Master Summoner Online

Chapter 719: Captain Armored Raptor

The armored Raptor soldier stopped after just eating two tiger meats, raised his head, and apparently found me, but instead of seeing the player rushing over like other monsters, he stood in front of the tiger carcass I roared, the roaring rhythm was different, and it seemed to be saying, 'This is mine! You don't want to pay attention to it. 'Of course I didn't want to grab food with it at all, and when I saw that I didn't leave the armored Raptors, I was angry and roared loudly, and then directly looked at me from the point of view to force me out by force, and I raised the dragon gun without fear. After the Raptor approached the distance, the Raptor's body made a maneuver in place, his thick tail swept out, and he quickly lowered himself to avoid the attack. The dragon gun sent the Raptor at the same time.

The raptor screamed, and the black **** stunned the raptor in the course of the destruction. The dragon gun directly stunned the raptor in three rounds of snow and ice. It was covered by armored raptor soldiers. Above the body of the armor-like scale, three damage figures floated—5729—5722—5712. Three damage floated out. The armored Raptor soldiers had much more blood than the ordinary Raptor. The blood dance was also shot on the raptor, and the armor outside the armored raptor soldier was left with a deep scar. I saw in the scar that apart from some flesh and blood, there were things similar to mechanical circuits.

It seems that this kind of raptor is not a pure creature monster, it is a kind of semi-mechanical and semi-creature monster, and since this kind of raptor has its own ability to return blood, the three of us spent half a minute together. After three people took turns bombing, This armored raptor fell to the ground, the experience of 30,000 points was brushed out, hey! The experience of this monster is really rich enough. It is very rare for ordinary monsters to have 30,000 experience. If it can attract a bunch of kills, it will be very good, eh! Thinking too much, continue to find Ning Shen Cao and new mounts.

Put the gold coins on the ground into the backpack and continue to move forward. Within half a minute, the armored raptors appeared again. This time, two came. The two guys were fighting for something. They stopped immediately when I arrived. Fighted over me!

"Red Dragon growls!"


The red dragon roar is still very lethal. This strike red dragon roar hit one of the two heads, the dragon tail swept after the claws of the dragon, the three of us separated, the black **** and the sky shot together to kill one. .

The two wolf emperors screamed each other, and the raptors changed their claws. The two wolf empires were completely afraid of the sharp claws of the raptor. Announce! With a stun, he immediately punctured the raptor into a pair.

The raptor that the black **** and the sky are fighting with, and the sky crosses the **** cross on the ankle of the raptor, and suddenly the balanced raptor's body fell heavily on it. Head off.

After a battle, two armored Raptor soldiers were killed. They continued to move forward, fire eye gold eyes and thermal scanning turned on, constantly scanning the martial universe.

No exceptions!

And I also found a condensed grass. Looking at this condensed grass is shorter than ordinary weeds and hidden in the grass. If it is not for my skills such as fire eyes and thermal scanning, it is really difficult to find it in the weeds. After taking it off, take off Bailong's claws and put on the medicine king gloves, squat down and start collecting!

Do not be distracted during the collection, otherwise the progress bar of the collection will fail to read, and the collection will be forced to cool down for 10 seconds. Therefore, you must observe that there is no movement before the collection.

"Ding! Congratulations, you collected [Ning Shen Cao] × 5!"

Five copies are good. After harvesting, the Ningshen grass disappears. Each plant can only be collected once. The number of copies collected is random. The minimum number is no more than 10, and the amount of this thing is randomly distributed by the system. Luck value affects. Luck value affects only the success rate of collection, so how much you collect depends on your own character.

After more than three hours, I killed countless armored raptors. With my luck and the "perfect collection" skills on the medicine king gloves, my chance of harvesting Ning Shen Cao was basically 100%, and hundreds of Ning Shen were collected along the way. Grass, the chance of failure is only a dozen times.

Collect it as you go deeper. With the collection of a thousand copies of Ning Shen Cao, my experience value has also gone up a bit.

As I was about to leave to find the fire salamander, I walked out not far. Suddenly, there were more than a dozen armored raptors, five or six raptors with a larger circle, and a group of raptors. The tallest head has dark red armor, a pair of front paws exuding orange-red light, and golden eyes scan through it!

Armored Raptor Sergeant, Level 135, Elite Beast, Introduction: Adult armored Raptor soldiers are classified as non-commissioned officers after various battles, belonging to the captain role of the entire armored Raptor group.

Captain Armored Raptor, Level 138, Mutant Beast (Capturable), Introduction: Part of the armored Raptor sergeant activates more powerful forces in his body over the course of a long period of training. These raptors are more powerful than soldiers or sergeants, and are leaders in the armored raptor group. They are only in the rank of colonel and marshal. Legend has it that tame these powerful raptors can battle the battlefield. All died under its minions, and those who can be tamed are the lucky ones with outstanding strength.

"I found it!" Shouted with joy, and I was in tears with excitement! Huang Tian deserves a caring person! The effort finally paid off! When I was happy, my voice came into the ears of the raptor not far away. The group of guys reacted immediately. The captain of the armored raptor roared, and the armored raptor soldiers and noncommissioned officers screamed and swooped at me. come!

Since they came forward, I have no reason to let them go! There is no doubt that it is not a dream to form such a cavalry team.

"The dragon soul is broken!" The dragon gun was thrown into the air and smashed into a giant soldier. The ordinary monster was definitely smashed this time, but they are not the same. They dispersed before the dragon gun fell, and the giant soldier failed to hit. It doesn't matter if you don't hit it. The light blue dragon-shaped air waves rising around the dragon gun are not irritating.

Subsequent Dragon Soul Slashes, the Dragon Souls battered these raptors in the batter, and then the three of us took about ten minutes to turn this raptors into our experience.

At this moment, there was only the captain of the armored raptors standing not far away. After seeing that his men were killed by us, this guy stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. Then he kicked up like a rocket, and I also Rushing up with a dragon gun.

The dragon gun pierced the raptor's head. I didn't expect this guy to evade the dragon gun. The next action surprised me. Since it reached out its claw and caught the dragon gun, the other claw passed me. On the chest, the armor was immediately scratched, and a blood spurted out of the chest with blood dripping from the chest, and even the breastplate and flesh were torn off.

"Master-!" Tian Zhao and the Black God are terrified!

Immediately after this raptor lifted his claws and waved them down again, his left hand became a dragon claw to meet its claws. The two claws met, and both forces collided and they were shaken apart. A wave of sour came from my left hand. . After breaking his claws, he kicked his feet and kicked the Raptors to knock him back several positions.

"The master grabbed it with a master ball!" Black God shouted.

As soon as I nodded, I took out a master ball and threw it towards it! Captain of the armored raptor Raptor's head dropped so low that he avoided the point. I rely! The AI ​​is a bit too high!

After avoiding the master ball, he rushed forward, and the Black God came up at this moment. The sickle blocked the raptor's claws. After the claws were strongly pushed open, the sickle waved, and a series of sparks splashed on the hard captain of the armored raptor. The damage it caused made it make a strange noise.

I was launching a hundred ghosts night walk to take the Raptors back a few steps, and at the same time, the Raptors were completely enraged. The body ’s armor suddenly swelled a few gaps, and the gaps glowed with blood. At the same time, the dark red scales were covered with a layer The faint red light, the speed suddenly increased in the next moment, and it was just in an instant that it had hit the black **** and me.

"Black Dragon Spike!" Captain Swift Raptor couldn't stop running too fast and was stunned by the stab of the Dragon Lance.

"Master gives it to you." Tianzhao picked up the thrown master ball and handed it to me. Immediately after receiving the master ball, he just recovered the Captain Raptors. The unsuccessful reaction was hit by the Master Ball. The Master Ball cracked a seam and an irregular light brought the Captain Raptors into the game.

The master ball must hit with a perfect hit, and it will surprise you when you pick it up. The armored Captain Raptor (combat mount) has increased attack power: 75%, attack speed + 40%, vitality +7000 points, avoidance rate. + 12%, movement speed: + 100%, maneuverability: 65%, tenacity: 100%, hunger: 0, fatigue: 0, own skills: death outbreak, heat shock, battle essentials, leader style. Requires occupation: Warrior department, Requires level: 105, Requires reputation: 5000, Introduction: The captain of the armored raptor Raptor, still hesitant to fight with it, must be careful.

[Explosion of Death]: When the captain of the armored raptor dragon's life is below 15%, the energy in the body will explode, and within a certain period of time, the movement speed and attack speed will be greatly increased.

[Thermal Shock]: The captain of the armored raptors launches the charge in the body, colliding with the enemy and knocking it into the air, stuns for 05 seconds, and cools down for 10 seconds.

[Battle Essentials]: Captain Armored Raptor has experienced various combat experiences and mastered various combat skills. Reduces damage taken by 30% in combat, and is sensitive to avoid enemy attacks.

[Leader style]: The armored Raptor captain is a leader of the Raptor. He can direct the surrounding Raptor companions to gather around him and wait for a mission. (If there are two Raptor captains in the team at the same time, only one of them will take effect )


NND is actually a combat mount. Although the attributes are not as good as the cold-blooded raptors, but their skills are very good, and there are four. The last one is the best skills to command the raptors. It made me meet here. When it comes to such a superb mount, my instincts are really accurate!

With great joy, I quickly sent a message to Ye Shuang: "Ye Shuang handed over the income to Beacon Hagiwara. You immediately took the fighters who were over 105 in the guild and had a reputation of 5,000. Remember these people must Are trustworthy! "

Ye Shuang was at a loss: "Brothers are weary? Have you found a new continent?"

"It's not the mainland, it's the mount." He said, passing the attributes of Captain Raptors.

"What the hell!"

I said, "Come here and I still have something to do."

Ye Shuang was shocked: "I'll be here for up to an hour!"

I nodded: "Well, remember to bring a few more packs of seal stones, and I told you that these raptors are much stronger than the periphery, ready to hang back at any time."

Ye Shuang laughed: "I see, come here right away, right, what's the matter with my brother?"

"Do the task, speed up! This raptor sends it to you by email."



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