Master Summoner Online

Chapter 741: Territory reappearance

The next day was Monday. In the morning, I was listening to the class as usual. Today there is Shu Tao. Since this guy came, I find that the students in the class are getting more and more serious. In this way, even the math teachers in other classes ran over for three days to listen to the lesson, saying that it is better to come here to see the handsome guy. It is true that this guy from Shudao really takes all.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

The bell is ringing after class.

Shu Tao picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, "I thought there were five minutes left. Today's time is passing fast." After finishing the collection, put down the chalk.

"Okay. Dear students, please go back and review the content of today. We will take a simple quiz in the next class." Shu Tao finishing the book and said: "After class!"

"stand up!"

"Good old (teacher) bye."

"Goodbye, classmates." Shu Tao smiled and waved.

Return to the dormitory, wear a helmet, and mirror the composition.

Appeared in the room of the Dragon City Hotel, straightened up from the soft bed, and quickly came to the smithy with the beautiful bodyguard, and Dharma in the smithy was patting the flies for nothing.

When I came in, I stopped shooting the flies immediately, and the flying one said in front of me, "His prince, what do you need?"

I said, "I'm going to synthesize minestones." I said it was okay to put a hundred copies of minestones.

"Okay, please wait for a while." After talking about Dharma, he took a box from the corner of the room and collected the iron summons neatly. "Ten minutes to complete. His Royal Highness You can drink tea first." dessert."

"No need. Go and get busy." I said.

"Then, please wait for a moment, His Royal Highness." After finishing speaking, he went to the room behind the Tao. At the same time, the dragon people came out and said, ‘Hi Royal Highness, I have n’t come for a long time. By the way, should I return that pickaxe to me. "

"Ah! Inside ..." I honestly couldn't bear to be honest.

The dragon said with a smile: "Hahaha, it seems that His Royal Highness is reluctant. If it doesn't matter, I will give it to His Royal Highness as a gift."

"Really!" I was overjoyed.


"I knew it wasn't that easy?" Muttered secretly.

Long Rendao: "If Your Highness Prince travels abroad and sees a book called" War Workshop ", please bring it to me, and then I will give it to His Royal Highness as a thank you. Don't know what to do?"

"no problem."

"Hahaha, His Royal Highness is indeed a refreshing person." Dragon Man, at the same time, a C-level task called "Finding the Workshop of War" came to hand, and seeing this task level, presumably this task is not difficult. Go back to the official website to check this thing and know where to get it.

At this time, the dragons came to me, and looked around at me from beginning to end. Looking at it like this, he asked, "What happened?"

"His prince, your helmet?"

"What about this seal gear?" I patted the dragon-patterned helmet.

The dragon man came to the back of the counter and took out two diamond-shaped gems from the drawer of the counter. I could recognize ‘Furious Alchemist Stone’ at a glance. The dragon said: “His Royal Highness Prince will open your helmet.”

I laughed and said, "Thanks." He said taking off his helmet. When I came to the counter and picked up the alchemy stone, I was ready to start, and the dragon person suddenly shouted, "Slow! Your Royal Highness, how do you use this to blow up the entire blacksmith shop?"

I heard a bitter smile: "Sorry. Then I'm looking for a place where no one is."

The dragon man shook his head and said, "No more. Your Highness Prince, please come with me."

"Well." After I said that I was going to turn around and take the sunshine, the black god, but I turned around and saw that the two MMs were sitting by the side, eating snacks and drinking tea, and I said, "You are waiting for me here."

"Okay." The two turned to smile at me at the same time.


I followed the dragon to the back of the smithy's hall, and at this moment I saw it. Here is a space larger than the front, with strange equipment in the space. On my left hand was a one-meter-tall, five-footed, three-legged, two-eared ear, which resembled the ancient big tripod, but just below this round tripod, but weird things like wires were connected to each other, and it was connected to another On the side of the wall, in front of this wall, stands a row of weird and complicated instruments, with various complicated buttons on it.

At this moment, in this big tripod, there is a blazing blue flame. Before the tripod, I saw Dharma throw a piece of fine iron into the tripod, and then the big pliers held the fine iron out and put it on a piece. The stove was beaten repeatedly with a hammer. Every time I waved it twice, I brought a blue light and shadow in the air, and I could even hear the sound of wind and thunder. The dragon said: "The Prince's Palace comes down here."


I immediately leaned forward and saw a pool that was one meter wide and one meter high in front of me, but the water in the pool was not clear but a dark red semi-solid thing. The dragon humane said: "Put the helmet and the raging alchemy Throw the stone in. "

I immediately recruited to throw the dragonweave helmet and two raging alchemists into it. Just tossed in, a blaze of flames spewed out of the pool, a golden light burst out of the flames, and immediately followed, you can clearly see a crimson dragon rushing out of the flames, see this scene I couldn't help taking a step back.

The dragon's eyes exuberantly said: "His prince, your helmet is really good. Now that there is a soul fragment of a real dragon, at first I thought it was the most flying dragon or earth dragon. I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it." Having said that, he took a golden stone from the small bag on the waist and threw it into the flames.

I asked, "What's that?"

The Dragonman replied, "That's an enhanced alchemy stone. It can be used to strengthen equipment."

"Enhancement equipment? As far as I know, isn't reinforcement equipment used to strengthen crystals?" I asked.

"Haha." Long Rendao said: "That is just one of the most intensive equipment methods and the safest one. You need to know that there are many enhancement equipment."

I asked again, "Well ... do you still have alchemy stones and I still have a seal."

"Yes. I remember there is one more case." Long Rendao said, "I have received money for this unblocking."

I laughed: "Money is not a problem."

"Okay. You can get it."

"Well." After speaking, I ran out of the smithy and came to the warehouse to take out the wishful stick that I had forgotten. Then hurriedly ran back to the smithy. Pass the Ruyi stick to Dragon Dragon: "That's it."

After receiving the Ruyi stick, the dragon's eyes showed a brilliant color: "Ruyi stick! Good thing! Good thing! Your Royal Highness, I have to say that your luck is really good, since you can get such equipment."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"This Ruyi stick was a stator that was shallow and deep in the river Dingjiang when it was used to control water in the legendary era of Yu. It was a piece of **** iron that was polished by you. And it is also recorded above It is said that fighting defeats a part of the Buddha's strength. This is a rare treasure. "Dragon Humane.

I asked, "What about costs?"

The dragon man took out an abacus from the small bag around his waist and began to juggle it. After playing with it, he said, "Ten thousand gold coins are fine."

"Ten thousand is OK." I sighed after hearing this number, originally I thought it would be seventeen or eighteen. Dragons also said, "His Royal Highness Prince, you will be liberated in one day."

"It's only one day, no problem." I said.

At this time, Dharma came to me holding the box and said, "His prince, your thunderstone has been created. The handling fee is 1200 gold coins."

"Okay." Give the gold coins to Dharma, and I will also collect Thunderstone, Dragon said: "It will take a few minutes for His Royal Highness Prince's helmet, please go outside and rest for a while."

"Okay. Then I'll come to see you later." After using the teleport crystal, I came to Longyuan. At this moment, the real red-eyed black dragon is still lazy, and I said, "I have called Thunderstone."


"Where to put it?"


"Oh." Throw Thunderstone Wan Baoshan somewhere. As soon as the Thunderstone landing system prompted me to complete the task, a box of up to twenty teleporting crystals appeared in my backpack.

After completing the mission, I went back to the blacksmith shop and said, "I am back."

"Dragon, do you have a bigger backpack for sale here?" Said to the Dragon in a chair.

The dragon person stood up and walked behind the counter and took off a belt bag from the wall and said, "This is a dimensional bag. There are 15,000 squares in it, and there is no load on the line. The price is 1,000 gold coins. How many do you want, His Royal Highness? "

"One is enough." After that, he handed the gold coins to the dragon. After receiving the dimension pack, it will be taken off by the N-long march pack accompanied by him. Everything in it will be transferred to the dimension pack and thrown into the trash can.

"His prince. Your helmet is ready." Dharma held the tray with both hands, and it was my dragon-printed helmet on the tray.

I immediately brought the dragonweave helmet to look at--the dragonweave helmet (completely lifted)

Grade: Low-level magic weapon defense power +500 vitality +2000 magic power +2000 casting speed + 20% of summoned beast attributes + 10% ignore target's 20% defense when attacking (only 5% effect on BOSS)

Additional passive skills: King Kong is not bad, increase your physical defense and magic defense.

Additional Skills (1): Fire eye golden eyes, detect a unit's basic data, and can scan all units with a radius of 100 meters at the same time, see the stealth and transformation skills below this level, activate the consumption of 400 magic, maintain 1 magic per second No cooling.

Additional skills (2): perspective, consumes 700 magic points, allowing your eyes to gain perspective effects, can see through any physical obstacles such as walls, can also be used in the city, maintaining a consumption of 100 magic points per second, no cooling, note: if Use this trick to observe the opposite sex, and the other party will get a hint.

Additional Skills (3): Lock, consume 300 magic points. After locking a unit, its next attack will not appear MISS must be a critical strike. If it is a long-range attack, it will follow the opponent with one finger until it hits. Cool for 20 seconds.

Additional skills (4): Weakness calculation, consumes 100 points of magic, quickly calculate the opponent's weakness, the calculation time is determined by the strength of the opponent, cool down for 1 minute after the calculation is completed, if the calculation fails, the cooling is halved.

good stuff! good stuff! Since the level of the dragonweave helmet has become a low-level artifact, it also has more attributes. Among them, ignoring the target's 20% defense and summoning beast's + 10% are rare regular attributes when attacking.

"Thank you." Thank you for bringing the brand new dragonweave helmet.

"Ding ~! A group of abyss monsters broke into the area of ​​the Hexi Corridor and slaughtered the local residents. The Dragon Kingdom issued an announcement to all adventurers, hoping that all warriors would go to destroy the abyss monsters. The adventurer who succeeded the leader of the monsters will obtain the lord's order to become the land. Master! "

"Ding ~! A group of abyss monsters broke into the area of ​​the Hexi Corridor and slaughtered the local residents. The Dragon Kingdom issued an announcement to all adventurers, hoping that all warriors would go to destroy the abyss monsters. The adventurer who succeeded the leader of the monsters will obtain the lord's order to become the land. Master! "

"Ding ~! A group of abyss monsters broke into the Hexi Corridor and slaughtered the local residents. The Dragon Kingdom issued an announcement to all adventurers, hoping that all warriors can go to destroy the abyss monsters, and the adventurers who successfully killed the monster leader will receive the 'Lord of Lords' 'Become the owner of the land!'

Prompt three times, it seems that the major forces in the dragon capital are going to be lively again.

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