Master Summoner Online

Chapter 701: White dragon crystal

Standing at the highest point on the west side of the Snow Dragon Mountains, the blue sky is so pure that the white clouds drifting through the sky are almost within reach. The snow-capped Taiyal Mountains in front are proud of towering peaks. The ground stood above the mountains. They are the warriors most fearless of the wind and the frost. The roaring wind blows across the peaks of the mountains, blowing a snow mist, and the scenery is magnificent.

As the Snow Dragon Mountains spanning the whole of China, I see several peaks in front of me. In fact, the terrain inside is very complicated after entering, there are many snow valleys, hillsides, ice lakes, etc. I remember that there are hot springs on the snow mountain. I don't know if it is there, if you have the chance, you can look for it.

"Where is the mission?" I asked.

Mo Yan said: "One kilometer ahead."

"Understand! Sit tight!" After stepping on the accelerator, Gallulu immediately jumped down from the mountain, ran quickly across a trail, and then came to a huge cliff.

I asked, "Is there no way ahead?"

Mo Yan said: "It should be climbing to the cliff."

I smiled at the spire of the towering cloud, "Some climbed down now."

Mo Yan asked, "Why don't you sit on that dragon?"

I laughed: "It's too cold around, Amber Dragon will catch a cold."

"Ah!" Mo Yan laughed. "You are too caring."

Mo Yan poked her mouth, hugged her hands, glanced at the huge mountain in front of her and said, "But I don't know how to climb?"

So I resolutely said, "Of course, if you find this cliff difficult to climb, or should I carry you?"

Mo Yan's face was reddish, and she thought for a while, but she was probably embarrassed to answer it.

After a long time, she said, "Did you just want to take advantage of me?"

I grinned, "Where did you want to go, rest assured I will be honest ~!"

The black **** said: "Master, you can fly up with the cloak skills behind."

"Good idea, why didn't I think of it."

Having said that, the three of us left the cockpit and took back Galulu. Mo Yan was standing to my left, Mo Yan's greasy hands were around my neck, and her legs were pinched by the waist rod. A warm and soft sound came suddenly. I made the same move and said, "Hurry up, I'll take off the two beauties and don't fall."

"Well ~!" A warm aroma rose along with my voice along with my voice. It instantly made my neck tickle. The whole body was hot. Although we have already drank hot drinks to resist the cold, this defense effect is better.

Next, the flying bird Kayuki started, and a pair of **** wings behind him unfolded and kicked, and began the leap journey. However, the two beautiful women on the body were quite heavy, the flight speed dropped sharply, but they slowly climbed and flew. It can still fly up, but it ’s very blue, but it ’s okay to fall with the two beauties. Anyway, you ca n’t fall at this height anyway. You ca n’t taste it in reality, but you can experience it in the game. It ’s very experience. Exciting, 100% authenticity.

"Blue is not enough, shall we taste it?" Then, the wings behind him began to be a little uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Mo Yan said, "Ahhhhhhh!", Holding my neck firmly with both hands, and the black **** made the same gesture and mumbled, "Master, please don't do this kind of thing."

"I see." I coughed a few voices. "Come on ~ you two don't bother my neck, I'm going to suffocate."

The two MMs just relaxed a little, glanced at the feet, and Mo Yan applied a 'wishing' skill to me to restore my certain magic. Jiao Yan: "I said you do n’t want to make such jokes again, it ’s scary. Yes, ohhhhh! Come on up. "

I chuckled, such a string of wings ...

More than ten seconds passed. I flew up to the top of the mountain. Below me was the snow-capped snow. When I really wanted to fall, I was surprised that the heavens were not beautiful, and I was suddenly blown by a strong and cold cold wind. I scraped it all out!

This time, the black **** was okay, Mo Yan was scared, and her head was nestled around my neck.

Fortunately, the flying birds have not been lifted. If they are scraped out, it is not a big deal, but I can't be happy, and then there are two strong cold winds, and the wings behind me desperately fan barely stabilized Not blown away by the cold wind.

"Huh, it's dangerous ~!" I sighed.

Mo Yan frowned and said: "I didn't expect that a small general task was so troublesome. If I came alone, it would really be crying."

I smiled lightly: "Begging for wealth and insurance, it ’s good to have a rare opportunity to hone in a tough environment." After two cold winds, I finally landed safely on the snow, two MMs. Finally I can release my hand.

After landing, the daylight also jumped out of the summoning beast space. I added some blue medicine and everyone continued to move forward. The surrounding snow and snow had already heard. The scene before us at this moment was like an independent wonderland, both in height and momentum. It is impossible for other mountains and gorges to compare, and when you look around, there is only endless fog, and you can't see the scenery under the mountain at all.

I asked, "Where do you go next?"

Mo Yan looked at the mission reminder and said, "Let's go this way." He pointed to a trail to the west, and then the four of us stepped forward cautiously. After walking across this hundreds of meters of trail, the next step We came to a huge hole.

Mo Yan said: "White Dragon Crystal is in it but the system has not given me the exact location."

"We don't know what monsters are in it. The owner asked Tianzhao to see the situation." Tianzhao said.

I said, "Please."

Tianzhao smiled: "Leave it to Tianzhao ~!" With that said, the cloak disappeared into the air the next moment. About ten minutes later, Tianzhao came out and the three of us resolutely stepped in together.

The internal environment of this Bingfeng is similar to the outside, and the environment is covered by snow and ice, especially the cold wind, which blows through the biting cold, it is almost painful!

The cave is huge, and we proceeded cautiously all the way. About half an hour later we were in the middle of the huge cave. I saw a white dragon about the size of an amber dragon with scales like ice cubes lying on countless gold coins. Snoring. Although asleep, that gesture is frightening-its practicality is very beautiful to describe it more appropriately.

Bailong-Sheila, Level 138, Super BOSS, Introduction: Sheila is one of the few dragons left on the mainland. Originally it was not an inhabitant here but it was from a foreign country. In addition, it was a giant with a gentle personality. Long.

Gentle character? It seems that as long as it is not disturbed, the dragon blood dragon family on me will not take the initiative and treat me as a kind, but now if I take it, I don't know if it will be effective.

"Let's find Bailong Crystal separately, remember to go there and don't wake it up." I said in the team channel, the three MM nodded and immediately dispersed, it looked like I was staring at Shela's lying gold coins at this moment, watching these gold coins. At least there are millions or even tens of millions, almost half of the cave is covered, lying on the heap of gold coins and sleeping with satisfaction, one big mouth and one close together, a little saliva overflowing from the corner of the mouth, although These gold coins are not as good as 1% of the real red-eyed black dragon.

Everyone searched for the traces of Bailong's crystals in a rug-like manner. I searched while taking a look at the still-sleeping Bailong Sheila, and breathed a sigh of relief. The dragon had not yet woke up.

An hour later, everyone gathered in a group of Mo Yan and shook his head: "It can't be found at all."

"Find again, be careful." I said, and everyone spread out again, this time I drove through the perspective and thermal scanning to look around, just when we scanned the body of Bailong Sheila, suddenly she was in the snow behind Sheila I found a large hexagonal crystal larger than a finger, so I changed the perspective into a fire eye and scanned it with gold eyes. White Dragon Crystal (Material) Grade: Spirit, Effect: Very good material for weapons or armor. The dragon eats food and eats it. If it is not digestible, it will swallow ice crystals and grind the food.

Haha, I really broke the iron shoes and found nowhere. I ran over immediately and started to kneel down with my hands to clear the snow. With the sound of 嚓 沙 嚓 沙, a deep hole was dug. Then-"Ah!"

A silvery light suddenly hit my eyes, and something reflected the rising sun in the depths of the snow. Dig out the thing, hold it tightly with both hands and stand up. The crowd immediately approached and observed.

This is a large transparent white-silver hexagonal crystal, larger than my palms, and said to Mo Yan, "Take it. This should be the white dragon crystal we are looking for."

"How did you find that it would be buried in such a place?" Mo Yan asked.

I laughed and said, "I have search skills." And threw Bai Long Crystal to Mo Yan's side. Mo Yan caught her hands in a panic and hugged it tightly to her chest.

Mo Yan looked at the properties of the crystal and asked, "What is the white dragon who made the ice crystal and refined it in the belly?"

I said, "This cave is Bailong's nest, right."


"This crystal formed in Bailong's belly. In other words, this is actually the excrement of Bailong, that is, it is the stool of Bailong." I explained.

"Stool ..."

Mo Yan's cheeks twitched, and her eyes fell on the white dragon crystal in her arms.

"Ah!" Then I could not help but lose it to my side.

"Oh!" I caught the crystal quickly. We threw them to each other like children. In the end, they were used as Mo Yan ’s mission props. They could only be quickly opened in the backpack. Before Bailong woke up, I took out the teleport crystal and sent us back to the dragon capital. Collecting the journey in this way came to an end.

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