Master Summoner Online

Chapter 728: Thundercaller

A thick forelimb appears relatively deep in the cave, and the hind legs are relatively short. I found it a bit like an orangutan when walking, carrying a hard shell that resembles a tortoise shell on the back and covered with a pointed cone. The head resembles a lizard and has two heads on its head. With only sharp corners, he walked through the blue and white thunderbolts. This guy saw me digging again and made a roar, and seemed to be very angry at me.

Call of the Guardian of Thunder, Level 130 Quasi-BOSS, Introduction: Residents in the Thunder Caverns in the second half of the Thunder God Road are also the guardians of Thunder Caverns. They are extremely powerful thunder creatures and have very bad tempers. They will kill all those who enter the Thunder Caverns. Outsider. In addition, a large amount of electricity is stored in the body of the guardian of the thunder, and it must be swallowed daily to synthesize thunder, so some people dare to dig out the thunder, and they will become very violent!

"Big Ben, you're in trouble." Yinyue said.

"Yeah." I smiled bitterly.

"Roar roar!" The foremost Thunder Guardian roared and then sped up like me, it seems that it knows that I am the one who digs Thunder Iron.

The quasi-BOSS still need not be afraid, take the initiative to greet it, and slammed the snow and ice for three consecutive times on the guardian of the mine, bringing out a number of damage, but at the same time a current flows to me!

—3000 An injury jumped out of my head, while currents of electricity passed over me. Suddenly the whole person can't move!

"Ding ~! You are affected by static electricity, paralyzed for 3 seconds!"

At this time, the guardian of thunder opened his mouth and sprayed out a lightning beam!


The paralyzed state is incapable of action and does not say that the skill cannot be launched. After blocking the attack with majestic style, an arrow of Yinyue shots, plus a shot of Frost Dragon Roar, Snow Moon, and a concentrated energy released, calling for the Guardian of Thunder. The beating screamed, and a monster with a single head could not pose any threat to us.

The paralysis state was lifted, I summoned Gatling Blast Dragon, a series of bullets fell on the monster and wiped out sparks, the Holy Light fell, and Mo Yan's treatment healed my blood, this guard of Thunder We can't stand our bombing soon, and contributed a long sword and some gold coins. We still have a lot of experience.

Pick up the trophy. This is a purple sword with good attributes.

Erica said: "Wei Weilong, there must be a lot of guardians of thunder, here you can dig more mines, all of them come here to kill, these monsters are quite experienced."

I smiled bitterly: "That's a great idea."

"That's it." Erica Xiumei said, "Do you guys say it?"

The MMs nodded in unison, so I continued to mine, with a clear percussion, and after a while, there were extremely angry screams from the depths of the thunder hole, and all the figures rushed over, obviously a large group of thunder The guardian appeared, and the roar of his mouth was as scary as the thunder.

Several mm pout together, I don't know what to say.

I laughed: "Ladies and ladies, what shall we do next?"

Xueyue said: "Mo Yan pays attention to everyone's blood volume. Silver Moon and Erika have dragon spirits. You can summon beasts to prepare for output. Others come to block them!"

"Um." I nodded my hand, shot a dragon gun, and suddenly waved Dragon Spirit Break + Dragon Spirit Slash. The inside of this cave is not large. The cave area is relatively small, and the number of guardians calling out this time is very large. Dragon The number of damage caused by Soul Combo is surprising and joyful.

When Elika unfolded her magic book, such as icy rain, deep freezing, and other skills, she froze a monster.

Hualian slammed his feet and hurried over, raising the light of the moon, and the next moment, the guardian of the thunder was cut in half!

The freezing effect quickly passed to the Guardian of Thunder to recover. Only roaring and issuing a series of lightning attacks to us, a series of attacks brushed our blood straight away, each lightning can kill our four or five thousand blood. The offensive power is very powerful. Fortunately, Mo Yan's treatment is very powerful, and everyone has enough potions and there is not much problem.

"You return," Hua Lian said lightly, "give it to me."

"The tears are unparalleled!" After the flare of the moonlight in Hualian's hand cut a body of the guardian of thunder into three pieces, Hualian held herself too much with both hands, and gently read the number one since the beginning. A special move name.

"Boom!" A **** light lit up beside Hua Lian. At that moment, it seemed that the time on the battlefield had stopped. No, it doesn't seem that the space around Hua Lian has anomalies, and the attack and movement of those Thunder Guardians are much slower. At least to my side, it's almost like slow motion, and players who are cooking can hide from it.

Hualian waved the light of the moon in her hand, as if ignoring any resistance at all, tearing all the Thundercallers around to pieces like a whirlwind, and the electrostatic effect on them did not have any effect on Hualian at all, but she still suffered backwash. Jump out, but Mo Yan is not a problem.

Ignoring defense, ignoring obstruction, ignoring gravity, Hualian surrounded by **** light, with the knife on his hand as if cutting grass, cut the surrounding monsters one after another. Not to mention the Thunder Guardians rushing up, even the speed of the thunder light they sprayed could not keep up with the speed of her beheading. The surrounding Thunder Guardians were beheaded by her and then smashed tens of thousands of corpses. The monsters could stand such an attack. In a blink of an eye, the Thunder Guardian hung up layer after layer, and the equipment and gold coins also fell to the ground, but everyone had no time to pick it up, because of what it looked like, silly.

The corpses of countless monsters in the cave covered the ground. I saw Tian Zhao slaughtered an ogre team before. But compared with the killing of Hua Lian today, her slaughter is not a level at all compared with that of Hua Lian. of.

"Finished ..." After waiting for no new enemies to come out, Hua Lian whispered softly, and then Moonlight retracted the scabbard.

I look at the experience value, it has risen by 3%, and I have plenty of experience to upgrade again.

"Clean up the battlefield quickly, and then continue deeper!" I said.


So everyone started to clean up the battlefield. The equipment exploded by the monsters will not be blocked by the monster's body. The cost of the equipment for the explosion of the monsters is not purple and green, no matter how good it is, but I It can be picked up and dedicated to that dragon. Other gold and silver equipment are worth a lot of money.

After packing up the loot, move on.


After walking for an hour, I met many Guardians of the Thunder, but all of them turned into the experience of everyone, and we also came to an end.

"Why is there no way?" Yun Lan asked.

I said, "It doesn't matter if we destroy this rock."


So I started Chilong Roar at this rock!

—5140—5099—5089 Three damages are floating out. I can see that these three kinds of damage are not right inside. If the player destroys rocks or trees, the damage value will not appear. Now there is only one possibility of floating out damage.

I immediately drank, "Be careful! This is not a rock!"

If the rock does not fall, now that the rock is moving, with huge arms and legs extended to the left and right, and a head, this goods is exactly the Thunder Guardian that has been enlarged two or three times.

Calling Thunder War Beast, Level 132 Elite BOSS, Introduction: The leader of the Thunder Guardian of Thunder **, an extremely powerful Thunder Warcraft, has killed countless strongmen who entered the Thunder Cavern, and the Thunder War Beast is full of lightning energy. , Can easily turn the land within a few hundred meters into scorched soil.

Calling the Thunder War Beast further, a large hole appeared behind him, and I said, "It's too narrow here. Let's go outside the Thunder Cave."


While I was talking, the Thunder War Beast had rushed up, and the head corner above my head suddenly skyrocketed, a terrifying lightning struck over!

"True and fake!"

After avoiding the monster's attack, the Gatling Blast Dragon was called back, and the Dragon Walker wore the body of the BOSS. The other people also bypassed the sides of the BOSS body. At this moment, the Thunder War Beast turned around. Sprayed a thick thunder.

"Ice Crystal Wall!"

"Holy Aegis!"

Erica and Mo Yan used defensive magic to block the BOSS skills. I released the wolf emperor and the water dragon to entangle the BOSS, and the contract summoned the beast to entangle the BOSS. Everyone took the opportunity to run out of the thunder hole.

After calling the Thunder War Beast to wipe out the contract, they summoned the hole without hesitation. The speed of the ray of thunder hits my armor and the blood smashed off 24980 points instantly!

amount! This guy's attack power is too fierce, Xueyue jumped to kill the poisonous dragon sword and swept away!

—17902 Since hitting a critical strike! Tian Zhao casts the Bloody Realm under its feet to slightly reduce the mobile output of BOSS.


BOSS roared like a thunder, a strong current was launched over his back, and a huge thunderbolt fell in the sky for a while. The MMs kept dodging from the thunderbolt, and turned on the white dragon shield light and stone fire and rushed to the Thunder War Beast. The dragon gun entangles the phantom of its real red-eyed black dragon. The black dragon stabs the boss and successfully stuns it. It also stuns it and interrupts its skills.

BOSS became even more angry, banging his own chest with his fists, and sending out a roar of bursts, we also launched attacks again and again, just like this, for nearly an hour, finally shed his blood! The hill-like body of the Thunder War Beast fell suddenly, and countless gold coins and equipment fell!

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