Master Summoner Online

Chapter 692: Valley of the Shadow

Two horrible weapons. If Xueyue picks up this weapon, he will definitely see who is it. The advantage of dual-armed weapons is that the attack power of the two weapons can be superimposed.

Put away two weapons, then take out the teleport crystal to return to the dragon capital, and then call them back. However, in order not to take out such important things from the public, I packed a box in the Dragon's Nest Tavern in Dragon City, and Tian Zhao and the Black God leaned to the side so that it looked like the Tian Zhao Black God NPC.

The two women went to one of them and sat down against me.

Xueyue said, "What's the matter of calling us?"

I said, "Give a gift."

Yun Lan said: "To me or to her."

I said, "Have a share." After that, I took out the huge blue crystal dragon's egg and Guozhen's gall from the bag.

"Wow! What a big ostrich egg!" Yun Lan said with a bit of snack, but I couldn't help crying and said, "Is your ostrich egg so big?"

"What kind of egg is this?"

"Pet egg." Handed it to Yun Lan, "This is still a dragon egg. You need to take good care of it."

Xueyue said: "Then these two swords are mine?"

I said, "Of course it's yours."

Yun Lan lost her temper: "Why I only have one and she has two!"


Xueyue said: "Because the two of us have a good relationship!" He said he would grab my left arm.

"Long Ling and I are the original match. If I didn't go abroad, I'll get you in that round!" I said, grabbing my right arm.

"Who told you to leave, who else is weird to give up?"


Although they are so hard to pull around, but I am very happy, but the happy time is always so short, no one is going to hit the scene.

"Well." A knock on the door came from the outside, and Tian Zhao opened the door very smartly and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

When the other party saw a very pretty beautician looking for herself, she couldn't help but feel a little excited, but soon recovered and asked, "Is your principal there?"

I stood up and walked out and said, "What's the matter?" Seeing a tall archer professional player in front of him carrying a long bow more than one meter behind, it was easy to recognize.

"It's good to have a master." The archer smiled, but this smile seemed so annoying to Xu Lin.

"Our team wants to pack this Dragon's Nest tavern and ask you to make it convenient. Of course, we can reimburse you for your consumption here, and you can also pay you one hundred gold coins." The archer said with a smile.

Tianzhao and I said to each other, "You have no fever!"

"That ... one hundred but two hundred," said the archer, frowning.

"Idiot." After scorning disdainfully, the 'pop' door closed and then turned to mute. It doesn't matter how the guy knocks, the system door won't break anyway.


After a farce, I returned to continue to enjoy my happiness.

Going out of the east gate, I am going to find a place to practice leveling. With our current level, the places around the dragon capital are not suitable for us. Looking at my map of Thunder Valley, it is a good way to look at this place. Place, and the real red-eyed black dragon said that Thunderstone is in a place full of thunder and lightning. This one called Thunder God Valley is definitely not suitable, but to go to Thunder God Valley, these few of us are not good enough. The entry conditions are level 110, Yun Lan and Xue The month is only 107, and the entry conditions are not met. You must find a place to train them up. When I was in trouble, I was suddenly prompted to "Ding ~! All players please note that someone completes the hidden task and successfully opens the hidden map. 'Mage Valley' is open for urgent crusade missions: Beginning of the Killing of the Haunted Taoist! Entry conditions: Level 100 or higher. "

Damn! What I want to come, I am so worried that there is no place to level, I really want to thank the person who completed the task.

I said, "Walk us there and cut off the head of that other man!"


So I searched out the coordinates of the Valley of the Shadow of the Shadow, and several of us ran in that direction immediately, but when we ran to a forest, suddenly a large group of people appeared in the field of vision, and a magician dressed up the player and stunned A voluptuous female warrior is talking to some people around, who together add up to about two hundred people.

I didn't want to bother these people to go around a path, but then the enchanting female warrior said, "The weapon is out of date with a hundred-level weapon in hand, that guy has a cool gun on his back! So handsome! So stylish! Ah! !, They want it. "

Immediately this large group of people came to us, and the mage stepped forward and said, "In the president of Xia Chong Guild, I wonder if this brother's gun can cut love? Rest assured I will give you a very satisfactory price."

I said, "Are you ill?"

"What did you say?" The other party was clearly angry.

I laughed and said, "I said you have a brain damage!"

The man yelled, "Boy offends our sky guild and you will regret it."

I sneered, "It's you who regrets it!" The dragon gun turned into a giant volley in the air and fell aggressively into the group of players. It is estimated that they did not expect that I would suddenly shoot. This time, the dragon gun hit the N-type players and said that the dragon-like air flow that rises into the sky. The child swept into the crowd, and the dragon-type air current strangling in the sky suddenly countlessly swept away. At least 30 players were killed in one blow.

"Since this guy is actively attacking!"

"Boss is famous, kill him."

"Come on, get rid of this guy!" The man shouted.

I smiled at the launch of General Shenglong's skills and the Song of Peace. The evil value caused by Dragon Soul Break was instantly cleared. The group of people was dumbfounded. The other party was a big name a second ago, but now it has become a white name. Zi ’s own defense turned into a malicious attack, and this group of people came all at once, led by the attacking people, and a large group of people were all yellow names, and I joined everyone at this moment.

Now our team is legitimate defense, but the other party is malicious attack.

"I won't talk nonsense to you, kill them all." I yelled out, two wolf emperors and a water dragon summoned, the electric light fire started, and the electric light fire lifted up when he rushed to the other side in a flash, waving the dragon gun from Falling into the crowd from the sky, Dragon Soul launched!


The dragon roared, a blood-red dragon rushed into the sky, and a blood-colored dragon wave spread out in all directions and immediately killed one piece, and then Yun Lan and Xueyue rushed up, fists and swords intersected, more than two hundred people It's not our opponent at all. We just finished the abuse and got some gold and silver equipment. Immediately there was a piece of dark gold and an orange red. After we packed up the equipment, we continued to the "Mage Shadow Valley".

In order not to run into trouble, we decided to fly over. I surrendered the Amber Dragon to the four women and finally came to the Valley of the Shadows after half an hour of flight. But at this moment, the entire intersection of the Valley of the Shadows is now overcrowded, here There seems to be a limit on the number of people, otherwise, there will be absolutely no gap.

At that time, I happened to have some players hung out by monsters. I saw the opportunity to squeeze in and enter the battle. Xueyue put the helmet on the mask and pulled down her hair into the helmet. Yun Lan did the same, if it was not their exquisite and clear Proud figure, really do not recognize them as female players yet.

Entering it showed a large number of ordinary monsters and elite beasts coming out to pick us up, but under our violent attack, these monsters were completely unbearable. "It's very lively! But the monsters are so crisp!" Yun Lan punched out in one shot. After being full of ordinary blood, he said to us.

"Well, yeah, to this extent of monsters, then BOSS is probably not difficult to deal with." Xueyue said after clearing a monster with a sword sword.

Due to our level, strength, and equipment, we have successfully killed monsters on the periphery, and it is easier than many players to launch a way in the monster group. After the monsters on the way are overthrown, even BOSS-level monsters are easily taken by us. Kill! Dive into the depths of the Valley of the Shadow! It is not difficult to break through the periphery. Because it is too smooth, many players are furious, and the high-level monsters that just came out in depth have killed many people at once. With the lessons of blood, the impatient players finally stabilized and began to organize attacks! As for the Lone Rangers, the strong one goes alone, and the weak one touches the fish in muddy water!

However, in the eyes of ordinary players, these very powerful monsters are still not enough to see in front of our team, and soon kill a **** road, just as we headed down the river, the guy with brain damage appeared again.

"Ha ha, four ladies over there, don't know if you can get to know each other?"

A sudden voice sounded, and the five of us turned our heads, and saw a soldier wearing gold armor walking slowly under the support of a group!

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