Master Summoner Online

Chapter 365: Elite BOSS

The crowd was taken aback. I immediately asked the Sonic Werewolf to drop the blood and asked it to bomb the stone gate. However, after a punch, the stone gate blew an unknown energy. The Sonic Werewolf screamed and was blasted away. Come.

"Careful." I drank and knew that there must be a change, and sure enough, after the stone gate closed and closed the entrance, one dark hole after another appeared from the top of the hall. It is especially rainy.

The defense mechanism in this hall is really fierce. "The sacred light gathers here to form a shield and a holy barrier to protect the earth's souls!" Mo Yan uttered a spell, and the next moment a huge round shield appeared above us. , To resist the gun rain in this room.

But the thousands of shots of rain never ceased like the end forever. The huge round shield was constantly impacted, and cracks had appeared, and it was about to be collapsed.

Seeing that the situation was not right, everyone thought about it, and immediately went to school. The blood was shot first, and it was slightly low. The staff in his hand was thrown, and it turned into a black thunder dragon, which hit the hall far above his head.

Even if this side hall is crashed, it is better than being fired forever like this.

Followed by me, I called the Amber Dragon, and exploded into the ceiling. Fiery flames swept across the roof of the hall, blasting the sky. At the same time, the Sonic Werewolf launched a crescent moon and Snow Moon launched an energy release skill. The dragon howl attacked, I used a hundred ghosts to strike the ceiling at night, and Tianzhao used the death cross.

Everyone took shots. Above the hall, the explosion sounded loudly. Suddenly, the sky-long pistol rain became thin. It seemed that its organs had been shaken a lot, but the entire hall began to shake violently due to such an explosion. Then, cracks appeared on the top of the hall. On the sound of "creak" and "creak", one stone after another fell off the hall.

"Flick off, everyone is careful." Hei Shen drank.

Although the sky rain was broken, everyone faced a more powerful crisis. One stone after another fell off, and everyone evaded. After avoiding the stones, I looked up at this time to see the black and dark space above. There were even black water leaking out of the black gap.

After the black water flowed to the ground, the bones on the ground soaked into the black water, and immediately made a "beep" sound, pieces of bones were rotten, and finally the whole turned into a pile of rotten black water, followed closely by this There were puss flowing all over the black water, with rusty iron swords in his hands, and monsters wearing scarred armor.

Life Devourer, Level 70, Elite Beast, Introduction: Magical creatures born of evil black magic, have no wisdom and exist only for killing.

The life devourers, who had crawled out of the black water, were already densely populated throughout the hall.

At this moment, everyone gathered together, and at the same time I surrendered the Gatling Blast Dragon. The three summoned beasts were blocked at the outer periphery, followed by me, Xueyue, the Black God, and Tianzhao, Erika, and Bloody Blood. Mo Yan is protected in the middle.

Immediately Erica said a variety of spells, one after another, falling into the monster pile.

Bathing blood: "The thunder and lightning elements gather again. I call you here in the name of the magic thunder, come out! The thunderbolt of lightning, fight for me!" With his voice, three magical arrays appeared next to him, in the magical array. Three lightning bolts form a monster, including a thunder tiger, a thunder dragon, and a thunder snake.

Xueyue's sword draws a cross in front of him, and the white cross cuts through the void, severely cutting a life devourer in half.

In my hand, I quickly smashed and chopped off a life devourer, followed by a punch of the Sonic Werewolf, and smashed a life devourer into a stone gap under the hall.

Under the attack of everyone's hands, the life devourer in this hall was completely killed. I earned 20,000 or 10,000 experience from it. Killing this life devourer can have so much experience. I am not surprised. Xueyue was directly promoted.

After the life devourer was killed, the black water on the ground disappeared without a trace. Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It didn't take long for them to come in. Since the incident was changed, people were a bit breathless. This map is Whoever designed it didn't even give a hint after coming in.

At this point in the hall, except for the skeleton sitting on the throne, there is no subsequent thing. The bones just disappeared just now, and they should be swallowed by black water and become those who devour life.

We went up to the throne and looked at the skull looking at the ceiling. This thing was motionless, and there was a foul odor from the body, which made MM dare not move forward, but even if there was no foul odor, no one would dare to move.

So I first used Baigui Night Walk and hit it to see the situation, but I didn't expect that Bai Gui Night Walk stretched out on the breastbone with the skull. Since I wanted to hit the iron plate, I was caught, I couldn't help it. Surprised, but at this moment the skeleton was moving.

A skull full of tapeworms was placed on the night of Hundred Ghosts with his right hand, then raised his head and lowered, watching everyone and then the skull face showed a weird smile, seeing the people creepy, I immediately canceled the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk. .

Then the skeleton started to stand up, while Erica chanted, three ice blades broke through the ground to think about this skeleton, a **** wave of a staff, and three thunder-beast elements behind them, Thunder Tiger, Thunder Dragon and Thunder. The snake roared and rushed to the skeleton in three directions.

The skeleton swayed, avoiding the attack of three ice blades, followed by its right hand into a knife shape, and swung it out instantly, and saw the fastest Thunder Tiger that rushed, and suddenly broke away from the middle. Come, fall down.

The thunder dragon and thunder snake in the back reacted slightly faster and avoided.

Yuxue was startled, so he shouted, and a huge thunderbolt one after another fell down from above. Instantly, within thirteen meters of this throne, there were all thunder and lightning.

At this time, a black curtain appeared on the skull's head, protecting him.

The thunder and lightning summoned by Yuxue split on this black curtain, sending out a violent sound of "splitting", but was unable to break through the curtain.

Shoot together! "I sighed.

The crowd no longer kept their hands. Xueyue used the additional skills on the cross sword and weapons in the day, Tian Zhao cast the death cross, the black **** sickle, and slashed wildly. Erica showed various ice skills. The Elemental Beast roared out, and summoned a black thunderbolt. Gatling exploded, bullets, missiles, beam volleys, a crescent manoeuvre from the Sonic Werewolf, and an amber dragon using explosive inflammation. Lightning storm.

Suddenly, everyone shot at the same time, and the devastating energy scene flooded all around. So many skills were blasted to the skeleton, only to be dispelled by it.

"Boom" "Boom" renju exploded, instantly drowning the skeleton, but when the adult thought victory, suddenly the burst of fire rushed out, the rushing figure flashed, and a roar broke out, then One was wrapped in black armor, holding a long sword, and the eyes hidden in the helmet shot out a faint blue light.

Immediate fire eye golden eye scan-

Emperor Orlan, 80-level elite boss, introduction: The Great Empire Oran Kingdom, which has a reputation on the continent, can suffer a devastating blow in the battle of races. The high priest of the kingdom uses space magic to transform the entire The kings were transmitted to the bottom, but in this way they did not escape the fate of killing, the entire king was attacked by a poison of undead, the people were poisoned, and even their king became the puppet of the demon king.

"What is Elite BOSS?" I couldn't help asking after I saw it. "I said, why is your champion so ignorant." Erica said angrily.

I scratched my head and said, "I have n’t played games or visited forums for almost a month. Of course I don't know."

"Hey! Look at this champion as well, okay, my sister, I tell you, the system has been updated after the end of the king's road, and the BOSS has also been graded. Everyone's common ordinary boss will be the elite boss, and then it will be the super boss. In the future, there is no level and I do n’t know. The system did not say. At the same time, the official propaganda elite BOSS can be comparable to ordinary BOSS. The BOSS has not risen to a level. The strength is a qualitative leap. Gang order. "

"What's the gang order for?" I asked again.

Erica despised me for a moment, and later said, "Now the guilds established by players have not been officially recognized. Not only can't they upgrade and they will be disbanded automatically once a month, which is very troublesome, except that there are more people than mercenaries. Almost all of them are shortcomings. With the establishment of a gang order, a formal guild can be established. Not only can it be upgraded but it will not be disbanded, but now no one has burst out of the gang order. If we burst out and pick up and sell it, we will definitely get rich. "

"It turned out to be this way." The dragon gun summoned the beast to gather around and shouted, "Now it's destroyed and the gang order was issued."

"How do you fight?" Yuxue said.

Erica said: "It's time for Weiweilong to reflect your value. You call your family of summons and go up and try the depth of that boss."

My face was depressed: "Why me?"

"You are a champion and a boy, of course you. You can rest assured that I and Yuxue will cover you behind. Boys don't care about this little thing." Seeing her smile, I felt a sudden chill, this woman was really dark belly.

"Foreigners, accept the wrath of the great Orchid Emperor!" BOSS roared with a hoarse and low-pitched tone, waving a light arc in his hand's sword, instantly fluttering the speed of the werewolf, hitting 80% of its life instantly. BOSS also wanted to continue attacking. Xueyue and I had the sunshine and the Black God surrounded from all sides. Erika and Yuxue also started firing fiercely. I also took back the Sonic Werewolf at the same time, and felt a sudden distress.

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