Master Summoner Online

Chapter 388: attack

"Woohoo ~~! How come so many people?" Mo Yan said.

Erika said angrily: "It seems that this group of people are so intent on not letting others disturb them to dig this map. It is estimated that there is still an ambush behind this wall, and it must be not small."

How to do? I'm starting to suffer? If the MMs of the Student Union are not present today, if it is, then Yinyue will definitely come up and shout with a big breast: "Regardless of what ambush and wall of man we are, we will kill it directly, beat the flowers, and kill him. Do n’t stay ~! ”Of course, if you really kill yourself blindly, you are giving away!

After listening to my words, the two little girls realized the twilight and nodded their heads. If the two little girls really rushed up according to the tendon that the hoes said, it would be strange if they didn't die.

Brother Superman said, "It's better. We shoot the assassins sneaking forward quickly, roughly observe their formation and number of people, occupation distribution and all other information, then come back to inform us, and then countermeasures online."

Tearless added: “But you ca n’t just go up. Do n’t forget the passive eagle eye of the obstructor. It can increase the range and also have a chance to see the stealth. For this positional battle, the obstructor has Lurkers have more advantages. "

I said in a deep voice: "Yeah, we have too few assassins, so we can't mess around."

Little Knife shouted at this time: "Let Shadow Dance Moon go, I promise those people won't find him."

I looked like Shadow Dance Moon and said, "Would you like to go to Shadow Dance Moon?"

Shadow Dance Moon nodded and disappeared in the next moment, eh! This guy is so cold. Although lonely marks are also very cold, he is still warm to friends.

Ten minutes later, Shadow Dance Moon appeared in front of me and I said, "You have already investigated the layout of this wall?"

Yingwu Yue nodded, and the next moment he would cut the picture and immediately share it in the team ~!

In the team channel, Yingwu Yue shared the screenshots of this wall. It is clearly visible that the entire layout is divided into four levels. The periphery is a row of knights lined up in a long snake array. At the same time, a row of knights should be the current one. There are loopholes to fill up, and then the magician and archer's area. Archer's weapons are basically crossbow-based. Crossbow weapons have strong attack power, high penetration, and high shot speed, but the attack speed. Slow. Seeing from the screenshot, the archer using the crossbow is divided into two factions. It seems that they need to shoot alternately. At the same time, the mage is also a separation station to ensure that the rate of fire is constant. The innermost is a variety of priest occupations. It can be said that this group of people Just waiting for others to rush here.

After reading this information, I said on the team's channel: "Where did this guy come from?"

"Whatever it is, just wipe it out!" Ye Shuang said with a grin.

It can be seen from the map that the five people led by the hoe, Yi Han, Drunk Blue, Xiao Tong, and Yun Ye, have moved to the group of lively players, and so far we have been hiding each other, and it is in our favor to start. .

Brother Superman said: "How to break, this wall of people, if you rush up, you will be ridiculed by those knights with taunting skills."

The lone mark approached coldly, "I'm going."

Brother Superman said, "How do I get there?"

Gokuchen said: "I'm going to open up a gap. You mages will blow up a gap with magic and take advantage of it. Shadow Dance Moon In your screenshot, I see that there is only one priestly occupation at once, that person should be the commander, You kill him! "

"Understand." Shadow Wu Yue said.

The two immediately sneaked into each other and went straight to each other's camp.

The next moment, the lonely mark appeared silently between the two pairs of knight players. At the same time the surrounding knights quickly started to fill up while we were here.

"The power of the raging storm! Come down on this earth and clear all obstacles! Death Storm!"

"Thunder in the sky! Roar! Let's be angry! Let those who are ignorant know your greatness! Five Thunders!"

"Flame! Lava! Boil it! Burn everything in the world! Flame storm!"

"Your majesty transcends everything! Frozen goddess! Lend me your strength! Frozen rain!"

"No one can stop you! No one can resist you! The infinite power of the earth lets those stupid creatures know your horror! The nuclear explosion of the earth!"

"Boom Boom ~~~ 轰轰轰 轰轰 轰轰 ~~~~!" Countless magical elements fell head-to-head to the knights across from them and fell down. The knights who were smashed by the knights were smashed and even some were directly hit by seconds. However, this is not the end of the second round of magic volleys before landing.

"Frost Dragon Roar!" "Wind Dragon Strikes!" "Lightning Storm!" "Meteor Storm!" "Meteor Fire Rain!"

However, in this round of attacks on the opponent's back, the mage stood up and shouted in the mouth of the staff holding up his hand--

"Goddess of the earth, hold everything with your kindness! Please guard us! The immovable wall!"

"No one can shake your majesty! Goddess of ice and snow! Please guard me! The wall of crystals!"

"The divine light gathers here to form a shield, a holy barrier, to protect the earth's souls!"

"Furious wind! Tear all the things that invade me into pieces! The storm barrier!"

"Let a flame support a wall! The wall of fire!"

Seeing that we used attack magic, the mages on the opposite side cast their own defense magic. It can be said that in addition to the one-turn time skills used by the fire mage, the rest are magic during the second turn. After all, the fire department has too little defense magic!

Seeing the colorful magical barriers unfolding in front of me, but the magic issued by nearly a thousand people is not a joke, I am afraid that no one present can rely on his own strength to carry it next. However, with so many advanced defense barriers in place, they will also be taken over.

I looked into the distance and said: "All the summoners release the summoners, let the summons rush forward to attack and cover, and then we follow the cover and kill, the back archers and mages alternately shoot and crush the resistance of these guys!"

"it is good!"

At the next moment, the magical light flashed on the opponent's defense magic, and instantly exploded the defense magic. At the same time, all the summoners released the summoned beasts. Various summoned beasts were dispatched together. Each of the five summoned beasts was colorful and various. In this way, what wasps, praying mantis, wolf beasts, lions, tigers, etc. are all messed up together, just like the circus team is dispatched, and the momentum is amazing!

Pulling out the red-eyed dragon gun, I drank, "Now, rush!"

Unsurprisingly, a few more active soldiers in the crowd shouted, "Chong! Don't let those guys look down on us."

"Everyone follow me ~!"

"I'm fighting!"

"Exploded them! Give vent to the brothers we hung up on!"


"what's the situation?"

The opponent in the distance was clearly frightened and had just stopped the magic attack. The opponent had not breathed yet, at this time one shouted: "The front row knight is in a defensive posture! Archer arrow rain! Master magic preparation! All priests add no difference. blood!"

A group of knights stood on the front, holding up their shields, and the defensive front was set up very fast, which proves that this group of guys is not a gangster!

At the same time, the arrow was raining, and the front row immediately acted as a meat shield to summon the beast and it fell off, but the next moment the soldiers of the two sides immediately caught fire, the confrontation was sharp, the fire was shining, countless swords and swords fluttered. The sound of rubbing !! rubbed sparks.

However, the front row of the human wall can be all knights, and there are priests inside the human wall to bless the knights with defensive BUFF and healing, resulting in the knights' very strong resistance to attack, and they are still very stable under our strong impact.

I turned on the electric light fire, and rushed to the opponent's position first, and at the same time, a crossbow extended out of the gap between the knights' shields, and they shot at me from afar!


Do not want to open the attack, when the shield appears, two arrows hit, the shield buzzed, but I also stood in front of the opponent!


The moment he approached the opponent, he shot out the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance, and immediately waved the barrier to break!

In a single strike, Ling Lie pierced a blood hole in front of the knight in front of me. How powerful the red-eyed dragon gun's attack power, plus the damage bonus when the barrier broke the opponent's defense status, the knight fell like this in an instant At the same time, the amber dragon appeared behind me, and the explosive breath was sent out. The mage and archer in the rear died immediately under the explosive breath!

"Ahhhhh ..."

The screams were repeated, and this blast of amber dragon reaped at least 10 cloth and leather armor occupations. However, the knight defense of the opponent's front line was still not broken!

"Wind-Strike!" "Lightning Storm!" "Super Thunder Javelin Burst and Scatter!" "Magic Thunder Storm!" One by one high-level magic once again overwhelmed the opponent player group.

"Boom!" A loud explosion came! Suddenly the enemy suffered heavy losses. The average level of these people was around 70, and our average level was higher than them.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" The commander priest shouted for the next moment ...

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