Master Summoner Online

Chapter 722: Call of Covenant: Thunder Eagle

The poison monster dragon suddenly looked up to the sky and shouted!


This roar is very strong!

After three seconds of roaring, the poisonous dragon's tail was lifted at the same time. Although this guy had no eyes, I still felt an angry look at myself, kicked the part that did n’t know whether it was the head or the tail, and This time the speed is extremely fast, so I can't avoid it, I can only open the attack to resist!


The shield of the attack was broken at once, and the whole person flew upside down and rolled a few times in the air, and fell directly to the ground to knock down my blood of up to 13,000, so painful! The carp stood up.


… Damn, it's a level faster than before. But even more terrible was still behind, the poison monster dragon kicked high with its limbs kicking, and turned 180 degrees in the air, and clung tightly to the top of the cave.

"Adhered to the top of the cave ?!" Tianzhao opened her mouth wide.

Black Shinto: "Isn't this attack at all ...?"

"Gururu, Gatling comes out!" I said, "Just stick them to the top."

"If you attack from a long range, you can hit the top of the cave." The black **** laughed. "It is indeed the master."

Two summoned beasts appeared at the muzzle and muzzle and sent a wild bomb to the poisonous dragon on the top of the cave, but the poisonous dragon on the top of the cave was not weak, and one part was hanging vertically on the cave top and kept hanging. Shake your body and spit out a bunch of purple matter.

The three of us flashed and avoided on the ground, and Garulu and Gatling blasted continuously at the Poisonous Dragon. Gatling blasted a laser to hit the Poisonous Dragon, and the top part took it from the top of the hole. Boom down.

Flop and fall!

"Hello! If you fall, you will be able to fight with your wish." With the dragon gun on it, first, a red dragon roars and hits. When the red dragon disappears, it jumps up and catches the dragon gun. It was really arrogant just now, this is a gift !! "


The poison monster dragon suddenly looked up and sprayed a purple smoke, which triggered a huge explosion to directly fly me out, and also released the dragon gun in his hand!


The body was like a broken kite, and it flew away from a distance. The body even fell heavily on the snow, smashing the ground into a large pit, and then turned over seven or eight heels before stopping.

The poison monster dragon did not continue fighting with others after knocking me flying, turned his head and ran outside the cave, flapping his wings and flying.

"Damn! Run away!"

"Catch up! This guy is almost finished, and it will be trouble to be killed by others." I shouted and stood up, called Gallulu back and the three of them sat in and slammed on the throttle!

"Rush!" Gallulu rushed out immediately like an arrow off the string. The poison monster dragon was not good at flying, so the flying distance and speed were shorter and slower than other dragons.

After chasing for more than ten minutes, I crossed a hill and saw a clearing in the woods. Five players were fighting with the poisonous dragon. This poisonous dragon was the one where I was killed by blood. It is very difficult for these five people to besiege this poison monster dragon.


"The masters are really shameless ..." Tianzhao said with a grunt.

I said, "Garulu Chong!"


Gallulu accelerated the surge, with five knights, two fighters, and two mages ahead. A swordsman said: "Boss, we are so lucky. Since we have a **** boss, if we kill it, it won't explode into gold?"

"Sure it will, everyone cheer this guy can't support it anymore," said the headed Cavaliers.

I stepped out of the Gallulu cockpit at this moment and picked up the microphone in the cockpit and shouted, "Five people in front, please let me run away from my poisonous monster."

"Who do you believe?" Said a mage behind.

"That is, which onion do you count for you!" Said another mage.

Cavaliers said: "Don't worry about him. Keep killing!"

"I won't let you off, I'm welcome." A sudden cry came out in front.

"Come with me, I'm not scared!"

"Then don't blame me!" Sitting back in the cockpit, Gallulu's muzzle was facing the units in front of everyone. Gallulu's ultimate skill launched a "Boom!" A sound like an explosion emitted, gathered in the muzzle and The powerful energy coming into it turned into a fiery beam of light, and shot at the location.


There was a loud noise. Instantly, an indescribable terrorist force was erupting. This indescribable terrorist force blasted out a huge deep hole in the hit position.

Players within range are instantly spiked, and vaporized drops are evaporated.

But I don't see where the Poisonous Dragon is? Is it also vaporized, but tips and experience after killing.

"Master in the air." Tianzhao cried.

Looking up, the poisonous dragon was flapping its wings to float in the air. I did not expect that the poisonous dragon's response was so fast. When the energy flow came to the front of the eye, it flew into the air, avoiding the impact of the energy flow, and The five people on the ground had no time to evade, and they were killed and returned to the city in no time.

The poison monster dragon stayed in the air for a few seconds, then turned his head and flew away again. Garulu could not move when he had used his skills. He could only come down and chase with his feet. This time it did not escape my sight. The monster dragon was approached by us. In a cave.

It was about ten seconds before the drug monster got trapped. We entered, and when we went in, we were stunned by the scene in front of us.

Since this guy is full of eggs, he has already laid seven or eight eggs in ten seconds. He actually has the energy to lay eggs. He said quickly: "Tianzhao black god, you two will destroy these eggs before hatching! "

"Observe!" The two immediately divided the work around. I drove the electric light fire to the spawning monster dragon. At this moment, the monster dragon was really giving birth to a baby. When the baby just gave birth to a quarter, I will Enter the attack range and immediately prepare a combo to solve it! But at this time ...

"Master! Wait! That's ... That's ..." The black god's words weren't finished but I heard-"Boom!"

The huge explosion sounded a purple air wave and swallowed me into "Ah!" With a roar, the whole person flew out, and my head became confused for a while, and I saw that my body had been stained purple. Qi and blood fell to only a few hundred points!

But as soon as I got ready, then the giant body of the poison monster dragon was pressed against me!

"the Lord……"

"the host!"

Amaterasu exclaimed both at the same time!

"Roar!" The poison dragon screamed at this time. This was not cheering but screaming!

The poisonous monster's entire body arched, and underneath it was shocked like never before. The huge body was blown out by powerful force!

"Hah ... ha ..." Standing up hard, a huge **** shield flying outside volleys, and he's absorbing the damage of the "absorbing blood shield" that he has turned on in a hurry, holding himself for a lifetime. It is estimated that he is already in the dragon Drinking herbal tea in the outdoor lounge area is weak.

At this moment, the poison monster dragon that was flying out of me was roaring and murderous! Seeing like this, this guy is going to die, I am not weak, the red-eyed dragon gun brings a blue quenched fire cone straight into the poisonous dragon, and then it bursts out Snow and ice three consecutive cuts!

-14905-14905-8892-8901-8899 four attacks, breaking the barrier triggers the attack effect "Hoohoo! Roar!" The poisonous dragon's madness spit out highly venomous poison, opening the white dragon shield and the attack The venom of the poisonous dragon sent the black dragon stab into its body, and then the power of death broke out. The last trace of blood of the poisonous dragon was emptied in a series of moves, and fell to the snowy ground. on.

At the same time, the poison monster dragon took out the bottle of special antidote and poured it. The poison monster dragon had just been poisoned, and the system reminded me that it would be finished in two minutes. However, the remaining blood of the poison monster dragon is so small that it takes less than a few seconds, so I choose to drink the medicine after extinguishing it. If I drink it just then, it may be over.


"Great master!"

The two MMs cheered, and I laughed, "How are you not qualified to be your master?" After speaking, I came to the side of the poison monster dragon's body, cut the belly of the guy with a dragon gun, took out the heart and a crystal The nuclear and crystal nucleus sell money. The heart is my mission prop. In addition, I picked up the equipment I picked up on the ground. After I cleared everything up, I went back to Tyrannosaurus Valley to find Karel. Of course, I did n’t forget to use peace. The song washed off the red name.

Back in Tyrannosaurus Valley, I saw Carrel lying on a rock and basking in the sun. I walked and said, "It's quite leisurely."

"Ah!" Carrel laughed. "You're finally back. Thank you for waiting for the flowers!"

I laughed and said, "Don't say, am I here? Is it something for you?"

"Thank you." Carrel took over all the quest items happily.

"Thank you, this guy, I can challenge the Steel Dragon again, and I must catch it this time." Carrell also reminded that the task was completed, and the medicine king gloves officially belonged to me. In addition, there was gold coin Carrell. He also said, "Wei Weilong, I now have a right in my hand. I can send you a piece of equipment. Which part do you want?"

"Equipment? I'm fine and I don't have to change."

"How about I give you a skill?"

I laughed and said, "Okay."

"Ding ~! You have acquired the skill‘ Contract Call: Thunder Eagle ~! ’

Contract Summon: Thunder Eagle, consumes 500 magic, summons a Thunder Eagle to assist in battle, Thunder Eagle has a certain probability to stun him when attacking the enemy, Thunder Eagle exists for 100 seconds, and cools down for one minute.

Not bad! One more contract summoned beast, and now my army of skills is even bigger.

Carrel smiled at me: "I'm going to work, let's just stop there, there will be a period."

I said, "There will be a period later."

Carrel nodded, pulled out something similar to the player's roll back to the city, and cast it. The whole blue light disappeared into my field of vision.

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