Master Summoner Online

Chapter 751: Dust settled

The blade shattered the sound of the blade, and the troops of the Twilight Ghost suffered devastating blows from both sides. Within five minutes, nearly a thousand players were hacked back to the city, and an icy corpse fell to the ground. Sadness.

The hero dominates the sky with a spear and kills a player who attacks his own Tianjiao, pointing at me not far away and screaming: "NND! Beast God, what do you mean, why are you attacking us! You little devil is too ... awful. "

I didn't say a word but there was nothing to say, but it was against me. After all, it was embarrassing to be asked.

The tyrants recruited a large group of players to attack and retreat quickly with less than 20% of the residual blood. At this time, the horse's face jumped out, and the sword in his hand turned into a giant sword with a length of 20 meters, falling in the air!


The blue sword danced all over the sky. This method directly killed all the players who besieged the tyrant, and Long Ma face shot angrily, and the sword rushed to the tyrant's side, and he said in a deep voice: "Retreat, this battle, We failed. "

"Brother! We can still fight! Just ..." said a loyal ghost player at dusk.

"It goes without saying, I understand what you want to say. There are still many opportunities for such things as territory. There is no need to take this risk. We will be buried here if we don't retreat." Changma's face suddenly shouted, throwing the sword in his hand. Out, at the same time his hands stretched out, I saw a green python condensed on the left and right of his body, two blue pythons flying out of the twine, and the next moment the sword fell into the sky, falling heavily into the player of Tianjiao.

There was an unimaginably loud noise in the "Boom" ground. The ground collapsed and shattered within nearly 20 meters around the center of the concentration at this moment. Numerous cyan air waves rushed into the sky, and the ground was shaking as if A magnitude VII earthquake usually occurred, and all of us who stood on the periphery suddenly were not allowed to support ourselves with some weapons. Some cavalrymen were dropped from their mounts.

Changma face uses this unprecedented horror killing method to kill nearly a hundred players. More blood-stricken players flew nearly a hundred meters away, and he was directly cleared of a vacuum zone by a single shot. Changma face said: "Let's take advantage now! Everyone breaks out! "

The long horse face should be very prestigious among the ghosts of the dusk, and the players around the ghosts of the dusk hear the words and don't want to rush out while driving the mount without saying a word.

"Little brother, retreating now, wouldn't all the junior brothers have died in vain!" Shouted Xiongba Tianxia.

Changma replied: "President! Qingshan is not afraid that there is no firewood, if we fight hard, the loss will be too great. Besides, the victory and defeat are only temporary gains and losses. Will find it back. "

Xiongba Tian looked at the extremely unwilling words of the players around him: "Retreat!"

"Brothers! We are totally defeated in this battle, let's retreat!" The horse-faced mount was killed by Amber Dragon in the previous battle. Now he can only walk, but he does not retreat on foot, and looks at himself The member of the guild retreated from the road just hitting the road, but he did not move. He was alert to the surroundings, and he broke after speaking plainly. After all, if there is only one of his skills, he can leave at any time. Even if we kill all of us, as long as he is so determined to leave, we may not be able to stop him from leaving.

When the players of the surrounding Twilight Ghost walked away, he finally began to retreat.

These people come quickly, retreat faster, and quickly leave our field of vision. We do not intend to catch up. We retreat and retreat. Although we have some friction with the players of Dusk Ghost, it is not like Fengyun and Devil's Kiss. That hostile relationship has to be forgiving and forgiving. Now that they have fled, let's chase it.

The face of the finally evacuated long horse was about to run out of my field of vision and suddenly turned and shouted: "Beast God! You remember! The next time I meet, I will fight against you decisively, you wait!" And finally left .

I sighed at watching the ghosts of the dusk at dusk, although there are many players around me who want to win and chase forward, I will stop them, the other party is absolutely desperate, no longer in love, I really want to stay with them Difficult.


I said, "The battle is over, everyone cleans the battlefield, and then go to rest."

"Understood." The crowd of dragon teeth replied loudly and began to harvest fruit. The same is true of Mingshen. Rose Night also organizes players to take offline breaks. Only the core players and some elite members stay behind.

I also took back the summoned beasts, and they were very tired, so I should give them a good rest.

Leng Yufei poem came over and said, "Thank you, beast god."

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for your mercy, or we will be cleared away now," Leng Yufei poked with a smile.

I said, "Don't thank me, thank the dusk ghosts. If they hadn't appeared suddenly, I would really clean you up."

"That's right, but even if we will clear us out, I can guarantee that you will lose your soldiers." Leng Yufei said.

I laughed: "The beauty of Lengyu Beauty is more general. How can a dragon tooth in my district be more general?"

"Cut, play less talkatively." Leng Yufei poem laughed.

As we were chatting, a group of people appeared in the field of vision, but it was not the enemy but the **** elite who sat down in the Ace Guild 'Death Dream'. In front of it was a woman wearing a black cape. Although her face was blocked by the cape's face mask, the stormy beauty on her chest made it easy to determine her gender. And she is no other than Huofeng's sister Huomao.

Fire dance came over and laughed: "It seems over?"

I said, "Yeah, but I don't know if anyone will come over again?"

Fire Dance laughed: "Should it be impossible, most of the small and medium guilds have given up the competition outside of the dragon capital. Most of the small and medium guilds have given up the competition, and it is impossible to kill the situation. The devil's kiss has found a place to go to a private level Now, so do n’t worry about it. "

Next, everyone sits down and talks about each other, or finds a MM to make fun of it. Players who can see the distant guilds outside the territory grit their teeth. After all, they ca n’t fight with their strength, but they ca n’t retreat, they can only do it there. Anxious.

Finally, after a long time, the system prompts Rosary Night Guild to become the owner of this territory.

The battle was finally over, and we went back to town to rest.

Suddenly after the offline, "Boom!" A thunder blast exploded in the sky and then poured heavy rain. I passed the window by the window I walked at the same time that I closed the window.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! ..." Suddenly, I heard the intermittent cry of a girl. There was inexplicable sadness and fear in that cry.

a! Suddenly, when I turned around while I was guessing, Xiaoguang rushed in and rushed into my arms. Also unable to cry from whine.

"Xiaoguang, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you?" I hugged Xiaoguang to the bed, and Xiaoguang nestled in my arms like a well-behaved kitten.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Brother Long Ling, Xiao Guang, Xiao Guang is so scared!" Xiao Guang said while crying.

"It's okay, come to me! Can you tell me why you are afraid!" I whispered.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Xiaoguang is afraid of thunder!" As soon as her voice fell, another thunder blasted outside. At this moment, her black eyes were already covered with large drops of crystal tears, matching her expression of fear. The cute and delicate face makes people involuntarily have an idea to protect and comfort her.

"Don't cry, in fact, thunder is not terrible." Said Xiao Guang Jiao Mei's body gently in her arms.

"But Xiaoguang is scared."

I asked, "Why are you so afraid of thunder?"

"Woo! Woo! That's because Xiaoguang and his family went out for an outing before. At that time, there was a very large thunder shower. On the highway, Xiaoguang saw a car hit by a lightning bolt and exploded! Everyone in the car died. Since then, Xiaoguang is very, very! Very! Afraid of thunder, "Xiaoguang held in his arms cry a little less, and explain why.

"That's it!" I hugged Xiaoguang's body tightly and said, "Don't be afraid, Xiaoguang. Be courageous. Everything can be defeated. Use courage to thunder."

"Courage to defeat thunder? Is this true?" Xiao Guang asked me in a happy tone.

"Of course! Did you lie to me, your dragon brother?" I smiled.

"Huh! That Xiaoguang must be as courageous as Brother Long Ling, so he won't be afraid of thunder!" Xiao Guang wiped away the tears in his eyes and stood upright to stand up his growing mountain.

"Well, that's a good boy. Let's stop for a while and go to eat!" I was relieved to see Xiaoguang stop crying.

"Yes, but ..."

"But what?"

"But Xiaoguang is so scared! So Brother Longling, yes, can't ..." Xiaoguang looked at me, his face suddenly flushed, and his words began to fray.

"What do you want! As long as I can do it, I will help you do it." Indeed, a beautiful and cute girl like Xiaoguang will be full of pity for anyone.

"Longling brother, can Xiaoguang sleep in your arms at night? Would you like Longling's story to coax me to sleep?" Xiaoguang's face that had said this was already red.

"Uh?" I stunned for a moment, I didn't expect she would ask, "Woo! Brother Longling, okay? Okay?" Hesitating to see me, "Okay, as long as Xiaoguang doesn't cry Anything is ok. "Xiao Xiaoguang and helplessly agreed to her request.

Xiaoguang happily wrapped his arms around my waist and rejoiced, "It's great! It's still my dragon spirit brother."

"That's it." I smiled bitterly.

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