Master Summoner Online

Chapter 714: Lol

The dust is settled, the war is finally over, the blood and the flesh are killed, the **** battle from outside to the inner city is very fierce, and blood is flowing into the river. At this moment, there is still a downpour in the sky. In Qinghai head, no bones were collected in ancient times. The new ghosts bothered and the old ghosts cried. 'This time, I saw the name of the First Guild of China in the Blade of Death. It was definitely not a bad name. Although the damage of this battle is much less than ours, if my team fights with them, Then, even if the Raptors of the Dragon's Tooth meet the Death Riders and the Ninja Cavalry, the odds are not great. Although the Raptors are not low-quality and strong, they want to face the future battles only by Raptors. The cavalry is not enough. After this battle, it is necessary to find a more powerful force. The rise of the dragon has just begun.

At the end of the battle, the dragon and the soul of the war have all taken their rest. According to the rules, five minutes after the end of the battle, the system will perform a performance screening to determine the reward after the war. We are rested, but the **** of death has not stopped. A large number of Grim Reaper players are cleaning up Fengyun and Lingyun Pavilion's remnants.

The King's Blade shouted at the players around the Blade of Death, "We are defeated, why are you entangled?"

"What does your defeat have to do with me? I came here today to get my head." Rain falling dusty coldly: "One is not left."


The coalition forces that had defeated Lingyun Pavilion and Fengyun plunged furiously, and now the **** of death has to slay them out. The real crowd is defeated. The large number of players pull out the city rolls and prepare to return to the city! However, the **** of death did not give them a chance at all, all the range skills fell, and everyone was forcibly drawn into the combat state and could not return to the city.

When the King's Blade saw this scene, Qingjian said: "If it is, then I will burn with your jade!" After finishing speaking, he rushed to the position of death.

He was very brave, but his unlucky son was scared to pee. He used the chaotic scene to crowd out the crowd and wanted to escape, but at this time, one person stopped his way, and it was Yun Lan!

"Lan Lan, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you are going to class. Let's go shopping this weekend ..." Fengyun's eyes were scorching, and Yun Lan spiked directly through the system message to Yun Lan's identity.

Yun Lan said coldly, "You go shopping!"

"Ahhhhhh ..."

A series of screams sounded, and the whole body was blown apart! Hang cleanly.

"Ding ~! War Soul Warriors Guild Territory Battle won, this battle level: S-level, War Soul Guild owner level +2, lucky +1, charm +1, reputation +30000, allied guild 'Dragon Tooth' Player level +1! "

The score came out, and the players of the war spirits enthusiastically cheered. The setting of the battle score is very interesting. The battle score is based on the number of participants in the battle. The more people participate in the attack, the higher the base score, but the less the player is in the battle. Performance is also very important. The better the player's performance, the higher the reward. The system prompt reward just now undoubtedly confirms this. In addition to the most basic level and reputation rewards, it also permanently adds a little luck and charm. Generally speaking, it is definitely profitable. When it comes to picking up equipment, the war spirit first lets us clean the battlefield. Obviously, it is unwilling to let distant allies lose.

"It's over ..." I sighed with relief.

"Yeah, it's over!"

"Someone is here again!" Shouted the little knife.

Everyone came outside the city, and a shouting shout was heard from afar, and then a regular army with a strong military appearance came out.

Suddenly, the remaining soldiers in Lingyun Pavilion's Fengyun Coalition Army were defeated by less than 50,000, and all of us and Zhanhun were also trapped.

This army is about 20,000 in number. Everyone has the image of a sickle and a black cape on their shoulders. Since these people are also players of the blade of death.

A few seconds after this wave of people appeared, another army came out. These people had the emblem printed on their shoulders that would cross the blood-stained sword. This group of people is the death of the team of the "blooded elite". The two armies, Scarlet and Scarlet, totaled 60,000. When Scarlet arrived, it must have been to support us. We did not dare to block them out systematically, and the death came, but the people were very concerned. Would they want to fight Whirlwind City? Come and take advantage of the fisherman after we both lost the battle?

In the battle drums and shouts, two powerful forces rushed up like a rainbow, and immediately stabilized the Alliance, followed by the encirclement of Lingyun Pavilion and Fengyun Remnants.

After nearly ten hours of fierce fighting, he was beaten down by the water dog. Lingyun Pavilion and Fengyun players were exhausted. How can they resist these two prosperous armies, they soon collapsed and were cut off by these two people. Have to be fragmented and continually cut off their lives.

Fengyun's players were almost dead, and most of the remaining players in Lingyun Pavilion saw the situation was not good, so they launched a breakout in one direction and wanted to kill a blood path.

Death continued to besiege the people of Lingyun Pavilion, but his blood color was different. After killing him all the way, he came to us and merged with us.

At the moment in the encirclement, there was a sudden “bang”, and in the middle of the air, five huge energy walls fell quickly, trapping the king's blade in the middle with a pentagonal prism. The Blade of the King is also launching various skills in it, but it cannot break this pentagram.

"Five Lock Seal? That guy is here now," said the Assassin's Creed in a deep voice.

I asked, "Who's here?"

Fire Dance Road: "Boss of Death! Smile Jiuquan!"

"Smile Jiuquan ?!" The top three people on the G list.

In the next moment, the forces of death were separated left and right. A brown leather armband wore a waist knife, but it was much shorter than the ordinary knife. The most important thing was that the man's face was covered with an eye mask. The mysterious magic symbol on his forehead gave him a breath of danger.

He walked up all the way, and the players around him evaded, but there were several high-level Lingyun Pavilion players who walked up and smiled at Jiuquan and attacked them. He laughed at Jiuquan and did not dodge. Players, the attackers are bounced out by this wave.

"Wow!" One of the blood-less buddies could not stand the vomiting blood and fell down, and fell to the ground when he passed out.

Xiao Jiuquan moved on. His goal was clear. He was trapped by the King's Blade in the Five-Lock Seal. Many people in Lingyun Pavilion saw his intentions. No one dared to step forward to stop them. Thirty meters before the location of the King's Blade, suddenly nine more people stood up.

Among the nine, one of them was a knight with a platinum lance in the group of four at that time. I did not expect that he had escaped from the death of the smoke and rain, but now he doesn't want to live.

The nine people took the initiative to stand in front of the King's Blade, Xiao Jiuquan was expressionless, his hands stretched forward, and then volley grabbed a faint black streak behind the position where the nine people were located, and soon the black streak broke into A huge black gully. In this black space crack, there are faint endless starry universe flashes. Nine people were caught by a crack, and the painful scream came from the crack the next moment.

Immediately after, a bright red blood flowed out of the crack.

After the instant killing of nine people, no one dared to step forward anymore, the group of warriors were all shuddered by the hit just now.

Xiao Jiuquan came to the King's Blade and said, "You retreat first." The voice was very calm, and the players around the Blade of Death did not hesitate to step back, and exited a hundred meters away. Unwilling to step back.

Xiao Jiuquan said that the five-lock seal disappeared with a wave of his left hand, and Xiao Jiuquan grabbed the king's blade and drew it to him in front of him. The king's blade said: "Who are you?" He said he was ready to wave his sword.

But before he laughed at Jiuquan's other hand, he pulled out the sword and "brushed" two cold lights flashing, and the arms of the King's Blade were chopped down in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Jiuquan said: "It's been a long time, Chief Li Jianhua."

"who are you?"

Xiao Jiuquan said: "I don't know if Chief Li Jianhua remembers the violent anti-drug campaign four years ago?"

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiuquan said, "I said the thirty-nine anti-drug fighters who sacrificed that task."

"Thirty-nine? Not four ..." The words just said that the King's Blade trembled.

Xiao Jiuquan unbuttoned his blindfold and looked at the blade of the king. Here I am behind Xiao Jiuquan, who can't see the face of Xiao Jiuquan. When I saw the blade of the king, he was panicked at the moment.

Xiao Jiuquan said, "I didn't expect it."

"You ... you ... how is that possible!"

"Nothing is impossible." Xiao Jiuquan said: "You must have a clear position today, but I want to tell you that I am back and your good days are coming to an end."

After speaking, the sword of the other hand drew into the chest of the King's Blade and said, "Put your finger on the next day." After speaking a sword gas exploded, the body of the King's Blade was immediately torn apart, and the dead can no longer died.

After the spike of the King, Xiao Jiuquan laughed coldly: "Lingyun Pavilion everyone ..."

"... not one!"

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