Master Summoner Online

Chapter 381: Rush

It ’s not long to see that the BOSS on the BOSS has been detached. The complete detachment is in an instant.

After discovering this situation, Xiaoxi, who I was leaning on immediately, said, "Xiaoxi, prepare your fastest attack, grab the first injury!"

"Relax, Brother Long!" Xiaoxi nodded.

I continued: "Wait for everyone to attack together and continue to do damage."


Grabbing is a profound science.

Regarding the ownership of the equipment dropped after the monster is killed, according to the revised rules of the system, the first is the player who first damages it and maintains continuous damage. The interval of continuous damage cannot be greater than or equal to 5 minutes; the second is the maximum damage outputter. , The maximum damage in the attack; both of them have the right to pick up the dropped items, the two cases can coexist. The player's team also belongs to the scope of this rule. As long as the team's power is used to cause the greatest damage to the monster, in theory, all members of the team have the right to pick up. If it is not in these two cases, even if you are the last If you kill a monster, you still do n’t enjoy the right to pick up the equipment. The system is set to ensure fairness to the greatest extent.

So I let Xiaoxi pinpoint this first injury. For archers, attracting monsters and grabbing monsters is definitely a strong point. It has a long range that no other profession can match, and the crossbow has a rate of fire comparable to that of bows and arrows. Have magic to hide.

At the moment when Boss protected Jin Lin from completely disengaging, Xiaoxi pulled the trigger on her hand, the magic arrow was pushed on the strong crossbow string, and was sent out of the crossbow slot!

The left eye of the boss who was showing off his shape suddenly contracted, and a blood arrow spewed out, and my fire eyes immediately returned the injury data.

Qi value: 399911040000000, this time only destroyed its 890 points of blood, BOSS is BOSS, the defense is really strong, but I will not be discouraged because of this, the first injury has fallen into our hands, the following depends on the other party The continuity of damage can be maintained before hanging up.

Feeling majestic and damaged, the BOSS was furious. It immediately found out where we were, sending a current on its back, and suppressing the fire with an overwhelming meal.

We had prepared for it. After the blow, everyone just shrank back to the window. Even if the dazzling current roared from above, they dared not move at all. The wall next to me started to become attacked by the current emitted by the BOSS. It is hot, and the popping sound produced by the impact is endless.

BOSS's first counterattack passed quickly, and after waiting a few seconds, I carefully looked out to observe the situation.

I saw that the BOSS who was standing on the street was taking a big step towards us, and we would not give up if we did not kill it.

"Fuck! BOSS is here, and BOS is coming to live on the opposite side." It is true that distant relatives are not as close as neighbors. Unexpected support appeared!

With the shout of our "neighbors", the player figure reappeared from the windows of each floor of the two buildings opposite to each other, a large amount of arrows and magical energy poured immediately towards the BOSS, although in terms of scale Far worse than before, many people should have been killed in the process of dealing with Crypt Ghost Spiders, but this time the attack was turned against them by the boss's intentions, and the result was a violent attack!

Its blood was suddenly hit to somewhere around 3.8 million!

Suddenly, many players in the building heard the exclamation, BOSS lost his magic weapon, and was destroyed by his younger brother.

In the face of such a situation, we can't be lax here. The long-distance professions are overjoyed and overjoyed. The melee professions can watch and anxious. On the other hand, the BOSS is violently throbbing. It immediately gave up and continued to look for us. A dark red current from the spikes on his back began to fight back frantically.

Without the protective layer of Jinlin, the BOSS changed the attack method again. Instead of using only electric current for a sweep, instead of using a stab, the body shot a few times and then blasted it with current. Skills are exchanged in this way, and attacks on players continue without stopping.

However, those surviving players are even more difficult to mess with. It seems that they have figured out the BOSS's attack methods, and they hid immediately after a few hits, relying on the super strong defense of the building to force the BOSS attack. Players in the two buildings cooperated more and more tacitly, occupying favorable terrain to launch a pinch on the boss.

BOSS is completely unable to withstand this multi-faceted attack, although it has tried its best to resist the counterattack, and its blood has also dropped.

The BOSS was beaten to the left, right, and embarrassed, but it was obviously not like the super-high BOSS that knew the situation and ran away, and continued to resist relentlessly against the fire of the sky.

This continues, and it is only a matter of time before the destruction.

Of course, everyone around was not idle. Although the key point of the BOSS was not found, the body with its scars was the best shooting target.

Keeping the attack pace not slow and slow, we shamelessly sprinkle salt on the wounds of each boss.

With the players in the previous two buildings making meat and the output of the surrounding long-range occupations, I began to think about waiting for it to explode. How can I get some benefits? Getting the right to pick is the same thing. Another thing.

Time has passed by one minute and one second, the BOSS blood is less than 40%, and the situation has changed again.

Roar! ~

BOSS its roar, it suddenly lowered its body, since the scale armor on the back opened to the left and right, a number of barrel-like cylinders were exposed under the scale armor.

In the next second, countless golden rays flew from these cylinders, flying to the floors of the three buildings. One of the golden lights flew towards our location!

"Wall of Fire!" (Tearless and Long Xin)

"Guard the Light Curtain!" (Lone Mark)

"Thunder Barrier!" (Superman Brother)

"Wall of Magic Thunder!" (Blood)

"Ice Crystal Wall!" (Erica)

"Holy barrier!" (Mo Yan)

One after another defense magic appeared, and at the same time, when the golden light hit the window, I saw that this golden light wrapped this missile-like thing, and flew into the window to explode in the air, causing a huge explosion, and suddenly the entire window The explosion was distorted, and the protective barrier established by everyone was torn instantly, but it was better to be torn than to be killed on the spot!

Almost instantly, these advanced magical barriers were smashed into fragments by the missile. Everyone who used the barrier was wounded in varying degrees due to the back bite brought about by the failure of magic. He started to spit blood on the spot.

The missile that broke through the magic barrier has shown terrible lethality. Those players who have not had time to find only the barrier will naturally not have to think about it.

But this is not the end. The BOSS did not give players a chance to breathe, and immediately launched a second attack, but this time, no one can hold up a magical barrier. Everyone would be glorious here if they were hit by this attack.

Seeing the next golden light of the window ware had a strong sense of crisis that made my whole body's blood almost coagulate.

Without hesitation, rushed to the window, "Fight Attack!" "White Dragon Shield!" "Purgatory Sky Wheel!"

Although the three skills are turned on, the powerful shock wave caused by the explosion still knocked me out, and I hit the steel wall behind me. At the same time, I fell back to the ground and bounced.

Qi and blood values ​​dropped sharply to 20% near the dangerous level.

I found a pack of blood replenisher and patted it on my body. I don't want to immediately get up and rush to the window. The BOSS is about to disappear. Time must not be wasted for one second.

Seeing that the final kill of BOSS received a wonderful effect, all the players where the attack went were silent.

But at this time I saw the soldiers in the building clashing up. Obviously it was the soldiers who survived before. These soldiers rushed up and were torn up by the boss with their claws, but its attack was not as good as before, and the frequency was about 2 seconds. Once, although none of the players can withstand an attack by the BOSS, but even so, the output of the BOSS is only 2 seconds to kill a person, too slow!

I frowned, and secretly said, "Not great ..."

At this time, everyone stood up, Mo Yan kept treating everyone, and handed down the potions to you in the summer. Xueyue looked grim, and whispered, "What should I do? The situation is quite unfavorable to us. Now I have divided several teams. It's very difficult for us to stay outside. "

I nodded: "Yeah, we can only return without success."

Brother Superman said: "Now we focus our firepower and keep sustained damage!"

With no trace of tears, she stood up and threw a burst of fireball, and laughed: "Yes, the devil kisses the fools. I never expected that our team's output was higher than theirs, and they also grabbed the first injury! Now we are going to grab the last bit and then pick up things. "

Yinyue and Huofeng both raised their long bows and fired random shots. Huofeng said: "Yes, the sustained damage and the maximum damage are ours. As long as we have someone who can get things, we can Back to town! "

"Yes, the Devil's Kiss is such a garbage guild, and you want to take a share of it. It's too foolish. Big Ben, you are more resistant to it. You go into the warrior group and wait for the opportunity to pick up equipment!"

"Okay." After speaking, they left the building and looked down at the soldiers in front of them! I immediately mixed in. Huoyanjinyan looked at the blood of BOSS getting lower and lower, the huge body began to shake and drunk, Huoyanjinyan saw this guy's blood is already very low, carrying a red-eyed dragon gun, dragon pattern helmet Next, cover your face and quickly go around the soldiers around you.

The scan of fire and golden eyes in front of the BOSS that came here told me that the blood of this thing was less than 5,000 points, and the BOSS was about to hang up!

Red-eyed dragon gun shot out!

"Lightning declaration!"

—8444 Huge incomparable damage figures float out

Finally, the huge body of Jin Lindi Xingshou crumbled, and fell down like a hill. After a second, it fell heavily to the ground and scattered into a pile of wrecks, which stirred up the dust and mist of the sky. Count the golden light, be in the same team as me, and have gained a lot of experience.

The upgraded golden light flashes under me!

I am the **** of this world! I roared in my heart.

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