Master Summoner Online

Chapter 378: Abandoned city

Opening the friends list, I immediately contacted all the people who were online, and told the next thing. As a result, these people were very excited, and they really are the masters who love to break the house!

An outdoor recreation spot in the Dragon City.

Everyone is gathered here at this moment, and today is so rare.

"It's great to grab the BOSS! Since the revision of the big system, I have never snatched the BOSS again." Xiaoxiao knife laughed.

"Did you grab it often?" Tears Wujin asked.

"Almost, I want to grab the boss," said Xiao Xiaozi.

"We haven't seen you in a while. The number of people you know has increased a lot." Brother Superman laughed.

I laughed: "It's almost there."

At this moment, I saw Ye Shuang and others arrived. In addition to Long Xin and others who brought him out, the MMs of the Student Union had already been Hualian and Ziyue.

At this point, the crowd and the recruiting characters met and began to know each other. At the same time, everyone was put into my small mercenary group. If they fought this way, they could declare war on the other party directly to avoid the evil value.

After everything was done, a group of people went out in full swing, then the three-headed flight of the amber dragon, the electronic ultimate dragon, and the fighting eagle called the beast to call the crowd to our destination, and the abandoned city moved forward.

On the way, I opened my own experience slot, and saw that it was already 79. 97.2%. I remember that the level of use of the gang order was eighty. This is a victory for the battle. With the gang order, my official guild can be established. Already.

The abandoned city, as its name implies, is an abandoned city, and it is also a very huge city. The abandoned city is located at a newly discovered leveling point three thousand kilometers away from the northeast corner of the Dragon Capital. In front of my eyes, there are all dark grey high-rise buildings in the distance. Under the gloomy sky, countless magical energy of various colors and some countless arrows shoot out of these high-rise buildings, and they hit the walls from time to time and splashed. After all, it can be seen that the entire city is in a fierce battle.

And most importantly, the buildings here are all very modern and systematically introduced. This city was created by a group of people from other worlds. During the racial war, the host here accepted countless refugees of various races. The sanctuary is called the sanctuary, but this sanctuary can't stand the enemy's fierce artillery fire and thousands of years of wind and rain. Now the creators have nowhere to go, and it has become a paradise for the innumerable monsters.

Tears smiled without a trace: "The guy who has lost his soul is really brave. This guy has been killed five times in this place and dare to come."

Brother Superman laughed: "The killing of the group will not shake him at all. The guy has money. It is not the first time to organize a BOSS operation, but after all, hitting the guy last time brought more than 300 people. A 70-level Crypt Ghost Spider King was set up. As a result, more than 300 people did not escape being abused by BOSS. It was funny. By the way, I still have one of you. "

I shook my head, and then he turned to the lone mark, and the lone mark also shook his head, and then looked at Tears No Trace, and Tears Waved waved and laughed, "I have watched that video, don't use it."

Then he turned to the owner of the electronic ultimate dragon he said and said, "Would you like to be funny?"

The guard said indifferently, "Don't."

Brother Superman cried in tears: "5555 ~~~~~! You guys are so uninteresting!"

"Several, buddies, you are all here for the first time!" Said the lonely trace, which was unknown all the way, at this time.

"Yeah," I said.

"Me too!" Said the little knife.

Solitary mark continued: "Do you behave?"

"Rules?" I wondered.

Erica said: "Still there are rules?"

"I know." I turned to look at the owner of the entire voice. In the summer, I saw the seat at the end of the electronic ultimate dragon. In the summer, the beautiful lady was half-squatting on the ground, skillfully assembling a lot of things that could not be understood. , While saying. .

"What is it?" Said Summer, where little curiosity flourished.

Summer stood up, at this time she was holding a thing like a gun and a cannon in her arms, with a beautiful appearance looks very heroic. She adjusted the helmet she wore on her head and laughed: "Yes, there are a lot of monsters here and they are very strong. A lot of herds are circulating on the street. Do n’t walk on the street, otherwise you do n’t know how to die. Those The building and the building are connected by underground passages. It is safest to enter the building to kill monsters. Do n’t go upstairs. There are countless high-level flying monsters in the most dangerous places. ”

"That was the case, thank you, Xia Damei, for reminding me!" I nodded.

"You're welcome! I also rely on this battle to try my new weapon!" He patted the gun-like thing in his arms.

"I've been wondering if you are a pharmacist in the summer," said Yin Yue, sitting on the battle eagle, looking at Summer.

"Sister, I'm a high-tech pharmacist." Said in front of Yinyue, raising her **** with her left hand flat, no matter "ready to land!" Ziyue issued a hint.

"Here!" Lying behind Ziyue, he sat up fiercely in blood, and the goods seemed to be asleep.

Ziyue said angrily: "When it arrives, if you don't get up again, you will be thrown away from here."

Yuxue said innocently, "Don't be beautiful."

The crowd landed at the corner of the abandoned city, and the three beasts recovered. At this moment, I stepped out of the crowd who came to me and wiped the red-eyed dragon gun on the ground. Everyone looked at me and coughed in two voices: "Dear! I would like to declare one thing. This time playing BOSS, no, it should be said to be robbing BOSS. I just need to build a gang, and you share the rest! "

"Wow! You are so generous!" Erica said.

"People are more generous than your black belly!" Tears disappeared.

"You can die if you don't say a word!" Erika said fiercely to her tears.

Yuxue interjected, "In fact, I'm also very black-bellied."

"Shut up!" Shouted Erika and Tearsless.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy the same as a solicitation role, why are you doing this to me?" Yuxue squatted a corner of his finger and drew a circle on the ground: "Bomb the dragon and draw a circle to curse you!"

(Bombard the dragon: "It's my business!")

Mo Yan whispered: "If you don't report to build a gang, you don't take the loot, you are not very disadvantaged!"

Wow! This MM is so kind, I nodded and smiled: "It's okay, if it doesn't burst, be a team event."

Yinyue said: "What are you doing, so concerned about that big stupid dragon!"

"I didn't! Just talk." Mo Yanqiao blushed slightly.

"Blushing, and not saying ..." Yin Yuexiu raised her eyebrows.

"Really nothing!"


Just when everyone was arguing, a group of people were already bustling across the street from us. The front was a handsome male mage. Everyone in this group had a wing-like lips mark on it!


"It's the devil's kiss!" Xiaoguang said first.

I nodded and said, "The goal is here, everyone is teaming up, we will keep up!"

Everyone nodded, and then the powerful team list came out—

First Team, Captain: Weiwei Long (War Beast Master) LV-79; Love You for 10,000 Years (Druid) LV-74; Lightfang (Beast Knight) LV-75; Purple Moon (Beast Tamer) LV -76; Guardian (Super Beast Breeder) LV-78

Team Two, Captain: Erica (Elemental Division) LV-78, Team Members: Tears Without Trace (Elemental Division) LV-79; Bloody Blood (Mage Thunder Master) LV-75; Superman Brother (Elemental Division) LV-76; Double Moon (Elemental Division) LV-76.

Three teams, Captain: Lone Mark (Shadow Assassin) LV-77, Players: Little Knife (Assassin) LV-77; Invisible Wings (Holy Archer) LV-75; Silver Moon (Assassin) LV-76; Fire Phoenix (Charger) LV-76.

Four teams, Captain: Star Chaser (Thunder Samurai) LV-77, Players: Mirage Moon (Phantom Knight) LV-60; Honglian (Swordsman); Shenyue (Red Lotus Knight) LV-74; Xinyue (Pharmacist) ) LV-70; Mo Yan (priest) LV-74.

The first three teams are five people and the last teammate is six. At the same time, let the Black God open a large team to bring everyone in. At the same time, start the Black God skill increase. See how terrible this lineup. Looking at the second world, we can come up with such a lineup. I'm afraid there are only five major guilds.

Fire Dance wore a set of leather armor to line her graceful body, carrying a long bow, and said with a grin, "Can you go?"

"Okay!" I smiled, the red-eyed dragon gun turned back.

Ye Shuang said: "It is now 13:24. We are going in from the second street of the abandoned city to avoid the view. Although the journey is a bit long, we can reach the refresh position of the boss at about 2 o'clock.

I said: "The BOSS refresh time is not very punctual, let's do it without delay, let's go!"

"it is good!"

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