Master Summoner Online

Chapter 486: Cat Mercenary Regiment

After hearing these words, I suddenly didn't like this.

The things I bought went online after being settled downstairs, everyone must have been waiting for me! Aside from putting on a helmet and mirroring it, it's a clearing, how about people? Everyone's friends list, everyone is online, but at this time a private chat suddenly came over.

"Master! Help!" Lollipop shouted in a crying voice.

"What's up! What's going on !?" I shouted eagerly.

"Master! The bad guys didn't know how to find us in the morning. As soon as we went online, they rushed in. Tianzhao and Sister Black God took us out! But there are so many other people! We can't beat them at all!"

"Well, I see, wait for me to come over" Immediately find the left side of the team by inserting the team members, then turn on the electric light fire, rushing over at the fastest speed!

They were sitting in the position, not too far from where we were offline. The acceleration of the electric light fire made me quickly reach the coordinate position. At that time, I was seeing Tian Zhao and the Black God against hundreds of players on the other side. I seek brother, these two are superbly manipulative, with various positions, and dodge attacks from time to time to fight back! , Lollipop and three little rookies, protected by the black **** and Aizhao, seeing this scene suddenly red eyes, burst into an angry roar and rushed into the crowd.

"Galuru, Amber Dragon, Gatling Blast Dragon, all come out to me! Freely attack and kill all enemies!"

The summoning circle around me turned, three summoned beasts appeared, and I immediately brought the three summoned beasts to kill the crowd. Garulu fired ice missiles one by one and sent them out!

After a roar of "Boom Boom Boom", every four ice bombs afterwards smashed a bunch of ice sculptures. Then, facing these ice sculptures, the photons of the Gatling Blast Dragon shattered, and countless missiles fell into the crowd. , And another explosion sounded!


A series of huge injuries floated from the head of the surrounding ice sculpture, and instantly turned into white light. They were not the perverts I knew, followed by the amber dragon. When they first entered the crowd, they were all tigers into the flock and slaughtered chickens. Offensive like a dog! Destroyed!

Sudden changes occurred, and the appearance of the three summoned beasts completely changed the battle situation. This group of people was dumbfounded for a moment. The combat power of these three summoned beasts was a strong class of abnormal levels such as rain falling dust and Qin Maoshu. Also, I dare not resist the existence of them. Soon these shrimp soldiers and crab generals. At this time, I saw that a small group of people were standing outside to watch the game. They should be the leader of the player who launched the attack.

"What's the matter !?" one of the soldiers in the squad dressed in luminous gear asked.

"Chairman, no ... bad! The three-headed monster that suddenly appeared! Our team suffered heavy losses!" Shouted a player escaping from the battle circle.

"What !?" the man shouted in shock.

"Those three-headed monsters are terrible! None of our brothers can stop them! More than twenty brothers have died," the player shouted.

"What! What a ruthless character!" The dude was completely panicked, and the fighting power of the three summoned beasts could be matched by them.

After the three-headed beast rushed into the crowd, there was a big kill. There was no one-to-one combination. These players were like paper in the face of the three-headed horror to the sky-summoned beast. They couldn't stop it. This is too abnormal.

The three-headed beast instantly returned the opponent's hundreds of rookies, and I walked to the crowd and said, "Everyone, all right!"

"Master, you are finally here!" Shouted Lollipop happily.

Everyone asked me to seek brother and laughed: "It's all right, this group of jabs! If I weren't low-ranked and didn't have any equipment, I really wouldn't put it in my eyes!"

"Master!" The two bodyguards MM came to me.

I said, "Good job!" The two nodded, and at that moment the team watching the battle had already arrived. The number was about fifty to sixty. This group of people was dressed in various professions, and these shoulders There is a head of a mighty tiger that is obviously a team, and I also saw the guys in trouble in the morning.

"Big brother is this boy who broke the mission of killing that spider and broke the big brother! He also hung up the younger brother!" The mad soldier looked at me and put his eyes on the fierce light, as if I killed his whole family!

"This boy! Definitely a master who can kill human spiders, you can't beat them." Then the man stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "This brother has such strength compared to being mixed in the Dragon City. The character who is born in the wind and water, but the human face spider you killed in the morning is exactly a mission goal of the younger brother. The human face spider is originally a monster with a very low refresh rate, so I want to talk to you. "

I straightened my shoulders and said, "I have something to talk about, obediently wait for the next refresh."

At this moment a little boss shouted, "You look too shameless to our boss!"

"What if you don't give the boss a face?" I said, "What is your team?"

The man said, "We are the Tiger Tiger Mercenary!"

"Oh! The cat mercenary regiment !!" I laughed.

"You ..." The man's face was blue, and the leader shouted, "Smelly boy! Shame on your face! Will you break my bones!"

The beauty who rode a pig said: "Leading brother, this tiger tiger mercenary regiment is very powerful. Everyone starts with a tiger character or a tiger name. The leader is called a smiling tiger, and the technique is very delicate. It is said that they have The strength of the Dragon City is struggling, and we are not as good as all the leaders. "

He interrupted me before he said, "A group of kittens! It really isn't a big deal."

"Take the lead!"

I laughed: "It's all right, I'm not afraid!"

Then he smiled to the opposite side: "The crying cat on the opposite side! It's rare that you don't go to leveling now, run here to toss, and it's useful!"

"Who is your crying cat?"

"Who interrupts me?" I said.

"You ..." This guy said with a shameless expression, "Since you don't know how to show up, I'll make you regret what you said!"

"Come on, come on! How can a bunch of kittens hang their teeth!" I continued to laugh.

"NND! I've seen arrogant and never seen such an arrogant! Give me! Let them know that our Tiger Tiger mercenary is great!"

"Heaven and Earth! Brothers come with me, others look down on us!" The mad soldier shouted and rushed over with a group of black people!

"No way! Up! Send them back to hang weak!" Said to point forward!

"Roar!" The three-headed beast roared and rushed out immediately. The Amber Dragon first started, and the explosive breath swept the frontcourt instantly!


The Wuhe people of the Heaven and Earth Society are not enough to see in front of the Amber Dragon.

"Gatling burst fire!" Looking at the ugly faces of these people, he gave instructions, and Gatling burst a machine gun, and a burst of firing began.

However, long-range professions such as the Mage Archer of the Heaven and Earth Society and the Tigers Mercenary Regiment also began to bombard us, and immediately directed Garulu to the top and then started the all-metal meteor bombardment!

"Boom boom!"

After the explosion, the commander Amber Dragon rushed to the front of the heaven and earth meeting, and the fragile mage archer was completely exposed to the minions of this terrible dragon. Because they took the initiative to attack, a piece of equipment was scattered.

After being destroyed once by three summoned beasts, this group of Wuhe people also calmed down. The three beasts in front of them are far more powerful than them. There are some badly equipped equipment in the world. Their defenses cannot be broken, and the other is not. It was a trick, and many people came up with an idea.

"This gap is too big! It's completely impossible!" One shouted.

"The three-headed monster seems to be manipulating!"

"If this is the case, then the man is the summoner, and the three-headed monster is his summoning beast. Just kill him! The summoner disappears as soon as the summoner dies! Brothers!" A player beside Smile Tiger analyzed. .

The smiling tiger murmured in an ugly mouth: "Summon the beast? Summoner? Is that person!"

"Chong! Get rid of him!" Then, under the leadership of the leader, the players around him suddenly made a violent drink, and suddenly eight people flew quickly, seeing the other party's aggressiveness, I rushed up without a word, red eyed dragon gun grip Save in your hands.

At this moment, Tianzhao and the Black God came past me faster, bumping the two swordsmen upside down and flying out, a long howl, the red-eyed dragon gun stabbed at a knight!

The knight quickly raised his shield and put on a defensive stance, and I grabbed this moment to break the barrier!

If the red-eyed dragon gun penetrated his shield and cut him through the shield, the whole person would pierce him. The dude did n’t know what was going on, so he went back to the city to report it, and then hit the ghosts at night!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, I saw a mad soldier opening three auras and slamming and clapping, and a hard crash with Bai Gui Ye Xing, a loud noise, Bai Qi Ye Xing was broken by him, and his body was shaking A few times.

"It's okay!" The Berserker sneered, his arms covered with heavy armor and his arms stretched out. A huge sledgehammer with a length of two meters had appeared. A smirk burst into his mouth, and a sudden thunderous explosion Drink, the copper hammer blasted a crimson brilliance in the air, and split his head towards Shi Xuan.

I ca n’t help but smile, “I ’m the only one!” The huge cuboid face appeared behind him, bite at him, fell from the air, and then went up to destroy the blow, energy explosion, smashing strike, and lightning announcements in turn for this guy On the one hand, the defense was reduced to the extreme. He could withstand such a toss, and the blood fell to the city to report to the end!

"I'll meet you!" A player carrying a sword swordman leaped forward and volleyed to perform the skills of "fencing". At this moment, I thought, the amber dragon turned around, and the huge dragon tail waved a "bang". The swordsman's back hit the blow again, screaming and falling to the ground with blood spurting from his mouth, and then the huge dragon tail fell again to smash him into meat sauce completely.

"Ah! How can this happen!" One person face to face, the eight people lost more than half, and the remaining four could not help but be taken aback.

"Abominable, brothers, fight! Go!" Then the leader, seeing the situation is not good at this moment, so backwater battle, the three people around nodded and immediately rushed up, these people are soldiers occupation, equipment is good, they still want to abandon A little effort.

"You guys are just right, come and try my new skills! Shocking waves!" The right foot slammed on the ground during the burst, suddenly suddenly "cracked" and broke apart,

In the cracks, a stream of water burst out, and then the water turned into a series of dragons and dragons. The dragons caused good damage to these people, and they entangled them well, and then the white dragon's claws raised a light. 'Ghost Dragon Shooting' launched, and as many as ten Ghost Dragons roared out!

"Ahhh!" The two players screamed in horror. The six-headed ghost dragon entangled them, biting their waist, shoulders, head, and other people, and then exploded. The two died instantly and the leader retreated. Faster, he withdrew from the attack range of the ghost dragon, but his companion was miserable. Four ghost dragons attacked him, both biting his waist, one biting his neck and one biting his head. The ghost dragon exploded, and his flesh flew suddenly.

I didn't send that person back, and the heroic charge slammed into his chest, pushing him against a rock, and then the power of death opened the blow, destroyed the dragon, and then stretched out his hand. Covered his head 'Grab the cannon! ’

Qi and blood returned to zero, the dude's head was blown into a mess, and he could not die anymore, and the two who had battled with the Tianshao Black God also became their ghosts.

The smiling tiger headed at this time was completely stunned, and he couldn't believe that his eight capable brothers had been solved so easily. To be honest, these eight guys are not as powerful as the five elders.

Seeing the ugly face of the smiling tiger, he took a deep swallow and trembled and said:

"You ... you ... you ... the beast god!"

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