Master Summoner Online

Chapter 472: Life is hanging

"Did you know that you've irritated me!" Loufa growled loudly, and the group of Ghost Guards around roared as if taking a stimulant. This hoarse and hard to hear a few roars throughout The hall echoed!

"BOSS is about to make moves, everyone be careful!" Xueyue shouted, and everyone's spirits were no doubt tense.

"Adventurer, take a good look at how terrible my way is, and prepare to accept the perfect death!"

"Little nonsense, Xiao He flattened him!" Die Wuyun wailed in tears, and the black dragon roared, exhaling a dragon's breath at Lu Fa, and Lu Fa flew away, meanwhile the black dragon stood up, and then bowed again, A pair of huge dragon wings unfolded, and a black light shone on the dragon wings, followed by the dragon wings inciting, and four five-meter-long crescent-shaped shock waves flew out!

"Carving insect tricks!" Lu Fa issued a mockery in his heart, waving swords in his hands, and numerous sword qi spread wildly. Soon, the four shock waves that were shot were chopped off and disappeared into the air.

And at this time in front of Lufa, where the fighting tyrannosaurus had no idea when he came, the burning flames on his claws waved at Lufa!



The road method that could be hit was motionless, and then the sword in his hand stabbed at the fighting tyrannosaurus, pierced its chest instantly, plucked a large piece of blood and sprayed it out, and then kicked the fighting tyrannosaurus with one kick. fly!

"Cross Sword of Heaven and Earth!" Xueyue's double sword draws a cross, and a cross light blade visible to the naked eye cuts off from the side of Lufa!

As soon as Lufa's body shook, she left the place. This crossblade cut on the body of a ghost guard. At the same time, Lufa rushed at an unimaginable speed. The wind was swollen. When they saw this, they immediately blocked, and Lufa's figure suddenly shook them. They immediately bypassed them and cleared towards the rear. The mob's long-range occupation attacked. "Wow!" My heart was stunned, and at the same time I was heading for Lufa. At the same time, I commanded the Gatling Blast Dragon to fire at Lufa, but the speed of Lufa was extremely strange. Since these bullets passed by him one by one.

"Amber Dragon!" I roared, and even after turning on the electric light fire, I could not follow the way, so I immediately gave the order to the Amber Dragon. After receiving the order, the Amber Dragon roared, and the flame of the burning dragon sprayed out, and the flame fell. Wrapping Lufa's body, but soon Lufa rushed out of the siege of this dragon flame, and at this time, a dragon as high as ten meters blocked in front of him!

The road method suffocated slightly, and he suddenly unknowingly stumbled: "Oh, the amber dragon ?! This kind of dragon family is not extinct! But you are just a minor dragon. Even the adult amber dragon, my road method is not afraid. What's more, just a little dragon! "

"Roar!" The Amber Dragon roared, a huge dragon claw grabbed at Lufa, and Lufa drew away, avoiding the position where he had just stood, and cracks broke down, followed by another claw. Lufa avoided this time, and the Amber Dragon leaped violently into the volley of Lufa in a volley. "Boom!" On the ground within ten meters, there were numerous vertical and horizontal cracks like a spider web. It looks terrible.

However, Lufa once again escaped at her own speed, but this was the same terrible black dragon that had rushed towards Lufa. The breath emitted by the two dragons at this moment must make Lufa feel the pressure, but Lufa was talking at this time. There was a scream of shouts, and the long sword swayed to meet the two dragons. At the moment when Lufa threw, the black dragon opened his mouth first and shot a long distance away. Lufa avoided the smoldering breath of the amber dragon. arrival!

At this time, the Lufa did not continue to evade, but raised the sword in his hands. Suddenly, an air wave rose around and blocked the two dragons. At the same time, we finally reached the side of Lufa and issued a sound. Chang Xiao, the surrounding people launched a variety of skills, from all directions to the center of the road approach.

"Huh! It's still a small eagle worm trick!" Lufa raised his head in disdain, raised the sword in his hand once again and hit a sword qi on the sword. When we attacked, I ran into this sword qi, and I started the attack. However, the sword attack was cut into pieces shortly after the attack appeared, followed by counting the sword gas across the body, "Ah!" The tragic sound sounded, and the blood was suddenly dropped by four or five thousand, and everyone around was also With varying degrees of damage, our attacks were instantly broken.

"See it! This is the strength of my Lufa, you have no chance of winning!" Lufa growled, and at this time a dragon tail swept across, a "pop" earthquake sounded, but Lufa's body shot like an arrow. Immediately afterwards, the sword in his hand fired a purple thunderbolt towards the Black Dragon.

But when the thunderbolt name Black Dragon did not show any harm, everyone should know that the black dragon's natural "Magic Immunity" road method saw that the attack was invalid, his heart was stunned, and his mouth was loud! A heavy air wave rose, but at the same time, the fighting tyrannosaurus launched a 'combat tornado' and rushed up. The air wave breaking the road method rushed towards the road method. At this time, the road light flashed a purple light outside his hands and he fought. The tyrannosaurus was shocked by this purple light and flew out of the ground. At this moment, the amber dragon burst into drink and a blue cyclone appeared outside. The dragon's charge rushed towards Lufa!

"Drink!" Lufa also screamed out the sword in his hand, and the sword instantly turned into a fifteen-meter-long giant blade in the air and the dragon's charge of the Amber Dragon rushed into the air!

Two terrifying stunts exploded together at this instant.

There was a loud noise like a mountain shaking, the huge dragon body of the Amber Dragon was planted down, and the Lufa weapons also flew out. At the same time, the surrounding Nether Guards rolled out!

At the same time, we stood up and rushed to Lufa quickly, and suddenly Lufa burst into the mouth and said, "Bloody!" The sword pointed at the sky (actually the ceiling). There was a sound of '咻咻' in the ears. I, Not only looked up, I saw countless red lights falling, I looked at the poor condition and turned on the White Dragon Shield to resist, but I did not expect that this red light fell directly on me since it passed through the White Dragon Shield!

"Ding ~! You are set with a **** mark ~!"

Bloody mark something! After half a second, a scarlet cross appeared on my chest, with a blood-red human figure clasped on all four limbs.

"Blood detonated!" He pointed a finger at Ye Shuang next to me, and the next moment Ye Shuang's chest cross imprinted a dazzling light, followed by "Boom!" Ye Shuang burst a blood mist on his body!

— 50000!

"I rely!" A roar rang out in the blood mist! Immediately after the blood mist dissipated, a torn head fell off my feet. The upper part of the head had been completely blown up. My brain was sprayed to the ground, my eyes rolled over my eyes, and it was clear that I was dead. This head is no doubt Ye Shuang.

"Purification!" In addition, the MM's purification skills were long overdue, and finally the first victim appeared. After seeing the imprint on us, Lufa yelled, "Nasty priest!"

The words didn't end, and Lufa acted again. This time, the target was undoubtedly Mo Yan and Xu Yu. My face discolored and said, "Amber dragon, stop him!" They also stepped forward, Saber quickly blocked Xu Yu in front of him and said, "I won't let you succeed!"

"It's up to you!" As the Ghost Guards around suddenly gathered behind Lufa, the road in front of us was blocked by these hairy mobs. At this time, the two dragons, the Amber Dragon and the Black Dragon, roared and swept away the Ghost Guards. Straight down the road, but at this time, with a hand held up, suddenly a spear wrapped in purple lightning appeared around him, and then shot instantly!

It was so fast that it was almost impossible to imagine. One spear after another shrouded everyone in front of them instantly, without even the chance to flash them.

Horrible, indescribable attack speed and power, even Saber could not avoid taking a blow. The shields outside the surrounding people were directly pierced by spears, and then their bodies were penetrated. The crowd was disrupted in an instant, followed by the road method. The sword in his hand was sacrificed again. This time, the sword was like a rainbow-like sword. With a bang, it passed through Saber's chest in an instant!

"Saber--!" Xu Yu shouted, at this moment Saber made a terrible beer and flew away!


Immediately after, Lufa didn't chase Saber, but reached out and grabbed Xu Yu. At this moment, Xiaozheng stood up too fiercely, took a long bow in his hand, and shot an arrow at Lufa, shouting: "Xu Yu escape!"

Xu Yu seemed to be shocked by the scene just now, and suddenly hesitated. At the same time, Lufa ignored the attack of Mrs. Xiao. This blow killed Lufa more than a thousand points of blood, but at the same time Lufa grabbed Xu with his left hand. Rain's head was pinched immediately, crushing her head instantly, and little Loli returned to the city! The disappearance of the master Saber, who was a mercenary, naturally disappeared into the air. Before he disappeared, Saber's eyes were full of unwillingness and anger!

"Solve one, next is you!" This loop method directly turned Mo Yan, "Don't!" Seeing the scene just now, Mo Yan was so frightened, pale, and hurriedly flew away.

"Escape is useless!" Lufa made a cold and ruthless voice, "Dragon Stars!" Roared, and the Amber Dragon also roared, and countless fireballs fell to the ground, and a series of explosions sounded.

The Ghost Guard in front of me was swept away, and the heroic charge + the electric light fire slammed my speed to the limit, flying towards Mo Yan and blocking the way, at the same time Mo Yan showed flashes again, and pulled away, "I want to No way!

"The guy in trouble should be solved first!" Before he could say anything, a terrible growl was heard in his ears, and the black dragon had flung his teeth against Lufa, but suddenly Lufa's figure stretched out!

"Drink!" Since this guy hit me heavily on his shoulder.

Blood spurted from the mouth, and cracks appeared on the armor of the body. The blood flew more than 3,000 points, followed by rolling and flew out. There was a terrible sound. Suddenly a flower bloomed in front of him. With one eye, one hand falls.

"Ahhh!" He screamed, since this guy's fingers got stuck in my body, and then he tore aloud, since this guy had torn my left arm apart, he also tore off a big piece of meat!

Qi and blood instantly dropped to the 585-point seat, and then saw the **** palm of Lufa facing my chest, which should be the seat of the heart!

"Little devil ... die!" Lufa growled, his blood-stained palms were close to my body, and in this blow, my body must be back torn to pieces, just at the moment of life and death!

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