Master Summoner Online

Chapter 823: Abyss Siege begins

The next day, in the morning class, it is now self-study.

Shu Tao graded his homework at the podium table, but suddenly he shouted, "Dragon Spirit!"

"..." No one responded.

"Dragon spirit!" There was a trace of anger in the calm voice.

"..." Still no one responded.

"Dragon spirit!" The voice's master spoke again, and the calm voice contained huge anger. Like the sea before the storm, the dark waves are rough.

"..." Still didn't respond.

"Click!" The fountain pen in his hand was divided into two by the powerful force. The master of the voice stood up. At this moment, he pressed down his inner anger once more and walked to his pre-selected good target. At this moment, the classmates around him You can clearly see that there are N clear "wells" floating on his forehead, and then take a deep breath and follow closely-"Longling bastard! I call you! I heard nothing!"

The master of the voice erupted completely inside, and the erupting small universe caused a sound of three hundred decibels to roar loudly at the target's ears!

"I'm leaning!" I was so scared that I jumped more than two feet high on the spot, and then stood on a chair with one hand covering my ears and shouted at Shu Road: "This guy, why do you speak so loudly later! What will happen . "

"Longling, you idiot! I call you three times. This TM should at least agree." Shu Tao looked at the things in my hand and held an exercise book in one hand saying, "Longling, when will I allow you to take classes?" PSP took it out, is there anything more interesting than my class? Ah? "

I said, "You're not out of class now."

Shu Tao said: "You can't take it out, please put it away for me!"

"Yes." Sit back again: "But wait for me to play until the storage point." The character who said the control walked towards the nearest storage point.

A new "well" appeared next to the Shu Dao, closed the exercise book in his hand, and then raised it above his head, followed by a vertical fall with thunder!


The sound of Mars hitting the earth echoed throughout the school, and the back of the brain was severely impacted, lying on the table and losing consciousness. The surrounding classmates were stunned. After venting, Shu Tao returned to the podium to continue his homework, but left a sentence before leaving: "My office will look for me after class."

"Ding Dang Dang ~~!" The bell rang after class.

"Get up!" Everyone stood up neatly.

"goodbye students."

"goodbye teacher."

Everyone started to leave the classroom one after another, but when I walked out the door: "Dragon Spirit!"

"what's up?"

"I said you could go?"

I laughed and said, "We're talking about something online, goodbye!"

"I want to run without a door." Then he immediately chased it out at this moment-"Please pay attention to all teachers and students, please pay attention to all teachers and students, the siege operation of the Abyss Corps is about to begin, please return to the dormitory to participate in the war ~"

"Repeat, the siege operation of the Abyss Army is about to begin. Please return to the dormitory to prepare for the war ~!"

"Siege battle, let's talk." Shu said.

"up to you."

Hurry to the store to resupply and return to the dormitory. Put a helmet on your head, go online, and enter the game.

The mirror image synthesis appeared in the hotel, and also when I received a notification when I was just online, the system notified-"Ding ~! 27 minutes 55 seconds from the space bridge chain!"

Rub it, it's less than half an hour!

"Ding ~! You are forcibly recalled to Longyuan by the real red-eyed black dragon ~!"

by! Why at this time, I haven't waited to think about me. The white light flashed in Longyuan before my eyes. At this moment, the real red-eyed black dragon is not as lazy as it used to be, and it has become very spiritual. The eyes are redder than blood. Staring at me, I said anxiously, "What the **** are you doing? I have important things to do now."

"I know you're going to guard your ruined city, so take this before you leave." He said, throwing a blue spar to me.

I took a look at the spar-universal stone (consumable), the effect: the success rate of probability skills launched after use becomes 100% ~!

"You go, you can call me if you can't fight." I looked at the crystal and nodded, then took out the crystal without saying a word and prepared to return to the city.


"what happened again?"

"Your boy runs around without knowing the situation."


True red-eyed black dragon said: "The people of the abyss have built time and space doors in every corner of the mainland. The Ziyan Emperor you are facing is just the first burst of the abyss attack. More and more terrible abyss monsters will pass. The space bridge crosses the border, and you can't stop it when you want. "

"What then?"

"It was the Emperor Ziyan who made the space bridge. As long as you kill it, the space bridge will naturally be destroyed. Once the space bridge collapses, you will get a long respite before the abyss launches the next attack."

"I see. I must call for help at that time, yes, by the way, what is the space bridge?"

"A space bridge is a bridge that is built between the latitudes of time and space. You can transfer objects from one dimension to another. Do you understand?"

"I see. Okay, bye."


When I return to the city, I will close my maple leaf station, and then take out the funds as a fee to summon the guy's advent. I will pull everyone into the team and say it in advance-I said, "Are you all here?"

Ye Shuang said, "Of course, all of our guild members are here. Right, who are you in the space bridge?"

Xiaoxi: "God know, this siege is too sudden, there is no prelude at all, does Longge know?"

I nodded, a group of people showed longing eyes, as if a group of people became a group of scholars seeking the truth.

I repeated the words of the true red-eyed black dragon: "The space bridge is a bridge that is built between the latitudes of time and space, but Emperor Ziyan is only the first burst of an abyss attack. , Then more and more terrible abyss monsters will come across the space bridge through the space bridge! When the other abyss monarch comes down, it is not a joke. "

Yanyu Liunian said: "I didn't expect you to know so clearly!"

Nirvana: "Brother V5!"

Long Xin: "No, such a strong BOSS is just the vanguard. It's over. We are going to perish with the main city."

Me: "Don't be so pessimistic that we may not be able to stop it."

The fierce blood flies: "You can stop the beast god!"

I laughed: "Of course I can't stop it."

Lie Xuefei: "Then you still say ..."

I hurriedly said: "Okay, now is not the time to get involved with this problem, everyone is going to buy good potions, repair equipment, and prepare for death defense! The group of guys is coming in ten minutes."



In the middle of the square, white lights lit up one after another. In each white light, a strong one came, and members of the top guilds such as Death, Scarlet, War Soul, Sea, and Mingsong appeared one after another. The powerful guilds of the dragon capital have arrived one after another, and members of our guild are already gathering at the east gate.

"Five minutes away, the monster is here ..." Everyone around has begun flexing his muscles, while other guilds and free players have gathered around us, including our strongest allies, the war spirit and the **** of war, and the other three. Death is at Ximen, Scarlet is at North Gate, and the sea and rose night are at South Gate. Lingyun Pavilion even divided some people from the four gates. Like the highest commander here, everyone is quietly looking forward to the abyss army.


When the countdown time becomes zero.

"Boom boom boom ..."

In the distance, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, and immediately afterwards, I saw that the sky had cracked, and then "wow!" It was broken like a mirror was hit by a heavy object. A huge hollow shattered in the air, and the red blood in the hollow gave out a roar that rang through the heavens and the earth. The roar was almost deafening and shook the world. Very scary, following the meteorites flying in the hollow and hitting the ground! The strong vibration shook the whole earth.

This scene is all around, just like the end of the world. It makes people tremble. At the end of the earth, the horizon, where the meteorite falls, countless abyss monsters are roaring.

The first monsters to appear were a group of human-like bodies, but their arms were sharp blades. The blades rubbed against each other and made a harsh noise. There were only two pointed toes on their feet and simple armor on their bodies. A lizard-like head, the eyes on both sides of the head were spinning at 360 degrees, and the fire eyes were scanned with golden eyes. The first wave is the 135 sharp knife devil, a common monster!

The sharp-knife demons are constantly emerging, as if endless, and in a blink of an eye, there is a distance of 1,500 meters in front of the city wall. According to the truth, the first three waves are to send experience. I do n’t know if the abyss siege Send the concept of experience.

I shouted lowly: "Brothers, after the team has entered the 500 meters, the magician will output in full. Don't go out of town to fight, and go out and pick up things!"


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