Master Summoner Online

Chapter 414: War Soul Army

I saw the mighty army of war souls not far away rushing over.

The legend headed by him rode his nightmare beast all his life, and there were a lot of players with war spirits behind him, while he roared loudly: "Kill!"

At the same time, I would just lie on the back of the black dragon who danced with the butterfly dance cloud tears and held a very simple loudspeaker: "Brothers and sisters of the fighting spirit, today our allies are bullied, how can we ignore it, talk to me To protect our allies, rush, kill, rob, explode! "

His words were sensational, especially the last sentence, "Burning", which directly stimulated many people ’s nerves. People who came in knew that killing was okay here. If they died, they would explode. Certainly, if they killed the blasting equipment, It was a dark moment!

Thousands of people shouted together at this time: "Roar--"

The sound of the four wild, the whole city shook, the mighty army swarmed into the periphery of the beast, the troops of the fighting spirits went side by side. The fighting spirit three base friends, like the three giants of death, followed the absolute status and cohesion in the guild, and they led the fighting spirit. The people did not hesitate to kill them. They are not afraid of death because their average level is not high, and they are not afraid of explosion because they have no good equipment to explode. Their equipment is more popular. In contrast, the players in Lingyun Pavilion are all very equipped. Yes, everyone is full of oil and water.

There is no advantage in the number of Lingyun Pavilion, but they are high-level and well-equipped, but the tactics of War Spirit at this time are completely the same. You come alone, I will come ten people, you come in a group, I will come in a large group, even if you ca n’t die Spitting is also good for you.

The Lingyun Pavilion's firepower was relatively scattered, and a large number of troops remained on the periphery. Although the forces in the central zone were very limited, the fighting spirit was a fresh force, and the scene was very fierce.

And I found that the players of the battle spirit were all very excited, and they called and called, and the sound was exaggerated.

The legend sits on the Nightmare Beast in his life, with a long bow burst in his hand, and an arrow can bring down an enemy, not to mention that there are a group of pioneers like me who can only pit father to open the road.

At this time, I found that some players in Lingyun Pavilion seemed to be a little panicked. After all, the group of war spirits waved their swords and rushed into the water, causing a smoky atmosphere, and the thunder and rain were not small at all. Players are jumping.

At this time, a player in Lingyun Pavilion could not help but shouted, "You battle spirits, come here to make ..." Before he said anything, he was immediately overwhelmed by a storm of arrow-like magic.

At the same time, I also saw that an undead soldier just crawled in for a long time, and somehow a little soldier came out, hitting his head with a hammer, and he prepared to fight back as soon as he suffered pain. Countless arrows were He was turned into a hedgehog, and a knight next to him came out to make a knife. The brother left injustice like this. After his death, four pieces of equipment and a potion were exploded, causing a group of people to rob.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Everyone, there seems to be a good weapon for a mage!"

As soon as the people around him heard it, they turned and fluttered.

The fire elemental master cast a meteor fire rain to devour the crowd, but was immediately trampled to death by a group of people who rushed up. After the death, the staff exploded, and his staff was also blasted out, and was picked up by a war spirit master. Yelling: "Wow, gold!"

I will only pit my father on the back of the black dragon with butterfly dancing clouds and tears. Since this guy took out a high-pressure water gun to spray water on the ground, the high-pressure water gun did no harm, but the ground poured by the high-pressure water gun was slippery and many people did not run. In two steps, he fell to the ground with four feet, and then took out a tube to spray a purple gas. The cough on the ground suddenly felt like old tuberculosis, and then a piece of purple poisoning injury came out, but this one The gas seems to be indistinguishable from the enemy. Many war spirit players are coughing constantly. Although there is no harm, some people still yell "Pit father!"

People who were killed, arched, hacked, shot, burned, and washed away one after another, and even people who were trampled and drowned were there, and they really fell into the people. In the ocean of war, no *** reactionary force will have any good fruit. It should be said so.

At this moment, I saw a huge mechanical crocodile not far away and rushed into the crowd. The MMs of the Student Union still appeared with small knives, tearless marks, Superman, and others. At this time, Yinyue shouted on the guild channel: "Big Ben! We are here!"

I laughed: "Just here!"

At this moment, I saw the legendary life came to me by driving the Nightmare Beast, and at the same time, the fire dance came to me and said, "How do you know that they are back?"

I clasped my arms and laughed, "What's so strange about this! The protagonist halo!"

Fire Dance "..."

I then watched the legend rushing over and couldn't help but sigh, "It seems that I want to owe him an adult today."

At this moment, when the legendary life was dismounted in front of me, I immediately ushered in and said, "Legendary! Ashamed! Let me run, thank you, and let it be."

The legendary life laughed: "Haha, where do the brothers of the beast **** say? Who is our brother and who? Your business is my business. After all, we should be allies and we should help each other. Besides, if not the curiosity of that slacker Mind, I don't know what happened to you yet. "He touched his nose with his hands.

I then looked at the remote Qianji Bian and turned my eyes back and said, "I'll do some private work."

The legendary life laughed: "Slow down."

Said to turn around and want to take the Qianji to rush, Tianzhao said a little worried: "Would you like to keep up?"

The black **** shook his head and said, "No, if you can't do anything, he won't be our master."

"Knight! Defense!" At this time a row of knights wearing heavy armor took down the giant shields behind them. These shields are more than one person tall, and the shields used by these high-level players are certainly not ordinary.

"Archer, Frozen Arrow! Shoot!" At almost the same time, the new command of Qianji changed, and the archers fought their long bows, pulling up the bowstrings emitting the cold light.

The arrows that exuded a cold atmosphere shot me from the opposite direction, the air bursting through the air and the frozen arrows formed by a little frost on the arrows would definitely be infinitely slowed when they were shot.

Can I be shot? The answer is of course no, immediately start to prestige, followed by a true and false action to deceive all their firepower, and after they seconds my stand-in, they have found that I have disappeared from the place.

"Be careful, the beast **** is here!"

In the reminder sound of the thousand machine changes, I have turned on the electric light fire and rushed forward, and at the same time, the attack, the white dragon shield and the purgatory sky wheel have been turned on.

While resisting the sky arrow rain and magic elements, my eyes closely watched their formation, relying on the acceleration of the sparkle fire, I kept changing steps under my feet, S, Z, and various movements, although I It's more than enough to avoid the attacks to reduce the consumption of defense skills.

"Here!" Suddenly, to my surprise, the group of people at this time captured my course of action. That was a player holding only a pair of short swords, and before my steps stopped, his short swords had already shot in my direction.

He has strong eyesight and perception, and he has a golden eye. This guy is a scouting profession. This profession is very unpopular, his attack power is low, and his blood and defense are not high. However, the biggest characteristic of this profession is that he has a fast attack speed and passive skills. They have strong eyesight and perception, but their low scouts are not enough to stop me.

"Ha!" After the maintenance of the electro-optic stone fire, he kicked his feet **** the ground, using the huge elastic force to jump high, and at the same time threw a lightning storm among them.

A thunder light broke and the player who went out to the earth immediately experienced the baptism of a thunder light, at the same time, a cyan fire cone on the red-eyed dragon gun lit, and the barriers broke and started!

"Not good! Quickly withdraw the defensive posture and use the shield directly!" In the command of Qianji Change, the knights gave up the defensive posture, and a dozen huge shields were lifted high, ready to meet this cyan Attack of the fire cone.

"Only in the presence of them!" Immediately before I came to them, I removed the barriers and smashed them to use only innocence. Immediately, the magic circle appeared in front of me, and the huge cuboid face flew out to the ground.

"Boom!" At this moment, the dust and sand that was rising were five or six meters high.

there! Although my sight was completely occupied by dust, I gained a keen intuition that others could not imagine by relying on the ‘transparency’ skill, so I still judged my goal.

A beautiful tumbling fell to the ground, turned around, launched a sharp knife, and wielded a powerful spin.

"Ding!" The crisp staggering sound of weapons echoed in the air. At this moment, at least five weapons were blocked, but they were all bounced off by this huge steel blade.

Immediately after my goal appeared! The Red-Eyed Dragon Lance screamed "Ding!" At the close proximity of Qianji. The crisp staggering sound of the weapon echoed in the air. Qianjibian used a black sword with spiral power. The breath of the blade made the red in my hand. The dragon eye trembled.

by! What skills? But at this moment I didn't think too much about "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk!" The roaring cube was sent from my left hand. In the other party's surprised eyes, Qianji changed his subconscious long sword to recede and then avoided his sword. When I removed it from the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance, the trembling effect disappeared, and my mind was taken aback, and the power on the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance was released at once.

"The mad dragon slams!" The red-eyed dragon gun burst out instantly. At this moment, there was a huge flaw in the thousand-machine change that had escaped the night of the ghosts, and I did not even think of the black sword in my hand to stop my attack.

"Boom!" A loud bang sounded on Qianji's body. This violent dragon slam directly brought out a huge crit damage and instantly killed Qianji's one-shot.

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