Master Summoner Online

Chapter 770: Break through the inner city wall

"Report! The gates of the thunderstorm were broken by the enemy!"

"What!" The Blade of the King was terrified and shouted, "What the **** is going on?"

"The general thunderstorm planted the enemy's plan to evade the tiger and leave the city with the master with the main force. As a result, the enemy took advantage of it." The sergeant reported.

The King's Blade has heard that his report is very vague, but he also knows that thunderstorms are his old subordinates for many years, and he naturally knows how to deal with people: "I know. So what are they doing now? "

"General Thunderstorm and Master are detouring from the North Gate into the city."

"Okay, after the two of them led the team into the city, they called the thunderstorm to stay in the core area of ​​Tongtianzhu. Let that **** take his subordinates and fall into the sky to conquer the enemy in the south city."


The King's Blade asked again, "What about the other two gates."

"Dark Sorrow General and Qianji Bian General did not break through the defense of the city gate. Although the other side had a strong firepower, they did not pay attention to posing a sufficient threat to our city walls." The noncommissioned officer said.

"I see." The blade of the king sank.

When the five coalition forces in the city gathered, I shouted, "The target is rushing to Tiantianzhu!"

The large troops marched forward to the core area where Tongtianzhu was located. Just a short while ago, a large group of player cavalry appeared in front of us. A lightning iron rider shouted: "Remember that you must not let anyone pass by."

"Begin to charge!" The goods shouted with a long sword.

"A shot in the sky!" With a snorting sound, a fiery red light passed by, followed closely, and he had just hit the chest with the word "Beginning Charge". There was a tragic sound from the goods, and a transparent hole appeared in the chest and it fell from the horse immediately.


Yinyue fired an arrow. After the arrow fell into the crowd, it instantly turned into a huge mesh sphere. The cavalry, densely packed, did not respond, and was immediately wrapped in this mesh sphere. Countless wind blades crisscrossed the ball, and at least a dozen cavalry were hanged.

The archer on the other side of the Rose Night riding the Leopard on the other side, the long bow in his hand was full of five arrows, five rays twisted around each other, exploded and then exploded, a loud bang sounded, and suddenly hit again Killed many people.

The opponent's cavalry was severely hit before the charge was started. After the attack was over, the opponent wanted to rush up, lonely singing with one hand, and a huge black hole appeared in the clouds suddenly in the sky, and huge fireballs ejected from the black hole. ~~~ 轰轰轰 轰轰轰 轰轰 轰轰 ~~ 轰轰轰 ~~~ 轰轰轰 轰轰轰 ~~~ 轰轰 ~~~ "Hundreds of meteorites of different sizes and irregularities descend from the sky, one Smashing it down, one big pit after another was instantly smashed, and at least four or five cavalrymen were buried in each pit.

The four men shot in turn and hundreds of cavalry were buried. After a short period of chaos, the rest of the cavalry immediately reorganized and launched the charge.

"The dragon soul is broken!"

The dragon gun came out of the air, turned into a giant blast, fell on the ground and cracked a wave of light blue dragon-shaped air, and then the dragon's soul chopped out a wave of dragon waves spreading in all directions. The beasts around me, bullets, missiles, energy flow, flames, and thunder and lightning summoned all kinds of wild bombings. This cavalry team was about to be turned upside down by me.

Many cavalrymen retreated and attempted to join the cavalrymen who came behind.

However, at this moment, snowflakes fell in the sky, and the speed of the retreating cavalry decreased sharply, and then a beautiful figure came on. It was Snow Moon, Snow Moon pedaling the phantom step, and did not give the other party any reaction. Phantom In the flashy slashing crowd, kill one piece, and the two swords waved in the crowd. This group of cavalry players is anxious.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Lan also appeared, behind which a phantom incarnation appeared with two fists roaring out. The cavalry around couldn't stand her punch at all, and she could lighten the toughness of any knight's mount with one punch. The lions around him sprayed out the flames of these cavalry soldiers.

Soon after the cavalry retreated, large groups of cavalry joined together, and the two units joined forces to launch a countercharge towards us.

"Rush up! The players in these five guilds are very powerful, everyone is careful." A warrior riding a purple rhino came forward and shouted, a tomahawk emerged from the tomahawk, a rampant beast head emerged suddenly A slash instantly killed a purple thunder iron rider and a raptor.

At this time, Yanyu Liunian rode on the evil shadow leopard and pounced against this soldier. The soldier saw that Yanyu Liunian took the initiative to confront himself. He swept off the tomahawk with a word of silence, and Yanyu Liunian raised a long sword to lift the opponent. Tomahawk's tomahawk immediately followed by another long sword stabbing deep into the chest of the opponent!

—6669 The long sword is pulled out and a blood is brought out. This stabbed angrily and yelled, "Boy, come here!"

Pick up the tomahawk, with the **** sharp edge on the tomahawk, slammed into the throat of the smoky and rainy year, fast and fierce, just when I thought that his attack was hit, the evil shadow of the smoky and rainy year The leopard suddenly accelerated sharply. Since the opponent's axe was empty, Yan Yuliu Nian and his mount appeared behind him. The swords in his hands suddenly burst into pieces!

Suddenly, there were five **** mouths behind his back. The last sword pierced his body. This eye opened his eyes wide and fell from sitting up.


It took three hours to clear the surrounding enemies. Everyone immediately went outside the inner city wall. The vanguard began to charge against the city wall. However, all kinds of war machinery and magic arrows on the city wall tilted and were instantly killed by hundreds.

The siege forces flinched, and soon returned.

"What do you do now?" Leng Yufei poem laughed: "Dig another hole?"

I said, "Although the soldiers are not treacherous, but we used it twice, and I'm afraid it will not be so effective."

"What to do? Use a floor car or wear a cloud claw." Lonely singing.

I said, "The goal of the building car is too large to be a live target. It is too fragile to wear the cloud claws. It was chopped as soon as it was hooked."

Shu Tao: "How about that?

I said: "In my opinion, we can storm the opponent's wall from the air and attract the opponent's firepower. Others take this opportunity to storm the gate."

"The other party also has air defense facilities. It's too chaotic to forcibly fly in." Leng Yufei poem exclaimed.

"Then give it to me!" A loud voice sounded, and Ark drilled out of the summoned beast once again on its own initiative. With a height of nearly thirty meters, it was almost twice as tall as the opponent's wall.

The ark put me on my shoulder with a huge claw and said, "It's going to be up, boy!" He started to march toward the city wall.

I shouted to the players behind me: "Brothers, success or failure, break through the city walls and destroy the Tongtianzhu, this territory is ours, for honor! Everyone kill!"

"It's getting messier."

"No way, it's not our chairman if you don't mess up." Lie Xuefei smiled bitterly.

Xueyue shouted, "Everyone keep up with the beast **** and break through the wall!"


The roar was so loud, everyone behind him was behind the ark, and countless arrows leaned over the city wall in front of you. Everyone didn't speak, almost holding the blood bottle up their lips.


The catapult launched a huge stone and hit it directly, banging on the Ark's noodle door, but this stone only hit more than a hundred points of damage. The Ark grabbed his cheeks with his claws and said, "The ants!"

In the view of Ark, the group of players in front of it is almost equivalent to a small reptile, and the reptile dares to challenge the authority of the dragon, which it cannot bear.

The ark's head was raised forty-five degrees and then suddenly lowered its huge head, the big mouth suddenly opened, revealing the teeth built up by two rows of blades, and a throat that was as tall as a person and as wide as a tunnel!


Ling Guang breathed out from the huge throat of the ark, rushed over a distance of 20 to 30 meters, and landed on the wall. The soldiers, archers, and magicians on the wall could not resist the breath that was so powerful. The soldiers blocking the front are directly destroyed, and the long-range occupations protected behind are all turned into a white light annihilation, and suddenly a ghost crying! !! Killed countless enemy forces!

I shouted: "Ark! Ultra-vibrating waves!" Ark gave his face to cooperate with my instructions, and a dark red energy wave fell into the crowd, and the players who hit immediately screamed! The counter-attack ark they launched was completely out of sight, and several players on the city wall killed by Ling Guang's breath and super vibration waves lost their temper.

Leng Yufei's poems, loneliness singing, Shu Tao, and others were stunned: "Wipe away, it's so awesome!"


Just as the Ark was striding forward, I saw a group of soldiers in Lingyun Pavilion aimed at me together on the wall in front of them. One of them was humane: "Magic Guide! Aim me! Kill him! This You're too arrogant! "


The magic array at the front of the demon cannon gathered energy, and soon after charging, a white beam of light spewed out. The ark was suddenly hit by the beam of light, and the body appeared to stop. The ark's head drank at forty-five degrees: ,court death!"


Ling Guang breathed out, and in the dazzling torrent of energy, a group of soldiers in Lingyun Pavilion fell to the ground and thought that they would dare to be so crazy with a few magic guided cannons, but they would kneel in front of my ark like crazy!


"Hack father! Release a chariot of destruction to destroy the walls!" Lonely shouted loudly.

The next moment, from the black hole, one vehicle appeared at the time of attacking Whirlwind City. After seeing the chariot, it raised the gun barrel and slammed into the crowd. The explosion was deafening. Falling on the city wall and seeing it killed a few people. No, the city wall that hit a round of volleys lasted for more than 10,000 points immediately! The players on the city walls were frightened, and they couldn't survive the walls for such a long time!

The officer Lingyunge on the city wall shouted, "All stone throwers! Heavy crossbow! Crossbow cannon! Aim at those chariots. Archers, magician control skills, pharmacists throw potions to suppress defense, drag the beast **** and his Dragon! "

Immediately, the block control skills fell on the ark. Although the damage was basically ignored, the effect was also significant. The ark was accumulated and stunned, and the body was constantly dropped by the pharmacist's potion. But all this has been expected. In the middle, the priests in the rear immediately treated the Ark to eliminate the deductive BUFF. After the various BUFFs receded, the Ark swept angrily with super vibration waves on the wall, and almost all the players above were beaten into white light! After the opponent blocked it, the destroying chariot of the war spirit began to violently attack the city walls. When the durability dropped quickly, the rear team immediately replenished and attacked the siege players desperately. We here tried to cover each other and dispersed the attack of the other players. Although many people were killed, more people dealt with the Ark, but they did not ignore the bombardment of the destruction of the chariot. They could only let them attack the city walls, and the defenders of the city desperately attacked the swarming players!

There was a loud bang, and finally the city wall fell for a while, and a mouth more than two meters wide appeared. Then the ark turned to the tail of the dragon and slammed the gap. The gap suddenly expanded again, and immediately crowded in a lot of players, so I Shouted: "Everyone quickly entered the city through the gap!"

The crowd responded, and immediately a group of cavalry rushed into the gap and the defensive forces in the city started a fierce offensive and defensive battle. This group of people just rushed in for nearly a minute, and there was another sound of the city wall falling down. Another group of people rushed into the city, and fell a few more paragraphs under the continuous bombardment of the destroying chariot. This city wall Collapse all sooner or later.

A Lingyunge soldier shouted, "Everyone back!"

The other party retreated, we hadn't rushed far, and screamed behind us, turning our heads and seeing that at least nearly a hundred archers and mages in our back row fell in a pool of blood.

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