Master Summoner Online

Chapter 744: Stormstalker Shoulders

After removing the external obstacles, after the Dragon's Tooth left two alliances, the rest of the group killed the city, and the monsters in the city have been killed by millions of players. The ground is full of monsters and players left after fierce battles. The body, including the miscellaneous equipment, potions, and debris, Shu Tao sent a message: "We are now in the city and rose night! The storm that just retreated, the demon kiss went to your side .They want to merge with the troops outside. "

"Hmm! This guy has us to stop! Don't hang up before that."

"Do you think my teacher is so vulnerable?"

"Well, you can stand up first, and you can wipe out these remnants in half an hour at most."

"Got it."


Hanging up the call, I soon saw a large group of people in front of them, all of whom are the kisses of the demon and the situation. Among them, I didn't see the guy at dusk, I do n’t know if it was completely destroyed or has retreated.

Tears disappeared: "The enemy was found at twelve o'clock!"

I said, "Just go up and kill them!"

Yanyu Liunian rode in the evil shadow leopard and said: "The garbage of the beast **** is given to us, and you take the core main force one step ahead. Although the Guild of Rose Night is a new guild, its overall strength is much stronger than that of Mingshen. Time Worrying out is bad for Ming Shen. "

"Okay! I'll pay you guys here," answered decisively.

"The beauty of the Student Union, Ye Shuang and Xiaoyue all came to see us, we made a breakthrough!" Said on the college channel.

"Understood." The crowd gathered immediately, while the opponent in front of us was less than 200 meters away.

Yanyu Liunian commanded in a deep voice on the team's channel: "Start offensive!"

The Raptor Cavalry standing on the front line raised their shields to connect with each other's cavalry, and various magic skills in the rear smashed their heads and smashed their faces. Various crazy magic skills rolled down in all directions, and the horrible explosion sounded.

I immediately recruited several enemies in front of me, and hurricanes and meteorites smashed towards me. The shield was shattered by energy as soon as the shield was opened, and the attacking dragon soul combo was launched. One enemy after another, among the rolling dragon-like air waves and the raging dragon waves, howled hoarsely and fell.

I took the student union MM and the companion of the Dragon Studio to kill the crowd in a one-click manner, and everyone was like a sharp sword to kill a **** path in the crowd.

Someone keeps rushing to block us, and these people are constantly being sent back to the city. The strength of our party is not ordinary and sturdy, and any one is a character who is a thousand riders.

Xueyue wields the guts of the country, and the light of countless skills erupts in the crowd. The sword light rages and a group of people fall to the ground. At the same time, the other seven or eight soldiers rush up to launch, one by one, murderous, various skills!

Xueyue stepped on the phantom step, walking between these people like ghosts, all her skills were dodged by her, and one person's eyes widened: "Rely on, this is okay ..."

After avoiding all skills, the double swords roared in the crowd!



Xueyue's attack power, equipped with Guo Yanzhao's gall bladder, has reached an outrageous level, and the surrounding pair of platinum double swords has been killed without any resistance at all.

On the other side, Yun Lan also slammed the nearly 30,000 blood of the man who was punched in the abdomen of a soldier. At the same time, he slammed the ground with a punch, a stream of energy was injected, and the earth and rocks broke down the next moment. , The hot lava poured out, and the roaring lava swept out in all directions!

"Boom boom boom boom ..."

A loud sound echoed, and a vacuum zone was created in an instant. Everyone in the lava envelope was spared, even the knight riding the horse was killed.

But at the same time, a mad soldier on the right rushed up, and the battle axe bloomed with red blood!


Yun Lan gave a low sigh. The detective grabbed the man's tomahawk and twisted the tomahawk. The man suddenly deformed. The man looked at the distorted tomahawk with an awkward look when he was forced to step on it dead.

The stronger the resistance is, the more backward we are. There are dense arrows, fireballs, wind blades, ice cones and other attacks everywhere, and I was just a few steps away and I was killed by almost a third of my blood! Mo Yan quickly dropped the treatment on me.

After restoring your health, you screamed, summoned ‘Galactic Storm’ to hang one piece, at the same time released the summoned beasts ready to go, and summoned the contract summoned beast once again. There are also Thundercallers who do not know when they have hung up. Thundercaller can summon three times a day without cooldown and maintenance time, and is a very powerful thug.

"Brush, brush ..."

A huge cloud of black clouds appeared on top of the head the next moment, countless thunder and lightning fell, the surrounding players into residual blood, and then instantly hanged by everyone. After we cleared out a group of players, a large number of players came.

There are many acquaintances in this group. They are Lost Soul, Xie Hongjun, and the fool ’s new idiot with a more silly hat and a more demon kiss. There is also Xueyue's cousin Tian Qin. It's the same smell when these people get together.

Two people meet. The two waves stopped by accident.

Tian Qin immediately stared and yelled, "Xueyue, come here for me."

Xueyue took back Guo Guo's gallant back and said coldly, "Don't even think about it."

When Tian Qin was preparing to continue talking, the dumb hat of the guy in the world suddenly came out and shouted, "Lan Lan! Why are you guys mixed together! Do you forget that we are engaged? You are my fiancee, now you are actually Having such a close hand with this Weiweilong, why do you let Laozi feel embarrassed? Weiweilong! You tell me honestly, why do you have a girlfriend and why do you want to grab Laozi's woman? Got to bed? "

I laughed: "Can you break your brain a bit?"

Xie Hongjun said, "Unfortunately, if you fools are here to quarrel, it's better to break out and reorganize the team to return to the territory."

Fengyun said: "If I remember the name Xie, if I remember correctly, the female soldier beside Weiweilong seems to have been dating you. You are not nearly engaged."

"It's a thing that has passed." Xie Hongjun said: "Li Yunfei, I told you that I'm as unskillful as your master. But only after I met Weiweilong, I understood a truth."

Xueyue laughed: "When will you still make sense to others?"

"I just abused him a few times. What do I say?" I scratched my head and said.

Yun Lan said, "How long are we still here?"

"That's right," the dragon gun cast out, "Red Dragon growls!"

The giant red dragon fell into the crowd!

Ahhhhh ...

A series of screaming sounds came one after another, and then Dragon Soul launched a series of attacks, and a large number of players were killed by me on the spot. Xueyue and Yun Lan immediately entered the enemy line, and a burst of sword gas and a fist wind destroyed dozens of hostile Players, the equipment that bursts out of a stack.

I saw Xie Hongjun, the guy with a demon kiss, and everyone didn't go out from the other side in battle with us. I turned around and forced it directly.

"Beast God! Come here!"

"Damn! The beast **** is blocked by me, you go first!" Xie Hongjun has a pair of gray iron gloves with both hands. Since turning around and rushing back to me, he seems ready to fight.

"Hunting ring!" Xie Hongjun sipped on his shoulders, each with a spiked round wheel bursting at me!

This originally was just the size of a slap. Immediately after it flew out, it turned into a ring the size of a wheel, breaking through it, and passing through the void brought out a sharp sound of wind breaking.

In the face of the hunting ring, I do not hide, the claws of the dragon are activated, and my hands are turned into dragon claws.

"Drink!" The energy flow from the dragon's claws slammed, and the hunting ring flew away!

Xie Hongjun was horrified. When he was surprised, Baigui struck out at night, and the roaring cube hit him, instantly making his body pound like a cannonball on a stone pillar in the back, making a loud noise, and instantly The stone pillar hit the blood and fell sharply.

At the same time, the electric light fire caught up instantly, Xie Hongjun just stood up and had no time to dodge. I slammed into Xie Hongjun's face with a fierce punch, his nose collapsed instantly, and my body flew away.

"Jingtao is hitting hard!" He stepped on the ground with a kick, and the ground split into columns of water soaring into the sky and turned into water dragons to kill Xie Hongjun!

"Ah!" With the misery Xie Hongjun was torn back to the city by the water dragon, and also broke his shawl.

Stormstalker Shoulders, Grade: Dark Gold, Defense +480, Magic +3500, Strength Specialization +53, Armor Specialization +45, Avoidance Rate + 11%, Attack Speed ​​+ 20%, Cast Speed ​​+ 10%, Additional skills: Demon Hunting Ring, which consumes 500 points of magic, launches a pair of Demon Hunting Rings on the left and right shoulders to attack the enemy, causing physical damage and causing the target to tear, losing 1000 points of blood per second for three seconds. Cool for 80 seconds. Requires level: 100.

Nice shawl. Collect the dimension pack. The escaped kiss of the demon I did not chase after others, after killing Xie Hongjun, returned to the team and moved on to the center.

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