Master Summoner Online

Chapter 575: Dragon City

"That Arad, how do you know I'm back today." I asked.

Arad shook his head and said, "I don't know, but my dragon king knows that I just follow orders."

After speaking, I stopped answering and continued to fly forward. After ten minutes, we flew away from the ice field. Now it was a gray place! The grey surroundings couldn't see anything around them, and Arad flew for a full two hours before the fog gradually dispersed, and the original hazy world became clear at this time. It took two and a half hours to fly away from this weird mist.

At this time, I couldn't help looking down and found the endless cemetery below, but there were no ruined tombstones and messy crosses, and there were countless giant dragon bones, piles of huge dragon bones, and gray living black. The stones and the soil make people feel a bleakness and weirdness.

This should be the land of the keel, and at the end of the land is a majestic city. I asked, "What city is Arad!"

Arad replied: "That is the city of iron dragons, the city of iron and steel that guards Longyuan. The city of dragons is more than hundreds of kilometers long. The city is made of death metal from **** and polished with the soul of the underworld. Chimera ’s venom is helpless. There are a hundred extermination artillery towering in the city. As the name implies, even if the **** is hit by a cannon, it will be destroyed in smoke. The extinction artillery is connected to the underground dragon vein. The vast dragon vein is used as the energy supply. The army of the demon king in the world can only retreat in front of the dragon city. "

"Such a cow?"

"That is, of course, as the fortress guarding Long Yuan, Niu B." Arad said proudly.

It took me a while to finally reach the wall.

In front of me was an open moat, at least who was dirty, turbid and smelly in the river. At this time, I saw the weird and huge bodies appearing in the river. These guys resemble giant fishes, and their appearance Alas, there are barbs on the back of the scales.

I asked, "What are those guys?"

Arad said: "This river is called the river of sorrow. Those who look like fish are the original inhabitants here. Usually we feed them a little food and they will protect me as a moat."

After speaking, Arad shouted again, "Hey! You slackers, please open the door!"

With its voice rising from the suspension bridge and slowly lowering it, and finally the large suspension bridge lying flat on the river, I asked again, "Why don't we fly in?"

Arad laughed: "This is a rule. You must go in through the door unless there is a big battle." After that, I stepped carefully onto the suspension bridge, and after walking along the suspension bridge came to the gate.

This is an amazingly large gate with a height of at least 100 meters and about 50 meters in disorder. It is made of a black steel that looks extremely magnificent. Look at the plaque on the gate of the city. A big character flying dragons and phoenixes-蜃 龙城.

Here comes Long Yuan, Long Yuan, obediently! I finally arrived at my destination. After crossing the gate, I finally entered this eerie and magnificent city.

But after entering, a prompt popped out--

"Ding ~! You enter the Dragon City, affected by the enchantment within the Dragon City, all your attributes will be reset to zero time, all skills will be unavailable, and will automatically recover after leaving."

After seeing this prompt, I immediately took a sip of air conditioning. This place really did not come casually. Look at your attributes. Attack and defense have become 0. Blood and magic have become 1. You cannot use your skills. Isn't it the same thing as a photo?

After entering the city, I saw that this is not the lifeless way I imagined. It is a place where many people should be said to be of many races. There are some people with long wings on their backs, but their wings are not white wings but a pair of ice sculptures. Ice wings, there are some standing men with pointed ears, handsome men and beautiful women, and there are some orcs who have standing heads of the beast's body, and there are **** eyes with a pair of goat horns. There are some undeads with only bones, others have human bodies, but they have dragon heads, horns, and their hands and feet resemble dragon claws. They look very majestic and terrible. Of course, I can see some people but these People's eyes are not Oriental black nor Western's blond, but purple or scarlet pupils. The average height is about two meters, the limbs are the same as humans, but the skin is full like tree bark. With various markings, it looks very rough. It is not long hair on the top of the head, but green, yellow, and other creatures covered by leaves.

After we entered the street, the pedestrians receded left and right to make way for Arad to pass.

I said, "There are so many races here."

Arad laughed: "It was a refuge in the city where one of the few cities that had not been captured during the racial war. The refugees of all races gathered in the dragon city, and I told that refugees of thirty-two races were gathered here. There are more than one billion. Most of the ethnic refugees returned to their hometown after the war. At present, there are still people living in the dragon city, Wing people, but I like to call them bird people, but also elves, demons, undead, tree spirits, The orcs, dwarfs, ghosts, and blood are already our dragons, but because we are too big, we will use dragon language magic to shrink ourselves into dragons. Of course, some of them can be transformed into adults like I did. "

I asked, "I want to ask what kind of race is the shadow and blood race among the races you just mentioned?"

Arad said: "The shadow is from the race opposite the Sea of ​​Sighs. Their ancestors are the dark protoss. It is said that this race was born after the combination of the succubus and dark demons in the dark protoss. As for the blood tribe, you should know them Another name. "

"What is it."

"It ’s a vampire, but do n’t call them vampires. Call them blood or Dracula families to respect them. These guys have reached the brink of extinction. On the one hand, the war is the suppression of your humans. What vampire hunter is also called blood hunting, and now this dragon city on the mainland basically does not think of any blood race. "


"Not because of the war but because of you humans, it is true that this vampire is bloodthirsty and cruel compared with a human in the bones in the field. Of course I did not say you."

During the conversation we have come to the end of the dragon city. Here is a huge iron gate. The people standing outside the iron gate in a row of armor have green skin with pointed ears, scarlet eyes, and burly. Their The eyes were fierce and stern, making people feel a sense of guilty fear. At the same time, I also saw that there was a line on their forehead-Goblin embargo! Then a guy dressed up as a captain came out.

"Who's coming, please name it quickly!"

Arad shouted, "Report to your sister! Open the door, do you want me to invite you?"

The captain's dressed Goblin immediately shouted, "It was Lord Arad, and the door was opened right away." I said the commander opened the door and I said, "Arad, you have a very high status here."

Arad stepped into the door and said, "That's Lao Tzu, but a relative of the Dragon King. These little Goblin are a hair."

After speaking, Arad lowered his body with a hole in which he came and said, "Here you are. From there, you enter a portal at the end of the cave and walk there to teleport you to the place of my dragon king."

I said, "Aren't you going in?"

Arad shook his head and said, "Can't take my task and bring you here, and find that I will wait for you at the door."

"Oh." With a weird feeling coming down from Arad, the sky **** Black God followed behind, the three of us carefully entered the cave, and now my ability has been dissipated. After entering, I beat up a hundred times. Spiritually, there aren't any monsters in this hole, it's just very dark. Of course, hope is just dark.

Then I walked in this dark hole for two full hours, not to mention the portal. I can't even see a thing like a door. After walking in the hole for so long, I really can't see any famous people. Eat offline.

Only after exiting the game, wash the face and come to the living room. At this moment, the MMs are all there, Ziyue said, "Where has the traveler traveled?"

I said, "I've arrived in Longyuan."

"Yes, let's talk about how you got there." Fire Dance asked with interest.

Next, I will probably say what happened today!

After speaking, Fire Dance laughed and said, "I did not expect our Dragon Spirit to look like her husband."

"What husband, that's a national hero." I said in depression, sitting on the sofa.

Xueyue leaned beside me and said, "Long Ling, have you not told me why you are so far away?

I said, "Do you remember when we bought a belt at the night market together?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

I said, "A very special item attached to that belt. The accessory has very powerful skills and attributes. This time I went to Longyuan to find items that can open the skills and attributes above."

Xueyue asked, "You're so sure that the item is there."

I said, "I'm not sure about this, but I can't give up if I have a clue."

"So don't give up on eating." At this moment, Huofeng walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of hot soup.

I laughed and said, "That is, people are iron rice and steel. They are too hungry to eat without meals."

After all the MM laughed.

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