Master Summoner Online

Chapter 739: Infinite star

Tian Zhao ’s fists rushed forward, and the next moment seemed to be a strong wind blowing, and the Tian Zhao figure had already rushed in front of me. Since the fist fell on my forehead, it turned into countless fragments, which will be drowned by the wind, In the next second, all the scenes also turned into colorful and colorful debris!

There was a white light flashing around the next moment, and the next scene made me feel helpless. I found that I actually entered a luxuriously decorated office so that the MMs were always there, and at the same time, the black **** slammed his hands at one The desk on the desk shouted, "What are you eating for!" The tone was very angry.

The black mantra was spoken by a young woman in a professional suit. The woman looked at the angry black **** in front of her and said, "Sorry, this is our negligence."

"Neglect? Is it simply negligence? Believe me or not, I'll go to the ruling office and let your people cover up!"

"Do n’t do it ~~!" The young woman pleaded again and again: "You and I are both working, and I know it is not easy to find a job now. So ..."

"Okay, I want you to give me Mingjie's explanation."

I scratched my head and said, "Where is this?"

"Master!" Tianzhao appeared to me and smiled. "This is the complaint hall."

Aizhao said, "Let's sit down and have a drink of tea now."

Talking to take everyone to a coffee table and sit down, a cup of scented hot tea suddenly appeared on the coffee table in front of everyone.

I asked, "What's going on here on the ground?"

Xueyue said with tears in her eyes, ‘I ’m my mother just now. I miss her so much. "

Yun Lan said: "I saw it just now, so let's do it together."

"me too."

"What happened to us?"

It seems that everyone is in a similar situation, calmly took a sip of tea. The aroma rushed down from the mouth, and the whole person was immediately comfortable as if eating ginseng fruit.

Black God and the young woman came over while we were drinking tea.

"Dear players, I apologize to you. The protection regulations have been touched during this mission, and I have caused you unnecessary trouble. I apologize deeply for this!" Said the young woman with apology. She slightly apologized for her apology.

"That ... uh ..." I didn't know how to call each other for a while.

Asked, "What should I call?"

"My number: 9527, you can call me Meier."

Xueyue said: "Meier, honestly, as the most advanced virtual game in the world, this low-level error should not occur in the second world, and you apologize for our acceptance. However, this matter is likely to cause our mission to fail, this loss ... "

Black Shinto: "Yes, you have to make an explanation for our mission."

"Please rest assured." Meier smiled. "This time is our responsibility, and your land loss will naturally be compensated for."

"This time, due to a mistake in the task setting, another hour ago the main brain was affected by a special electromagnetic wave. As a result, there was an error in the calculation of the main brain. The task boss's ability to apply a capability that does not belong to him "Meier said," But it's this kind of violation of the rules that has caused the company's vigilance, and that's why I sent you here. "

"I can guarantee that such things will never happen again in the future, and protecting the interests of players is always the highest rule of the second world."

I clicked and said, "That would be the best!"

Meier said, "As a supplement to your mission, the final stage of this mission will be reset, and we will double the reward of the mission. And giving out special items is your guarantee to complete this mission. Please also give up your complaint."

Everyone looked at me and said, "Since then we will not complain, and we will not lose anyway. Let us continue the task."


"Ding ~! Players: Weiweilong, Magic Moon, Wushuang Storm, Erica, Mo Yan, Yinyue, Honglian completed the BUG submission, passed the verification, and obtained the mission props: 'Infinite Star', thanks for the first Second World Support! "

Infinite Star, Grade: Divine, Effect: Attack + 200%, Defense + 50%, Magic Defense + 50%, Attack Speed ​​+ 100%, Cast Speed ​​+ 100%, Ignore Target's 35% Defense, Skill Cooldown — 50%, additional skills (passive): the dead Su Sheng, resurrection without damage after death. Automatically triggered after death. Cool for 100 hours. Quest props cannot be dropped or traded. They will be automatically collected after the mission ends.

Artifact! I'm sorry for not having this thing.

Meier said: "After a minute, I will teleport you back to the mission site. I wish you a happy game!" He bowed respectfully.

In a minute

Everyone's figure appeared again on the tall platform in the center of Thor's altar.

Shiller's eyes burst into surprise and said, "What! Since it came out of the memory gallery, it's a goddamn! The adventurer is really a cockroach!"

I laughed: "Hill, good days are over. Wash your neck and wait to be slaughtered!"

"I'm so angry!" Shiller shouted like a thunder. "Since you can break through the memory corridor, but this is just to prolong your pain! Let you see the real look of my son, Thunder, Thunder!"

With a roar, a blue thunderbolt fell on Hiller, and Hiller immediately became a flowing current, standing five meters tall, holding a staff in his left hand and a spear in his right, and his armor turned into a set of blue Colored armor. There are shields flying up to eight sides. The wildly changed Hiller took a step forward.


With a loud noise, the ground spattered into countless mouths, large and small, centered on the position in which his foot was stepping, and Shiller shouted, "Humble adventurer! Prepare mercenaries to die!"

Huo Jinjin's eyes saw that Hiller's health was still the previous one million and did not increase, but his defense with an eight-sided energy shield must be stronger than before.

"Come on!" I yelled under the acceleration of the electro-optic stone fire, and immediately came to Hiller. The transparent energy claw was wrapped around the left hand. This time the energy claw was five or six times larger than before. The huge energy claw was fierce. Shot on the shield outside Hiller, the energy claw collided with the energy shield. In this duel, the claws tore apart the thick shield without stasis, and immediately disappeared on all sides!

"Ahhhhh!" I was knocked out and angry!

Undoubtedly, at this moment, Hiller was already angry and fixed, and immediately took a big step towards me!

"Dragon spirit! Quickly flash away !!" Xueyue burst out, I don't want to flash now to the left, and then the gun in Hiller's hand waved towards my original place, and a thunderbolt immediately fell! It wasn't that the ground was bombarded with a large hole. The burning heat caused a smell of burnt in the air. If I hit it directly, I would have kneeled.

After dodging the attack, everyone immediately launched an onslaught against Hiller. Although the shielded shell was bombarded by countless magic skills, Hiller's health continued to drop.

"Small adventurer, the end of Hiller, my son of lightning, who accepted the challenge!"

The thunder and lightning covering Hiller's whole body the next moment, the thunder elements in the air around him now seemed crazy, spreading to the surroundings! This thunderbolt is very violent and the range is very light. All of us are hurting at this moment.


It was impossible to escape the exact same injury figures floating over everyone's head, and the speed of consumption was fast. Mo Yan quickly began to apply treatment to everyone and herself, but the degree of blood loss was too great, and everyone had to go crazy by themselves. Medicine to protect yourself.

"Think of a way! It won't work like this!" Erika said, the mage outside her body had very little blood. Now, although she can guarantee her blood, it is definitely not a long-term thing.

"Benlei breaks the moon!" Yinyue quickly opened his long bow, and seven arrows flew out at the same time. Unfortunately, all of these arrows hit the shield! Bounced away! "Cheat!" Yin Yue exclaimed.


The light blue energy mass flew past, this time through the gap between the shields, and hitting Shiller's abdomen.

"Damn!" Hiller interrupted within his skills, and fell to the ground on one knee.

At the same time, I sped up, the ripper started again, and the huge energy claw hit the shield outside Hiller, this time directly penetrating the last four energy shields of the second life and canceled together! Hiller, who was severely hit again, was completely engulfed in rage. The wand wielded a thunderbolt. A group of thunderballs were shot at the spear's finger and bombarded indiscriminately. Every explosion of fireballs would explode! Strengthening his skills under the Infinite Star will not drop us at all.

"This guy's shield is gone, everyone is attacking with all his strength!" I yelled that the black dragon stabbed into Hiller's body.

—20498 The damage floats, Hiller is stunned, the power of death is turned on, and the combo is started!


Hiller without a shield couldn't help me to toss, Snow Moon bypassed Hiller's face, and the sword of choice fell on the boss!

"Smash Armor!"

—81726 "Dazzling serial strikes!"


"The extreme cold storm!"



Various skills fell wildly on Hiller, who lost his shield body and was bruised by various skills.

"Small adventurer, accept the punishment of timeless magic!"

Hiller held up his spear and wand high and drank. The violent thunder and lightning in the sky fell at a speed that couldn't cover his ears. The magic of this hit had almost no chanting time. The thunder and lightning directly swallowed us up, greatly The number of injuries caused even a few exclaimed-170287-175463-187612-196546

Fortunately, the effect of the dead Su Sheng was launched, otherwise the blow was enough to send us all back to the city.

After the resurrection in place, after the dragon chant, the summoning beast and the contract summoning beast are summoned at the same time. The amber dragon, the ark, and the ice dragon all sip a dragon's breath, and the claws and the blood basin are used together. Lu also touched the absolute freezing gas, and it was even more scary to freeze Hiller.


Nearly 20 minutes later, Hiller's chest was pierced, and then the huge red dragon's claws slammed on Hiller's body. Finally, Hiller's last blood was finally burned. Then, a golden light came from everyone's feet. Rise, the blood and blood of all of us have risen together, and they have all risen to the first level. The experience of the king-level boss is so rich.

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