Master Summoner Online

Chapter 611: Enter the third floor

When I walked into this gate, I saw a giant standing ten meters high in front of the gate, and there were not many war fighters fighting before, but the helmet was enlarged several times and there were two long horns on the head. Obviously, it was BOSS. It's up!

I just approached this guy and suddenly there was a big rock in his hand. He immediately threw it at me and killed more than 7,000 of my blood!

I was surprised: "This guy is so ruthless!" Said that he fired a cannon, but only hit a few hundred points, but he successfully repelled it, and he repelled immediately, with a golden eye scan-Siege City, Level 109, BOSS, Qi and blood: 5999399600000, introduction: Siege 傀儡 is an advanced war weapon. It uses the ability of contentment and is immune to magic. The body made of special steel can resist a lot of damage.

It is another magic-free unit, but fortunately, there is not much blood, but the physics that this guy can offset must take more time, and immediately command the summoned beast to attack. Garulu took the lead with one claw and then waved the amber dragon with the tail. Take it.

—2294—3514 Two injuries flew out, and our physical attack was very strong without skills. The BOSS was expressionless. Perhaps it said that it had no expression at all, raised its arms high, and a pair of huge iron fists severely chopped in amber. On the body of the dragon and Gallulu, the two summoned beasts were taken out of the sky and rushed to the rear to kill them. The two swords slashed against the back of the BOSS and killed more than 4,000 blood. Then the black **** rushed forward. Slashing with a sickle, the value of -1323 emerged from the boss.

The BOSS turned and was about to attack towards the sky, the Gatling Blast Dragon immediately exploded the bullet missile, and a series of flying bullets landed on the back of the BOSS!

"Boom boom!" Set off a series of explosions, the damage is very low, but there is still a large amount of damage floating from the head of the BOSS, the accumulation of less and more This attack at least also consumed the guy's one or two thousand blood.

BOSS 'attention was once again turned away and turned around and a huge stone appeared in his hand, and he politely threw it at the Gatling Blast Dragon. The Gatling Blast dragon did not hide or flash. The rock hit its shield to damage it. , A 10-point injury floated, Tian Zhao took the opportunity to chop a few knives in a row and then turned and ran. As a result, BOSS was chasing after it. It seems that the AI ​​of this thing is very low and it is easy to be attracted to it.

"Master, help!" Tianzhao shouted for help.

I laughed: "Hide up and hide the hatred!" Tian Zhao immediately obediently entered the stealth state, and the boss's punch suddenly turned into a headless fly, and I also stabbed the guy with a red-eyed dragon gun on the heel at the same time. I brought a few sparks and some hatred that hurt the boss. I was pulled over!

After the retreat of the sky, the black **** said: "Don't be too stubborn. Your job is an assassin or a warrior. Why do you fight so fiercely?"

Tianzhao muttered, "I just want to show it in front of the host."

Hei Shinto: "The way of expression is not only in fighting monsters."

Aizhao said: "Is it in bed."

Black God "..."

I said, "Come on, what are you doing!"

"Yes!" The two immediately rushed over. The monster's hatred was easy to pull, so we spread out and surrounded the boss. After me, Amaterasu, the black god, and the summoned beasts dispersed the hatred of the boss, we depended on Ordinary attacks are constantly attacking. This BOSS is easy to divert. We take advantage of this and continue to take away the hatred of the BOSS.

When the boss attacked one of us, the other went in and out to attack the hatred. The attack power of the boss is very bad for the summoners who cannot use potions. I can only gather the hatred of the boss on me as much as possible. When my blood volume drops below three-quarters, let the summoned beasts pull away the hatred, and I keep pouring medicine to restore the blood volume, and then pull it over again.

With N repetitions in this way, for this monster with a very low AI, the death sentence of BOSS has been basically pronounced! After a period of time, BOSS fell down! The experience rose, and then the equipment that BOSS burst out was cleaned up. The BOSS burst out a cyan shield, a fiery red leather hat, and a down jacket with a sky blue light, which seemed to be quite a cow. Fork equipment! In short, close up and look back to see if the attributes are good, use them if the attributes are not good.

After cleaning the battlefield, the door opened and I immediately entered the third floor.

The third layer is not much different from the first two layers, but immediately after I arrived here, a big shadow appeared, a giant bear-like creature, but wearing armor, and the bear was still standing behind him. A guy dressed up as a mage, if it is not for the goods, the skin is black and the eyes are purple, and there is a short horn on the head, if you don't look carefully, you think it is a mage player.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-Combat Grizzly, Level 110, Elite Beast, Introduction: A bear creature born specifically for fighting and especially fond of human fighting, is a very violent creature.

Forgotten Mage, Level 109, Reinforced Monsters, Introduction: Forgotten Mage is not a human but a dark tribe born from a dark race across the sea of ​​sighs. Become an idiot, and was taken in by the Dragon Dragon Cave Dragon Clan and guarding the third floor of the Dragon Cave together with the fighting tyrannical bear.

It is completely incomparable with the first two layers. It seems that the real battle has just started.

I said, "Go to the black **** of the sky to deal with that mage, and the bear and other summons to deal with it."

"Understand." The two women answered immediately and rushed forward. The bear seemed to protect the mage from immediately blocking the forgotten mage, and then a loud roar broke out. The skylight and the black **** suddenly stopped in place, their heads stopped. Dizziness appears on the standard.

"Ding ~! Combat Grizzly uses" Scream of War "your summoned beast" Tian Zhao "mercenary" Dark God "to get dizzy for 5 seconds!"

There will still be such a control skill, this time is troublesome, immediately let the summoned beasts come forward to protect them "Roar ~!" The roar of the raging bear ran over to us and started the bell of the battle. I saw this guy running The forgotten mage in the back throws a large blue fireball from the staff. While the fireball smashed into Garulu and hurt him, the brutal bear waved his claws, and all claw marks flew over. Garulu was caught by surprise. Was clawed twice.

—2025, —2268 ”two damage numbers flew over Gallulu's head. I immediately made Gallulu back away from the Amber Dragon to meet it. The huge dragon tail slammed on the bear's face and knocked it over. .

Next, I launched a heroic charge and came to such a forgotten mage. The red-eyed dragon gun in my hand quickly killed the forgotten mage. I just turned around and was shocked! After the bear turned up, he turned around and rushed over like me, opened his blood disk and opened his mouth, and bite a bite with precision!

"嚓 ~~~!" The biting of the shoulder caused a severe pain, and then the violent bear flung and threw me out and hit the wall. The injury number -4456 flew up, and then the violent bear rushed towards me, and at the same time , Amber Dragon and Gallulu rushed over. The Amber Dragon first had a claw, and then Gallulu spurted out energy to explode on it, and the tyrannosaurus fell down.

At the same time, I stood up and hit the water dog once before the bears got up. This bear was worthy of a thick-skinned meat shield monster. It was attacked by me and the summons. Since it was n’t dead, at this time, Tianzhao and The Black God also awakened from vertigo.

I swooped up from both sides and gave me a fierce blow to the tyrannosaurus and gave me time. The next moment, I slipped on my feet and came to the side of the tyrannosaurus to throw the red-eyed dragon gun in his hand. The red dragon collided with the tyrannosaurus, and then the tussle fell back with the dragon claws falling down!

At this time, the blood of the grizzly bear was almost exhausted, and the angry bear growled as if I wanted to attack me. At this time, Garulu blocked the way, and eventually he could only attack Galluru, but Galluru ’s The blood is pretty good, and there are armors with hidden defense attributes to carry the bear attack, no problem, it is not a problem to single out the bear.

After a period of fighting, he killed this tyrannical bear. Next, go on!


After cleaning all the way, I found that the monsters here are both fighting ursus and forgotten mage, and they both appear together. The fighting ursus is like the bodyguard of the forgotten mage and stays in step with the forgotten mage. The number of monsters is getting less and less, and my experience slot is getting more and more. After turning around here for 2 hours according to the map, finally, there is no monster around, and my experience slot is also It has reached 93% of the 102 level, and it seems to be upgraded again.

Hesitated, came back, regained his mentality, and looked at the last road in front of himself, and he couldn't be wrong, this is the road to the end of the third floor!

However, this road is relatively narrow and low in height, so I can only take back the summoned beasts except the sky, and quickly pass through this passage to the eye. It is a huge space. There is a huge space in the center of this space. The huge platform, with a gate in the middle of the platform, seems to be the intersection to the fourth floor.

At this time, Xueyue sent a message: "Long Ling, let's have supper together."

When I saw the word supper, my stomach was hungry. It was more than nine o'clock, and I had a supper off the assembly line to continue.

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