Master Summoner Online

Chapter 709: Carrion Earth Dragon Cavalry

"How is it possible that Death did not accept the effect of the Alliance Order, why is it in a territorial war?" The situation of a commanding player changed greatly.

"Fengyun's stupid hat, Lingyun Pavilion's stupid soldier, maybe you don't know that it still exists." Yu Luochen said, pulling out a slap token from his arms coldly. "Lingyun Pavilion is here today The place of burial body! The assault order was launched! "At the same time, the token glowed black in the hands, and then rose from the rain and fell into the sky, disappearing into the clouds.

"Ding ~! Players‘ Rainfall Dust ’use assault orders! The Blade of Death Guild joins this territorial war as a‘ neutral ’!”

The faces of Fengyun and Lingyunge were all green, and the sudden participation of death in the battle immediately reversed the situation.

The reminder of the system did not fall, and the army of death began to attack. Snow sat with the wind dancing in the first place of the ghost dragon, with a black staff in his hand, a magic attack on a swordsman in Lingyun Pavilion. The sword Shi suddenly screamed and was beaten to pieces on the spot.

After the snow danced with the wind dance, his ghost dragons also entered the crowd. At the same time, a man on a white horse in light gold armor was holding a lance and his left hand shield. The gun was a two-handed weapon. Only a knight can hold a gun weapon and then take a shield. After this person enters the battlefield, the long gun is thrown. The long gun turns into a golden meteor in the air and falls to the ground, causing an explosion! However, most of the explosions were players of Lingyun Pavilion but there were still a small number of players with dragon teeth and war souls. This attack was all treated equally.

"Dharma God! Beast God! Let all of you stay away, and I will not be accompanied by medical expenses when it reaches me!" Yu Luochen shouted: "Death, everyone listened to the order, surrounded the team of Ling Yun Pavilion, let this group of silly soldiers only Know, who is the true first guild in China! "

"Fuck! This is too crazy!" The old cow said unhappyly.

I laughed: "Crazy let them go crazy, as long as we are not stabbed with a knife, we can be crazy."

"It is our order that all players of Dragonfang have dropped their battle with Lingyun Pavilion and joined the siege from the east!"

Lonely sings and shouts: "All the staff of War Spirit are engaged in the siege. Regardless of the guys in Lingyun Pavilion, the **** of death will take care of us."

Immediately afterwards, she said to the night and her love: "Sound the dragon flute! Start the final siege!"

Ye and Qingqing nodded, then took out a crescent-shaped dragon head horn from the backpack, and handed it to the mouth to start playing, but it was not a beautiful piece of music but a loud dragon chant.

At the same time, there was a roar in the dragon's forest west of Whirlwind City. This roar seemed to be responding to the call of the dragon flute, and then a large figure emerged in the direction of the sky above the dragon's forest.

"Hey! What are those! It seems to be coming to our side!" A panic sounded, the master of the voice was issued by an archer player of the Fengyun Guild on the western city wall, he was clearly in extreme surprise. . He stared stunned into the distance, as if he saw something absolutely impossible.

"What's coming over?" Asked another player while he was watching the distance beside him.

"Hey, what are those guys! And come over to us!" The original archer recovered from shock and pointed forcefully at the sky.

Under his instructions, everyone looked up. Then they saw a scene that they would never forget.

In the original cyan sky, I do n’t know when there was a group of large heads, followed by a thick neck, claws, body, wings, tail, and the popping sound of tearing air at high speed With absolute power. The most important thing is not one but a group. Group them. When flying, it even blocked the light from the sky.

"It's a monster in the forest of dragons! How could it fly out of the forest!"

"Stupid! Didn't you hear the sound of the horn just now? I think it must have been called by that person!" A calm player explained.

The monsters appearing at the moment are all dragon creatures in the forest of dragons! And a large group of flying dragons! At the same time, these dragons screamed.

Although their dragons are very turbid, they are shockingly sent by thousands of flying dragons at the same time, and they stay in the air for a long time, as if the whole world is shrouded in this moment of violent agitated breath, and it will explode at any time.

Seeing this situation, the players on the city wall were all scared and blue.

Our decisive departure from the battle with Lingyun Pavilion brought all the troops together to attack the East Gate. With the emergence of death, our original containment task can be turned into their hands. Now all we have to do is to attack the East Gate with all our strength. , To attract more players for the battle spirit in the direction of the North Gate, reducing their pressure.

But as we ran to the East Gate, I found a large number of Deathblade players brought by the rain falling dust at the moment, so I shouted, "Hey! What are you doing here? Lingyun Pavilion's silly soldier is behind."

Yu Luochen said: "It's enough for the group of silly soldiers to hand over to the Alliance. I now want the head of the King's Blade."

After the rain and dust, they followed a large group of men and horses. They were all cavalry, but it was amazing that the mounts they were riding were all ground dragons. They could be judged by their size and scale armor. Dragon's head is the best proof of identity.

"I'm going! Earth Dragon Cavalry!" I poked and smiled: "What's behind the rain falling dust?"

The rain fell dust and said: "This thing is called" Carrion Earth Dragon "is a variant produced by the dragon blood mixed in the body of the corrosion lizard. We found it after occupying the World of Warcraft Cave. This guy is like a combat mount like your raptor, but it cannot Like your Raptor, it can be mass produced. "

I asked, "Why?"

The rain fell, "Because their subordinates are too many."

"Then you guys want it?" I asked.

The rain fell dust and said: "The property is very poor, but it is very strong in other aspects. I will let you see it later."

A large group of fighters of Deathblade are players carrying sharp blades, urging their rotten armored dragons to step forward in front of them, and I said, "Everyone pay attention, this group of guys attack me without distinction, don't be too tight."

Rainfall Dust stood behind a ground dragon cavalry player and yelled, "Brothers of the Blade of Death, listen, form a battle, and try not to hurt the beast god's team when attacking. Our opponent again is Lingyun Pavilion and not Giant. Dragon Fang! "


Soon the two teams rushed to the open space in the east, and at the same time, the gate of the East Gate suddenly opened, and a large number of cavalry were killed inside, and the rumbling horseshoe sounded.

Seeing this situation, Rainfall Dust did not panic at all, and Shen Sheng ordered: "Let them see the power of the first guild!"

The next moment everyone looked at this group of ground dragon cavalry. The ground dragons roared at the players killed in the front, and each ground dragon opened their mouths and spit out a huge green liquid breath towards the opposing cavalry regiment.

Breathing into the cavalry regiment the next moment, the entire sky seemed to collapse. Now that the breath is over, since the explosion has begun, the green liquid is tossed, and in the impact wave of the explosion, there is a piece of green light.

At this time, a terrible scene appeared. The cavalry of the enemy cavalry regiment should be said to be a mount under the cavalry. After being contaminated with this liquid, the body screamed with white smoke and no one thought of this green liquid. Since it is a strong acid with strong corrosion ability! The mount that was infected with strong acid fell to the ground within a few steps, and the body was melted to leave only the skeleton, and there were weird bubbles on the skeleton, which looked extremely strange.

Just in the blink of an eye, the first cavalry player who rushed up was directly hit back to the mount space, and the cavalry changed into an infantry. Almost at the same time, the players on the mount were also corroded by strong acid, and a series of damage figures were floated.

—1500—1500—1500—1500—1500 A series of poisoned purple damage values ​​jumped up. The ground dragon cavalry's volley this time not only turned the opponent cavalry into an infantry, but the infantry was beaten into residual blood. This rotten armor The dragon is too powerful.

Immediately the dragon gun pointed forward and shouted: "Slaughter these silly soldiers now!"

"Papapapap ..."

The howling of bows and arrows is endless, the dense arrow rain falls from the sky, at the same time, the clouds in the sky change color, meteor fire rain, death hurricane, ice storm, meteorite sky fall, lightning storm and other group attack skills fell into the crowd and killed A group of these silly soldiers were terrible, and nearly a hundred people were sent back to the city the first time!

What's more terrible, the ground dragon cavalry of the death blade projected more strong acid into the crowd in a parabolic way. At once, many cavalry turned into infantry, and there were some splashes of liquid on people. On the body, some of the mounts of the raptors were tough, but this was harmless. The dragon tooth players who rushed up continued the killing!

The Raptor Cavalry flew across a fierce storm and a series of miserable sounds, the team that Ling Yunge killed out of the city immediately suffered heavy losses.

"Captain, I ca n’t stop it. If this goes on, this group of ground dragon cavalry will be too powerful. If the horse is tough, it will be more than half, and it will continue to fall. The two steps will be over, and our loss will be too great. Now! "Said a soldier next to King's Blade.

The King's Blade looked ironed, and immediately shouted, "Retreat!"


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