Master Summoner Online

Chapter 581: Broken Dragon (3)

The Broken Dragon slammed forward, the huge forelimb slammed down, quickly backed away, and the Broken Dragon swooped on another paw again!

I flashed out, without hesitation, a heroic charge rushed up and hit the broken dragon!

—489 I fuck! Only with this damage, immediately pulled out the Red-Eyed Dragon to attack, and the Tengyun raid first! Immediately after Long Qi Sweep!


This guy's scale hardness is beyond the imagination of the red-eyed dragon gun on the dragon armor, and it actually splashed out a metallic strike against Mars!

—1724—2009—1984 The defense of this product is indeed not covered. The embarrassment of yours just now had to be good for this tone. At the same time when I attacked, Tian Zhao and the Black God also launched attacks from the other two sides.

I said, "Let's go out and pack him outside the cave!"

"Understood." So the three started running outside the cave, as long as they called the ark in the spacious place outside the cave to kill it.


Shattered Dragon roared, suddenly raised his front paws, and chased after him!

Although the cave was full of stones and pillars, it affected its actions, but rammed in front of it, catching up with me three or two times, and quickly raised the red-eyed dragon gun. Then the broken dragon punched him Over here, I was ready to parry but couldn't even manage to fight it. I was shot by the broken dragon's paw and flew out, and suddenly there was a sharp pain in the body of a huge explosion!

—16894NND, I can almost kill me in just two clicks. This guy has a strong attack and the slime bacteria on it will explode.

Amazed, I ran without thinking about my turn, and if I tried to kill, I would have no choice but to die! Something must be done "Stop the Amber Dragon!"

Immediately, I was daring and loyal to the Amber Dragon, roaring and fighting with the Broken Dragon. Although it could not be suppressed like an ark, it barely fought for me for a few seconds.

Rushing out of the cave, I quickly moved my vision, and there was a roar in the cave!

I said, "Let's talk about a countermeasure while Amber Dragon is dragging that guy."

Black Shinto: "It is very dangerous for the master to deal with this broken dragon. It is analyzed by the owner's scan of the broken dragon and the battle just now. The attack energy of the broken dragon is the slime bacteria on the body. Once the mucus on the ground turns red It will explode. The same is the case with the slime mold attack on the forelimbs. The data is not that it will lick its own slime mold. The action of licking the front paw is like the gunner loading the ammunition, and it changes before the explosion The omen of red, and the explosion range is not very wide, so as long as I keep the distance, I should be fine. "

"And any skill is to have the cool broken dragon spread the slime on the ground or after the body has been used again, the next time it appears is not short, and it should not be so difficult to avoid the attack during this time."

"Little girl is a good boy, you have to use your brain." I do n’t know when the ark appeared beside me. "Kid, you guys have rarely used your brain, it ’s like a stupid rampage, so you just fought Only then can they suffer such a big loss, and then they can't see the precursors of the attack. We must know the basis of the 'observation' foundation in battle! "

"I see, I will pay attention." Then said to the black god: "Black god, you can do this in such a short time."

Black God's pretty face blushed red road: "Thanks to the owner's information and personal experience."

"Really? Right, how did you see what I saw." I asked.

The black **** said playfully: "I am your mercenary. Anything you see, the master, can be shared if I want, so of course I can see you."

"Here it is!" Ark yelled.

I saw a huge figure flying out of the cave and falling to the ground. Since this figure was my amber dragon, the amber dragon was obviously beaten out, and then a deafening roaring broken dragon ran out of the cave. The broken dragon at this moment The body hurts a lot. I saw that Amber Dragon was working very hard just now, so I took the rest and let it rest for a while and then watched us.

I said, "Everyone prepare!"


"Roar roar!"

Broken Dragon's huge body snarled with anger and rushed towards us. We quickly spread out. The Broken Dragon stopped suddenly and looked around. It looked like it was watching us, and then it licked its forelimbs. Get myxomycetes and kick me now!

The powerful backward thrust came to me in an instant, and the explosive left arm smashed down.

Back away from the punch and then saw a pool of green slime mold on the ground turn red, and immediately retreated. The slime mold just exploded, and a violent explosion occurred. It swallowed up the position I just stood. The ground burned after the explosion. Burnt black marks.

After that, I kept evading the distance of Laka. The ark was my magic weapon for victory. Its attack was very threatening to the broken dragon, and our attack was basically ignored by this guy.

After a short period of observation, I have basically mastered the attack method of the broken dragon. Each time the broken dragon attacks the forelimb, the slime mold of the forelimb will be lowered to the ground, and the explosion time of the slime mold is about two seconds. Between three seconds, the explosion distance is about one meter. Keeping this distance against the Ark's super DPS, it is not difficult to defeat it.

The ark once again approached the tomahawk in the hand of the broken dragon, consuming the blood of the earth lizard dragon at the same time, and at the same time, the black **** and tianzhao continued to harass. The target of the attack was me. Obviously, it has been seen that it is very difficult for my leader to defeat my own odds. What I have to do is to avoid containment. As a summoner, I do not have a strong attack power (though super Five thousand points of attack power is very abnormal), I will not trap, not magic, the operation space is very small when killing monsters PK, and the existence of the summoned beast allows me to challenge any level of opponents.

The Ark knocked sideways and knocked the broken dragon to the ground instantly, now! The heroic charge rushed up, and immediately after the power of death, the continuous move began, the dragon gas chopping, fast chopping chaos, and the barriers broke through the skills one after another to the broken dragon that fell to the ground in succession.

"Roar!" Shouting, the body suddenly stood up, Yangtian Changxiao suddenly turned all the slime mold red on his arms and then smashed to the ground. Seeing this, we stepped back, who knows the scope of this explosion Far more than any previous explosion, when we just retreated, the explosion produced violent energy, and we saw that we were completely overturned, and even the ark retreated.

I hurriedly stood up for a carp, and at the moment the broken dragon snarled and rushed up, his forelimbs slammed down, and I quickly avoided.


The explosion sounded. Although I tried hard to avoid it, I was still burned to the elbow by the explosion and lost more than a thousand points of blood.


"Boom boom boom boom ..."

The forelimbs kept beating on the ground, causing explosions again and again, and I evaded repeatedly, the broken dragon's huge body suddenly jumped up, the huge body snapped, the dragon's mouth opened, and the giant dragon's teeth were huge. The impact is very shocking, and its forelimbs can also cause explosion damage.

"Boom boom!"

The forelegs kept crashing, and the explosions caused me to retreat again and again, and my blood was mad, and immediately followed, the broken dragon swooped forward and bit his mouth!

At this time, a strong fist banged fiercely on the left face of Broken Dragon!

"Ark!" I couldn't help it.

—5214 啧啧, the Ark really powerful Black God said at this time: "Master is careful, the slime bacteria on the broken dragon has changed, and the explosion range has become much wider."

The ark punched between the flying broken dragons, and immediately rushed up and fired several axes, causing a lot of damage to the broken dragons. The broken dragons did not show weakness. Using it can produce explosive forelimbs. When they returned to the ark, the ark had retreated sharply. At the same time, the unicorne shot several ultra-vibrating waves in succession, and it must be killed quickly. This broken dragon has 4.5 million health. Dragon-type creatures will naturally return blood. I do n’t have anything to stop the ability to return blood. I really want to kill a donkey.


The frustrated Broken Dragon roared endlessly, suddenly opened its mouth, rushed towards me, his arms swayed, and the activated slime mold exploded after burning away, burning a large area, and I immediately fell into the sea of ​​fire In the middle, open up the shield of 佯 attack, but this is not even the blood under the scorching of the flame, or brush straight away!

—4291—4284—4279 ...

The impact of Dangdang explosion is so terrible. If it is directly attacked, it will be a ghost without seconds, and hurriedly swallowed a bottle of sun potion to barely rescue itself from the edge of death. Fortunately, the broken dragon was crazy The degree reached again, his arms raised high, and he took a hard shot!

"White Dragon Shield!"

Dodge the shield, but I still want to disconnect the kite. The kite is too aggressive. After landing, it rolls out more than ten meters. At the same time, the broken dragon pounces on it, and in less than half a second, the broken dragon's brain is fierce. After taking the Ark's axe severely, he was punched again, and then the Ark fiercely kicked and retreated.

I also stood up and took a sigh of relief, thanks to my summoned beast. Otherwise, unless it is the legendary great gods, this one will definitely die like a photo!

"Roar roar!"

The two giant beasts roared like thunder, the broken dragon roared and rushed again, and the ark once again launched a super-vibrating wave!

At this time, since the side of the Broken Dragon body sensitively avoided the attack of the Ark, and rushed forward after avoiding it, the Ark punched out, and the Broken Dragon body swayed around the Ark and rushed to me!

Roar of the Dragon!


—8874 Precise life! Dragon Roar is not a lock-up skill, it is just a straight line of attack, but its speed and power are very powerful, plus the broken dragon just avoided the ark, there is no extra space to avoid Of course, the dragon's roar can be hit.

Time passed minute by minute, the roar of dragons, the raging sound of battle in this blazing region, everything was intertwined.

Broken Dragon's level of monster 'card position' has completely lost its meaning. If you dare to shake it in front of it, it will directly slap it down and shoot the guy who "muses" it. .

So what I can do is definitely not to get stuck but to evade after the attack and keep the distance. Although this is the explosion damage of the Broken Dragon, I still can't escape the explosion after the strengthening, and the blood is violent.

This Boss killed very hard, there is the possibility of hanging up at any time, attacks, defense, block and then escape, the card position is equal to death, the blood bottle in the package is still consumed, the IQ of the broken dragon is high Not to mention, the attack power and the additional range are even more ecstatic. In short, after killing this guy, even if I call the beast to assist me, I will probably die soon.

Time was flowing bit by bit. The place had been ruined, and the surrounding pits were full of pits. There were still a lot of slime bacteria on the ground, and the blood of the broken dragon fell quickly.

"Ha ... ha ... ha!"

This guy is so strong, and he can fight well. If it weren't for me, I would have been killed countless times.

A series of combat endurance values ​​have begun to keep up. If it were not for the addition of physical potions from the Dragon City, I was exhausted, and only a trace of the blood of the Broken Dragon was left, and I was very Nervous, it is here to kill this boss. The more it gets to the end, the more critical it is. Do n’t be late at night, you must kill this boss smoothly!

At this time, the severely broken broken dragon gave up and continued to chase me, but turned and limped in the opposite direction!

"No, it wants to run!"

"How could I let you run away!" I snarled and caught up immediately.

Ark suddenly shouted, "Boy, wait a minute!"

"Let me go!" The black **** shouted.

I turned around and said, "It's okay, it's almost a little bit. I'll just kill it."

The Ark exclaimed at this moment: "Big fool! Look around and accept you!"

I narrowed my eyes down and saw the ground cracked!


"Boom!" There was a violent explosion within a hundred meters of the surrounding area. The sound of the explosion was appalling, and the blast of the air was straight into the sky. "Master!"


"Roar!" The most majestic roar in the sky rang out in the explosion, followed by a huge, transparent claw slamming on the broken dragon, where the panting broken dragon was caught unprepared, and fluttered by this claw. Out.

I came out of the big bang, and at this moment there was a huge and transparent blue-eyed white dragon phantom. At the critical moment just now, I was anxious for this explosion, whether it was an attack or a white dragon shield. What works is Long Ying. I remember that it has both offensive and defensive skills, but I have always used it as a prerequisite for launching a burst blast, so I have been hiding it, completely ignoring its own role.

Don't forget to say, "I'm not dead yet, hee hee."

"It's not over yet!" Roaring and waving his transparent giant claws ready to swing out, at the same time the Broken Dragon roared and rushed over, just as the two of us were about to collide, a red light and shadow swept over our eyes, Broken Dragon The attack came with joy, because its head was cut down by the light and shadow, which was transformed by the wings on the back of the ark.

"Boy, you are really disturbing." Ark said.

The broken dragon fell down without even making a terrible cry, this king-level BOSS is finally dead!

"Ding ~! The goal is completed in 8 hours 47 minutes!"

Finally done! Since there is still a time, and since I have played for nearly nine hours, since I have n’t found it, in other words, this guy is also ruthless, playing with this broken dragon experience, my experience rose to 97% The seat is not far away from the next level. Use a red-eyed dragon gun to cut open the broken dragon's belly to remove the inner Dan. At the same time, there are still many N loot bursting under it.

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