Master Summoner Online

Chapter 820: revenge

I went to eat early and went offline.

On behalf of the demon kiss, Shenao often took advantage of the emptiness of domestic experts to take the territory when we went to the South China Sea. Shenao is a level six guild, and the demon kiss is level seven. There are people in and out of the two guilds with tens of thousands of people at all times. Me, the black god, Tianzhao, and the rubber stickies who come together to hide themselves are hidden hundreds of meters away from the station. There is a forest where no monsters are refreshed and no player will notice it.

"The host just left a group of thousands to leave the station. It seems to be a group to fight the boss. There are about twenty people in front of the gate." Tianzhao reported what she saw.

"Very good." I went to see the situation first, and said to start the camouflage. First, I walked out of the grove by myself. Immediately after walking out of the grove, the team of players discovered it, but the twenty or so players did nothing. It's a start to pretend that no one recognizes me. Second, although it is the player's resident, it does not mean that all of the players in this resident are here. Occasionally, there are players who do quests pass by here. There are also many players in my steel capital who come to visit high-tech cities.

"That warrior over there isn't the guild." An archer looked at me walking towards them and said to my companion in confusion.

"It must have happened by chance, we have good leveling points around our place. There are no more than 800 or 1,000 here every day." The archer's companion said indifferently.

"Hey guys, it's weird that man came to me," the archer continued.

"Coincidentally, no one should be too full at the entrance of the station to make trouble." Archer's companion said with high toes, indeed, if there are players playing at the door of other players, then guarding the station NPC will not ignore it. And making a noise in front of the resident is the same as fanning the resident's mouth.

It ’s a pity that I did n’t happen today. I just fanned him, and I wanted to draw him fiercely. The team of more than twenty players directly in front of the target, first took this guy and opened the gun to the corner of his mouth. The ground stabbed, and the earth burst into the sky, and the dragon-shaped air waves burst into the sky.

This sudden change completely unexpected these players, and in a moment a group of people was obviously filled with air waves, and they were almost torn apart by the air waves! Additional attacks subsequently shattered their bodies.


The destruction of Dragon Soul killed more than 20 players directly. A person with 10 points of evil value I killed more than 20 people at once and accounted for more than 200 points. At the same time, the camouflage was automatically lifted, and the words Weiweilong immediately became red. Big purple up.

Some other players passing by have been completely stunned in the place and disguised. My face is now a household name, the name of the beast **** is firmly clasped on his head, and it is naturally a lot of attention wherever he goes.

"Don't always be in the limelight!" The Gummy Man appeared beside me on his quirky warhorse.

"Master, a team of two hundred people is approaching." Tian Zhao reported.

"More than two hundred people, well, this group of people handed me over." The rubber stickman laughed.

"Well, more than two hundred players have given it to you, then I will shock and kill their interior hall!" The so-called interior hall is just like my Protoss hub, and Tongtianzhu is in a non-monster siege or territorial battle. The situation is invincible, and the Office of the Interior is an important facility next to the Tongtianzhu, because once the Office of the Interior is destroyed, although the station can be rebuilt during this period of construction, it will fall into a situation where all functions stop. Moreover, the reconstruction of the Interior Department is very slow and takes seven or eight days, and the higher the level of resident, the longer the reconstruction takes.

"You can try to destroy their teleportation team first. Only the third-level resident scroll is limited. After destroying the teleportation team, they can only run back with their feet." After finishing the ride, they mounted their horses towards the long-awaited player 200. Rush away.

I aimed at the gate in front of me, followed by the transformation into an amber dragon, followed by-"Dragon's Charge!" After a low drink, the body turned into a blue light dragon and slammed into the gate after a run-up!


There was a bang, and now it is not during the monster siege or territorial war. The resident gate is usually very fragile, and my gate is made of steel or wood. Even in normal conditions, He is much stronger, and the gate is also the face of a guild. In general, players will never be okay to destroy the gate of a guild station, and avenge the host of this resident.

Under the charge of the dragon, the gate of the Godly Station turned into sawdust flying around, and the situation inside the Godly Station was clear at a glance. Several players behind the gate looked at the giant giant that came out suddenly. Long.


The huge body of the Amber Dragon flooded into the station, and the station developed well. In addition to a large number of tile houses that looked quite spectacular, most of them were still in wooden structure. Massive damage to fragile shops and streets.

What I want to do now is not to kill the players, just to destroy the buildings in the resident. These buildings can be very fragile. A dragon's breath can be broken when it is dropped. A dragon's breath will be spit out before the teleportation. Now, the shining teleportation array is already in front, and there is a group of people in front of the gate.

"Beast God! You really do n’t see yourself as a god." Among the large group of players standing in front of the teleportation array is the main force of the demon kiss to dig the grave. At this time, the player who is standing in front of the teleportation facade There are two or three thousand players.

Even if I kill them all, they can definitely come over.

If you do n’t have time to destroy it, you wo n’t destroy it. The dragon gun stabs on the ground, the dragon soul destroys, and the dragon-like air waves raging in the crowd, followed by the additional attack on the dragon waves spreading in all directions, in the state of amber dragon. The attack power became more terrible.

Immediately after destroying the Dragon Soul, I took the opportunity to fly towards the Interior Department.

"The beast god's summon run away." A proud player shouted.

"Hurry! His goal is the Home Office, stop him up!" The master of the grave digging shouted and led a group to catch up.

I glanced backwards, turned around in the air, attacked the shield and reversed-Yan Long fired a shot!


The front part of the attack shield began to emit countless small lasers--instantaneously, the cold light fell like raindrops in countless stunned eyes, covering a large crowd under him ...

The dense crowd was instantly vacuumed by a large-scale situation, and a burst of fire killed more than 80 people at the same time. At the same time, more people came towards me. The teleportation side was basically no one, and it was already ambush on the side of the black **** and the sky. Destroyed the teleportation array.

I flew towards the Home Office, and destroyed the facilities along the way. I was in the air, they were on the ground, I could hit them but they couldn't hit me. This is where the imba who has air supremacy is approaching the Home Office. A misty white light flickered next to the Interior Hall, and a complicated space magic array appeared under the Parliament Hall. This expression has players returning to the Interior Hall through the station-specific teleportation scroll. I remember that after the system was changed, the default transfer location of the resident transfer scroll is no longer the square but the interior hall, but even if I have a teleport-like prop, the public default square is not the interior hall. No, the interior hall of my house should be called the Star Spirit Hub.

"Look who's back." I sneered in the corner of my mouth. Stopped in the air and looked down at them.

When Tian Qin stepped out of the Interior Hall and followed him, there was an old acquaintance, and Xie Hongjun, who had not seen him for many days, had a bunch of others.

"Dragon, what's going on with you, I didn't mess with you, why did you come to me?" Tian Qin said coldly.

"Some words seem to be down." I snorted Tian Qin and said, "Where do I start?"

"Then you know this if you look at this." Call out the control panel and send him a video of robbing my team in the afternoon.

I said coldly: "I'm optimistic. If it's not for you to find fault first, I'll have nothing to do with you."

At this time, Tian Qin hadn't spoken the name of the useless devil's kiss. I forgot the master **** but shouted: "Beast God, if you leave here, we will never hold you accountable again. If you I also want to continue, otherwise you will wipe out your dragon teeth and chase you to the ends of the earth until the number is deleted! "

When I heard that, I laughed out and said, "Hahahahaha! Fault! Oh, please! I know I'm very simple, I didn't expect you to be simpler than me. In this world, enmity is resentment, why is it right or wrong? Let ’s talk about right and wrong. Is n’t it that you started off today? I did n’t take the army to the rescue today. ”My face was cold.

After watching the video, Tian Qin said to the dog, "Nie Feng, tell me the truth, did you do this?"

The devil's kiss called Nie Feng said, "I just want to get some resources to build a resident." The voice gets louder and smaller, and the last one is more like a mosquito.

"What construction station! Your TM's head was crowded by the door? Besides who is robbing you badly, why did you rob him!" Tian Qin shouted angrily at him.

"I saw that his team was not large, so I wanted to be able to rob him. Not only can he get a lot of resources, the guild's fame will definitely rise, and by then ..."


A loud slap was drawn on the guy's face.

This man covered his cheeks: "Senior, you ..."

Xie Hongjun at the side said disdainfully at the moment, "You really should hit, I guarantee that your father has never hit you. I think you are the second ancestor who has done too much and is becoming more and more mentally disabled. You are now dying You know! By the way, I'll tell you, if you don't change it, follow my example! "

I said, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Tian Qin looked up and said, "Long Ling, I hope you can see that we can raise your hands in the face of our in-laws."

"Beast God! It was me who was fascinated for a while. It was me who robbed your convoy. If you want to hang it, hang me. Don't be embarrassed." Nie Feng said loudly.

At the same time, the message sent by the Black God has been successfully destroyed, the message is destroyed, and the station has been messed up by me. When building this station, it also cost at least several million gold coins, which is now equivalent to about one million. RMB, although this product is not short of money, if you want to rebuild it, it must be not low, things are destroyed, and there should not be too many people killed, so I narrowed my eyes and said, "It's kind and right to see your kid Well, it seems that my senior and I are in the face of your in-laws, and I don't want to continue the plot. As long as you hand over all the equipment and voluntarily hang me back to the city, I will leave. "

"That's what you said."

"Yes, I am the beast god."

This man killed himself three times, five times, two, and I landed and stowed it, and then stepped on him with two tens of thousands of injuries. He fell down. This goods was originally a mage profession. Kaidun was not equipped and was triggered again. By the time I lifted my feet, he had become meat sauce.

Facing Tianqin coldly: "Tianqin I don't want this kind of thing to happen a second time. If it happens, I will force the army to uproot your premises." After taking a breath, I burned a house and took off.

The rubber stickman outside the city has already chopped down the two hundred-odd people. In addition, there are at least four-hundred-and-hundred-hundred people from the nearby who dare to rescue. At this moment, this guy is leaning under the tree to count his own harvest.

I said, "Go."

"Isn't it so fast? I haven't killed it yet?"

I said, "Next time."

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