Master Summoner Online

Chapter 527: Acquisition

"What are you talking about!"

I said, word by word, "I said, I have killed that cockroach!"

The guy with a long horse face shouted, "Smelly kid dare to grab our boss, your kid is trying to die!"

I said, "Your boss? Why didn't I see your name written on it when I hit?"

Wushuang Jianji also laughed, "Yes."

I said, "What's nice about that cockroach is that it's a bit more expensive."

Changma face said: "What do you know, kid? That cockroach will explode two skill books, one called 'Regeneration' and one called 'Environmental Disguise'. The guy brushed it only half a month. Someone half a month ago We came here for these two books, but we didn't expect to be preempted by your kid. "

"Oh, isn't this!" He said, taking out the big cockroach and dropping two books, although they were not identified, they were probably them.

"Ah! It's so explosive! Brothers hung up this kid and exploded the skill book!" Long Ma face shouted immediately the younger brothers picked up the guys and were ready to start, but then Wushuang Jianji suddenly shouted: "I Say if you are too impatient, they are beast gods, and your dishes are your opponents. Besides, such things as skill books are unidentified, how do you know that there must be two. "

Chang Ma's face suddenly stopped when he heard it. After all, if it did not definitely offend people, and the 11th and 2nd people I brought were not enough for me to summon a few **, then when I lost my wife and broke down, The soldiers taboo, long horse face can be considered a person with a head, naturally not to make this mistake.

"Phoenix Qin, come here." Wushuang Jianji beckoned a female magician with a fiery red magic robe and a delicate and exquisite face standard figure came over from the crowd. Wushuang Jianji also said: "Beast God, Phoenix Qin The secondary occupation is an appraiser. Now that I am an expert, I can identify skill books. If it is, I am willing to acquire it at a high price. "

I laughed and said, "Okay." To be honest, I haven't made money for a while, how can I miss it.

This time Changma face shouted: "Wait, I have something to say."

"What are you talking about?"

Long Ma face said: "Our ghosts at dusk are not afraid of your dragon teeth. It may be best solved peacefully, so I am willing to acquire it."

I laughed and said, "Okay." I thought I should try to black it out, but the next sentence of Changma's face broke my mind. Changma said, "It's no price to buy us!"

"What is better than that?" Wushuang Jianji asked.

Changma face said: "We are better than strength. You first let the appraiser go for appraisal. If it is, we will compare it. I won the beast **** and bought something for me. If you go back to the city and I lose, I immediately take my brother We will explode immediately next time. "

"I'm fine. Don't talk to me in this tone. Who knows the fighting power of the ghost of the dusk?" Wushuang Jianji looked at me and said, "What do you think about the beast god?"

I laughed: "I have a question, anyway, you guys, I have to go back to the task."

"Since it's decided, go ahead."

"I know the elder sister." Speaking in front of me, this female mage was in full swing, and I passed the skill book and said, "Please, please."

Fenghuangqin nodded, and then a hexagram cluster appeared in the palm of her hand, and she patted the skill book. The result was a faint light. The light disappeared for half a second. Seeing her face should have failed. Identification The success rate of using this kind of thing is definitely not an instant hit. Fenghuangqin is not a little bit frustrated at the moment, and a series of appraisal techniques are taken up. Finally, the light on the book lasts for more than two seconds and smiles. The identification was successful, and the second book followed suit.

After several appraisals, Fenghuang Qin laughed and said, "Well, look at the attributes."

I nodded and opened the properties of the two books, and when I saw it, I was really surprised-

Environment camouflage (passive) effect: It will enter a camouflage state if it is stationary for 3 seconds without any damage. Any action and damage will break this effect. After getting out of stealth, you will get a surprising victory effect, increasing the attack speed by 40% for 3 seconds.

Vitality regeneration (passive) effect: Qi and blood with a maximum Qi and Blood value of 5% are restored every second, and the recovery speed doubles after leaving the battle.

I was stunned. The stealth effect of this environment camouflage, there is no need to worry about the time limit of stealth status. This is a wonderful skill for killing and sapling. Traveling at home is a must-have for consumption. If the output of a thing is not enough, the damage is faster than the speed of returning blood.

"Isn't it?" Both asked.

I nodded and said, "Yeah."

Changma face said, "Well, Wushuang Sword Ji, let's fight!" With a silent axe in his hand, this axe has a long handle, which is obviously a two-handed weapon, Wushuang Sword Ji also pulled out the Western sword around her waist.

The horse's face slammed the axe's axe on the ground, and suddenly a crack like a spider's web appeared on the ground, and at the same time he said, "Let's do it!"

Wushuang Jianji said so leisurely: "Don't worry, if you hit it directly, it will be famous, let's use the system's consultation mode!"


Long Horse's face snorted. The next moment, a red battle flag was planted beside the two, and the discussion officially started!

"The halo is on!"

The horse's face exploded, and three sets of haloes outside of the set of fine steel armor exploded. Obviously, his profession was a madman. As the halo exploded, an indescribable and powerful breath spread in all directions. In the past, even I felt an invisible momentum blowing by, and a few people around him retreated somewhat and couldn't resist the powerful momentum.

At this time, the special effects of skills are mainly used for bluffing, but they still have effects.

"Mad Lion Power!"

The horse's face was a big axe with two hands clenched, and a golden light mist spread out. At the scene of the axe body, the head of a golden lion, on the blade of the axe, flowed like ripples. The yellow light is so heartening and dazzling.

Wushuang Sword Ji smiled slightly and the Western sword fluttered in front of me. As soon as the two sides passed, I immediately took a golden eye and scanned them.

Level 89, Berserker, Equipment: Mad Lion Battlegear (Dark Gold), Thunder Boom Axe (Orange Red) and other unknown.

Next is Warriors Sword Concubine-

Level 90, Swordsman, Equipment: Streamer (Dark Gold), Special Item: Fiona's Will. Other unknown.

There is no doubt that the levels of the two sides are different. There are not many things scanned on the equipment, and no one has a clear advantage. Then, the victory of this battle depends on the two's understanding and reaction to the battle.

Long Horse's face is the warrior's charge skills, approaching Wushuang Jianji in an instant, and leaping high in front of Wusong Jianji, the tomahawk struck a huge half-arc in his hand, and went down to the Wushuang sword heavily. Ji smashed it.

The attack method of this guy is simple, but the momentum is very amazing. The tomahawk dropped with the force of pulling the mountains and rivers. The ground is unparalleled, and he is not in a hurry. His body is slightly bent, and he scatters out obliquely. It was impossible to hit her with a single blow.

With a loud bang, Tomahawk with amazing momentum and strength smashed into the place where Wushuang Jianji stood just now, and suddenly a large pit was added to the ground.

When the tomahawk landed, Wushuang Sword Ji cut in, pierced the western sword in his hand, and stabbed at the long horse face with a fencing-like technique.

"Yeah!" Long Ma's face drank with a single hand and yanked out the tomahawk that smashed into the ground, swiping to the side of Wushuang Jianji, Wushuangjianji was not frightened, and a low axe passed over her head. Then, the western sword in her hand pierced the opponent's throat, but this time Long Ma's face stretched out with his left hand, and the iron gloved palm grabbed the western sword's sword, and the other hand raised a big axe. He sprinted towards Wushuang Jianji, and suddenly Wushuang Jianji's left hand pulled a short sword from the back, "ding" a collision sound.

Unexpectedly, since Wushuang Jianji used a dagger to hold the opponent's tomahawk, then Wushuang Jianji pulled out the western sword and the two returned to the same starting line again.

The two men had entered the war just now, and both sides had some understanding of the opponents in front of them. The long horse face was fierce and horrifying, and Wushuang Jianji was very lightweight and precise. The two were not surprised at this moment. After all, no one expected that a blow could hurt the opponent.

I have learned the strength of Wushuang Jianji. If it wasn't for her skill on Ruyi stick, it might be difficult to win her. In addition, this horse-faced one is not a fuel-saving lamp. Quite ugly but others are very powerful.

After a short pause, the two men fought again, this time it was Wushuang Jian's main attack, and the streamer sword entangled in a wave of air, and then she rushed up with lightning, and the Western sword in her hand was surging with momentum. The waves waved towards the long horse's face in an instant.

Long Ma face leaned back to avoid the blow, and at the same time a low howl, holding his axe with both hands, took an amazing breath and swept out obliquely from bottom to top.

At this moment, Wushuang Sword Ji's body retreated sharply, and the opponent's attack also flew, but then the long horse face waved a tomahawk to launch a storm-like attack. Wushuang Sword Ji also showed no weakness in the Western sword with a thorn in his hand.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!" A series of metal collisions were extremely jarring. The two arms intersected, sparkling with dazzling sparks.

However, the attacking power of Changma's face is very powerful, and he has suppressed the Warriors Sword Concealer. I think the current situation should be to quickly open up the distance and use his light energy to fight guerrillas with the opponent instead of actively resisting the sword to fight against it. As far as the weight difference between the weapons of both sides is too large, the slender body of the Western Sword can never stop the powerful axe, so Wushuang Jianji is not wise to send it now.

At this moment, Changma's face completely suppressed Wushuang Jianji, and his face showed a pleasant surprise. At this moment, Wushuang Jianji's eyes flashed a look. I suddenly saw a bright light in my eyes and couldn't help but whisper, "It's over!"

My words didn't fall, Wushuang Jianji's body shook the opponent's axe and flew into the air. At the moment when Wushuang Jianji slammed into the opponent's body, the western sword exploded on the opponent's body instantly. The speed of fencing was unparalleled, and each time was just right. Things are like peers and flowing water. For a long time, the horse's face has no strength to fight back. The blood is instantly empty like a faucet, and then Wushuang Jianji picks it on one note. The horse's face is picked up and flew down to the ground.

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