Master Summoner Online

Chapter 725: Aid newcomer

The battle is over.

"Sure enough, the beast **** truly deserves to say that the little girl is willing to worship the wind." Leng Yufei poetry stood up and said.

"Where and where, the two men show mercy, only then can they win by chance."

"The summoner of your strength is indeed rare in the world!" Leng Yufei poem whispered in a low voice: "It's over for the night of Rose. Everyone goes back to leveling."

I smiled slightly: "Okay, let's stop there."

"No." Leng Yufei's poems and fists arched a strange thing when everyone turned around and left.

After finishing the work, I returned to the iron and steel capital. At this time, the iron and steel capital did not want to be the shabby name at first. Although there are no high-rises everywhere, there are many dense roads, although there are no bustling commercial areas. With locust-like cars, there are still many basic shops. There are also endless “prospecting machines” and the entire steel capital is protected by a huge energy shield to protect the players inside. The threat of nature, the photon turrets set up around the steel capital will kill all the beasts who dare to approach it to the slag. Due to the opening of the Legendary League, all guild players can return to this world without rain, snow, frost, and fierce monsters to enjoy the joy of the game and everything that the real world cannot experience after fierce battles.

Open the interface of the territory and see that each resource has risen to 1000 points. It seems that when he is away, Tasada is very hard to manage the affairs of the territory.

At the Protoss hub in the middle of the territory, Tassada came out and said, "Commander, our funds are almost depleted."

"Fuck, there is no more money." Open it and look, and sure enough, there are less than 1,000 coins left in the 9 million gold coins injected before, so you can only throw out the gold coins on your body, also called Yun Lan and Xue Contribute some gold coins every month, and then inject some money from other companions to inject and stabilize the operation of the station.

At this moment, a system prompt suddenly jumped out— "Ding ~! Player: Ghost (Gunner) successfully broke the barrier of strength, broke through its own limits, and realized its exclusive skills— [Feijiang]!"

Flight effect: Increase the team's movement speed by 300% and ignore unit volume collisions. (Cannot stack with other accelerated BUFFs.) Exclusive player: Ghost "Ding ~! Player: Butcher (Undead Warrior) successfully breaks the barrier of strength and breaks its own limit , Realize the exclusive skills-[king]! "

Kingly effect: King's power, King's way. Passive: Raise 30% of all attributes and drop 10% of all enemy units within 300 meters in diameter. Active: Consume 500 mana. The next attack is to ignore the target's 30% defense and cool down for 10 seconds. Exclusive player: Butcher.

Alas, I finally saw someone break through the barrier of strength, and now it ’s getting less and less. The two people who Mingming and Cang naval power at the same time broke through the comprehension skills look very good, the ghostly flying will improve the team The movement speed of 300% collided with the unit volume. This time, the cavalry of Naruto can be overwhelmed. The navy butcher's kingship is quite powerful. While improving his attributes, he also drops the opponent's subordinates and takes the initiative to start and ignore the target The ability to defend.

Just then a soldier of the guild shouted, "Please help! Please help! Our squad is PK by a group of demon kisses, coordinates: 149317819!"

Looking at this message, I couldn't help laughing. Today, things are going on. There is a wave of unrest. It just so happened that I have never had fun in the battle just now, and now I can enjoy the rookie kiss of the devil!


Immediately took the MMs to the ‘accident scene’ Gale Forest is not an advanced leveling area, but as a transitional player leveling is good, where leveling should be the newcomer who just entered the guild.

Sitting on the back of the Amber Dragon, came to the windy forest. Far away, there were already four corpses in the jungle, and the other party said that the level of the forty or fifty people was not high enough to let the Amber dragon land on the edge of the forest.

Jumping from the Amber Dragon, all of us rushed into the open space in the jungle and saw some players of the Dragon Claw new guild. The Dragon Claw new captain was facing a group of demons. The rookie of Kiss said: "You garbage associations, advise you to know a little bit, otherwise you will regret it later."

A demon kiss knight player riding a war horse and waving a spear in his hand, he smiled and said, "What regrets not regret! It is well known that the hostile relationship between the devil kiss and the dragon's tooth, is it the killer's ideology?"

The man raised his eyebrows: "You guys know how to bully us newcomers. What a skill! There is a skill to challenge the management of the main league!"

"That's it!"

"Trash Guild!"

"No shame!"

The demon kisser was scolded with red face and red ears.

The lead player's face was iron-blue, so he snorted, "Don't talk nonsense, just kill it!"

The rookie captain angered: "MD fights with them!"

After saying that, he rushed up, the other side spurred the war horse, hurried through, and a heavy shot hit the rookie captain's chest, bursting and stabbing, and the rookie flew out and hit only the last A little blood, just touch it and hang up!

"Quack! Let's die!" As he was about to send his final blow-"Red Dragon Roar!"

The dragon gun was thrown into the air, and a long yell of dragons that caused the earth to shake was sounded, and a red dragon that was ten meters long rose into the sky!

"Ah!" A scream was preparing to launch the final blow. The player screamed like a pig. The red dragon's body swept past the dragon's tail. In front of the giant red dragon, he couldn't bear the blow at all. The player with the dragon tail swept away was rolled away, and his horse was swept away directly.

"The dragon soul is broken!"

After returning to the hand, the dragon gun went out again and turned into a giant soldier in the air. One fell directly into the crowd. A group of players such as mages, archers, warriors and other players were recruited, leaving deep cracks on the ground. The crisscrossing dragon-shaped air waves rise into the sky, and players in the area are all torn and shattered by the dragon-shaped air waves, pieces of flesh and blood are fragmented, and a series of damage numbers fly up—19883—19878—19823—19771 ……

The amazing damage numbers directly broke the courage of a group of demon kiss players. The level of this group of people is not very high. The equipment is also very general. Otherwise, the single attack damage cannot be nearly 2W. Such damage is not the same as this group of eight. Ninety-level equipment is not very good for players.

About a dozen people were killed in the destruction of the Dragon Soul. Xueyue stepped out of his hands to kill the poisonous dragon sword and made a circle. Three players were immediately returned to the city, and Yun Lan rushed up!

"Dance of Lightning!" Yun Lan's body ghost moves through the crowd, bringing out a series of damage figures!

—8098—8062—8201—7973—8421—8384 In the middle, players with less blood are sent back to the city by Yun Lan's lightning dance, and more residual blood falls to the ground and lays on the ground to swallow medicine.

A knight was dumbfounded: "Fuck! Where are these things perverted!"

At this time, a ghost figure fumbled over, apparently trying to sneak behind Yun Lan.

But he hasn't appeared yet. Another figure appeared behind him. Tianzhao accurately caught the attacker. He danced with two swords in his hands, and the clean assassin dropped the assassin who is not low in rank in seconds!

At the same time, I pierced a person with a shot and waved my hand. In the magic circle, a huge golden eagle burst out of the sky, and the sharp sharp eagle screamed. After tweeting, it launched a dive attack on the ground player like a bomber.

During this process. It **** its wings vigorously. When the wingtips were close together, the eagle's beak spread out a golden thunderbolt whistling and a player who was more than a hundred meters below did not have time to respond. The thunderbolt had already fallen overwhelmingly. !!

—7042 The warrior's magic defense is inherently short. This blow instantly kills one-third of the blood, and immediately frightens his face pale, and flees to take the lead.

"Want to leave? No way!"

Two magical arrays appeared in front of them, and the two wolf emperors immediately emerged from the magical array. The man was trapped in the siege of the two wolf emperors within a few steps. The two wolf emperors caught and bite at him. The next five divisions will be done!

When the water dragon summoned, the ground splintered and cracked, and a roaring spring poured out of the crack, and instantly turned into a huge water dragon with clear scales in the air. "Roar!" The water dragon roared, and then I put the water dragon into the crowd and instantly hit the three players who rushed over and crashed out. At the same time, Thunder Eagle came to the top of the water dragon with wings one by one and then a thunderbolt dropped and the player who was destroyed by the water dragon was blown into flesh and blood. With the sound of a dragon howling, the other two priests were swallowed by the water dragon.

It didn't take long for the other party to have only four or five people. These people turned around without thinking, but I still didn't let the Water Dragon, Wolf Emperor, and Lei Ying happen to be one by one.

The corpse on the ground was full of people. No one escaped the kiss of the demon, and all lay on the ground and became a corpse.

I said, "OK, it's done."

The new captain said, "Thank you, President, for your help."

I laughed: "You're welcome. By the way, if you are leveling or following a large army, you can still paddling if you are tired.

"Thank you for reminding me."

I laughed and said, "I'm gone, it's yours."

"Really!" A group of newcomers rejoiced.

I laughed: "Of course."

When things get done, go back and continue to take MM leveling.

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