Master Summoner Online

Chapter 549: Meet the Tyrant Again

Seeing this situation, we immediately moved forward. During the running process, I also clearly saw the appearance of the other party. Immediately, the two Chinese people in the fierce battle, one of the female players, is Ziyue! I didn't expect to meet her here, but at this time it should have been killed without her summoned beast, but Kuchulin was killed in the battle. Obviously she had tried hard before.

Another Chinese player is obviously a warrior profession, looks handsome, and his age is similar to himself, but I am very concerned. Since he is also using dual wield weapons, his left hand is a sharp blue sword, and his right hand is a beating spark. The sharp swords of the six-man melee are quite equal. When the fight was fierce, our sudden appearance and the balance was broken here.

We four people and two heads summoned the beast to make all the foreigners horrified, but before these guys came back to the sky, Tian Zhao rushed to the front of the little Japan standing on the outer edge and this time, the little Japan Holding a giant axe in both hands, he swept away the whip that Ziyue attacked, striding away, and a cyclone was set at his feet. This guy knew that he was going to escape with a charge.

"Where to go!" Ziyue uttered a coquettish flutter, and the whip fluttered in her hand, and saw that the whip body suddenly grows suddenly, and it is immediately wrapped around the other person's neck, and then a blue and white current suddenly beats on the whip, and Little Japan is instantly charged with electricity Shivering.

At the same time, Tian Zhao's beautiful figure rushed to the front, facing the other person's face, the red eyes were full of murderous intentions, both hands spread out, and the electric trembling little Japan suddenly issued a pig-like killing Screaming, Tian Zhao's blow directly cut off his arms, and at the same time, the black **** also landed and sickened with a sickle.

With the second scream, this guy also got rid of his thighs, and then Ziyue's whip was closed and then suddenly pulled out to smash his head of melon seeds to pieces, and the corpse was spotted on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, one person fell and three foreigners were left. The first thing I can think of is that I may only have escaped. After all, even if I combined the theory of quantity theory, it is not a grade. In such a battle with no chance, I can save my life. is the most important.

However, they wanted to escape from us and they couldn't go. Immediately, a legendary stun arrow stunned an Indian player. At the same time, the player holding the double sword was inserted into the chest of an Indian player instantly. In the middle, he opened it with a wave, and even the internal organs and intestines were pulled out, resulting in a tragic death.

The remaining two people, one turned and ran away. Since the other American rushed to himself and waved the huge sword in his hand, when he came in front of me, he jumped up a heavy fencing and slammed it down. My body flickered, A long mark fell on the ground in the blow of this heavy fencing.

He responded quickly, dragging the hilt of the sword and turning, the sword scoring an arc on the ground and bursting into blood, and slashed from the bottom up!

"Lightning declaration!"


Forgive me much faster than him. Before the blade of his sword was half-struck, the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance had penetrated into his chest with a thunderbolt, which scared him back and forth, His face was pale, and then the dragon's arm gave a "click" to his throat, and then he bit the guy's throat.


At the same time, the legendary life used a spiral arrow blade against the remaining foreigner, and the arrow blade was stabbed. This goods could not be resisted. The legendary life has the blessing of equipment and bow god. His attacking force is definitely against the sky! The blow directly wounded the foreigner.

Then the legendary life sent a soaring arrow, and the two moves blew up nearly twenty-five thousand qi and blood, and returned it to China.

Ziyue shook her whip and laughed, "I didn't expect you to be here, but thanks to you, otherwise I don't know how much time it will take to solve them."

I laughed and said, "I didn't expect, what about your summoning beast?"

"Kneeling." Ziyue said very depressed: "I was doing a collection task in the dark forest early in the morning. Suddenly I saw this castle and came in for a moment, but I didn't expect to go out once I came in. I ca n’t use it, and I suddenly encountered a 110-level elite BOSS, and finally killed it. The summoned beasts were hung up. Then, after a few steps, I encountered a group of 135 enhanced monsters. They chased around, The guy who touched next. "He pointed to the soldier next to him. At the same time, Ziyue was very upset about what she had encountered.

The legend laughed all his life: "There are not many people who can't see the same fate as me."

The soldier said: "Yeah, it seems that we can get together is a fate."

I laughed: "If that's the case, let's go together."

Ziyue said, "Do you know how to get out?"

I said, "You can go out by clearing each level. I have already killed two, and follow me." With two more people joining us, our team grew stronger, from the stone staircase in the other part of the hall. Continue to go up, we chatted with each other on the road.

Ziyue said: "It seems that this is the only way, thank you for saving me before you called me."

The soldier laughed: "The trivial matter is so insignificant. In the next name is Yanyu Liunian, Level 93 Soul Soul, who just changed jobs two days ago. I wanted to enter here to try the fighting power of this profession. Now. I do n’t know the beauty ’s name. ”

"Ziyue." Ziyue talked.

"Good name, the beauty left a phone QQ to facilitate contact." The goods began to talk to Ziyue.

Ziyue had already been surprised at such things, so she said very naturally, "No."

Yan Yuliu's face was ugly, and it was uncomfortable not to refuse. I pulled him over and said quietly, "Is it chasing her?"

Yanyu Liunian whispered: "That was when I first saw her, and I made up my mind. If God gave me a chance to chase her, I must succeed."

I said, "God doesn't seem to be able to give it, but I can!"

"Really." His eyes glowed.

"That is, tell you that she is a member of the guild. You have no chance to join my guild." I said with my hands behind my head.

This legendary life suddenly rushed over and said, "Hey, hey! It's enough to have your income."

I laughed and said, "How do you want to learn? Pay the tuition fee of one hundred gold coins first!"

The legend said angrily throughout his life: "Go! Let's die a bit!"

"Hahaha!" I laughed, and then threw a player with a lower level from the guild to the League and added the smoke and rain, and Ziyue suddenly asked: "How did you bring him in?"

I said, "How can such talents not be needed, our guild's combat effectiveness still needs to be increased."

We walked and talked all the way. We walked quickly across this stone staircase and walked into a promenade. We can see the tiger's roar coming from the corner of the promenade that suddenly entered. Howling! Could it be that open tiger, and at this time someone has touched the BOSS?

"Go, look over!" I laughed.


The crowd nodded, and then everyone ran carefully, and stopped at the corner. I quietly poked out my head and looked at it. Sure enough, a tiger was roaring in the promenade hall, and chased several poor players with its claws. At the same time, the first man in armor was watching the performance underneath.

You can't go wrong. That tiger is a tiger, and the person sitting above is a tyrant. NND, finally let me see you. Today you must choose.

"Do you want to go and kill them?" Aura said softly beside me.

"No, the boss will kill them, and we'll be there when they die!" I said.

Fire eyes and golden eyes scanned the past. This Kaitian Tiger is also a 120-level ordinary BOSS, but it is very powerful, killing several players around it, and suddenly "roars!" Kai Tianhu roars instantly stuns the surrounding seven or eight players, and then stuns. The claws danced violently. These melee players fell to the ground, then the claws fell in a sweep of fire and rain accompanied by a sound of misery. Several remote players were spared and fell to the ground.


"What a terrible boss." The legend stunned his tongue for the rest of his life.

I said, "I found that I had a way to get it, and the humanoid monster above was the boss in this area. Kill him and go to the next area."

Ziyue said: "You seem to want to get familiar?"

I laughed: "I played against him before, but was sent to the ground floor of the castle by his tiger with one stroke, and you all know the next thing."

"What can you do to deal with two bosses?"

I said, "I have a prop that can kill the Sky Tiger first, and then we will work together to deal with the boss BOSS. It should not be a problem."

"Okay, that's up to you." Ziyue said.

"Just give it to me!" Talking about taking out the poisonous dragon's tooth from the backpack and flashing out of the corner with a lunge, the tyrant suddenly shouted as soon as I appeared: "Since you are still here, I thought my little Baby has thrown you into the sea of ​​death. Since this is going to drive Tianhu! Kill this little ghost! "


Kai Tianhu immediately rushed at me, and at the same time raised a huge tiger claw and attacked! The shield opened, which was smashed by one of his claws, and then opened another sharp claw of Tianhu and slammed it over, slamming on my shoulder, bringing up a number of injuries, very terrible-


I almost patted Lao Tzu with one palm, and at the same time resisted the pain. He clenched the tail of the poisonous dragon's tooth with his right hand and drank, "Die!"

This half-meter-long tusks broke open the tiger fur and pierced deeply into the body. Kai tiger suddenly burst into a sorrow, and then I pulled out the fangs, and suddenly a wound flowed out of the wound. The black blood, Kai Tianhu's body wobbled a few times, and the huge body fell suddenly, ending its life!

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