Master Summoner Online

Chapter 507: get together

Wash your face under the helmet, then go out shopping, get on the fire dancing car, and to be honest, since she came, this car has become a private car, but it seems to have been a private car before, just changed A 'home' seat.

The next step is to choose clothes in a shopping mall. I hate to choose clothes the most, especially dressing things that I don't like the most.

"I said that you picked your clothes like this? Please, we are going to the formal party of others." Xueyue yelled, "People rely on clothes and Buddha rely on gold. I don't want you to dress too casually."

"I'd rather just casually." Muttered in his mouth.

"What did you say!" Xueyue stuck the whole face directly in front of me. I raised my chest and said, "Everything your wife can hear!",

"It's almost the same!" He smiled as he said, "A smile blooms like a spring flower. It's moving to the extreme. It makes me feel a little lost."

"What's wrong with you two! Let's go!" Fire Dance said.

Xueyue flushed slightly and said, "Hate it! What do you say!"

I didn't speak and smiled and followed.


Men are tired! Men are tired!

Carrying big bags, I thought sadly behind the four beauties.

Next, we went in and out in large and small shopping malls and brand stores on both sides of the bustling avenue. Four MMs tried hundreds or more sets of clothes, which was all it took, and it forced me to try almost the same number of men's clothing.

Please go to that super-formal occasion last time. I'm not so tired anymore, I can't figure out why the girls have such a high level of interest and endurance for shopping. Is it a congenital factor?

After walking for an hour and a half like this, I feel like a year and a half. At this time, the MMs around me have changed into a set of carefully selected skirts and evening dresses bought in the afternoon. They also have simple makeup on their faces. The four fairies stepped into the world, and everyone around them cast countless gazes at the four beautiful girls. I also got similar gazes, but most of them were not kind.

Now it ’s my turn. After a while of toss, five of us sat in the car, and the next goal was Juerdong ’s home. Of course, we did n’t forget to pick up Ye Shuang, and the four beautiful women were squeezed into a car. Not to mention how happy it is. This guy, Zhu Erdong, lives in a famous villa area in the southern suburbs of FZ. To be more precise, it is a preserved villa area, because many villa areas were rectified when the city was renovated in the past. Partially retained, all the guys live in places that are not difficult to find, but it took half an hour to arrive, but it was also late.


Just stopped in the parking space outside the garden, we got out of the car, and this kid, Juerdong, kept running out to greet him

When he saw the two besties I brought, the guy stepped forward and said, "You guy who doesn't talk about morality, even if you have such a beautiful girlfriend, you still know such a big beauty. , Saying that you are still not the Dragon Spirit that the woman's fate was infinitely close to zero! "

I frowned and said, "Brother has changed."

"You have changed!" Zhu Erdong said angrily and clenched a fist in my chest, then turned to look at Ye Shuang and said, "It's been a long time since I saw the leaves!"

"It's been a long time since I saw Brother Er!" Said Ye Shuang, who came from Zhu Erdong, and his arms were directly around his neck. "Let's talk in our toilet."

I guess the guy I remembered the last time, but that's why he brought me here.

Xueyue asked, "Why is the chat going to the toilet?"

"Do something inconvenient to let people know things." I laughed.


Xueyue's answer directly gave the two goods in front of Lei to death, and Zhu Erdong said softly, "Pack up for you later!"

After speaking, he turned and said, "Several people are going in." Then he took us in. After opening the door, Xueyue went in advanced. The guy Juerdong retreated to me and said, "To be honest, I didn't expect that you You can be with so many beautiful women! "

I laughed: "This is only part of it!"

Juerdong stared at me and said, "What are you talking about!"

I laughed: "As long as they are willing to bring them all next time!"

"You said! It's a matter of words!"

"A spit and a nail!"

After speaking, striding into it, I began to imagine what this guy would like to see when the student association MM was invited. At this time, Xueyue came to me and asked quietly, "What did you just say?"

I said, "It's okay, just kidding."

Xueyue chuckled: "This person is very good among the people you know! I have no classmates before" and said, holding my arm.

I said, "It's good to make this friend now."

Talking to the living room, the large living room is already very lively. A large dining table full of a wide variety of dishes to enjoy. Many waiters wearing white uniforms shuttled around. Obviously this item invited a "cooking class" to cook at home, and there are already Many people chatted and laughed on the side. Among these people were my former classmates, and some of them didn't know that their current classmates, friends or colleagues were also uncertain.

Zhu Erdong's family history is good. According to my knowledge, this product is considered a rich second generation, but this guy is undefeated, but he is working very hard to develop, and then there will be no problem what appears to be rich three generations and rich four generations.

In the living room, the most attracting attention is the four MMs I brought. Long Xin and my classmates have basically met, but Xueyue, Fire Dance, and Fire Phoenix are different. Most people present They all have girlfriends, but these three are much stronger than the girlfriends around them, and they also have a lot of jealous eyes on their own, their eyes are much better than the **** in the college.

"Boss Dragon!" A girl in a light yellow dress came over and greeted me warmly. She was my classmate Huang Yuli last time.

I greeted the college and said, "Hello, four-eyed steel tooth girl!"

Huang Yuli laughed: "Please, how long has it been? I want to ask that the oldest boss, who even had a bully who wanted to take a detour, has now lost his body."

I didn't have the energy to give her a white look. Xueyue pulled my collar and said, "Are you very powerful before? Tell me!"

I scratched my head and said, "Well, I'll tell you when I go home!" Then a few more girls came over and I introduced them. The girls talked about each other very easily, and it didn't take long for them to get hot.

After chatting for a while, the dishes are all available, everyone sits down, but at this time all the lights in the living room go out, I suddenly feel strange, but then a waiter pushed the large multi-layer cake on the shelf from Out of a room, the candles on the cake swayed brightly.

In the corner of the living room, the band began to play happy birthday songs. With the blessings of everyone singing together, I trust! Feelings are this kid's birthday today. Even if this product can invite a "cooking class" to a home for a party, there are cakes, and a prom. This guy really does everything.


Numerous men invited four MMs to dance at the ball, and when they were all, they touched their noses.

Immediately afterwards, I was pulled by Zhu Erdong: "How embarrassed are you to come up empty-handed at a good friend's birthday party?"

I exclaimed, "I don't know if your boy squeaked."

Zhu Erdong laughed: "Haha, don't do this to us and anyone. If you don't dislike it, just send me a raptor. You can't use a summoner anyway."

I said, "You can't even use a mage."

Zhu Erdong laughed: "I want to chase a girl. She is a soldier. If you want to chase people, you have to say a little bit."

I said, "But it's okay, but how do you know about it?"

Zhu Erdong laughed: "Ye Shuang told me."

"Sell friends for mercy!" I was so angry that he spit out these four words.

After the playful dinner, I bid farewell to Zhu Erdong and my classmates, and I went home in a fire dancing car.

Go home and wash your face and brush your teeth. Turn on the computer to see the official website. Sure enough, at this time, a very eye-catching thing. It said that 35 people have recently broken through the power barrier. Five of them realized the skills. It ’s hard to touch but the skills are really difficult to trigger. Let ’s take a look at the Id and skills of these people-

Lao Niu Juvenile: [Concussion] Decrease the enemy's defense by 2o% (not effective for BOSS) within 10X10 yards. Each time the skill is released, it will cause 10X real damage to nearby buildings and enemies.

Haolong: [Power of Despair] When his blood will start to drop from 10%, he will change his attributes.

Shadow Dance Month: [Decisively] Increases cast speed and attack speed by 30% and reduces cooldown by 20%.

Rainfall: [Soul Chase] Increases the attack power by 35%, and the long-range attack hit rate is 100% within the effective range.

Little knife: [Disarm] The weapon of others is the best weapon. In close combat, a 70% chance to capture one piece of equipment and use it directly regardless of the conditions of use of the equipment (only one piece of equipment can be captured at a time), returned 10 seconds later, and a 01% chance to take the seized items as your own.

I opened my eyes and saw that three of these three were mine and two of them were death gods, and they were still giants of death. In addition, the players also gave a name to these players who acquired exclusive skills. For those who have abnormal skills, I think this exclusive skill will occupy a large proportion on the battlefield in the next battle.

And these five famous skills, Yu Luo's exclusive skills are undoubtedly the best, increasing 35% attack power, long-range attack will be hit, it can be said that he is a dead! Shadow Dance Moon is also good. Reduce skill cooling and increase casting and attack speed. It will become more skilful in combat. The skills learned by the old cow are a bit interesting. The defense is reduced by 20%. Unless the opponent is an iron plate, it will be very uncomfortable. Right It's a bit awkward that BOSS is invalid. Haolong's skills are completely incomprehensible. He only knows how to use them. The skills of the little knife can be described by metamorphosis. What disarming is called robbery. It can also be considered as his own. For a moment, isn't the other party alive and crying.

Turning off the computer, I slept a lot.

No dreams overnight.

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