Master Summoner Online

Chapter 797: Shadow Elves

When the lady who popped up just finished introducing herself, she repelled the two, stabilized her pace, and rushed over again. The boneless bat did not require the owner to order, and a pair of wings made of a combination of white bones were displayed. , The top pair of bone-bone sharp claws should run fiercely at the front of the mad martial artist.

The mad warrior did not show weakness. A tomahawk in his hand blew a strong hissing wind, faster than the sharp bone claws of the bone bat, and fell off head to head against the hostess of the bone bat.

But this is the lady who did not matter. She raised her right hand slightly, and the pale blue bracelet on her right wrist issued a faint, silent voice. A transparent round shield appeared on her body, immediately following her. As a result, the pale bone claws collided with the blazing tomahawk.

A dull sound sounded in the air, followed by an explosion of air waves.

The mad martial artist's body was turned upside down, and the hostess on the back of the bone bat was uncomfortable, and set back two or three meters.

The two men pulled back each other, and there was a clear howling in the mouth of the warrior division behind him. Both hands clasped the two-meter-long spear over there, and then a thunderous lightning surged from the spear, roaring towards us.

I didn't say a word. I lifted the dragon gun and started the black dragon to pierce and meet. The sound of a metal intersect sounded in the air. Since he and I had a close fight, the effect of the black dragon's thorn would not be exempted. The body of the warrior suddenly froze, and the other hand turned into a dragon claw. The three-stroke of the dragon claw, the energy explosion, and the bombardment exploded in his chest. Suddenly his blue armor exploded, and flesh flew for a while, but in front of his chest he stumbled into a deep dragon claw mark.

Suddenly, whether it's Ling Lin and the Angel of Light who are still fighting, they are ready to confront the mad warrior and the bone-battered bat and its mistress again, stunned, and staring at the side with their eyes rolling upwards. Armour Division.

The warrior division apparently did not expect that he would be blown away by a blow, and the silent silence was not maintained for more than one second. Only then the mad warrior came back to me and flew towards me, apparently wanting to fall The warrior division on the ground avenged. Although the warrior division was bombarded, but the warrior department was a hidden profession, I caused him to comatose for a little while and should wake up soon.

When I exploded the warrior division, Nirvana rushed to the light messenger who was fighting fiercely, and the light messenger held a staff in his hand and raised his hand towards Zhong Ni. At the top of the scepter is a ring about the size of a soccer ball. At the center of the ring is a transparent ball. When this one-meter-two wand is lifted, Nirvana has stretched his hands and shelled while he rushed over. In the steel nails, a beam of light almost hit Nirvana at the same time with a thunderbolt, but this did not cause damage but covered the nirvana inside the beam of light.

"What's this?" Nirvana said, facing the light wall covering him, stabbing with steel nails, but it had no effect.

The tomahawk in front of me threw a toma in the hand and spun into the air and turned into a green hurricane swept towards me. This was not even his hands slamming into the ground, and two thunderous blasts sounded on the ground. The two energy waves rushed into here and left, which is an attack in the air. I have attacks on the left and right, and there is no dead end to avoid.

At this time, the bone-battered bat suddenly blocked in front of me, and there was a loud howl in his mouth, and sound waves were seen around the naked eye. Now that the wall formed by the sound wave has blocked the opponent ’s attack stiffly, I saw that the female player who was originally sitting on the bat and sitting on its back was no longer there, and her vision turned to see that she was now facing, the light messenger. Then rushed over and went very fast, and saw the silver light shining on the bracelet on her wrist, and illuminated seven points around the body, every time a click burst out a bright spot in the space. The highlights of the regiment formed a battle of the Big Dipper, and when the battle was completed, it immediately turned into the Big Dipper screen, covering her inside.

The light messenger felt that the crisis hastened his defense skills.


The two almost collided in chronological order, hitting each other, and the bone bat on the other side blocked the attack, and the black **** rushed up to face the tit-for-tat attacked by the mad warrior. At the same time, the warrior finally woke up, and when he woke up, he made a roar from his mouth. The sound waves rippled all over the air, and the spears in both hands became blood red, as if the whole was burning, flaming flames, and a stride struck me again and again.

I threw the dragon gun to break the dragon soul. The dragon gun turned into a giant soldier. At the same time, the body rose like a cannonball into the sky and grabbed the handle of the gun. He slashed into the sky and collided with his spear.

"Ah!" The Warrior's heart shouted a roar, and he speared it down with a spear, but didn't want the ground cracks of his feet under the feet of a cyan dragon-shaped air wave to burst out! Immediately following the Dragon Soul's slashing, the giant pistolized lance was lifted and slammed into the air again.

"Ahhh!" Armor Division, the blue armor shattered, and his body fell into the ground under the incomparable strength. A deep horizontal groove appeared on the ground, but since this guy is in Dragon Soul I didn't hang in the combo. I don't know if he is well equipped or bloody, but he doesn't matter. He doesn't move.

Bang! Suddenly, a cross-talk broke out in front of me, followed closely, a figure fluttered from the sky, and then turned into a sky. When the smoke was gone, I saw that the warrior division who was still lying in the ditch just disappeared.

Looking back at the figure just now, I immediately saw the sky. A large bird with a body length of about four meters and wings spreading up to seven meters, is covered with bright red feathers. The big bird is agitated with wings. The left paw is carrying the warrior division that has been bombarded to death almost half-dead. The mad warrior with the right paw grasps the left ankle of the big bird with one hand and the light angel on the big bird.

The light messenger said nothing. Riding on this big bird, the big bird made a loud howl and turned away. The speed of this big bird was extremely fast. It had already reached a distance of 100 meters, and soon disappeared. In the sight of everyone.

As soon as the light angel walked away, the pillar of light that trapped Nirvana disappeared, and Nirvana finally regained his freedom. At the same time, the mysterious female players gathered together to help Ling Lin. We left the place and sat down to rest. The mysterious female player took off his face The mask on her face reveals her true face. She looks about the same age as herself, her face is angular, with a pair of crimson very characteristic eyes, and her small and exquisite nose constitutes a cute and innocent face.

I said, "Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome, are you an expeditionary force?" The female night player smiled slightly, her expression was friendly.

I heard and scratched my head and said, "Rarely, aren't you?"

Night said: "I'm not, I came to the island because of a mission, but I found out that I couldn't go back after the mission was completed. But you can come back on the boat by the time you come. Wouldn't you recommend the beast god?"

"That's it. Wait, how do you know me?" I pointed to myself.

He laughed at night and said, "Oh, who in China doesn't know your beast god. And Ah Zheng often talks about you getting up?"


"Fighting blood you should know."

"Flying blood? Ah Zheng?"

Night laughed: "Ah is his real name for short."

"You know him well." Nodding at night.

"You seem to be ... the name of the night, it seems to be." Nirvana kept clutching her hair: "Where have I heard it, is it? What is it?"

"What's wrong?" I watched Nirvana scratching his head, as if he couldn't remember something important. At this time, Ling Ling said, "The dark night of the shadow elves, right."

"Ah, right, right! That's that," Nieda cried.

"Shadow Elf?"

Laughing at night: "The group of people on the forum talked wildly."

"What is Shadow Elf?" I asked.

Nirvana started scratching her head and scratching her head again, Zero Lin said: "The strength is second only to the first Assassin's blood demon rain drops. She is the role model and target of all female assassins.

"So it is."

He squeezed Fan Quan in the night and said, "Don't say that, I will be shy, the rain falling dust will sooner or later defeat him."

I stood up and said, "Okay, that's all for now, let's go."

"Where to go?" Dark night asked.

I said, "Gather the Chinese players on the island and fight the little devil."


After a short rest, the place where the Chinese players who came with the newly added shadows came together suddenly, suddenly jumped out of the grass, a male warrior holding a large white sword in his right hand, followed by a female mage Holding a gray-yellow curved staff in his hand, behind this man and a woman, one after another walked out a large group of players.

After seeing us, they put away their arms and laughed, "It turns out to be your own."

I said, "My name is Weiweilong."

"It turned out to be the Lord of the Beast Gods, long after long." The soldier clenched his fists.

I said, "We are going to attack the fortress on the island in the afternoon, pass the fortress in the fortress, and go to the core island to fight the devil, so come with us?"

"Of course, I wanted to do this for a long time, right, everyone." The boy turned and said.

"Yes! Follow the beast god, fight the little devil!" The players raised their weapons and said.

I said, "Let's go."

According to a pre-arranged plan, the players gathered, and the players who knew the path led the team and rushed to the direction of the fortress in the forest. The foot course calculated by that player was about thirty minutes away.


Thirty-two minutes later, there really is a fortress in the forest, but it looks like the Starcraft 2 Terran Bunker, but it has been enlarged several times and painted in the same color as the surrounding trees. Here.

Above this bunker-like fortress, a group of Yamato players are resting, and a group of players are hovering below.

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