Master Summoner Online

Chapter 712: Target Tsutenkaku! go ahead!

Rushing in front of the fierce blood to see most of the enemy retreat, rubbing his eyes and said: "Well, am I right? Right after this retreat?"

"You guys look at that!" Erica said, pointing to the front.

I saw Tongtianzhu in the center of the city, surrounded by a giant two-footed flying dragon. They were flying in the air and continuously sprayed venom, lightning, flames and other breathe attacks on the central Tiantianzhu. At the same time, we can see faintly, every A flying dragon rides a small figure. Although the figures were so small as to be insignificant compared to the huge bipedal dragon, they did ride on them.

Although Tongtianzhu has been battered, each Tongtianzhu has 10 million long-lasting points. It is not easy to completely collapse it.

I said, "It looks like their backyard is on fire."

The fierce blood flew: "What now?"

I smiled slightly: "Of course I killed it and shared the pressure for our allies!"

Everyone nodded: "Wait for dispatch!"


I said, "People with flying summons or flying warcraft mounts rushed into the core area with me first, and others made a shock to open the breakthrough!"

He turned around and patted his head on the back of the amber dragon. The amber dragon roared and rose up to fly. At this moment, the other party's flight summoned the beast to come forward to meet us. The Yan dragon fired and fired, and a small laser split them apart. The other party also fought back. However, their skills did not destroy the amber dragon's health. However, the recovery speed of the amber dragon itself was quickly restored to full. Attacking with them in this way presumably made the amber dragon a dream.

Behind him, Xueyue, Erica, Guardian, Ziyue, Xiao Ai, and others carried a lot of powerful players to keep up. At this time, the opposing airborne forces came forward to block us.

Suddenly a blood-red light passed by me, and a scream sounded, followed immediately by a player and the summoned beast swept in by this blood-red beam of light, and was twisted into a ball of flesh.

Turning around, six giant ghost dragons appeared behind him, with more than a dozen high-level players on the back of each ghost dragon standing on the back of each ghost dragon, firing this light. Immediately attracted the opponent's counterattack. The team leader should be a captain-level guy. Under this cargo sits a god-level summoning beast. The summoning beast looks like a butterfly. This butterfly wings fan out two half-moon energy waves. A piece of energy hits a dead player and another method flies to the location of Dragon Soul Xiaofeng and Xunshen. At the moment, Dragon Soul Xiaofeng screams slightly in the mouth, his fists are split open and the opponent's skills are bounced away.

We immediately launched an attack. In the blow of the extreme cold, Erica froze the opponent's summoned beast with the three players on it and fell down into ice cubes, fell to the ground, and instantly fell apart.

During the fierce battle, there are people who are constantly falling in battle, and they are planted down like rain. The falling people constantly have our side and the enemy side. Among all kinds of horrible magic skills, the death rate is astonishingly fast. We have lost more than fifty players just after flying less than 50 meters away. But the other side lost much more than we did.

It took about ten minutes to break through the opponent's line of defense.

A glance broke through the air defense line, tens of thousands of Lingyun Pavilion and Fengyun players guarded there, the battle spirit and NPC orc troops constantly restrained the people on the ground, and the sky was attacked by the flying dragons in the sky. Tens of thousands of long-lasting and high-defense Tongtianzhu is not so easy to complete, the Flying Dragon Group apparently appears to have more than enough power.

I screamed, "Everyone landed to support the allies, flying summoned beasts and Warcraft mounts to support the air forces to destroy Tongtianzhu!"

Patted Amber Dragon's head and said, "Go! Destroy the pillar for me!"

After finishing speaking, it turned into an amber dragon. At this moment, our first batch arrived at the core and brought only three or four hundred people, but the attributes of this group of people who gathered the two most elite members of the guild were not generally strong, let alone. , Everyone's operation and strength are better than internal players!

As soon as I landed, I had countless magic skills that leaned towards us. All of us fell into the crowd without thinking about it. I first attacked the waves and then the ghost dragon shot. Five water dragons and five heads. The ghost dragons spread out, and then the two wolf emperors and a water dragon re-summoned, and then the dragon soul broke and the dragon soul smashed in the crowd!

"Everyone come out!"

In addition to the black **** who is still around, other summoning beasts are summoned together to kill the crowd. The beast runaway skills are launched. The enhanced summoning beasts will explode all kinds of skills in the crowd, with high attack power. A group of people who dared to step forward in front of the killing were ecstatic.

The crowd behind them also showed no signs of weakness. The wind and the moon opened a thunder and lightning around the thunder and lightning field. Lightning rushed through the crowd, and every time a sword was launched, a fierce current raged in the crowd.

Xueyue flew in, purple purple cyclones rose up around her, waving her hand to kill the poisonous dragon sword, and a large roundabout in the place, the next phantom of the dragon image condensed hovering around Xueyue's body, when she After a big drink, the sloppy dragon shadow swung open in the crowd, hurting the densely packed numbers, and some residual blood and less blood screamed and fell down in this move, killing all.

About five minutes after rushing down, the cost of more than a dozen people fell to the ground with nearly a thousand players around. The appearance of our group of people directly cut into the depths of the Whirlwind City battlefield. Taking precautions, but did not expect that our fighting power is far beyond their imagination.

"Weiweilong! You, we will deal with you to destroy Tongtianzhu, it is too slow to rely on flying dragons and summoning beasts!" Lonely suddenly sent a message.

A golden eye shot at Tongtianzhu saw that at this moment Tongtianzhu still has more than 7 million long lasting, and saw that the fighting time has passed eight hours, and there are still two hours left at this speed. More than seven million are left to last.

"I see." After a decisive reply, he shouted, "Ye Shuang, you take all the Raptor Cavalry to cooperate with the surrounding troops to break through the line of defense. The other people and I will destroy Tongtianzhu."

"Understand!" Everyone did not hesitate to recruit immediately.

The king's blade yelled: "The columns of Lingyun Pavilion League 1 ~ 4 will immediately stop the Dragonfang toothmen and don't let them approach Tongtianzhu. We will win after insisting for two hours."

Immediately, there were nearly 800 players in Lingyun Pavilion, divided into four columns, and appeared in front of us. In front of this, there were nearly three hundred beasts of various types roaring continuously, their teeth cracked. Growling.

This group of people who are waiting for the spotlight are swept away. The lowest level of this group has 104 and the highest level is 110. This group can be described as the elite in the army. There are four people at the top of the 110 level. The first of the four players is The player is a platinum-grade spear in the hands of a knight. This man's weapon is obviously the best weapon among all people.

The second is a swordsman. The warrior next to him is an orange-red suit, holding a giant blue sword with two hands.

The third is a blood-colored long stick with a brown armour and a handle of two meters and five feet. Since this person's profession is a war beast division, two heads and three meters are standing beside him. The mechanical war wolves of the high mechanical clan have three top-level elemental beasts in front of them.

The last one, covered with a silvery armor, with a cyan off sword in both hands, this man is a mad soldier. The cyan off sword is a dark gold equipment. The attributes must look very good.

Everyone in this group of guys looked so desperate in their eyes.

When the approach was within a hundred meters, Ling Yunge stood still on the one hand, but did not take the initiative to attack, but we did not intend to stop.

"The first four are the strongest, the highest level, and the best equipped of the group. I suggest that the four be divided into four to resist." I said lightly.

"I'll deal with the one on the far left."

Feng Xiaoyue said, "The swordsman will give it to my sister, and I will fix the weapon in his hand."

Ziyue said: "Let me deal with the same person who is also a summoner profession."

"Give me the remaining one."

"Okay, Mo Yan and Xiaolou stayed behind to support them. The others went with me!" Li Tong shouted at Tongtianzhu, a hundred meters away: "Goal Tongtianzhu! Go forward!"

After speaking, the crowd immediately greeted us. Our plan is to be generals to soldiers and soldiers to soldiers, and the burden is the heaviest, which can be said to have played a decisive role.

The knight with a platinum pike yelled, "Brothers, there must be two hours for Tsutenkaku to hold on. We will hold our ground, and we will win for two hours on Tsukaku!"

"Come on! For glory!" The knight was actually a war horse covered with scales. The gun pointed at everyone 100 meters away. Finally, a battle to decide the victory was kicked off.

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