Master Summoner Online

Chapter 513: Butterfly Mo

The water tiger left a piece of equipment and some gold coins in the end. This equipment was picked up and looked like a helmet.

Ironbone helmet, grade: green, defense +180, armor specialization +5, strength +5, increase the user's defense by 1%, qi and blood +200, need level: 80.

The junk cargo is super ordinary green, and the 80-level equipment only adds 180 defense. It is estimated that the purple equipment of the same level is better than it, and it is thrown directly into the water.


The helmet fell into the water and stirred up a splash of water. At this moment, "Hey! Let me go out!" This sound was not as cold and ruthless as before, but a very delicate sound. Listening to this tone, it seems that the aunt and grandmother who were inside are awake Come, but she is not easy to figure it out. Garuru is my summoning beast. I can only open the cockpit when I say it, and I do n’t care about her making a ghost in it. Those things are indestructible, so leave it alone. No matter how she percussed the buttons, nothing happened.

However, it was not good to make this chick anxious, so she said quietly, "Open the door."

The cockpit door opened, and the next moment I saw a figure jumping out, and then leaping from Garulu like a gust of wind, and ran to me in a lightning speed, at this moment I saw her face all over the country When I went to the previous battle, there was no coldness there, leaving a glorious face.

In front of the girl who came, she couldn't help but throw it away! I was shocked and avoided my head, but Ku Wu still scratched my cheek and left a small blood hole. A small drop of blood slipped down, and -1 point of injury floated out. I exclaimed: "What a hair! "

"You bad guy! Give me back my demon piano!" Suddenly he drunk, followed by a "snap" in the right hand, and a black single whip showing one by one appeared on it.

I rely! This girl has a lot of stuff on her! However, at this moment, Tianzhao and the Black God reacted immediately. A few sharp edges appeared, and the blood-stained double knives instantly caught her neck, and the sickle was also attached to her little waist. As long as she had a slight act, she would immediately Let her cut her head and stay in the middle.


"You're fucking! Airfield!" I couldn't help but drink and wipe the blood on my face with my hand.

The other yelled, "Don't call me the airport! Give me back my devil piano! Bad guy!"

"Heavenly piano? Oh! I know, Gatling Blast comes over!" Calling while Gatlin Blast came fooling around, the left-handed manipulator held the piano and said, "Is it right?" This one!"

"Just give it back to me!"

"No!" I said shamelessly, and it was funny to see her gasping. The player's hand in the second world was released because of the battle or was left aside. Then once the player died, the item burst out. The rate will increase by 50%. This one will definitely make no difference, so if I hang her now, this piano will belong to me, unless she is of good character or this thing cannot fall.

"You two retreat first!" I said, and Tian Zhao and the Black God immediately withdrew their arms and set aside.

The girl snorted softly and said, "It's easy to get it back. Answer me a few questions, and I'll give it back to you when I'm done."

"You ask!" She said, clasping her chest with her hands, but she had no chest at all.

I asked, "The first question is who are you okay to come and fight with me?"

The other party replied: "My name is Die Mu, and I heard that your beast **** is very powerful, and it is true and false."

I nodded and said, "The second question is what kind of occupation do you remember? I don't remember the occupation of playing the piano?" The only thing I have heard of the weapon of musical instruments is 'hunting flute', but that also requires a special occupation to use.

Die Mo said: "My profession is a residual music musician. Qin is my exclusive weapon. If this thing does not explode, you must live with enough materials to find a special NPC to make it."

Yes, the girl listened well and then asked, "The third question is what happened to the flying knife?"

Die Mo said: "The flying knife is also a weapon that I still used in the Flying Man period. The transfer piano and flying knife resonated, and I got a Qin Yu flying knife. I can control the flying knife through the strings. Qin used only hands to control the flight but then the power and speed would decrease and skills would not be used. "

I said, "That's pretty NB."

Die Mo stretched out her hand and said, "Okay, your question is answered, please return me to the magic piano!"

I laughed and said, "I don't remember I asked!"

"Bad guy!" Xingyan yelled, Xingyan's eyes widened, and he lifted the whip in his hand and drew his head and face.

"Fright! Pain!" I didn't respond and the whip was pumped directly on my head!


I was slightly surprised to see the damage coming out. I didn't think this chick could kill 1500 points of blood with a whip. You need to know how much attack power the whip has as a secondary weapon. Based on this, the chick's attack power is at least 4,000 The above nearly 5,000 points of attack power, why obedient characters have let themselves run into each other.

At this moment, the black **** Tianzhao immediately rushed to the front of the weapon but was stopped by me and then said, "You airport, don't hit people at all!"

"Don't call me the airport!" He said raising his hand again, but this time I'm more exclusive!

A cuboid face appeared and bit it, and saw that she was struggling in the solitary esteem. Lang Lang shouted, "Let me go!"

I said, "Let you go! Let go of you and let you whip me with a whip!"

"Huh!" I twisted my head and twitched my mouth, and I couldn't help but grin, I couldn't believe that this was the same person as the one who chased him before, and some scratched my head without thinking, but the restraint time of my solitude was over Disappeared, Die Mo also resumed to freely organize her own business.

He said, "Give me back!"

She really remembered that piano: "Here."

Gatling Benglong dismissed and threw the long-harp that she had taken, and Die Mo quickly picked it up and said quietly, "It's almost the same."

Soon she said again: "Yes! You destroyed my flying knife, how can you pay me!"

by! This girl doesn't bother! Said: "Then you chased me for so long, and the task that harmed me will be postponed again, how can you compensate me!"

I saw her say forty-five degrees to the sky: "That's your business, I can't control it!"

"Fuck!" Yelled, "Well, I'll blast you first, and use your equipment to compensate me !!"

He raised his eyebrows and summoned the beasts to gather around her and said, "How about, you don't have the cooperation of the flying knife and the piano, and you are not my opponent!"

Die Mo took a deep breath and said, "What do you want then?"

I said, "Just give some VIP tickets!"

"Ah!" Die Mo stunned.

I laughed: "Join my guild."

Die Mo said very refreshingly, "Yes."

I was startled, "How refreshing!"

Die Mo smiled: "I had a good impression of your dragon's teeth originally. I want to see if your president is the real master."

I said, "I know it!"

"Yes!" Die Mo said dismissively.

I clapped my hands and sighed, "It's good to turn your enemies into friends!" But now the guild is full, and it's time to kick some people. Open the list and glance down to find that a hermit swordsman was only 78 and occupied an elite seat. ,by! Whoever received this product did not dare to stay in the main league and occupied an elite position without level 80. It really stood in the pit and did not shit. If you directly assign this guy to drunk silver, you will reflect on it. Who made your kid not to work hard? .

Immediately after sending an invitation to her, she immediately agreed, and a prompt came out from the guild channel: "Ding ~! Player Butterfly Mo joins the Dragon Tooth Guild!"

I continued: "Introduce yourself in a guild."


Then open the guild channel to share and then Die Mo said: "Hello everyone! My name is Die Mo, a Grade 93 residual video musician, please take care of me!"

A group of animals broke out in the guild before the words fell!

"Beauty brought here!"

"It's beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

"Beauty seeking friendship!"

"Begging for QQ!"

"President is pulling in another beauty!"

"Beast God V5!"

Die Mo said: "Who are these people in?"

I laughed: "Don't leave them alone!"

Watching the group of people in the channel yelling, one after another, I hesitated, and pulled in a talented beauties to come in, this family can be said to only make no loss, this trip is indeed correct!

But because of her frustration, it was already noon. I said, "What are you going to do next?"

"Return to the city. But you are not willing to take me to do your task. I don't recommend it." Die Mo.

I said, "Forget it, I've been delayed so long by you, with you who knows whether you will be stabbed in the back by you."

"What are you talking about! I'm asking people to sign up for you."

I laughed: "Just do it, but now I'm going to eat offline."

Die Mo said: "I'm going back too. In the afternoon, I still have something to do. Remember to lose my flying knife!"

I said, "Someday in the future!"

"What are you talking about?" I whispered the whip, but I decisively pressed the logout to avoid the line!

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