Master Summoner Online

Chapter 489: Death of the Female Fire Dragon

I saw the huge feet of the female fire dragon lifted up, it seems that this guy wants to step on me! But at this moment Gallulu's body was comparable to a large truck. For a moment, the shell usually hit the female fire dragon.


After a lifetime of muffled sound, the female fire dragon was pushed away, and I took the opportunity to climb up to the ground. At this time, I saw the female fire dragon's roar, and the mouth of the blood basin suddenly opened, exposing frightening fangs. However, Gallulu is full of steel, the female fire dragon cannot bite at the same time, and the thick tail is quickly drawn on Gallulu!

Just listening to a dull impact roar, Garuru was shot by a female fire dragon with a flick of a tail and flew for more than ten meters. Then he fell to the ground fiercely and jumped out with a -4000 injury!

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning, and when I came up, I played the medicine in my mouth. At the same time, the female fire dragon roared again, and it bounced, and the wind generally rushed to our side!

The female fire dragon's assault attack was not fun, and it was uncomfortable to be hit by a hit, and a huge arm appeared in front of him.

bump! The female fire dragon directly hits the majestic dragon, but at the same time, it goes around a majestic dragon and faces the female fire dragon's foot, the power of the dragon!


Hell, such a strong defense! You should know that we can now have more than 5,000 points of attack power, but after hitting it, we have only removed this amount of health, which is still above the single high-explosive skill of Dragon Power.

At this time, the female fire dragon who was beaten by me snarled, and the huge claws were photographed again. It was not easy to flash away at a fast speed, so the attack was started, and a transparent shield appeared outside the body!

bump! Another dull boom!

The claw shield collided with a thunderous sound, the shield broke, and the entire body was hit and flew far away. At this time, the female fire dragon wanted to catch up but did not expect that Gatling Blast Dragon and Gallulu stopped it. Garulu's frozen missile slowed down his swift body a bit, and Gatling's countless machine gun bullets collided with countless sparks.

After being attacked repeatedly, the female fire dragon became furious. Since this guy opened his wings and flew up! Immediately after that, a large mouth of the blood basin opened up and fireballs were ejected! The blast of fireballs blasting out from this mouth, I had to keep going back, and commanding the summoned beast to attack.

The beam attack of the Gatling Blast Dragon was launched into the air, followed by a sweep of the machine gun, and the female fire dragon continued to emit damage. The female fire dragon that was attacked immediately launched a continuous fireball attack, and turned toward the Gatling Blast dragon. Swept past.

At the same time, Garulu's shells were full, and he immediately directed the attack. The ice-type shells were also covered with a layer of hazy frost on the body of the female fire dragon. The speed of the female fire dragon has been reduced a lot, and the fourth party directly hit the female fire dragon in the sky!

With a plop, the huge body of the female fire dragon landed on the ground. At this time, I have readjusted the pace. Naturally, it is impossible to let this opportunity go, and the heroic charge rushed forward, followed by the assault on the opponent and then the power of death opened. , Dragon Qi Chop, Quick Chop Chao Hemp, Dragon Power, Energy Explosion, Smash Strike, and other skills, once again harvest the female Fire Dragon's health.

The female fire dragon recovered from the frozen state suddenly slammed a carp and roared like a thunder. The female fire dragon was completely enraged and beaten by a human who was weaker than herself. Now it can be said that it must be Kill this abominable human in front of you, otherwise you will not swear by others, no, you will not swear by dragons!

This guy ’s big claws fell, and I felt like I was attacking again, but I just opened the ground with a 5,000-point life shield. Immediately after this guy ’s claws, he was destroyed and disappeared. At the same time, Gallulu and Gatling blasting bullets To him kept saying hello, I will use this guy to retreat and pull away.

However, the female fire dragon has completely locked the target on me, and I saw that it had a force on its feet. The entire huge body was as fast as an electric light flint, with two attacking beasts, and rushed to me in a blink of an eye. With that huge head hitting me like this, I came to barely lift the red-eyed dragon gun, but followed the female fire dragon suddenly turned and hit the huge tail directly on me!


With one blow, I almost felt that all the bones in my chest were broken and the internal organs were blown out. My body flew out like a cannonball, and I was blown out dozens of meters away. I fell heavily on the ground and spit out in my mouth. The blood came, and at the same time the female fire dragon rushed over.

The two heads of the beast protector were eager and quickly blocked in front of me, but at this time the female fire dragon suddenly began to rotate and the whole body was rotated like a disk and hit it. The top two beasts were suddenly hit by the huge impact. Fortunately, Gallulu said that he was not tall Gatling Blast Dragon, and his body kept rolling. He flew a hundred meters away, and then he stopped reluctantly.

After bumping two beasts, the female fire dragon suddenly stood up, and a body like a hill suddenly flew up, and a tiger flew at me in an instant, and was frightened. The real and fake actions were performed immediately. With a little bite, the avatar was bitten directly, and at the same time, my deity barely rolled to avoid it.

After standing up, the adjustment position appeared, and the two summoned beasts also stood up and attacked the female fire dragon again. At this time, I turned on the electric light fire with the cover of the two summoned beasts and approached the female fire dragon from the side. The scales of the fire dragon suddenly rolled up, twisting its huge tail and smashing the flying shells in the air, setting off a mist.

At this point, I retreated subconsciously, but I had no time to act. I saw the female fire dragon suddenly break through the mist. The card blood basin in front of me came to the mouth and said, "Well!"

"I rely!" I snarled at this moment, and was swallowed by this female fire dragon at once! I felt that I was hitting a soft and elastic object under my body. At this moment, I closed my mouth and prepared to bite me directly with sharp teeth!

White Dragon Shield! Immediately biting down, the teeth sprayed the shield, but it was bounced off, but the white dragon shield lasted two-thirds less. The white dragon shield lasted 50,000 points and lasted only two times. If it was bitten on the body, it would be returned. Got it! The vacancy in the mouth was actually one meter high. At this moment, I remembered how I killed the big bongo!

Today, our equipment is not as small as it was then. When the huge mouth was ready to close again, the red-eyed dragon gun was facing the guy's mouth, and the force of the dragon was stabbed, followed by the explosion of the force of the dragon. effect!

Suddenly a spit blew up on its mouth, scarlet blood rushed out, pouring me all over it, but now there are so many tubes, one hit, and the bloodthirsty blow one strike! Immediately after standing up, the Red-Eyed Lancet made numerous wounds in its mouth!

Roar! The pain is so great! Suddenly I felt that my body was starting to slide down. Obviously, the female fire dragon wanted to pour me directly into the stomach, but it was not that simple. Turned the red-eyed dragon gun and pierced its tongue sharply, fixing itself in the mouth to prevent it from falling. However, this even stimulated the nerve of the female fire dragon, and saw a ray of light suddenly under her feet, and saw a flame blast out of its body again!

The white dragon shield is still on the body, there is no way but to resist! Suddenly, a fiery flame passed by from my body, and I felt that my whole body was almost burned. The long-lasting rapid decline of the white dragon shield outside my body, although covered by the white dragon shield, prevented me from resisting a lot of damage. But the remaining power still reduced my qi and blood by more than two thirds!

However, I can stop this skill that has made so many people fly away, it is not easy, I have no more extravagant hope!

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a loud noise like a mountain shaking, and suddenly felt that the female fire dragon should be lying on the ground, but fortunately, I fell on its tongue. Nothing, the female fire dragon fell a lot. What I did was not it myself but the credit of my summoning beast.

"Dead!" Growled loudly, stood up, and the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance kept piercing into his fragile mouth. Each piercing caused a lot of blood, and the painful female fire dragon kept roaring. This roar rang through the world. At this moment, the female fire dragon opened her mouth, and the tongue roll seemed to want to spit me out, but I didn't intend to go out. The red-eyed dragon gun stabbed in at its tongue, and immediately put its tongue against it, and then faced it. Its throat seat.

"Dragon's roar!"

Both hands began to beast, and a basket of red energy gathered in my hands, and then the hands raised the target voice and throat.

Immediately after the roar of the dragon, two violent energies were sent out, and they burst into the soft flesh wall, bursting! The energy generated by the explosion directly turned the female fire dragon's esophagus into a big **** hole, flesh and blood flew! A lot of blood sprang up!

Although I can't know how much damage is caused, the oral and esophagus will never have any defensive ability, and the damage will not be estimated.

But at this time I found a pair of claws inserted into the female fire dragon's mouth stiffly, and then forced it open. I don't want to pull out the red-eyed dragon gun pierced on its tongue and run outside, but Before leaving, I gave it a few times with various cooling skills. After jumping out of the female fire dragon's mouth, I saw that this huge female fire dragon fell to the ground at this time, and Gallulu pressed on it and came out of me. Later, Galulu also jumped away from the female fire dragon. At this time, the female fire dragon lay on the ground motionlessly, her nose and nose constantly leaked blood, her mouth made a low growl, how desolate it sounded!

At this time, through the golden eyes of the fire eye, I saw that its blood was less than 30,000 points, and there was still an extremely weak state. Looking at it in such pain, I raised the red eyed dragon gun again to end its pain, but it was just When I rushed over, I stopped at a place less than a foot away from my head. I found that I couldn't handle it!

Although I do n’t know why, I gave up using the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun to kill him. Instead, I ordered Garulu to use it. The absolute freezing gas turned the female fire dragon ’s body into a huge ice block. Under extreme weakness, there was no The ability to resist, the moment of absolutely freezing the frozen female fire dragon also took away its last blood, turned into a huge ice sculpture, can also be regarded as leaving a whole body.

But I do n’t know why, at this moment in my heart, there was no ecstasy after victory, and at the same time a roar came from my ears. This roar was full of anger, and when I turned, I saw the **** red dragon, and I never left The tangles of the Amber Dragon rushed towards me! Terrible!

At this moment this male fire dragon has gone violently!

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