Master Summoner Online

Chapter 504: Riding God

An hour or so later, Ye Shuang's troops have reached the outer hills, panting and entangled with monsters along the way in the team channel, it looks terrible, but running here should not be a problem, as long as the BOSS is not touched, this Monsters have not threatened them along the way.

Sitting on the side and waiting for a while, but at this time there were heavy steps in my ears. Soon after, nine players appeared in view. These people were wrapped in armor, all kinds of melee weapons. I will immediately add Lulu and Gatling blasted them back, flashing to the side with the skylight and the black god, and these soon came into my vision, and I looked at the emblem on their shoulders! Lingyun Pavilion! This group of guys did not give up this place.

The player walking in front of him carried a double-edged sword and said to the players behind him, "Everyone! Please note that this is the last place we have not searched and found that the monster that can be captured is surrounded. Kill them all! "

A group of players behind shouted in unison: "Understand!"

NND, wait a moment, I will send you back to the city together, first observe and find a chance to get started, this group of Lingyun Pavilion is surprisingly well-coordinated, just like a well-trained army, half a minute later, a group of fast The dragon appeared in front of him, and the leading player immediately shouted, "Put out!" Immediately, the five knights carried the giant shield and the first five shields were nailed to the ground. The knight opened the stance, and then the man took out a pocket. The crossbow fired an arrow at a raptor, a small arrow was inserted in the raptor's scales, and the raptor's attention was immediately drawn.

The raptor's claws sprinted across a shield, and at this moment the person suddenly stood up with a shield and stunned the raptor. Then four mad soldiers who opened three auras with a spear shot in an instant, and four exploded. The Scarlet Lance pierced the raptor at the same time





Immediately after the gun was pulled out, this raptor fell to the ground at the same time. In the end, the raptor's spear recovery shield was lowered again to bet on the gap. NND, the cooperation of this group was too tacit. Eliminate them one by one. I secretly calculated that to destroy this squad, I must not rush to attack. The aggressive attack was too expensive for my medicine bottle. I do n’t plan to go back to the city to buy a supply. It seems that I can only rely on monsters. With strength, the Raptors are gregarious. As long as they can welcome a group of opponents, they are still very simple.

So I went looking for strange monsters that could be seduced. Tianzhao and the Black God left to observe their movements. Going down this way, there are countless dead bones faintly visible around it, which seems to indicate that there are countless souls buried here, go forward At one point, I came to a giant basin, like a giant cauldron. There were no trees around the basin, but what appeared to me was a pile of dead bone.

What's more, the sight we saw was extremely shocking. The entire basin was almost full. Numerous monsters roamed in the basin, making a roar of the oscillating mountains. The roar sounded like a roar of thunder. At first glance, the monster has surpassed There are thousands of them, most of them are raptors, and some of them look like rhinos, but they all have thick scale armor with a dragon-like head. Obviously this is a side branch of the dragon family. The creatures here Velociraptors and earth dragons account for most of them. In addition, there are some giant lizards and snakes over 20 meters in length.

I quietly approached, so many monsters, let alone nine people, even if 90,000 people had to be flattened. At a distance of 100 meters, I called Gallulu to turn over into the cockpit, and then aimed at the outermost swiftness. Dragon, press the button, a cannonball was pushed out of the cannon and successfully hit a raptor's body, and immediately flew the raptor out.

Just at the moment of this hit, all the eyes in the basin gathered. The next moment, countless monsters rushed out of the basin and appeared in my vision.

One after another, rushed out of the basin, a hundred? One thousand? Or ten thousand? In short, at a glance, densely packed, it was all this kind of monster with a ferocious roar, sprinting with a big mouth open.

"Run!" I yelled, and couldn't calm down anymore, and drove Gallulu to turn and run away. I never thought that I was going to attract a part but attracted so much in one breath. Although I dare to fight with any monster here However, seeing this endless monster army in front of us, no matter how strong our strength is, it is also vulnerable, and it will be drowned and ripped instantly.

Gallulu's speed is fast, but the group of guys behind the buttocks is faster. In order not to disjoint these guys, I also turned the muzzle and shot a few guns to completely lock the hatred on myself.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Behind it, the earth was roaring, and there were thunderous roars in the air, like one after another, and there were countless monsters lining the mountain behind. No obstacles such as woods, rocks, broken bones, etc. on the way could be blocked. The pace of these groups of monsters, this monster is gushing wildly, like a frenzy, like a huge wave, flooding everything in an instant, rushing fast and running with a group of monsters in rage, the next moment I saw the group of Lingyun Pavilion Cleaning the battlefield, at this time in the astonished eyes of these Lingyun Pavilion players, I manipulated Garulu to jump high in front of them, and under the force of Garulu's powerful hind legs, it was easy to follow The squad jumped over their heads, and the moment they drove into the air, Garulu recovered, and immediately after the flying bird flower month started the whole person soared into the sky, and it was too far away from the view of this group of monsters. The system stipulates that once the player leaves the view of the monster, it is lost. Hatred. Thousands of monsters' hatred value quickly shifted at this moment. When I descended to the cliff on the other side, I looked at the underground space.

At this point, the Lingyun Pavilion team was surrounded by this group of monsters. These people knew that there was no hope of fleeing and began the battle of trapped beasts. A Berserker smashed through three raptors with a whirlwind, followed by continuous bursts of various skills. Counted a few monsters, but was eventually hit by a raptor and then shredded by a group of raptors, tearing pieces of fresh meat into the mouth.

The next knight was besieged by two earth dragons. One earth dragon backed him down, and the one-corner on the second earth dragon pierced the body from behind. Then the earth dragon bit his head. Then he twisted his head a few times, and chewed in his mouth. In a short moment, the two players died tragically. The critical situation is conceivable. The buyer must have never imagined that he would obviously be in such a terrible dilemma. .

Next was another mad soldier who had just killed a few monsters and was rushed by dozens of raptors torn apart in all directions. The number of monsters gathered here is unknown.

In this way, this group of people lost their lives for less than a minute in a row, and only the leading player was left. At this time, he shouted in fear: "Well, how can this happen! Who brought these monsters!"

However, only the roar of monsters responded to him at this time, and at the same time a ground dragon and a raptor rushed up from both sides. The collision in front of the dragon that escaped the ground dragon could be bitten by the raptor and then pulled hard. !!

"Ahhh!" A terrible scream sounded, and the stern left arm was torn apart stiffly, but at this moment he quickly stabilized his feet and stabbed the sword into the ground, and the ground next to the sword the next moment Fragmentation, especially if ripples spread out in all directions, followed by the sound of ringing sounds.

"Strangling in the veins!" This snarled for the next moment!

"Boom! Boom!" The monsters rushing around in all directions didn't understand what was going on. The earth within tens of meters collapsed and shattered in an instant. Thousands of water rushed into the sky. A waterjet, cut gold and jade, could not resist.

For a moment, at least dozens of raptors and dragons died tragically under the rushing water.

This guy's AOE skills are really good. If the guy can explode the sword, it will be fine. This stream of water lasts for three seconds and then dissipates. The monster that dissipated outside the range immediately jumped up. , Tear this person apart.

"Booming ~~" Nine human corpses were instantly pounced on by a large number of monsters, and a monster of raptors, earth dragons and other monsters bit the flesh of this human body excitedly.

Very good, although the monster came unexpectedly, but the nasty guy who just dropped the goods, this piece can produce maps is mine, I do n’t know if they recognize Gallulu as my summoned beast, no matter how I am Satisfied with everything you did.

A dozen minutes later, after the monster group had finished eating these corpses, I left from the cliff. At the same time, Tian Zhao and the Black God came from the other side to make peace with me.

Just then, back in time, suddenly there was a mighty group of people, at least a hundred people.

The sword armor is clear, the emblems on the shoulders are exactly the same, the shape of the double dragon play beads, don't think about my team, at this time, the knight with a fine armor carrying the blood-stealing demon gun is Ye Shuang! At the same time, Lao Niu, Wu Can Hua, etc. are all present, a large group of people.

Ye Shuang came over and said, "What happened to the brothers just now, so many monsters, we dare not come in!"

I laughed: "A bunch of idiots gnawed the monster nest, how many people did you bring!"

Ye Shuang said: "All 825 people are trustworthy, good character and well-equipped people who are above level 85."

"Good job!" Then he said to the group: "This Tyrannosaurus Valley will be our dragon's tooth bag from now on! If anyone dares to grab us and kill them directly to Lao Tzu! If you want to go in and level, don't block When the hostile guild saw it, he killed him whether he was single or in a team.

"Understand!" The group shouted in unison.

But the voice didn't fall. At this moment, the system bell suddenly popped out--

"Ding ~! The player's shadow wind (Dragon Knight) successfully broke the barrier of strength, broke through its own limits, and realized the exclusive skills-[riding god!"

[Riding God] Effect: Ask for the knight's **** power to increase the team's cavalry units by 50% attack power, 30% defense power, 20% movement speed, can not be stacked with other gain skills, exclusive player: Shadow into the wind!

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