to match me with a bodyguard. In my opinion, you are better than those who eat rice. "

I laughed and said, "That's right, even if Tyson is here, I dare to fight with him."

Xueyue laughed: "Hee hee ~! You are not afraid of him biting your ear."


"Well, let's wash and go to sleep. Let's go home tomorrow." Xueyue said charmingly.

I nodded.

Waking up in a dream, I woke up today to pack and looked at the clock. It was 8 o'clock in the morning.

He Xueyue first went to the school gate for breakfast after having a breakfast in the cafeteria. At this time, there were a lot of students returning home from the school gate. After all, it was the winter vacation. There was no reason not to go back.

"Dragon Spirit!" Xueyue said.

"what happened?"

Xueyue said: "Can you go back in a hurry today?"

I froze slightly: "What's wrong?"

"Dabenlong, let's go play today. What if we go for an appointment first?" Xueyue said.

Immediately I realized that beautiful women invite dates, who would refuse!

"Very glad," I laughed.

Tian Xueyue smiled briefly: "Well."

At this time, Ye Shuang grinned with a travel bag and said, "Yes, that's right, two small mouths go on dates to promote relationships, right! A friend who lived with us yesterday called me and said, opposite to Dragon's Nest A newly opened hotel on the street, as long as one man and one woman go to open the room after 10 pm, take a 50% off! "

With that said, I smashed the travel bag into his face without hesitation. Xueyue Qiao blushed and said, "What is Dragon Nest?"

I smiled bitterly: "Abbreviation for my family."

Then Xueyue stunned and said, "I really deserve you."

After returning to the square by car, Xueyue and I smashed Ye Shuang's backpack directly and took him home. Then Xueyue and I walked down the street and asked, "Let ’s go where you want to play today. You planned ?"

"Thinking about it, I plan to ... just take a walk and play wherever I go ~!" Xue Yue Yanran smiled.

I am slightly pleased that this proposal is good.

At the same time, when it comes to this, suddenly! She came naturally, and put her hand in my arm.

"Um, is this okay?" I couldn't help but ask, after all, she always insisted that it wasn't the relationship with me, but now ...

"Please, we don't have to hide it!" Xueyue smiled sweetly, at this moment she wanted to look like a young girl in love.

There are few people on this cold city street, which just made me and her two-person world. While walking, she can still feel her warm body temperature and the delicate fragrance of the girl.

Walking around, turning around a corner I asked, "Did you know? At the time I saw your truth, I had been fantasizing about my girlfriend. I didn't expect it to happen now."

Xueyue couldn't help smirking: "I knew when I saw you and looked at me!"

As soon as this word came out, I smiled foolishly. Next, we continued to walk aimlessly.

Without knowing it, I bypassed several streets and came to His Majesty's Tower.

"I remember a mob almost demolished this place a few months ago!" Xueyue grinned.

I wiped my sweat and grinned, "Yeah! Hehe."

"Oh ~~~ Okay ~!" Xueyue laughed, then let go of my hand and ran in front of me, running in front of the square!

I looked at her agitated appearance, and I said, "Right, I haven't seen you wear clothes other than school uniforms and casual clothes?" Then suddenly I wondered why I asked this.

"Oh! What do you want to see, I look like wearing **** lingerie, right?" Xueyue laughed.

I said helplessly: "How is that possible!" Actually I missed it.

"It's funny to play with, it doesn't matter what you wear." She suddenly looked like water, smiling softly.

With her smile, we were really ready to leave after a round here. "Miss Tianxueyue ... Ah ..." Suddenly! A male voice came!

Xueyue and I could not help but look in the direction of sound!

Directly from the staff passage of the building, an uncle who was wearing a blue and white suit came over and looked at the two of us. I saw this guy and I couldn't help but smile: "Come again!"

Then Xueyue twisted on my arm and said, "Uncle Mo, aren't you going with the old man abroad?"

The uncle Mo said, "I didn't go because the ticket was cancelled."

To be honest, the atmosphere of Xueyue and I was disturbed by this guy a little bit, but I didn't rush to slap him.

"I just came down to receive an e-mail. I happened to look at you. I was relieved to see you like this. I believe the lady will not choose the wrong person."

I scratched my head and didn't speak. Xueyue said at this time: "Since you are here, then bring the old man a message, just say I won't go home for Chinese New Year."

"This ... Miss, this is not all right."

"It's nothing bad, anyway, he works with his mind full, and he doesn't care about me. What's the point when he no longer lives at home every year, okay, that's it, Long Ling, let's go." Xueyue said and turned around. .

I waved, "Goodbye."

"Next, where shall we go?"

Xueyue Meimu blinked and thought for a while, and said, "I don't know, but let's play before going back, and I still have a place I really want to go. Come with me."

I did n’t have time to answer, she suddenly took my arm and shouted: "Run, the bus in front is about to go ~!"

"Uh ..." Indeed, the bus was just standing, so she and I rushed up like this ...

I took the bus for an hour, and along the way I was led by Tian Xueyue. We are now at a movie theater. She was dragged in to watch a boring love movie and a great blockbuster for an hour and a half. Then I was pulled by her again. Go to a place with a big M in front of a shop, McDonald's! ?

Why does she want to come?

"Dragon Spirit, this is where I want to come most. I have always tasted the taste of these" junk foods "that my family says ~!"

As a result, when we walked in, we found that there was no seat, and Xueyue kept talking and eating, and only pushed me to buy it, saying that she had n’t bought it, no, but I do n’t think she was just too lazy to go up Crowded.

So I bought two burgers, fries and tea with milk, and took them to the street.

"What do you think about eating this kind of thing?" I asked.

Xueyue held a copy with joy, and smiled sweetly: "I haven't been out since I was a child. I've always wanted to eat and eat, everyone wants to try something that I haven't tried, but I have to eat while walking. It's a bit troublesome. "

I saw her looking forward, wrapping the burger in paper, ready to gobble it.

My heart is extremely happy at this moment, today is really a happy day.

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