Master Summoner Online

Chapter 453: Chi Ming team members

Ten minutes later, everyone met

At this moment in front of us was a shining magic circle, Xueyue said: "When we came here to kill the boss, we killed it. This was also refreshed at that time."

I nodded: "That's how we went to the second floor. We also went to the BOSS and reached the top of the tower as quickly as possible."

Wu Canhua strode forward with a sword: "Let me go first and preach!"

"Let's keep up," I said. At the same time, the people around nodded. I first retracted the summoned beast, and the figure of the dance remnant disappeared in the teleportation array. I then rushed in, and the next moment the teleportation mana tear Leaving the first floor of the town's magic tower.

The sight was bright, and sure enough, it was still the same stone wall and stone road, dark and wet, and the system also showed me the second field.

In the second game since, a group of creatures in the first layer of the gray undergarment appeared in front of us in red armor.

Chiming team member, level 110, ordinary beast, introduction: Originally a member of the Chiming Legion of the three major legions, he rebelled with Lufa and was sealed near the town's magic tower to absorb the abyss breath flowing from the town's magic tower. With eternal life, their nature has been lost, they have become cruel, blood-thirsty and ruthless, and the thought of revenge is left in their minds.

There is no difference other than the difference between the first layer of gray ghosts. These red ghost members fired a crackling call when they saw us, and the next moment they rushed up.

"On, you can protect Mo Yan at the beginning of the cold!"

Having said that, I rushed past the first time, the heroic charge directly locked a Chiming player in front of them, and the heroic charge quickly smashed it while smashing and energy explosion. Then, the power of the dragon blasted out and the Chiming member Repelled a few steps!

The Chiming team member screamed crookedly. The next moment, his helmet suddenly sprayed a fireball. I was caught off guard very quickly. The fireball left a shock in front of my chest, and my body could not help but step back. At the same time, a large number of injuries flew overhead.

Unexpectedly, since this Chiming team member will still attack from a long range, and it is still a martial art, and the attack is very strong, and, in less than 1 second, the second fireball comes again. It has been eaten once, and the second time is an idiot. Quickly sideways to avoid, followed by a lunge to the red-eyed dragon gun.


The Red-Eyed Dragon Gun shook the armor of the Chih-Ming teammates and was constantly impacted. At the same time, it also hit back with the weapon in their hands, but it was still a mess for me, and several Chih-Ming members around were also under our siege. One after another, we lost some qi and blood, but Mo Yan's treatments were all full, and Mo Yan was a great priest.

The Chi Ming team member fell to the ground and immediately burst out the same cube-shaped crystal as the first layer. Picked it up and left it exactly the same as the gray team member left after death, directly into the backpack, and move on.

Looking forward, there are more than a dozen Chiming players lingering in the visible field of view of the promenade. The distance between them is not too close or too far. At this time, a Chiming team member made a weird noise when they saw us. The call followed by dozens of Chiming players.

Seeing the other party's initiative, we immediately responded, and the ghosts traveled by night! The roaring cube was the first to blast out, and was killed in the head of a recent Chiming player. At the same time, another Chiming member rushed from one side and screamed at the weapon in his hand and returned to me. I raised the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun to greet me. At the same time, another Chiming team member came in, Xueyue rushed forward, the two swords in their hands bloomed on each other, and the attack speed was very sturdy. After a series of attacks, the monster's blood was less than 50%. At this time, I also pushed the Chiming team member away, and the sharp sword screamed out. In addition to the continuous normal attack, the Chiming team member in front of me also fell to the ground.

However, at this time, some members of the Chihming team started to fire fireball attacks. These guys were not stupid. At the same time as the attack, several Chihsing players rushed. A Chihing player jumped in front of me with a big axe and chopped it in the air. I took a step back and fell in front of me. At the same time, the two Chihsing players had already stepped in with me. I rushed to the back row of members, and my heart was about to turn around, but the Chiming team member with a big axe obviously didn't let me do it. He flicked his axe and swept over my waist, and I immediately turned the red-eyed dragon gun. Move to the side, block the big axe, and then turn around after kicking such a Chi Ming player.

At this time, Wu Canhua was fighting fiercely with three members of the Chihming team. Xueyue was entangled in five heads alone, but there were still seven Chihing team members who broke through. Han is an archer and doesn't want to experience the physical skills like Yinyue. He can't escape when he is close. It is very difficult to rely on the secondary weapon alone. However, he still has the skill of the opponent. Not bad at all, consciousness is in place, I think he should belong to that natural game genius.

However, at that time, I was attacked again by my flying Chiming team member. I immediately called the Sonic werewolf to block it and rushed to save Mo Yan. At this time, there were five Chiming team members who besieged Mo Yan. At the same time, one of them came over to stop me, a sword in my hand stabbed at me, and one side of my body avoided the red-eyed dragon gun in return and shot him back. But shook his head and rushed over again, and another Chi Ming player who attacked Mo Yan gave up the attack and turned at me.

But even so, there are still three Chiming captains attacking Mo Yan. If it is not Mo Yan ’s weird skill, she can keep evading the attack, or other priests will be sent out of the Dragon City to hang weak.

After the barrier was broken and the nearest captain of the Akimite was kicked out, he was also severely cut by another Akimite player at the same time, and his body could not help but take a step backward. If it was not too low, I would be early I called the Amber Dragon out and knocked them out.

"Wow!" Mo Yan grumbled and fell and listened to her ears. I couldn't help but feel anxious. After hitting the Chiming player, another Chiming member rushed in, and Mo Yan was held by a The whip Chiming pulled out and another Chiming rushed towards her.

Mo Yan was frightened, and at the same time, the other team sent a Chiming player to attack me. The group of NND guys were so determined to stop me from saving people, but think about it, as the saying goes, "Capture the thief first Capture the King! Scold first scold mother! ‘The priest ’s profession on the battlefield is particularly important. It ’s because Mo Yan is a very important person that I was suspended here. It ’s really unacceptable to me.

"Boom" a loud noise, Mo Yan avoided, holding the giant hammer Chiming team member's hammer severely hit the hard ground, while another whip has been exhaled.

Mo Yan, who had just avoided a blow, screamed and fell out. The previous blow had broken her shield. This time, she was tearing her priest's robe directly, leaving a deep layer on her tender white skin. Bloody mouth, and the golden eyes of the fire returned the information, Mo Yan's blood also fell to less than 300 points.

The three Chiming players around me killed me, and the Chiming team member using the hammer had already lifted the hammer. Immediately, Mo Yan would fall into the flesh, and Mo Yan now lasted. This A blow will kill zero blood on the spot.

But in the next moment, there was a loud deafening sound, and a thunderous light devoured the two Chi Ming players. For a moment, I forgot that I had all the skills, but fortunately, I finally caught up, and the thunderstorm failed. Killing two Chih-Ming players would also be enough to free up time for Mo Yan to flash, and to fool the three Chi-Hing members with real and fake actions when the thunder storm was thrown out. Get rid of the thunderstorm. The two Akimura players are now residual blood. I quickly sent two skills to fix them. At the same time, the three Akimura players returned to their minds, but after solving the entanglement with the enemy, the Sonic werewolf rushed behind I threw one Chih-Ming player and then I rushed back to knock the two Chih-Ming players down.

After a few minutes, the battle is over. The chances of monsters breaking out here are very low and very crap. Every kill will definitely leave a quest prop. Obviously this prop is one of the key to this mission.

After resting in place for a while, continue to kill in the corridor.

The system map will always only give an approximate, and will only indicate where you are. All you want to know if this fuzzy map provided by the system alone is not enough, you have to rely on yourself, after suddenly knocking some Chiming players suddenly.


The sound of boots stepping on the sand and stones, and the Sonic Werewolf roared a few times, and it was clear that it was clearly aware of the situation.

Immediately afterwards, there were several sounds of fighting and fighting. In the next two figures appeared first, followed by N figures rushing behind!

At this time, I saw that it was first reported that since it was, Jian Jian and Kaka, and a large number of figures surged behind them, only to see that they were close. Since they are Chi Ming members and the number is about sixty to seventy, this is I don't know where these two guys lead so many monsters.

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