Master Summoner Online

Chapter 757: Fall?

"No! So much!" Lie Xuefei exclaimed.

"It seems that the system intentionally does not let us pass." Brother Superman said.

Tears disappeared: "Although there are a lot of them, our DPS is enough, and we can wipe them all out at most one night."

"I don't want to stay overnight, and I will have class tomorrow." Mo Yan said.

"Yes, it's not good for the skin overnight."

Guardian said: "You see those monsters are all units on the ground, we can try to pass from the air."

"Ah?" I summoned the Amber Dragon. I came to the top of the Amber Dragon and said, "I used to test."

"Be careful!"

"Rush!" After the scream of encouragement, Amber Dragon kicked hard to the ground and began to growl in his mouth. No matter how many people come, just kill them all. Shake the wings and start sprinting.

The amber dragon rushed up into the sky like an off-string arrow. At this moment, the shadow guards on the ground looked up Qi Qi, but roared but sent out a helpless look. I saw a slight sigh of relief from them, but my breath Swallow immediately before vomiting.

Because when I came to the 500-meter position, behind a group of shadow guards, white light suddenly flashed behind them, and silver-gray transparent streamlined wings appeared behind them-or should they be more like insect wings.

Immediately more than a dozen shadow guards on the ground came to my eyes in order to stop me from moving forward. The Amber Dragon jumped up without hesitation, and reached out with its two claws to grab the two Shadow Guards. The other Shadow Guards flew to the top of the Amber Dragon's head and dived down. The Amber Dragon immediately raised his head and spit out and swept the Shadow Guard down. Since a shadow guard forcibly broke through and killed him, I immediately aimed at this guy.

In order to avoid stiffness caused by the collision this time, I focused on the blade of the sword diagonally cut by the enemy, and then turned around to avoid the attack. However, we are not the masters of the pinnacle state. We ca n’t see through the attack completely and get hurt by being slightly scratched across the shoulder by the sword tip, but I still ignore this minor injury and continue to focus all my attention on my attack.

The Red-Eyed Dragon Gun fired a lightning announcement, pierced it, pulled it out, then smashed the barriers and attacked it with ordinary attacks. At the same time, the Amber Dragon also killed a lot of Shadow Guards. At this time, the next Shadow Guard appeared. .

After finding that the enemy's sword had entered the attack track, I judged that there was no room to hide at all. You can only bite your own teeth, and start the attack to block the attack.

As the Great Sword fell on the shield, the attacking shield immediately shattered and the Great Sword was ejected. As a result, the body of the Shadow Guard lost its balance. I immediately smashed the blow and destroyed the blow with a gun on my right hand.

Two strokes made him into residual blood, and I was going to kill him with another normal attack. At this point a new Shadow Guard approached on the right. As I turned my body, the Amber Dragon waved its tail on the injured knight and gave it a hard blow. One shot of the dragon tail distracted the guy, and the shadow guard fell from the air and sounded a wailing sound, and then disappeared.

I also used the dragon gun to block the third sword guard of the shadow guard.

"Dragon's Claw!"

With the roar, I blocked the opponent's great sword with a dragon gun in one hand, and the other hand turned into a dragon claw and blasted down at this guy's mirror mask. The grappler was then used in conjunction with the energy explosion, the surface of the mirror shattered radially, and the shadow guard roared painfully. His head was smashed.

"Long Ling come back." Xueyue said on the team channel.


I replied on the team channel. At the same time, five shadow guards rushed up. The roaring arms of the amber dragon ignited the annihilation of the two arms. The shadow claws of three shadow guard dragon claws grabbed one. At this moment, one of them rushed at me, his body flickered and the dragon gun pierced it His body, then began to use his left fist to constantly hold each other's mask.

Punching the guy's head with his fist, and finally the energy blasted it completely.

Immediately after killing all the shadow guards around me, I directed the Amber Dragon to fly back, but when we turned around, another four or five shadow guards held up the big sword in their hands to block my way and sent a strange call to me. The Amber Dragon roared and spewed out flames, but these shadow guards suddenly spread out to escape the breath of the Amber Dragon, and then more shadow guards on the ground flew up to the sky, completely surrounding me.

Seeing the situation it seems that they did not intend to let me go back.

"Give me! Flash away!"

"Roar roar!"

His wings cut through the sky, and the Amber Dragon rushed towards the monsters.

"Woo oh oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

With the roar, I switched the two-handed lance to a Ruyi stick and then swept across. The enemy was immediately ejected. Then I jumped out to make a big noise in the Tiangong Temple, unfolded the Ruyi stick and turned it like a windmill, raised the speed to the limit and then Ruyi stick slammed into all the shadow guards.

The dull sound of "Bang Bang" sounded continuously, and numerous shadow guards were flying high to the sky. Then it fell to the ground like rain, and the Amber Dragon also sprayed the sky flames. The shadow guards that I broke into blood were immediately used to make up for the experience.

The ancients said: "Let the dead die and then live. If I put myself in the dead, I can feel my life." Committed to the battle of life and death, burned life to the end before falling to the ground, only worthy of those who died in front of him.

The troubled sky palace ended the killing of countless shadow guards, and the amber dragon dropped me very accurately and followed me. As soon as Amber Dragon received me, there were two swords approaching me on each side. Use the Ruyi stick on your hand to block the right-hand sword, and use your left hand to pull out the dragon gun to pick up the left-hand sword, but it is too sudden to completely stop it, just to avoid the fatal injury, the sword front only scratches out my small amount of blood, I didn't pay attention to the HP bars at all and I pushed them back.

The next moment the right hand Ruyi stick is put away and immediately grab the wrist of the right Shadow Guard!


As I growled, I lifted the enemy up high and finally smashed him on the left knight. When the two knights overlapped, they were then penetrated with a dragon gun. At this moment, the dragon gun accidentally triggered a fire raid, giving them a final blow.

At this moment, I saw that my companions outside the encirclement madly launched an onslaught against the Shadow Guard, and no matter how many Shadow Guards were killed, the Shadow Guards came out from under the snow, and there were many Shadow Guards in the air in front of them to block the air attack. Although everyone's attack is very fierce, the Shadow Guard is completely infinite. One end comes with two ends, and the other ends with four ends.

In the face of an overwhelming number of monsters, their companions have no fear, and numerous shadow guards have turned into experience under the bombardment of various pets, summoned beasts, and Warcraft mounts, but it is only a matter of time until they are completely drowned.

As I watched my companions trying to rescue myself, a sound-producing object penetrated my right foot.

It was an arrow that glowed cold. With the sound of the air that slammed through the air, the arrow sounded like an instant when I stopped sighting of the movement, and kept falling towards me. Two or three arrows were hit in succession, and his blood volume began to decrease rapidly.

After looking around, it was discovered that the giant swords in the hands of the shadow guards had been turned into long bows unconsciously, and their mechanical fingers pulled open the bowstrings. The second wave of light arrows immediately hit me with a sharp voice.

"White Dragon Shield!"

The shield carved with blue eyes and white dragons engraved on all sides appeared and bounced countless arrows. Although I can protect myself temporarily by the shield, the amber dragon can't. Although it has breathed out and burned these arrows, there are still a few arrows Hit its body. At this time, the health of the Amber Dragon dropped below 50%. Seeing this, he quickly retracted the amber dragon, and then spread his wings behind.

It can be said that it is quite difficult to defeat enemies who conduct long-range attacks alone. So I decided to take a forced breakthrough strategy and rush towards my distant companions. At the same time, he kept shaking his body and took out the potion to avoid the attack as much as possible. Although the light arrow that descended could run up and down my body, he couldn't kill me, and there were still 300 meters to meet with his companions. I gritted my teeth and suffered the impact, and my companions tried to maintain the position to meet me.

But-in a second or two, I will enter Mo Yan's treatment area, and suddenly a violent shock hits my back. A shadow guard who did not know when to approach, showed a twisted smile on the mirror mask and inserted a sword on my back. My body was out of balance, and my wings stopped when I didn't listen.

At this time, dozens of shadow guards swarmed from all directions like a hungry wolf. I tried to wave the dragon gun to resist, but my body continued to be pierced by the sword. The White Dragon Shield was already broken, and the attack I cast was broken in an instant, even without the time to replenish the water.

The next moment, my black body was soft and completely unconscious.

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