Master Summoner Online

Chapter 688: Breakout

The battle situation has been deadlocked. Countless abyss armies continue to attack, leaving one body after another. Almost all of the scattered player positions have been killed. The battle line is slowly shrinking, and the abyss monsters have lost their lives to Shanghai. Then, in this situation, the entire army was wiped out before it rushed out.

Although the faction of Dragon Fang is gradually pushing forward, it is too slow. Since it has only advanced less than 500 meters in the past hour or so, we must know that the blockade does not seem to be more than a few kilometers. The distance, under the countless rushes and slays, still has the momentum of being pushed back.

At this moment, there suddenly appeared a row of huge butterfly-like wings behind the blockade line, but the body was a bit like human females. Dazzling white light appeared on the wings of these creatures.

Xueyue shouted, "Let's get down!" She immediately burst into more than 30 white rays before she spoke. "Boom boom boom!" Hundreds of players in the middle of the crash were suddenly white. The hit, except for the blood-thick fighters, was all close to death, even if the shield-magic encountered the shield, it was completely useless.

After a round of volleys, the soldiers' troops did not lose much. The crispy remote players could not stand such a toss. The original long-distance professional team burst out and they were bombarded except the powerful ones after this round of attacks. No residue left.

After this round of onslaught, all the players who have survived have changed their colors, let alone rushed out to complete the task. Just thirty or more flying monsters in front of them, enough to shoot everyone in three or four rounds. Mission ability.

After the salvo, the abyss army raged, and there was a momentum to wipe out the people in the encirclement, but the players who had returned to the gods also stretched out their stunts and killed the strange group.

"Blade of Verdict!"

"Golden sword swept!"

"Sigh of the wind!"

Wu Can Hua, Yan Yu Liu Nian, and Ye Shuang simultaneously launched their skills to sweep away a large abyss of monsters who dared to rush up.

"Mechanical Tyrannosaurus! Giga Destruction!"

"Big devil! Hell sanctions!"

"Nine-tailed demon fox! Tail beast cannon!"

Immediately afterwards, the guarded mechanical tyrannosaurus beasts all over their barrels. Numerous energy beams full of destruction power poured into the monster army. The big demon of Ziyue inserted a huge sword into the ground in his hand, and immediately the surrounding surface cracked. A fiery stream of magma sprayed out of the crack. Xiao Ai lifted the combination of Hao Angel and summoned the nine-tailed demon fox. When the demon fox appeared in the mouth, it gathered a compressed energy ball. After the energy ball sprayed out, a shocking explosion , Rocks and trees within the explosion range, Abyssal monster. Even the ground was smashed. If you look through the sky. Can be seen very clearly. In an area. There was a noticeable blank area. There. Nothing left.

"Storm space!" In Yinmo's full-bodied shout, an arrow was shot. The arrow fell out of the monster group and turned into a transparent sphere with a diameter of about ten meters. The sphere had a shooting speed that could not be captured by ordinary human eyes. Countless cyan magic arrows.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" Just like the leaves damaged by the rainstorm, all the monsters in front of Hydra were all smashed into a sieve, and there was no chance of survival at all.

In the summer, standing on the head of the battleship Dragon Beast, a large piece of potion was sprinkled. After the monster dipped in the potion, she moved slowly, and then she raised the black one that was about two meters long and about half a meter wide. The beehive, which looked very much like a bazooka weapon, burst into tiny tiny shells that devoured the life of the monster in a slow half-beat.

"Let's take Xiaoguang's angry blow. The Beastmaster has broken his teeth!" Xiaoguang's sword in his hand turned into a huge animal tooth and suddenly waved dozens of milky air blades, beheading the monsters and smashing the corpses.

With the cooperation of everyone, no monster can break through the defense of everyone, and even took the initiative to advance tens of meters. During this period, hundreds of monsters were buried under everyone's hands.

Just as everyone shattered the monsters that fluttered around them, the wings of those thirty or so monsters with butterflies gathered once again with a terrible white light.

Seeing this scene, everyone showed desperate faces, unwilling, wronged and so on.

After less than a second, more than thirty miserable white beams of light burst out, and everyone's vision became pale, but at this moment a huge cover covered everyone in the cover from top to bottom.

The beam of light hits the cover like a mud cow into the sea without any effect.

"What's that!" Someone called up.

"Amber Dragon! Brother is here!" Long Xin cried cheerfully.

But when the amber dragon fell on the battleship dragon beast, Long Xin saw that the amber dragon did not have his own brother, only a very beautiful emerald green hair beauty and a very seriously injured old man.

The emerald dragon Ka Jiali took Zhang Tianshi down from the amber dragon, and performed a healing and defense magic for him. Long Xin stepped forward and asked, "Who are you? Why is it on my brother's summoned beast?"

"I am under the orders of His Royal Highness, and I will protect this Zhang Tianshi with this child and support all adventurers here."

This remark made everyone know that she was not a player but an NPC. As for how Her Royal Highness Prince in her mouth would be the MMs, they would not know until the parties returned.

"Huh, it's just a bunch of miscellaneous pieces. There are more and more pieces, but the miscellaneous pieces are always miscellaneous pieces. His Royal Highness please watch how the great Red Flame Dragon Baroque crushes these pieces." Barote opened his mouth, The sharp teeth sparkled in its large mouth, and a flare of light emerged, and then plunged into the monster pile and raged.

"Hahaha! It's been a long time since I've been killed so openly, this feeling is so easy!" Balotte spit out a dragon breath to kill a monster and laughed.

In the era of peace, you can have a chance to fight such a battle in the boring peaceful life. The fighting characteristics of the dragon race are brought to the extreme. If you don't fight fast at such a time, the great dragon's dignity will not forgive it!

"Roar!" After an excitement of Long Xiao. Balot rushed into the many monsters in one breath. Continuously fighting not only did not make it feel tired. Instead, it inspired the power in the blood.

"Oh oh oh oh! Can't help it! The little bugs are all here! The great Dark Lord Dragon Doro is preparing to take you for dinner!" The roaring giant dragon wings fanned the black hurricane and swept the monsters .

The two dragons growled. Each breath of dragon breath can kill hundreds of monsters. Although they kill countless monsters, more monsters come over like a tide.

"A group of brainless fools are like the muscle orcs in their heads!" Lanjing Tianlong Manny shook her head helplessly at these two **** molecules, Arad said, "His prince, I want to join. "

I laughed: "If you go there, I sit there."

Manny said: "Hi prince, come to me and let these three big idiots go."

I asked Carrel: "Let's go together?"

"Of course." Carrel sighed. "Hi! My cute Thunder Dragon is estimated to have returned to the system this time, and my Dragon Knight is really shameful."

When the two of us came to Manny, Arad flew up to join the battle. At the same time, he opened his mouth and sprayed the mist of the sky. The ice mist was mixed with countless ice blades to cut hundreds of abyss monsters, like Cutting vegetables is as easy.

"Three of you don't care about killing monsters, and follow the original plan!" Watching these three guys keep killing monsters, the points of honor in my field of vision not only swipe the screen, although it is cool, but I am also worried about Xueyue Yunlan and so on Wait for the dragon's teeth to be everyone. Under this tide-like attack, even if there is a super BOSS-level dragon, it may not be safe, and if the dragon is dead, I will face the danger of deleting the number.

"I see, hey! Arad, Doro, the three of us come here to see who breaks through the monsters first, and takes His Royal Highness back to his companions." Barote said.

"Of course you can, do you think I will be afraid of you?" Doro burst out with a smile and said, "The great Dark Demon Doro is invincible!"

"Two people, don't forget that Lord Arad, the noble frost dragon, exists." Arad's wings brought out a biting cold wind to sweep away the fragmentary monsters around him and rushed to the two dragons. Under the full attack of the three terrifying dragons, there were rare blank spaces around it, but not far away, more abyssal monsters were swarming.

The three-headed dragon is like a sharp trident, irresistibly rushing into the large army of raging abyss monsters, all the things that stop them are crushed, destroyed, and torn into nothingness.

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