Master Summoner Online

Chapter 665: Bone Hunter (2)

"Hold on, what are you going to do!"

I shouted loudly, and at the same time a sharp scream came from above my head. This sharp scream brought the people around me back and forth, and I ran away without thinking. At the same time, the bone hunter on the ceiling also descended vertically, just as the runner was running in the last three moments behind them. The blade part of the right wrist arm of the bone hunter had a huge bone sickle nearly five meters long. The prospective three swept past.

Three people were chopped off from behind at the same time. And was hit in the air!

—79410—81094—81999 The blood of the three people became zero directly. The three bodies that were still in the air turned into three white lights of death, and even a scream did not come out!

Almost everyone held their breath. I also feel that my body is stiff and sturdy. I just killed three people in one shot. Do n’t forget that all the high-level players are here today. Dare to come here. Everyone is well equipped. A few consecutive skills should be able to support it, but at this time, only one blow and then kneel!

None of the king-level bosses are the masters.

Instantly took away three lives of the bone hunter and saw away, seeing this guy raised his upper body height and issued a "Kaka Ka" sound, followed by a trembling roar, an invisible pressure Suddenly it came to me without warning, this heavy pressure made me almost breathless, and my blood value suddenly dropped at that moment! At this time, almost all players have injury numbers on their heads, but some are more and less.

NND, is it true that the king-level boss can make this move? The bone face of the bone hunter suddenly issued a weird and disdainful weird, and then darted towards the player on the right at a fierce speed.

"The soldiers are going up! Don't let the boss close!"

Immediately, a group of soldiers raised their shields, and the bone hunter's huge sickle waved a loud noise, knocking down three shielded soldiers, and the three who were knocked out flew screaming, followed by the BOSS. After a flick, the three were swept away again and three white lights rose in the air. The three fell to the ground and could no longer move.

After killing three of them, BOSS began to pierce the crowd, and players in that direction made panic and screams. I saw that every time the bone sickle was lifted, it represented a fresh life being taken away.

"Frost Dragon Roar!"

An ice dragon head slammed into the back of the boss. The bone hunter immediately gave up and continued to kill the other people. He immediately turned and rushed to our side. He waved the sickle arm on the left and chopped it over. The old cow immediately controlled the dragon and raised him. The Great Shield resisted the sickle attack, and the sound of an impact that nearly broke through the ear sounded, and then the sparks scattered around.

The powerful impact of the old cow shook back several positions, and the old cow shouted after holding the opponent's attack: "I'll carry it here, you attack from the side!"

"Know" I immediately said on the team channel: "Everyone attacked from the side of the boss!" I said that he brought the summoned beasts and rushed up, and at the same time, Xueyue also led a team and rushed from the other side, bone hunting His four eyes fluttered left and right, but when he saw his left wrist constantly attacking the old cow ’s King Shield, posing a defensive stance, the body's injuries continued to emerge, and the priest such as Mo Yan Xiaolou stood on the battleship Dragon Beast. Constantly adding blood to the soldiers in front, the bone hunter was using extremely high AI, and when he was constantly attacking the cow with his left hand, he did not forget to raise the sickle on the right and rushed up to the right. A group of players slashed, and the sword went down. And three other free players were spiked!


With the summoned beasts, they flew out recklessly. The dragon gun threw the red dragon and roared, and it turned into a huge red dragon violently hit the bone hunter. Immediately, its hatred was pulled over by me, and I twisted my body and waved a huge sickle on the right side and slashed at me. Raise the lance to stop the sickle attack.

At the moment of blocking, the body immediately bears the impact force beyond common sense. But seeing that sickle didn't stop there. The ground directly under my feet was trapped by a huge force!

by! Too strong!

At this time, an energy bombarded the BOSS, and I took the opportunity to push the bone sickle back with all my strength.

"The master changed me!" The black **** immediately drove the chariot, and at the same time Tian Zhao came to me and looked at me and said, "Master I am here!"

"Okay, come together!"

Talking about bringing the beast to kill the two wings of the bone hunter at the same time to attract players to bombardment, it hurt so much that it kept swinging its body, flying the players around by a name.

After flying around the players, the bone hunter's bone sickle was replaced with a swipe, swept across the front player, and once again killed several players. After killing several players, the bone hunter roared towards I ’m here to kill. When I was really ready to fight, Xueyue came to my side and killed the poisonous dragon sword and waved a purple shock wave. BOSS was sickened by a sickle, but another sickle came over from the side of Xueyue. Wave it. I flew forward and the dragon gun held a sickle horizontally beside me. At the same time, Amber Dragon slammed it and forced BOSS back.

"It's okay," I said.

Xueyue said: "It's okay, let's go together!"

I nodded hard and shouted: "All MTs come together to block the boss's sickle! Others will attack from the side!"

After hearing my voice, everyone nodded, and immediately the players roared, raised their weapons and launched an assault on the boss.

"Counter-attack! Counter-attack!" A player yelled, a group of free enemies fighting BOSS cast a contemptuous look at him. When the BOSS was abused by everyone, now everyone can see that it is time to counter-attack. Just came out shouting, after contempt of a few seconds, after surviving the BOSS crazy attack, the surviving players immediately launched a counterattack. All of them who came here were experienced senior players and would not be easily Frightened, a shot is the best skill.

The roaring elemental energy and the arrows fired by the archer attacked the boss from all directions, and many soldiers yelled at the boss with their sharp swords and swords rushing towards the boss, which also mixed a lot of summoners and players' summons. Countless skills poured out, hitting the bones of the BOSS's body, the sword ping-pong ping-pong splattered out of the ignition star.

The same countless damage numbers appeared on the top of the boss, and the damage of the blockbuster came out. Some of the advanced skills of some high-level soldiers deeply cut into the enemy's body. At this time, three or four thousand damages floated above the boss. , Angry boss, waving a pair of huge sickles frantically, and immediately screamed several players. The front was immediately swept into a vacuum zone. At this time, another batch rushed back and rushed up. At this time, the spear-shaped bones at the end of the BOSS tail swept away, sweeping those players to the ground.


The bone hunter roared wildly, and a pair of huge sickles waved wildly.

I shouted, "Warrior backs up, magician archer attacks from a distance!"

Immediately, the Raptor Cavalry backed up and the magician archer was in place immediately. At the same time, many other teams and guilds came together and seemed to take us as the backbone.

"Remote attack!"

I issued a command loudly. Whether or not the Dragonfang player can be present, the magician archers can immediately attack, the next moment a large group of fireballs tilted down and smashed on the BOSS. The density of the attack was high. Amazing.

The fire mage players who shot first were all advanced players, and the momentum of the first full-strength attack was naturally extraordinary. In addition to the fire mage position, the other magic wizards also launched attacks. Immediately, there were disturbing screams in the air, dozens of them Senior wind magicians shot together, sending out death hurricanes, wind dragon strikes, wind blade dance and other skills, all cyan, cyan, silver wind blades roared in the void.

At this moment, some soil magicians also send out ground spurs, ground spurs, core nuclear blasting and other skills to assist. Among them are the skills of meteorite skyfall. Large chunks of rough rocks fall like raindrops, heavy. Smashed on BOSS's head and body, but BOSS's body was as hard as steel, and the rock smashed immediately when it hit the rock.

At the same time, there were also blue and white lightning bolts that crackled on the bone hunter. This joint attack received excellent results. The large block of magic brought a heavy blow to the BOSS, and thousands of damage figures were brushed out. One piece, it is clear that this guy is a typical type of BOSS with high physical defense and low magic, and the brightness of the fire in the four eyes of the BOSS is a bit low.

22051423000000! Under the fire eye golden eye scan, my field of vision brushed through the data of the sensor, and I saw that the total blood volume of this guy was only 3 million points. For similar BOSS, its blood volume is very small, and because it has less blood, It has not been more than ten minutes since it emerged, and almost one-third of everything has been destroyed. It seems to be so smooth. The victory is still very hopeful.

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