Master Summoner Online

Chapter 448: Drunk Silver Sword

In the past ten minutes, this top-level guild has been defeated. After clearing up the remnants of the army, a huge valley soon appeared, and many monsters were crowded in the valley, and more were flooding. Players are fighting!

I glanced at me, secretly frightened, at least hundreds of thousands of people in front of me, all kinds of forces are intertwined, this war is expected to be very chaotic!

Huofeng came to me at this time and said, "Just now the elder sister sent back the message, the elder sister has come to support us with the dream of death. In addition, the senior players on the side of the gods have all set out to do what task, only send the soul The First Alliance of the Army came to participate in the event, including War Soul, Devil's Kiss, Dusk Ghost, and more than 20 guilds of more than 20 guilds. It can be said that this nightmare valley is a messy place. "

I nodded and said, "Yes, it's too messy ..."

Ye Shuang said, "What should we do now, how can we act?"

I reached for a majestic tower building in the valley and said, "That's the town magic tower. There is only one entrance to the town magic tower. There is still a monster filled with the entrance. If you want to go in, you must kill those monsters."

Yinyue straightened her **** and said, "Yes, we can just press down and kill. The number of places you can enter can be grabbed and grabbed a few! Finally, you can grab all of them."

Mo Yan said: "This is too reckless ..."

I smiled slightly: "But it is also the most direct method, kill it, go with me and kill a blood path directly! After all, there are limited places, we can't wait."

"Master! Look over there!"

Tian Zhao stretched his fingers to the side, and it was obvious that a group of players rushed over, and everyone had a pretty emblem floating on his shoulder, the devil's kiss! If it's just a group of ordinary demon kiss players, then I don't bother to care about them, not a group of players in front of me, but it is the soulless and magnificent show headed by me that I have to manage.


Seeing this group of guys, I turned and said, "I'm going to do one thing, and who is going to go with me!" My words didn't end, and a group of people around one after another signed up.

Wu Canhua said: "Beast God! I am not talented, please join the battle."

I said, "Okay! As a master and a friendly messenger, Wu Canhua, now you go and kill me!"

"Let's order!"

Talking about a stride stepping out, and then starting the charge of the warrior period, I also brought some people to follow, while others moved forward.

"Allied! Someone is here!"

Lost souls shouted, "Who is coming?"

Wu Canhua said: "The unknown soldier is also worth asking my grandpa my name!"

Lost in soul, opened her eyes and looked at the dance residual flower, and laughed loudly: "Why the reeling silk that dared to be so arrogant, look at him to kill him!"

"Rock Seal!"

When she lost her soul, she yelled, and a row of stone pillars on the ground rushed away. Wu Canhua immediately fell into the heavy rocks, but Wu Canhua was clever when the rocks completely sealed herself and escaped by turning over. In front of the soul, when the lost soul was shocked, he immediately pulled back and rushed back. At this time, Grand Exhibition attempted to intercept the dance remnants from the other side, but was unexpectedly intercepted by my hundred ghost night walk. The roaring cube directly turned He blasted out!

"Drunk Silver Sword!"

When Wu Canhua broke this sentence, I almost didn't pick a heel directly. I saw a silver light from the sword in Wu Canhua's hand. This silver light didn't look very dazzling, but it was very enchanting, but this sword It was very fast, cut him in two directly from the seat of the soulless shoulder!


With one blow, the soul-breaking shield was smashed, and the blood was also lightened. With eyes widened, I never dreamed that I would be killed instantly by someone!

In the end, Lost Soul burst a staff and a shoe, and at the same time, the grand exhibition that I was struck by flying also stood up, but just as he stood up, I smiled at him, the red-eyed dragon gun sent out, the barrier It broke through his throat and triggered an assault. The guy could n’t even die, and a belt on Da Zhan Hong Tu burst out. A group of players who saw the devil ’s kiss broke their livers. The generals were killed, and a group of demon kiss players swarmed without a head.

Immediately after the player with nearly a hundred dragon teeth smashed away, the kiss of the demon could only be supported by painstakingly, the morale plummeted, it was a tragedy.

The goal is not necessary to continue to fight. It is necessary for these disabled parties to fight and fight, so take the sky photo and the black **** and dance the residual flowers at the same time. The guy running along the way always looks at the sky photo, but the whole People completely ignore his eyes, it seems that in my eyes only me male.

"Brother! We are blocked outside the valley and cannot rush in!" Long Xin shouted on the team channel.

I asked, "Who blocked us?"

Long Xin said: "It is the second alliance of the fighting spirit that is blocking us. The leader of the alliance is the uncle of the battle fighter."

I asked, "Why is the War Spirit blocking us?"

Long Xin said, "I don't know if that guy is still very hostile to us. We attacked us as soon as we went up, and we looked at them!"

I said, "Okay, I'll be right there. Since they're going to block, I'll knock them down!" After that, shut down the chat and return to the team.

At this time, there were many people around. At this time, it can be said that it was a big dogfight. At this time, an uncle wearing a blue armor on the road of the dragon's teeth attacked: "Everyone stop, don't let anyone go, the town magic tower belongs to the soul of war. Yes, no one wants to get in touch! "

Whoops! This guy's tone is big enough. Forget it, the dragon and the war spirit are allies, but they are also opponents. I like this kind of rivalry!

At this moment, the uncle was armed with a long gun. He was invincible and stabbed with a spear. He brought out all the **** glory and killed all the players along the way. I recognized this guy at the time when the bird was not shit. The person I saw, but what I want to know now is that he weighs a few pounds or two!



The Amber Dragon dived down from the air. Two claws grabbed the two players and crushed them. Then they breathed and swept away, drawing a sea of ​​fire. Then I directly directed the Amber Dragon to rush the Alliance line of defense, and saw this. When the dreaded dragon wanted to fly, the Sky Fighter gritted his teeth and said, "Here comes the beast god's call! The mage archer knocked it down!"

The amber dragon's wings quickly climbed, and countless magic arrows flew in half before falling down. The amber dragon was undoubtedly an explosion in the air, but at this time the other party also sent a flight to summon the beast, but the strength was not a grade at all. Amber dragon One claw is one, but the opponent has a large number of wins. However, he can't beat the amber dragon.

Ye Shuang mentioned the Thunder War Halberd: "Brother, you take everyone advanced, and I will bring the Dragon Studio and the beacon to stop this group of silks!"

"OK! Come on!"

"Long brother! Come on!"

I responded immediately and led the student union MMs, killing the crowd. The MMs were so perverted to the extreme attack that they scared a group of people into fright, and they were all faceless.

Visually, there was still a distance of about 100 meters from the town's magic tower, and it was fierce to fight forward. At the same time, countless monsters in the town's magic tower came out. These guys were all skeletons. Ye Shuang's back row has begun to kill!


At the same time, the combatant with more than fifty people rushed towards us. He took the lead and shouted, "Beast God, dare to fight with me?" Severe, spear-like dragons gushing out of the sea, but my hand is faster and I start to declare lightning!


—2450 brought out a number of injuries, but at this moment, the corner of the guy's mouth gave a scornful smile: "Haha, the beast **** looks nothing like that!"

"Then any such!" The voice didn't fall, a dragon yin rang, and the dragon attacked twice in a row with thunder and lightning. The red-eyed dragon gun wrapped the power of the dragon, and swept across his chest instantly!




Long Qi cut brought out a strong attack, three times attacked this guy's blood and dropped a lot, one person faced this product and suffered a loss, and the contempt expression was also closed!

Immediately after that, he stared at the cold, looking at him in contempt and looking for my weaknesses. Others are old, and his insight should not be low. At this time, the spear in his hand was suddenly sent out, with a glory of light, immediately attacked and opened!

"Buzz" sounded the shield three times and broke, and at the same time, the animal power was already released in the hand-the crushing blow and the energy explosion!

—1834—2538—2538, three numbers floated out, and today ’s luck was too good. The attack was triggered again and again, at this time his blood was almost bottoming out, and he was so scared that he flew back and forth, and I immediately caught up with a heroic charge. Bloodthirsty Strike 'launched.

—4520 damage, Sky Combatant paid the blood price for his light enemy. With this guy dropping his armor in the end, the rest of the players were also scattered by the MMs. After this group of obstructed guys were settled, the next step was to get a place for entry.

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