Master Summoner Online

Chapter 383: Coming of the War Soul

"Here comes the beast god! Master, focus on attacking this guy!" The other party took the lead and gave an order immediately!

My mind was stunned, and I was really ready to start the flashlight charge, suddenly!

A graceful figure actually appeared in front of me, and a huge shield appeared high!

"Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom ~!" The first round of the volley of the mage slammed all over the giant shield in the summer.

As a result, all of these direct fireballs were blocked. Although the pharmacist's offensive power was very low when the defense power and blood were surprisingly high, this class abandoned the characteristics that the original priest should have. It was abnormal, and dozens of fireball bombardment Down, her blood was sharply reduced by one-third.

"Cut, continue firing for Lao Tzu! Smash them!" This guy is a skilled commander who takes the lead and is considered a personal talent in these periods.

"Why are you running over here?" I asked.

Summer murmured: "People come here to help you. Do you still suspect someone?"

I froze a little, then: "It's up to you!"

"Here you!" Said summer losing two of my capsules.

I took it: "What?"

"Don't eat and rush!" Summer laughed.

I looked at and nodded and said, "I'm on ~!" He said two capsules were thrown into his mouth.

"Ding ~! You double your blood and blood for one hour with the survival potion."

"Ding ~! You double the magic recovery by taking the magic potion. The cooldown of all skills is reduced by 20% for one hour."

awesome! Praise it! The sparkle fire started! Charge directly to their first fighter defense!

At the same time the other party immediately shouted: "Focus on attacking the beast god! Kill him! The knight in front defends with a defensive posture so don't let him come over!"

Fall down and accompany the second round of magic salvo!

"Boom boom boom boom boom ~!" I clenched my teeth, and the blood and blood were only brushed away. Fortunately, the medicine in the summer allowed us pure men to add the attributes of tough guys. At this time, I did n’t step back. Thoughts, move forward with the pace of the "Z" shape!

The commander of the opponent screamed angrily, "Mage, work hard, grass!"

Seeing that the members of the opponent replaced the third row of mages, let the mage in the cooling ability back, and then the third round of magic salvo fell!

"Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom ~!" For a moment, countless magic exploded around me.

The next moment, a cyan fire cone ignited on the red-eyed dragon gun, and aimed at a knight player who opened a defensive posture in front of him!

"Barriers break!"

With a roar, the gun head of the cyan fire cone stabbed directly into the chest of the knight!

"Wh ... what!" The man didn't seem to be able to believe everything he saw. I checked the data defense stance. This can reduce the damage by 50% to 90%. Its value is randomly determined. Don't forget that the barriers are broken in the attack defense Enemies in the state can directly ignore the defense of the opponent to cause more damage!

—9334 points of injury floated out. The knight dude was directly maimed by a shot, and his body fell down instantly, "while now!" I shouted!

And, at the same time, with the help of my barriers to break through the open gap, both the lone mark and the small knife entered the stealth and broke into the breach!


The dragon groaned endlessly, the amber dragon came over my head, the cold dragon head shot at the bottom of the earth, and the explosion came out, whistling out, twirling the crowd and raging!

"Ahhhhh ..."

In the screams, a group of demon kiss players struggled in the breath of the Amber Dragon, and it was terrible. The next moment the Amber Dragon fell into the crowd, and the flames slammed the ravaged crowd. Even the full-blooded knight wearing a shield passed. Can't afford to attack it!

"Attack! Attack! Blast them into the sky!"

The sound of guardianship came from the rear. Turning his head and seeing it, the launcher on the back of the battleship Dragon Beast continuously fired missiles. The screaming missiles exploded in the crowd, and the waves of air set off those weak mage archers. The fried fly up!

I admit that the commander has great leadership skills, but this perfect cooperation is as vulnerable as the violent force we have. At this time, the man's face was bleak, and he flew back while yelling: "Fuck, the soldiers went up to block them! Oh my god! These ... these people, too strong ..."

Under our devastating attack, the vanguard of the Demon's Kiss has already lowered its morale to the bottom of the valley, and the army is defeated! Someone's already running away!


I also returned to my camp, but at this time we were morale, everyone laughed, and wielded the sword--

There were no tears: "Haha, more than a thousand people were jumped by more than 20 of us and killed chickens and dogs. What kind of garbage returned to the five major guilds of the dragon capital, and the fifty most were not their turn!"

Brother Superman laughed, "How sharp we are, these guys are birds!"

Yuxue also laughed: "That is, if it is not so sharp, you don't have to confuse!"

Yinyue said: "This vanguard is too watery. When they are in the army, the old lady will trample them all down!" He said, slamming his feet on the ground.

Huofeng pondered: "Everyone is not happy now, I just got the news that my sister's death dream was surrounded by a team of 3,000 demon kissers in the passing dreamland, and her progress was blocked!"


The guard took a deep breath: "It looks like the guys have a little brain!"

Huofeng chuckled: "Yeah, but that's not enough. Only after the war mode is turned on, all parts of China are fighting. When we played BOSS, a **** thousand-man group and the death team had an encounter. During the battle, I heard that the rain falling dust guy killed a single horse in the Scarlet Camp with five in and five out. He alone captured more than 300 heads. At the same time, he will recruit a new man named Shadow Crescent to be hacked in the chaos. in."


My pupils shrank suddenly, MD, rain falling dust was too fierce, an assassin captured more than 300 heads, and at the same time, he killed the four-line operation macho in the chaos. It was pure luck to defeat him last time. .

At this time, many players appeared on the horizon, and the demon kiss emblem was all over, and the army finally arrived!

Far away, a man wielding a tomahawk, he laughed and said, "Brothers gave me the pack of thieves?"

I said, "It's time to hit!"

"Can't wait any longer!"



We are really prepared to take them into the range and give them a heavy load. At this moment, a sudden change suddenly occurs, and a person at the edge of the mountain suddenly stands out, holding an exaggerated giant sword that is two meters long. The majestic sword, when the head of the giant sword stretched out, the giant sword turned into a huge dragon head, and instantly bit the name of the man holding the tomahawk into two sections!

The leader took a moment, everyone else couldn't help but stop, and even took a few steps back. We quickly went up to see what was happening. Standing directly in front of us was a height of about 1.8 meters, wearing a blood-colored armor. The shape of the shoulders resembled a dragon head. He carried the two-meter-long giant sword on his shoulders and turned his back to us. At this moment, a group of players kissing in the demon's eyes stared coldly and stared fiercely at the player in front of them. One of them yelled, "Who are you Are you looking for death? "

The man looked at each other and said nothing.

Those people were extremely arrogant with swords, and Jian Feng pointed at them and shouted, "Brothers, destroy this guy who is looking for death!"

But at this moment, the other side of the figure was scurrying, countless players burst out aggressively, the level is not low, turned out to be a strength guild! The next moment the devil's kiss is chaotic, and the player's killed chicken jumps.

"Who is the one who came, why did you kill the Devil's Kiss ..." Xiao Guang asked with a small pout.

I looked at everyone around me, everyone shook his head.

"What's going on?" Yinyue said, placing her hands behind her head and raising her chest gently.

I said, "Look at the situation."

At this moment, the man in front of us started to sweep the player of the Devil's Kiss, destroying and dying, watching the people around him fighting, I saw a man riding a black cloth with a black scale on his head The man with a black horse on the unicorn walked straight and went straight to us, with a gentle smile on his face and holding his fist and saying, "Beast God Beast, see you for a few days!"

The corner of my eye twitched and said, "A legendary life ?! Why does the battle spirit run here?"

That ’s right, it ’s not that someone else is an archer with one side. In the legendary life, the eye of the fire is to scan this kid's war horse is a Warcraft mount called "Dream Beast". It looks like the price is not low.

I said indifferently, "What is your fun when we fight with the demon kiss?"

"Haha, where is this beast god!"

The legend dismounted, and laughed: "I heard that you grabbed a gang order from the SB eyelid that lost the soul. I was ordered by the chairman to buy it!"

"Receive ... acquisition?" I smiled and said, "Your news is so well informed!"

At this point, the large force of the Devil's Kiss has been cleared up, and the rest of the sin is run by the world of sins of the war souls. At this time, the man in the blood-red armor carried the sword and patted the shoulder of the legendary life with his hands. Said: "Go." When he said he was about to leave, he was caught by the legend all his life and said, "Don't go, come back!"

"Huh?" His head crooked.

"make friends."


"How many words will die!"

"Do not."



The legend fell to the ground instantly in his life, and stood up and squeezed his fist half a second later: "Smelly boy, don't want to mix up?"


The legend was completely speechless in his life. After watching the two of us, we were left aside, and then after the legend saw him for a lifetime, he laughed and said, "This guy is called Ye Yuqing, a guy who doesn't talk very much."

I turned the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance back and said, "Oh, no wonder I saw it there."

The legend said, "Have you seen it?"

Ye and Qingqing nodded, and I scanned the person with golden eyes.

Dragon Cavalry, Level 80, Equipment: Dragon Sword (Dark Gold), Dragon Blood Armor (Gold), others unknown.

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