Master Summoner Online

Chapter 407: Millennium Treant

Millennium Tree Spirit, Level 90 BOSS, Introduction: The Millennium Tree Spirit, which grows in the earth, exerts the characteristics of the spirit of plants and trees in the body, has acquired a stronger ability than other tree people, and has a strong sense of territories. It is made for those who like it. The thing is to use sharp tree thorns and thick tree roots to make the target **** swallow.


What do you like to do most? Is this BOSS's hobby too bad? However, this battle is definitely a super-durable battle anyway. Fortunately, the potions I have prepared are not a threat.

"Oh ~!" I just shot a beam of daddy on the tree spirit's eyes, the 1577 injury number flew up, and then sighed: "It's so hard!"

I chuckled: "It's stiff, so just stand still and shoot!"

I ’ll just pit my father and say, ‘what is good shooting? "

"You know." With the next sentence, I called the Amber Dragon, coupled with Gatling Blast Dragon, for long-range cover. I rushed up with Amaterasu, Black God, and the Sonic Werewolf, but just after we entered the tree spirit At about 10 meters, numerous vines stick out on the ground!

"Hmm ..."

The black god's sickle flickered sharply, and quickly cut down the tree vines that were entangled at his feet again. To be honest, the boss was too annoying. After sweeping the vines, we immediately rushed to the boss. This product is a tree. The easiest way to directly attack the ontology is to attack the trunk. Some people with common sense understand it.

"Bump bump!" Three tree vines emerged from the ground and tangled into the feet of the Sonic Werewolf, but the Sonic Werewolf jumped quickly to avoid the entanglement, waving his fist, facing the trunk of the big tree, countless boxing banged in the past. The tree shuddered, and even the leaves fell several times, but the seven or eight branches around it stretched out towards the Sonic Werewolf, and I saw a sudden burst of sound from the Sonic Werewolf, a harsh growl, and immediately let the tree spirit enter the vertigo. status!

I was stunned for a while, and even the tree was dizzy, this time I was really an eye-opener.

Seizing this opportunity, Tian Zhao's double-knife rushed into the air first, tied directly to the surface of the tree demon, and immediately followed by "Brush brush brush brush brush brush ~!" Slashed at the trunk!

—688 — 622 — 624 — 623 — 634 — 622 ... N damage numbers floated out. In the face of the total amount of blood of 8 million horrors, it was a terrible output, but it had to be Grind slowly!

I then smashed the three skill uses of Strike, Energy Explosion, and Tengyun Assault, each of which only knocked out more than 700 points of damage, and the black **** wielding a sickle could only bring out more than 800 points of damage.

At this moment, the vertigo state of the tree spirit disappeared, the next two sides of the trunk, two thick tree arms appeared, the cross section of the tree arm was at least about one meter directly, and instantly beat down from the sky!


The huge arm stretched out, and two tree arms smashed on this arm, even if the defense was successful, but the tree spirit suddenly trembled, and suddenly a crescent-shaped leaf turned at high speed, flying towards us, come on! Is it the legendary flying leaf fast knife!


Aside from turning on the offensive attack, the transparent shield appeared in the action, but this attack has threatened all of us. Tian Zhao, the Black God, and the Sonic werewolf have received different degrees of attack, but the three have different defense capabilities and are subject to There is also a gap in injury.

However, the next moment, the BOSS waved his stout arm again and came over again, and "嘭 嘭" attacked twice, and immediately shot out the two MMs, Tianzhao and Black God!



Two damages floated out, this thing has strong defense power and extra thick blood value, but in exchange for extremely low attack power.

"Oh!" I couldn't help but scream, hot chest pain, a thorn covered with thorns, hit me on my chest and flew me out!

At this point, BOSS raised the tree arm again and hit me, but this was the heart of the Sonic Werewolf. With a roar, I crossed my arms over my head in front of me, blocking me from this attack, and I was beaten by a carp. Standing up, at the same time the Sonic werewolf smashed the arm of the tree against its arm, and turned to look at my mouth and yelled a few times as if to say, "Master, are you okay?" ’

Although it didn't really mean it, I still said "It's okay" At the same time, Tian Zhao and the Black God also returned to me.

At this point, a bottle suddenly hit the BOSS. Suddenly, the BOSS's body shook, and a blue and white current flowed from the torso.

Tian Zhao opened her mouth. "What's wrong?"

I meditated, "It's paralyzed!" Looking back at me, I only pitted my father, and saw that his arms and arms of various metal arms stretched out in his hands, and the rows of turrets around him were already set up.

I saw him laughing: "Get your skills ready, the strongest DPS, it's started!"


Suddenly a small rocket in the rocket launcher fired and exploded on the main body of the BOSS!

"Ding ~! Player: I will only pit father to use the" decomposition bomb "on the Millennium Treants to reduce the defense power by 80%, reduce the attack power by 50%, terminate their blood recovery, lose 2000 blood per second, and maintain the target for 15 seconds. Will reap the effect once. "

For a very sharp missile, the additional effect is even more perverted. In the last sentence, the target will only benefit the effect once. That is to say, this trick can only produce one effect for the same target. This is very humane, otherwise if it can If you use it over and over again, it's almost sky-high.

Skill Readiness! Cast!

"Dragon's roar!"

"Ghost Dragon shot!"

"The savage dragon slams!"

Three great skills to send!






So cool, after the BOSS's defense power dropped by 80%, the damage was too objective! The phantom dragon shot three phantom dragons to deal with the last damage, and the savage dragon smash hit a 10,000-point damage figure.

The black **** launched a powerful attack, coupled with the damage caused by the explosion of three ghost dragons, once again deducted nearly 10,000 points of blood from the boss. At the same time, the sky also fluttered, the blood storm danced, the death cross + blood dance and Normal attacks, and at the same time, I will only pit my father's numerous hot weapons and bombard them, and they have harvested very good damage. Under the effect of the detonation bomb, the defense of the millennium tree spirit becomes fragile.

However, the good times didn't last long, just 15 seconds passed!


The young tree spirit raised his tree arm sharply and waved down at the black god!


The black **** ’s body shook and jumped out of his head—1784 points of damage. At the same time, Tianzhao jumped up and chopped the BOSS sword—1123 of the damage figures floated out. At the same time, the speed of the Sonic werewolf swept to the crescent moon—353—355 —351 ···· A row of polar damage figures float out, but our continuous attack also disperses the firepower of the BOSS, so that everyone's survival coefficient will increase a lot!

The Gatling blaster stood far away, and the Gatling machine gun kept yelling at the BOSS. The long tongue of fire was swept across the large boss's main trunk without stopping, but every bullet could **** the BOSS for three hundred. It's bloody, but it wins at a very fast attack speed. Countless such damages become very impressive. In addition, it also sends out missiles and beams from time to time. Each missile can cause about 900 damage to the BOSS. The beam can be shot. Nearly 2,000 points of blood, and in addition, I will only hit about 900 points of damage from my father's submachine gun, while the surrounding turrets are only around 200 points! Those robots are four or five hundred.

After the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance picked away nearly a thousand points of blood from the BOSS again, I found that there was still a lot of blood and more than 50% of the blood for that long time, panting, "It's really hard to kill the boss ..."

"Oh ~!" After the two light blades fell, Tianzhao retreated to avoid a hit from BOSS.

"Hey, come here to help ~!"

When I heard this voice, I turned my head and wondered, "Don't you tell me to stay in place and shoot? How come?"

I will just pit father: "Fuck! The turret ammunition has run out, the machinery factory is over, and there is an iron goblet on my left and a non-talking dragon on my right. I am almost bored to death."

I was speechless: "This blood is so dead, I can't handle it."

I will just pit my father and laugh: "At least you have two beautiful women with you, as the saying goes, men and women match, work is not tired!"

But before the voice fell, countless vines suddenly stretched out, "Ah!" Exclaimed, and immediately the black **** was entangled by those vines, and Tian Zhao immediately flew up and waved his sword to prepare for the black god.

But almost as soon as she ran forward, some vines rolled towards her. Fortunately, he was ready. After a few knives went down, the vines that fluttered at her turned into seven or eight segments. However, although she cut off a few, a new vine rolled over him immediately, immediately tightened the skylight, and pulled two MMs under the tree. Then he was entangled in the roots of the tree and locked his feet, unable to move.

Black God frowned, his mouth narrowed, and he was unwilling to say, "Why only catch us, ohhhh!"

Tian Zhao also shouted, "Let me go! You colored tree!"

I immediately thought and did n’t want to rush up and at the same time I would only pit father and summoned beasts to follow up, the explosive breath of the amber dragon and I ’m only pit father's flamethrower, swept away and burned numerous vines, no matter they cut With as many roots as possible, these vines can grow quickly, which is simply endless.

Immediately after another round of vines were burned, I felt lonely, but I stood still in front of the boss who had just arrived, my face became red, and my heartbeat increased several times in an instant.

I found out that I had seen that BOSS. I saw Tian Zhao and Hei Shen being tightly entangled by it. At this time, the two did not have any resistance at all, because they were completely immobile and did not have any painful expression. What's more, their faces had a look that looked like a drunken person. Their white faces had become redder than tomatoes. But it wasn't this one that made me blush, but it was ... her armor was constantly melting.

"Hey, what exactly is this tree!" I cried.

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