Master Summoner Online

Chapter 416: Despair

The sky was clear and the sky was clear, and a jubilant celebration on the earth

Feng Xiaoyue held up her weapon and shouted, "We win!"

Countless people raised their arms to the sky and shook the sky. The teeth of this battle dragon were countered internally, losing more than 200 players, and more than 300 people lost level 5 experience in the battle. The dragon tooth's overall strength has dropped by a grade, but members can recruit again, and the loss will be made up soon.

At the same time watching the cheering scenes of the surrounding people, I could not help but feel a sense of pride and glory. At this time, the three spirits of war spirits and others also came up.

"Fuck! So come running! I'm so upset!" The legend put his hands behind his head in his life.

I laughed: "Don't chase after you withdraw, there will be opportunities to fight Lingyun Pavilion!"

Ye Shuang shouted at this time: "That's right! Next time, they must be collectively ** must!" Said he still stabbed forward with the Thunder War Halberd in his hand.

Yinyue whispered at this time: "People come here very rarely. Since they just get out of the way with their tails, they must be beaten like pigs next time!" He also waved his pair of fan fists.

Guardian aside: "You haven't been embarrassing this way!"

Yinyue raised her proud chest with her hands on her hips and said, "But it's not fun!"

Long Xin rushed over to me at this moment and said, "Brother! Brother, you were too stylish just now, so you just rushed through the perfect formation. What perfect formation is in front of the violent brother?" Everything is trivial ... Why brother, why are you blushing ... "

I coughed twice

Feng Xiaoyue laughed: "Long Xin don't talk nonsense, your brother is embarrassed."

Long Xin suddenly clapped and said, "Oh my god, the beast **** is shy, everyone come and see!"

I couldn't help but knock on Long Xin's head before she stopped tossing, and then took out the dark gold broad sword to Feng Xiaoyue and said, "Send you!"

Feng Xiaoyue suddenly panicked after receiving the broad sword: "Woohoo ~~! Dragon Spirit is too expensive, I can't ask for it."

I laughed and said, "Don't do it, give it back to me, I'll send my girlfriend!"

Feng Xiaoyue quickly put away her sword and calmly said, "That's not okay. Have you ever seen someone give something back and still have a reason to go back?" Seeing her blushing and serious look, Wu Hua couldn't help but chuckled.

I asked again, "Who triggered this task, Ye Shuang?"

Not far from my words, a big man ran over and said, "Yeah! Yeah!" The old man next to this big-hearted man was a minor.

I then opened the guild channel and said, "Beacon, hurry up and organize the players to level down!"

Beacon Sugawara replied, "Understand!"

I went on to say, "What is the next step for this task?"

Lao Niu said: "The next step is to find an intersection to the main task site."

I raised the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun and said, "Brother of the Dragonfang, clear the battlefield quickly, and we are ready to appear to complete the next task!"


Friends of Sanji gathered after each other and Yu Luochen danced: "Everyone in the war spirit, I'm done with the work. We're going to meet the president now."

The legend turned his back on his horse and fisted: "Beast God, see you at home!"

"OK!" I laughed.

The players who saw the war spirits went away, and Fire Dance came over, "It really depends on them!"

I said, "Yeah, now you can do the task with peace of mind!"

Yinyue said with a big grin: "Go! Go to Japan and other competitors!"

Mo Yan whispered: "Yinyue, you are a girl, why are you as careless as a boy!"

Yinyue said with pride: "Sister, I've been born like this."

Then everyone started organizing after a lot of noise. This map was too terrible. It dropped to level 5 when it was hung up. Be careful about everything. At the same time, the number of people visiting this time has dropped a lot. Most of them went back to leveling. Now we These high-level core players and mission recipients, Lao Niu, are sitting on the guarded battleship Dragon Beast and heading deep.

The terrain along the way is complex and diverse. There are terrains such as jungles, rivers, swamps, and so on. After traveling for more than forty minutes, I saw a blood-red fog permeating the air not far away. A huge mountain was shrouded by this heavy fog, unable to see Really, looking at the front I said to the old cow, "How to enter?"

Lao Niu said: "The mission reminder says that there is an intersection two kilometers to the left of this mountain, and we can take it in."

I nodded and looked like a guardian, and the guardian nodded and directed the battleship Dragon Beast to move on!

Long Xin said: "Brother, do you say that the completion of this task will explode the artifact!"

I smiled: "I want to be beautiful! But I think the monsters inside are all the kind with enough oil and water."

The little knife laughed: "Little wolf, we need to cheer this time!" The polar devil wolf heard a howl, and at the same time I found a cool silver armor on the polar devil wolf, so he asked: "Little Little knife, where does the armor of the polar devil wolf come from? "

The little knife said: "The little wolf is wearing special auxiliary equipment for the Warcraft mount. Last time you asked me to make up the knife. I alone enjoyed the unique 50,000 trial points of that BOSS. I gave those trial points to Xiao The wolf sold a set. "

"Really?" I laughed.

As a channel appeared in front of us, the battleship Dragon Beast walked in and a prompt floated out the next moment.

"Ding ~! You enter the Desperate Land, open the nine energy towers in the Desperate Land, and enter the Temple of Despair!"

After seeing the prompt, I smiled and said, "Everyone, the mission has begun. After entering, try not to leave the battleship Dragon Beast. It is not fun to be dispelled after being scattered."

Yinyue raised her **** and said, "Relax, sister, I'm not stupid."

"Go ahead! Go ahead!"

Ye Shuang laughed: "The BOSS in this kind of map must be very powerful. It must be fun to kill. I don't know if the map's violent rate is enough!"

Xueyue Road: "The explosion rate of this kind of map is definitely good, but this map can be regarded as the top masters of Chinese servers. If you want to get the final reward, you can't just talk about it, and you need to open nine final energy maps to open the final battle map. Tower, thanks to our strength I might open three and thank God. "

I nodded: "Yes, basically this will be the case, but it will be more challenging if not so."

Everyone laughed, and the battleship Dragon Beast entered the huge stone road, which was dark and wet, and there were many collapsed gravels beside it, covered with moss, and it really looked like a giant tomb in disrepair.

Moving slowly along this stone path, the speed of the battleship Dragon Beast has been reduced to a minimum. Everyone stopped joking at this time, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, it seemed very cautious. After all, no one here would know From where a group of monsters or a group of other competitors suddenly appeared.

But just a moment after we came in, there was a loud “bang” in the back, and I saw the whole stone road shaking, and the huge stones started to fall from the top!

Whoa! It ’s been so much since I came! The system intentionally wants to play the player. At this time, the battleship Dragon Beast rushes forward, and the surrounding stones are constantly falling. At this time, we start to display various skills to resist these stones. If they are hit, they will definitely be disabled.

"Roar!" The running battleship Dragon Beast suddenly made a roar, and saw that the ground began to crack, revealing terrible fiery red cracks. Among the cracks below, there was boiling fiery red magma. Go!

The guard shouted: "Battleship Dragon Beast Speeds Up !!"

Hearing the owner's cry, the battleship Dragon Beast roared madly, the speed kept increasing, and fiery red hot magma was continuously sprayed out in the cracks behind him.

And the top is smashed by megaliths, and everyone is not weak, but in this kind of place, there is no choice but to escape, and at the same time, do not forget to use their skills to blast the collapsed megaliths into stone powder.

Immediately after a corner appeared in front of it, the battleship Dragon Beast turned quickly. I turned my head to see the moment when we turned around the corner. When the channel just came in, there was a loud bang. The complete collapse collapsed, and the rear was faintly visible. The hot lava was rolling continuously and looked startling.

But as everyone escaped a sigh of relief, suddenly there was a loud noise in front of them, and they turned to see a huge rock in front of them, now they rolled down.

"I rely! Don't give a way to live!" I can't help but scream!

"Mechanical Tyrannosaurus!" The guardian yelled, the giant mechanical tyrannosaurus was called out, and the roaring mechanical tyrannosaurus roared loudly. "Hello!" A low roar sounded in his mouth, the figure rushed up, and the robotic arm blasted Out.

"Boom", and instantly crushed the boulder!

"Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Begins the Way!" The mechanical tyrannosaurus received the guardian's role at this time, acting as a pioneer of the road, and a powerful robotic arm smashed each falling boulder, and soon everyone walked out of this one. A crisis-laden passage opens a new world.

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